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Yongjoon Ji

Social responsibility key for TownePlace - 0 views

  • As for the many properties that are not part of the LEED program, TownePlace Suites still requires LED light bulbs as well as energy-star ratings on all appliances. Motion sensors that control lights also are a standard in back-of-house utility closets, Nalewanski said. “When you think of how many utility closets we have back-of-the-house, that’s one of the last things the housekeepers have on their mind, so we make it easy for them.” Front of house, the brand has implemented a linen reuse program that requires housekeepers to change the sheets only two times per week if the guest stays that long, otherwise they are changed for every new customer, he said. Marriott, as a whole, is taking bigger steps this year to brand itself as a socially responsible corporation.
    Marriott Corporation set up an eco friendly program, which is called LEED volume program. Towneplace Suites is the main leader of this program and they created it because of they would like to teach and tell about what it really means to be social responsible. The goal of the program is to provide a pre-certified hotel design as green hotels. More than $100,000 can be saved per project and company will do all the work with owners pre-opening and post-opening. They usually focus on lighting and towel. They prefer to use motion sensors rather than regular light bulb and try not to change sheets and towels too often. They are some hotels trying to be green hotels but it is very rare that big corporation hotels try to be the one and lead industry. I believe it will bring positive effects to whole tourism and hospitality industry.

HNN - Sustainable hotel design gaining momentum - 0 views

  • many green initiatives are becoming standards rather than suggested practices.
  • many green initiatives are becoming standards rather than suggested practices.
    • msoma003
      The business is changing
  • hotels are encouraging guests to reuse their bath towels and bed linens to save water.
    • msoma003
      This is standard
  • ...14 more annotations...
  • Guest expectations of social responsibility and demands for eco-friendly products/services are steadily climbing
    • msoma003
      Need to know this to stay competitive
  • in-room recycling
    • msoma003
      Great idea!
  • Some incredible advances have been made when it comes to eco-friendly building materials and systems including: alternatives made of recycled content or that use less energy to manufacture than conventional ones, rainwater harvesting systems, living roofs, among many others. 
    • msoma003
      Soon this will be the norm for all hotels
  • Locally sourcing
  • t is essential to ensure as much as possible is recycled
  • energy efficient appliances
  • only when they are present in the room. 
    • msoma003
      Reduces the amount of time fixtures are on, this increasing life span
  • Smart HVAC and lighting systems have immense capabilities, scanning the room periodically and turning down the heat/off the lights if there is no movement in the room
  • omplete building management systems monitor and control mechanical and electrical equipment such as ventilation, lighting, power systems, fire systems and security systems throughout the property—drastically reducing the hotel’s energy and lighting usage when managed properly.
  • consider the amount of natural daylight and supplement that with energy efficient light bulbs or lighting systems triggered by movement in a space
    • msoma003
      We need to use the resources hat are provide, i.e sunlight
  • luorescent bulbs that use 75% less energy than conventional bulbs.
  • Regional construction materials also were used throughout the building process
  • undamental in enhancing the guest experience
  • It is all of our responsibility to leave the world in better shape for future generations than we found it
    This article pointed out great ways that a hotel can be sustainable.In the pant or building itself, the materials that were used for construction can be recycled and locally sourced. In the rooms the fixtures and appliances can be eco-friendly such as water saving faucets and energy star stovetops. Smart Technology can also be used in the room to reduce the amount of energy in being used. Customers appreciate the sustainable practices done at the hotels and this is one of the reasons why managers have started implementing these initiatives.b

