Beacons to supercharge bar & restaurant marketing strategy | Beaconstac - 2 views
restaurant marketing beacon proximity tech mobile

Location-based marketing that promised to leverage online platforms to promote physical restaurants and bars, began with “check-ins”.
But in 2017, with the explosion of supply of beacons, the price has significantly lowered and functionality has gone up to the point where they are within reach for even small restaurants.
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When a Bluetooth-enabled device such as a smartphone or tablet comes in the range of a beacon, the two devices can communicate.
Once in the proximity of a beacon, these smartphones receive push notifications about deals, offers and more.
people barely register the brands they’ve seen, much less engage with them. But that’s changing with beacons!
The obvious benefit to using this technology is its ability to push out coupons, deals and marketing messages.
This value addition is critical for you when you’re looking to rise above the competition in a highly crowded space.
Every restaurant owner including you loves a loyal customer and beacons make it easier to reward them.
Keeping customers informed about how busy your restaurant is at a particular time is one way of cutting down on the time they need to wait.
Beacons can allow them to pay their bill right from their phones by directing them to a secure restaurant-branded microsite that collects their payment method.
You could create a special menu or a secret dish for your loyal customer based on his previous orders and selections.
Deploying beacons around your restaurant will, in turn, provide real-time information on how many people are actually dining inside at a given point in time
With the footfall data from beacons, you can efficiently manage your staff and services. Maybe you do not really need 5 bar staff on the second floor on a Tuesday, or you need an extra attendee around the tables nearer to the entry gate.
Three years back, only the big fishes in the industry like Starwood hotels, The Marriott and James Hotels were adopting beacons to deliver an engaging experience to their guests
Imagine a group of friends moving around on the streets trying to decide where to have lunch and all of a sudden, one of them is alerted to an offer of an unlimited cold drink
Even though using beacon technology for proximity marketing is still in its infancy in the restaurant industry, this technology has already demonstrated some of its potential by virtue of increasing labor and overall operational efficiency while boosting customer satisfaction and loyalty. Beacons can help increase restaurant and bar sales, improve customer service, and provide more value for their customers, which should lead to customer loyalty. The possibility of applying beacon technology in the restaurants and bars opens a window of opportunity to engage diners and also enables restaurants to create more tailored experiences for them. Restaurants can use beacons to send alerts to people nearby about many table/seat availability and encourage them to make reservations or walk in. Or if the restaurant is very busy, restaurants can send the menu to their phones, so they can browse it while waiting for their tables. Restaurants and bars can build profiles of returning customers and provide offers based on past preferences. Thus, returning customers can benefit from improved and personalized customer service. During quiet hours or days, restaurants and bars can efficiently manage their staff and service, because of the data they have been collecting using beacons. Diners can even pay for their meal or drinks using their mobile device without having to wait for the waiter to come over and accept their method of payment.
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This article discusses how restaurants use beacon-based proximity marketing to help create even more meaningful and engaging interactions with customers. Proximity marketing is most often used in retail stores to bring in customers to the store by offering promotions through push notifications. This article will highlight how restaurants use the same beacon technology as retail shops do, but to achieve different results. Restaurants can use beacons to save time for not only customers but managers and employees as well. Beacon technology provides management with data insights that allow them to deliver better experiences to their customers.
This articles talks about what beacon-based proximity marketing is and its usefulness in restaurants.
Beacon technology has been around for a long time - prior to 2013 - but cost kept it unpopular. Initially only real big hospitality players had this tech. Now cost is no longer a limiting factor, but companies are limited to customers/potential customers who have a compatible app or the companies own app already on their phone, so they can push the proximity messages.