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Karen Thompson

in2Era - Interactive online childrens books by Era Publications - 0 views

    Picture Books Online is a collection of classic picture books from Era Publications. Watch your favourite characters, stories and imagination come to life through Picture Books Online. Excellent

Best Sources for Free Stock Photos: No Attribution Required - Money Savvy Living - 1 views

    Great blog with useful links to other sites that provide images available in the public domain, no attribution required. I've check them out and even used one of them.

High School Student, Jeff Bliss gives a lesson to his teacher at Duncanville, TX - YouTube - 1 views

    A video doing the rounds in which a US high school student complains bitterly about the teaching approach used. i.e. hand out packets, read. He wants the teacher to teach, to engage the students. A lesson there about what's acceptable teaching strategies. But more broadly, there's a lesson here about the spread of smart phones with video. What happens in your classroom can be recorded and made public.  The classroom may not be as private as you think. A typical knee-jerk response may be to ban the use of device. What are the chances of that actually working? How well has it worked in schools today? What about using these tools as part of student learning?

Build a positive digital footpring - 0 views

    A presentation that gives four useful steps for building the right sort of online/digital presence (footprint). It's not just about protecting your personal information. It's also about building and maintaining a positive public presence.

NARST: Publications - Research Matters - to the Science Teacher - 2 views

  • Pedagogical content knowledge is a form of knowledge that makes
  • how that knowledge is organized and used
    • jac19701212
      Pedagogical content knowlegde - a form of knowledge that makes teachers teachers rather than being experts in their field - the difference is in the how subject matter knowledge is organised and used --> the teacher's knowledge of a subject is organised form a teaching perspective and is used as a basis to help students understand specific concepts.
  • ...15 more annotations...
  • teacher's knowledge of science is organized from a teaching perspective and is used as a basis for helping students to understand specific concepts.
  • teachers teachers
  • experienced
  • a model of pedagogical content knowledge that results from an integration of four major components, two of which are subject matter knowledge and pedagogical knowledge. The other two other components of teacher knowledge also differentiate teachers from subject matter experts
  • One component is teachers' knowledge of students' abilities and learning strategies, ages and developmental levels, attitudes, motivations, and prior knowledge of the concepts to be taught.
  • The other component of teacher knowledge that contributes to pedagogical content knowledge is teachers' understanding of the social, political, cultural and physical environments in which students are asked to learn.
    • jac19701212
      Model of pedagogical content knowledge that results from 4 major components - (1) subject matter, (2) pedagogical knowledge, (3) teachers' knowledge of students' abilities and learning strategies, and (4) teachers' understanding of the social, political, cultural and physical environments in which students are asked to learn.
  • pedagogical content knowledge is highly specific to the concepts being taught, is much more
  • than just subject matter knowledge alone, and develops over time as a result of teaching experience.
  • What is unique about the teaching process is that it requires teachers to "transform" their subject matter knowledge for the purpose of teaching
  • why they teach specific ideas the way they do.
  • This is pedagogical content knowledge
  • Start discussions with other teachers about teaching.
  • Exchange strategies for teaching difficult concepts or dealing with specific types of students.
  • peer coaching
    Pedagogical Content Knowledge: Teachers' Integration of Subject Matter, Pedagogy, Students, and Learning Environments by Kathryn F. Cochran, University of Northern Colorado "Those who can, do. Those who understand, teach." (Shulman, 1986, p.
beatasade - 1 views

    Dr Carl Wenning from the Physics Teacher Education Program at Illinois State University gives some background information on students' alternative conceptions in science and what teachers can do to address these. 

Confused? Don't worry because that can be a good thing - 1 views

  • The ideas presented feel like they make sense at the time. But if the ideas do not challenge us in a fundamental way, they might not be being processed deeply enough to lead to any lasting learning.
  • Such environments may lead us into having a false level of confidence in our understanding of complex concepts. Glossy, high production value resources have been shown to give people an inflated sense of understanding.
  • So a key way to harness confusion when you are challenged with new concepts or ideas, is to recognise that confusion exists. Be comfortable with this, but seek to resolve it
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • But our own research and that of others suggests that confusion, rather than being a negative, can actually be a productive aspect of the learning process.
  • The key is to ensure that when confusion occurs, it is recognised and it is not allowed to persist for too long
    Why there needs to be a bit of confusion in learning.
anonymous - 0 views

    UK Computing document
katrina carpenter - 0 views

    • katrina carpenter
      efficiency means more teaching time and less expense from support staff.
    An easy to read report discussing ICT practice, feedback and interactivity
Paul Howse

Why public primary schools need specialist PE Teachers - 2 views

Most would agree that PE is crucial to have in all KLAs of our curriculum. I think we should make PE a priority in our primary school education and that would involve having specialist PE teachers....

started by Paul Howse on 21 Mar 14 no follow-up yet
Sherridan Wrobel - 4 views

    Why should we include ICT's is embedded in this doc.