Eco-friendly baby steps can grow green initiatives - 0 views

  • Ted Turner and restaurant veteran George McKerrow Jr., the co-founders of the 55-unit Ted’s Montana Grill chain,
  • Charlie Ayers, the former executive chef of Google and the owner of sustainability-focused Calafia Café in Palo Alto, Calif
  • one of the most enlightened businesses in the world
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • challenge is convincing them that being green won’t hurt
    • anonymous
      Hurt profits, customer service reviews and experience, and overall efficiency are main concerns here
  • needs to be action at the top of command,
  • 99-percent plastic-free by using paper straws, cornstarch to-go cups and special biodegradable takeout containers
  • within 150 miles
    • anonymous
      small carbon footprint
  • sustainability mission to be reflected in its construction and decor, which involved the use of recycled Sheetrock, floorboards and acoustic panels along with reclaimed barn wood and a chandelier made from old milk bottles
  • energy-efficient lighting and low-flow toilets
  • People ask for out-of-season fruits and vegetables, and I explain why we don’t do it. That education is essential to get people to buy into the idea.”
    • anonymous
  • We should phase out the subsidies. If we did away with fossil fuel subsidies, it would make wind, solar and geothermal energy more competitive, which is cheaper than subsidizing those industries.”
    • anonymous
      Looking at more of a federal/ national level rather than just independent restaurants
  • energy-efficient light bulbs. At Ted’s Montana Grill, that switch ended up saving the restaurant company $80,000 in the first year alone. —
    Ted Turner, George McKerrow Jr, and Charlie Ayers led a panel discussing the local and national benefits of making eco-friendly changes at restaurants. While there is a strong push from customers to eat at sustainable restaurants, "the challenge is convincing them (the restaurants) that being green won't hurt profits." The easiest baby step that seems to have the most ROI is simply changing the lighting in the restaurant to energy-efficient light bulbs. At Ted's Montana Grill, this switch saved his company $80,000 in the first year. Other small changes to consider would be to move to plastic-free straws and biodegradable takeout containers. But those things cost money and may be out of reach for many restaurants. Some places are taking it a step further and incorporating sustainable materials into the restaurant design and decor. The last major suggestion from this panel is a large scale shift in fossil fuel subsidies. If those can be removed, green energy can become a more competitive field and thus offer restaurants another alternative and opportunity to become green.

Hotel Anticipates Immediate ROI on Room Control System to Save on Energy | News | Hospi... - 0 views

  • guestroom switches, sensors and thermostats, as well as HVAC, lighting and load controls
  • Verve uses wireless sensors and control products to affordably generate energy-saving solutions for controlling HVAC, lighting and miscellaneous electric loads in guestrooms. ZENO wirelessly connects intelligent devices in rooms to central controls.
    This was a very interesting article about how Salvatore's Grand Hotel will be the first to benefit from the integration of Zeno Control, LLC and Verve Living Systems. The hotel will immediately begin installing Verve Keycard Switch, which is controlled wirelessly and uses sensors and control products to control HVAC, lighting, and other electric loads in guestrooms. Verve Keycard Switch doesn't require batteries. When a guest enters their room, they place the card into the Keycard Switch and then have complete control over all the electric devises in the room. Once the card is removed, the electronic devices in the room turn off or go into eco set back mode. The system can not only turn things on and off, but can defect problems in the room and track energy usage. The hotel expects to see a return on investment within two years. I thought this article was right on target with this week's module, and it seems this system would definitely help facilities be more energy efficient. I think it also supports preventative maintenance. Since it tracks problem areas, the facility manager should be able to address them before guests have to point them out. One possible problem I see is if guests forget to remove the card when they leave the room.
    Verve Living System by ZENO Controls LLC has a new guest room energy control system. The system concludes guestroom swithches, sensors, thermostats, and lighting control. The system will turn off all electronic facilities when the room is un-occupied. So the system can get immediately financial benefits to hotel from the saving on energy expense, which is a big spender of entire expense.
wei xie

Guest In-Room Comfort Goes Green & Interactive | News | Hospitality Magazine (HT) - 0 views

  • To better blend in-room technology with the hotel's sophisticated welcome scene upon entering the room, INNCOM designed a new, sleek bedside controller for the Grand Hyatt DFW that enables guests to control lighting, temperature, drapes, sheers, privacy, make-up room and other service requests at guests' fingertips. The company also installed INNCOM's MODEVA series backlit glass switches, and added the INNCOM drape controller that gives guests the ability to remotely open and close heavy-duty blackout drapes and sheers.
  • It is a multi-purpose device, configurable with 1 to 9 touch-capacitance sensors or dimmer bars, and is designed for convenient bedside guest control of lighting, temperature, drapes and sheers, privacy, make-up room and other guest service requests such as tray pick-up, shoe shine or butler call.
  • To complement the TBL-70, INNCOM used its MODEVA series guest-interface system wall switches in conjunction with the hotel's existing thermostats to control temperature, lighting, drapes, and guest annunciation.
    This article talks about the new bedside controller, TBL-70 tabletop controller, designed by INNCOM for Grand Hyatt Dfw hotel rooms. The TBL-70 controller is a multi-purpose device, it enable guests to control the room lighting, temperate, drapes, sheers, privacy, make-up room and other service requests. This controller enhances the room security, all services requires guests' fingerprint. This controller is also eco-freindly, its glass touch surface is availbale in standard designs or as a blank canvas for the designer wishing to customize a look with colors, fonts, images and functionality, it is also equipted with an on-board photo sensor which detectes the light level in the room and automatically adjusts the intensity of the backlighting.
rebecca Bonet

