Amazon sends Alexa developers on quest for 'holy grail of voice science' | VentureBeat - 0 views
Amazon VP David Limp refers to Conversations as a great next step forward. “It has been sort of the holy grail of voice science, which is how can you make a conversation string together when you didn’t actually programmatically think about it end-to-end. […] I think a year or two ago I would have said we didn’t see a way out of that tunnel, but now I think the science is showing us that [although] it will take us years to get more and more conversational, […] this breakthrough is very big for us, tip of the iceberg,” Limp said.
At the event, Cheyer talked about how voice will define the next decade of computing and the importance of bridging first-party AI assistant services with a third-party voice app ecosystem. “I don’t want to have to remember what a car assistant can do, the TV system do, the Alexa versus Cortana versus … too much. I want one assistant on every device to access every service without any differentiation between what’s core and what’s third-party,” Cheyer said.
Pancholi shared with developers that potential next steps for Alexa Conversations scenarios may include collections of skills to help people watch content at home, get food delivered, or buy a gift.
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La graal de la voix selon Amazon : avoir une conversation sans y avoir pensé en terme de programmation de bout en bout. Un film- the night out scenario présenté lors de cette rencontre montre une conversation fluide avec alexa pour commander et réserver plusieurs choses : une place de cinéma, un diner et un taxi. L'objectif est de faire accomplir par l'assistant vocal des taches complexes incorporant plusieurs "skills" et permettant de réduire le nombre d'itérations pour faire des tâches comme réserver une place de cinéma ou commander à manger. La voix définira les contours de la technologie des 10 prochaines années. Je veux utiliser le même assistant sur tous les supports (devices) et non par support : l'assistant de la voiture, l'assistant de la télé,...