Dear Chronicle: Why I Will No Longer Write for Vitae | Scholarship | Jesse Stommel - 0 views

  • Education should be about dialogue, conversation, community. We do not invite students into an educational environment by admonishing them.
  • The work of gatekeeping is anathema to the work of education. Our classrooms should have more doors and windows, not less.
    Blog post from an American university professor arguing against the practice of venting/complaining about students - especially in a public environment.
Brenton Marstella

Why public primary schools need specialist PE teachers - 1 views

    Christina Curry explains in this article how primary schools are in need of specialist PE teachers rather than neglect recommendations from government education groups

Five trends that jeopardise public education around the world - 0 views

    Article about standardized testing.
stefaniewical;dn=130780;res=AEIPT - 0 views

    E-learning pedagogy in US public high schools

WiFi in Schools Australia - Risks. The darker side of ICT - 5 views

    This is something worth reading! Have you considered the long term effects of WIFI in the classroom on student health? Or maybe your childrens health? Watch the Video and be informed. As teachers we have a moral obligation to ensure the safety of students.
  • ...3 more comments...
    You may also wish to explore a little further on this issue, rather than just rely on a single source. Teachers also have an obligation to be fully informed.
    WIFI - The uncontrolled global experiment on the health of mankind There are little to no studies of the long-term effects of EMFs and on a developing brains, which are physiologically more vulnerable than the adult brain for a number of reasons. With WIFI being a relatively recent technology, there is a gap in the literature addressing longitudinal studies of EMF and children. If you wish to view a recent peer reviewed study assessing just the short-term effects you may read Kuzniar et al. (2017). As we know, in our current metropolitan environment we are exposed to EMFs constantly. Markov and Grigoriev (2013) have clearly addressed some of the ethical and political issues arising from the use of WIFI technology and the unregulated global approach and safety guidelines. Grigoriev has explored this with a number of peer-reviewed studies. One that I found interesting was his article "Cellular communications and public health, 2012". From what I have read, there seems to be a consensus in the scientific community that this is an area for further research as conclusive results of the long-term effects of EMF on children cannot be found. Further reading is included below (apologies for inconsistent referencing style): Grigoriev & Markov (2013) Wi-Fi technology - an uncontrolled global experiment on the health of mankind: Kuzinar et al. (2017). Semi-quantitative proteomics of mammalian cells upon short-term exposure to non-ionizing electromagnetic fields. Stable URL: Grigoriev YG. Cellular communications and public health. Radiat Biol Radioecol. 2012a; 52 2: 1-4. Anke etal. (2015) Environmental Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields Exposure at Home, Mobile and Cordless Phone Use, and Sleep Problems in 7-Year-Old Children,
    Thank you for sharing I watched the video and it certainly illuminates some serious concerns not only in schools but also in our homes. I will now be looking at where our wifi unit will be situated and taking a closer look at our homes technologicial set up. This is very important to share and my children will be taking a look at this video later today. I have also read about some experiments students have done at school with a living plant that they placed near the computer and Wi-Fi as a science experiment I will see if I can find the link. I agree it is also important to research such a topic to get a broader scope of the situation. Regards Faye U1069753
    Thanks for your input Faye, The intent of my original post was not to create hysteria but to encourage critical thinking, as National Government institutions can be slow to respond to new global research...especially when it may challenge our current 'comfortable' way of life and assumptions. Cheers, u1070429
    Thank you for sharing this information. My thoughts are an education in civilised countries can't function without these devices. Children response to technology than any other educational diverse. There are more positive than negative. Using technology in the 21st century is helping our kids engage in the classroom, and our children need these devices to function in their learning to become capable and able students in future. I work in a school setting where the majority of the student's complete task using computer and iPad. We as teachers need these devices to function properly in our role as educators. Technology is fun, engaging and reliable to some extent, these methods over the years have help to improve our student outcome. Thanks, Joy
Michelle Thompson

ITC Publications - 0 views

    This site is Australian and really switched on. It has a newsletter that keeps teachers current with latest education info, has resources that are fantastic (like cool Bloom's stickers, teacher diary and so on). I've been subscribed to them for years and have benefitted so sharing my toolbelt.

Direct Instruction rocks: Or does it - 3 views

    There is a fair bit of argument about the relative merits of Direct Instruction versus Discovery Learning. This article makes the point that depending on the learning outcome and the specific details of the learning approach used that either approach can have its sweet spot.
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