New Green Hotel Tech Includes Smart Fireplaces, Lights With Memory || HotelChatter - 2 views

  • We're geeky enough to love new hotel technology, but we've got our green side too;
  • Most of the new green tech developments are focused on reducing energy use, and it seems like there are some killer new innovations coming to hotels at the moment.
  • they control what gets switched on and off using the system that tells them when a guest comes and goes.
  • ...12 more annotations...
  • Other hotels are doing similar things (and even more). An example of a newly-developed energy efficient amenity:
  • And the conference also talked a lot about putting solar panels on hotel roofs with government subsidies.
  • The system will remember how lights are set and if the fireplace is on and will shut down 20 minutes after the guest leaves and come back to the same setting when guest returns.
  • We're geeky enough to love new hotel technology, but we've got our green side too;
  • Hospitality Industry Technology Exposition and Conference in New Orleans.
  • Hospitality Industry Technology Exposition and Conference in New Orleans.
  • Most of the new green tech developments are focused on reducing energy use, and it seems like there are some killer new innovations coming to hotels at the moment
  • For example, at Hotel 1000 in Seattle,  they control what gets switched on and off using the system that tells them when
  • a guest comes and goes.
  • Other hotels are doing similar things (and even more). An example of a newly-developed energy efficient amenity
  • The system will remember how lights are set and if the fireplace is on and will shut down 20 minutes after the guest leaves and come back to the same setting when guest returns.
  • And the conference also talked a lot about putting solar panels on hotel roofs with government subsidies.
    While we all know now it's the technology era, customers would like prefer new hotel technology which would enhance their experience. When we are geeky enough to love new hotel technology, however, we have got our green side too. For example, in hospitality industry, some hotels control what gets switched on and off using the system that tells them when a guest comes and goes; some also talked about putting solar panels on hotel roofs with government subsidies. Applying new technology in hospitality industry also will have some negative side as everything has two sides. it is just a kind of balance thing. We just need to find the most suitable ones for our hotels and customers.
    The article talks about how hotel are getting into more green technology. In New Orleans they had a conference for hotel own and GM that want to get greener with their hotel technology. The new green tech development is focused on reducing energy use. For example the new developed energy efficient system will remember how light are set and if the fireplace is on and will shut down 20 minutes after the guest leave and come back to the same setting. It will be a big saving for the hotel especially when the power bills comes in they will notice a different

5 ways tech can make your hotel more responsible | Green Hotelier - 0 views

  • mploying eco-friendly technology is a great way to show guests that you’re committed to making a difference.
  • Here are five ways that green technologies can help enhance your eco-friendly reputation and boost business for sustainable hotels.
  • Eco-friendly heating and energy.
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • One way for sustainable hotels to help regulate their energy expenditure is to employ a building energy management system – a monitoring technology that gives you an overview of the energy consumed throughout your premises
  • Waste reduction technology.
  • Lighting technology.
  • In many cases this is due to poor stock control, with excess items being bought in.
  • Sustainable laundry.
  • Bead cleaning technology helps hotels to reduce their energy consumption and water usage, as well as cutting down on the frequency with which the linen needs to be replaced.
  • Tracking and monitoring the items that are being thrown away using technology such as LeanPath will help make staff more aware of areas in which the most waste is being produced, leading to better and more informed decision making.
  • echnologies like occupancy sensors are a cost-effective and simple way to ensure that lights are only switched on when they are needed – a very visible way to show your guests that energy efficiency matters to you. LED lighting is another consideration for reduced energy expenditure on lighting
  • iPad POS systems.
    The article introduces five ways to improve eco-friendly reputation for hotels. Recently, many tourists are interested in green and sustainability, and when they choose the hotel, the characteristic about sustainable business operation can be a big benefit tourist can consider. First, it is about eco-friendly heating and energy. The energy bill takes up a lot when considering the total expenditure, so it is necessary for hotels to manage the power effectively. By utilizing energy management system, hotel can track the energy consumption in the entire building and control the expense. Second, hotel can adopt waste reduction technology. Most wastes are coming from poor stock control. Thus, hotel should employ the tracking system to monitor the items that are being disposed of often, and use the record when they purchase the items. Third, sustainable laundry can be the way to operate the eco-friendly hotel. Eco-friendly polymer laundry beads can reduce the water usage and electricity expense. Also, an effective material can cut down the frequency for linen to be replaced. Fourth, lighting technology can be used. By applying the occupancy sensors, hotel can cut down the cost, and use energy more effectively. Lastly, it is iPad POS system. According to the article, they said iPad POS saves about 97% of power consumption compared to Window-based system. To sum up, these five ways can be adopted for sustainable hotel operation, and having the eco-friendly hotel brand will be a big advantage to increase millennial guests and advertise the hotel.
    This article describes the ways to make the hotel greener and more appealing to the environmentally aware guests
Jennifer Beatriz Hernandez

