Google Scholar - 0 views
Although it's still Google, it only searches through journal articles and other such documents. While it may only list them for us if we're not willing to pay for access, it's a helpful tool for finding articles that we can then look up in the Library databases to see if we have access.
Though if you've used the "connecting Google Scholar and the library" material pointed to in the learning path, you'll be able to access the papers directly from here (at least the ones that the USQ library has access to)
So glad I learnt how to link Google Scholar and the USQ library. It makes searching so much easier.
State Library of Queensland | Historypin - 0 views - 0 views
AustLit Research Commons - 0 views
Digital Citizenship - 0 views
"How can students incorporate technology to contribute to the digital world?" A tutorial on the topic
"Digital Citizenship is a timely and much-needed response to California and federal mandates. The California School Library Association (CSLA) sponsors this online course for educators and their K-12 students. Lead developer is Dr. Lesley Farmer."
Two Things Every Student Should Know about Google Scholar - 7 views
Keep this in mind next time you are researching for an essay.
And don't forget to add the USQ library to Google scholar so you can get access to more full text articles