11 Ways Mobile Technology Could Change Hotel Experience - 7 views

  • It is opening a variety of delivery mechanisms for personal guest services that are affordable, efficient and easy to use.
  • Hotel Room Keys - Technologies already exist that allow guests to safely use their mobile device as a room key by sending an encrypted signal to the guest's cell phone that is unique to each user.
  • Room Service – With the use of apps, you won't be tethered to your room in order to get room service
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Thermostats, Light Switches and more – All-in-one systems already exist, allowing guests to have central control of media, lighting, temperatures and more
  • Loss of revenue from one mobile device inspired change might lead to new and creative ways to reach the hotel's bottom line because of another change
    Great article summarizing various elements a mobile device can be used for in a hotel. Mobile devices are becoming a priority in younger generations & are often used not just for phone calls, but also text messaging, web searching & games. It's no surprise they are now being used to check in at hotels, pay bills & order room service. Cell phones provide guests a unique customer service that is inexpensive, quick & simple to use. Using mobile devices as room keys is an example that will save the hotel money in not having to purchase thousands of room keys & having to deal with replacement cards for guests. There are several benefits to utilizing mobile devices in the hospitality industry, but there are also drawbacks. Guests may choose to play games on their phone or watch movies on their phone's screens instead of paying to watch a movie on the hotel's television or attending activities offered by staff. This reduces the face-to-face customer service that many hotels are recognized for. It may take away from the hotel's superior guest service if a request does not go through the mobile device or it malfunctions when a guest is trying to enter their room. Whether or not hotel managers like it, mobile devices are becoming popular among guests & should be implemented.
  • ...1 more comment...
    Great article, and it will be interesting to see how over time, the industry evolves to adapt mobile technology on property. While it creates opportunities for hotels and guests respectively it will also create opportunities for hackers and those who have malicious intent with the sensitive types of data. As soon as hotels figure out ways to make this work, hackers will figure out ways to crack the system. I think the industry would have to work with cell phone network providers as well as hardware providers to ensure that these devices and transactions can remain secure.
    This article discusses how technology is changing the experience you have while staying at a hotel, by making it much easier for the guest. The article specifically address 11 areas in which technology is changing the whole experience. First is a mobile wallet, which will make paying the bill a breeze, by wirelessly sending credit card information directly to the hotels computer. Next, how about using your smart phone as a room key, as well as using it as the in room phone, connecting you to the front desk anytime any place. Or using it to order room service, and having it delivered to you anywhere on the property by using your phones location services. Next the article discusses virtual concierge desk, which can be scattered around the property, making it easy to make dinner reservations without having to wait in line. And the last main points that are discussed are controlling the temperature, lighting, and in room entertainment from an app on your smart phone, letting you turn off and on lights from bed, and changing the temperature before you even get back to the room. And one day when you forget your smart phones power cord and think your taking a step back in time, because you cant use any of the new technology, no worries their will be one in the room.
    Mobile technology is constantly changing the way we do everything. Smart mobile devices dictate how we live our lives and how we travel. Here is a sampling of eleven items that may be drastically different in some hotels of the near future: 1. Currency 2. Hotel Room Keys 3. In-Room Phone 4. Concierge Desk 5. Room Service 6. Front Desk Attendant 7. Printed Hotel Promotional Material 8. Alarm Clocks 9. In-Room Entertainment 10. Thermostats, Light Switches and more 11. Power Cords
yongwei hao

Physical Plant Engineer Salary | - 0 views

  • Physical plant or mechanical plant engineers can be found in almost every business sector and industry and are responsible for maintaining large facilities. These individuals usually monitor their facility's heating, cooling and ventilation systems.
  • Additionally, physical plant engineers must also service and repair their facility's plumbing and lighting.
  • Physical plant engineers are paid an average salary of at least $50,000 to make sure a plant's systems run safely.
    Physical plant or mechanical plant engineers can be found in almost every business sector and industry and are responsible for maintaining large facilities. These individuals usually monitor their facility's heating, cooling and ventilation systems. Additionally, physical plant engineers must also service and repair their facility's plumbing and lighting. According to 2010 data published by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the national annual mean salary for a stationary engineer was $52,620. These individuals earned a national mean hourly wage of $25. Physical plant engineers, stationary engineers and boiler operators have a strong background in mechanics. Individuals working in this field often receive formal apprenticeship training with the International Union of Operating Engineers or formal education through vocational or trade schools. Certain states may require licensing for positions in this field. Generally, employers prefer to hire people with at least a high school diploma or GED who have experience in the field.
    "Physical plant or mechanical plant engineers can be found in almost every business sector and industry and are responsible for maintaining large facilities. These individuals usually monitor their facility's heating, cooling and ventilation systems. Additionally, physical plant engineers must also service and repair their facility's plumbing and lighting. Physical plant engineers are paid an average salary of at least $50,000 to make sure a plant's systems run safely. "

TOP Hotel Technology Trends in 2012, by Ted Horner - 0 views

  • 1. The iPad Revolution This device in my opinion is going to redefine how guests are going to use technology in hotels in the future particularly in the guestroom. Consider these points
  • Many hotels Wi-Fi systems are suffering from a lack of available bandwidth and as result are getting overloaded as guests wish to download their own content.
  • guests want the same technology experience they have at home or office and if they have a bad experience may not return to hotel
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • With the increasing demand for more bandwidth and the subsequent costs to provide this it is in my opinion going to be difficult for hotels to agree to offer anything other than a limited free Wi-Fi mainly for emails.
  • IPads that are made available to guests to use in the guestroom open up a world of new opportunities for hotels to deploy in guestrooms to handle the following applications:
  • 2. Mobility Mobile devices are now part of our everyday life and for many travelers they are now replacing the laptop, PC, telephone, kiosk, and boarding pass as part of the booking activity. A guest’s handheld device is now an integral part of the entire journey, not just from pre-trip planning and booking, but through the actual trip itself.
  • 3. Cloud Computing There has been a lot of talk about this subject and I believe 2012 will be when this technology takes off as a number of PMS vendors release their cloud version where hotels will have the ability to access their major software applications on a web browser.
  • 4. Social Media Wikipedia defines Social Media as “media designed to be disseminated through social interaction, created using highly accessible and scalable publishing techniques.”
  • 5. Hosted PABX For many hotels one of the largest capital expenditure has been the PABX. In the past revenue from guest phone calls justified this large capital outlay but the advent of mobile phones and the cost of making calls from a hotel guest room have left hotels reeling from the costs of providing and maintaining this service.
  • 6. Energy Management (EMS) With the cost of electricity continuing to raise hotels have to start looking seriously at more sophisticated systems than the traditional magnetic stripe cards in the slot.
  • 7. Lighting Another major contributor to excessive power bills is the type of lighting that is installed in hotels. With replacement of lights to LED and Halogen hotels can save up to 30% and have lights that have a long life up to 12,000 Hours
    The rise and rise of consumer technology and the increasing take-up of this technology by our guests combined with the shorter life cycles of this technology creates considerable challenges for both operators and owners of hotels. In the past we stayed in a guest room to experience technology that we could not get at home but now this changed completely and in most instances the reverse is true today where what we have at home is far superior to anything that is in hotel guestroom.
Eissy de la Moneda

Hotels don't have to waste energy: Key-card management systems should be "business as u... - 0 views

  • most people don't think about energy savings when staying in a hotel.
  • key-card energy management is a simple and effective way to conserve energy
  • link the heating, cooling and lighting in a room to an illuminated key-card slot near the entrance.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • can save 25 to 45% of the energy used by each room
  • guests can no longer lock themselves out of their rooms
  • adoption has been slow in the U.S. because hotels are unwilling to place what is perceived as an energy management "burden" on guests
  • past few years have shown that Americans do care about their environmental impact.
    This article introduced a technology has been applied in Europe and Asia for years that is Key-card management. This key-card management system links to heating, cooling and lighting system in guestroom with a monitoring in a slot besides door. In Europe and Asia, it has been demonstrated key-card management system is a successful system, that can save 20%-40% energy bill inside guest room. Although US hotels don't apply this system at beginning, now, more and more hotels has taken key-card management system. The hotel GM which taken this system said that is save a lot of energy bill after using this system.
    This article talks about how hotels have the opportunity to conserve energy. It is known that many hotel guests are usually unaware or disinterested on how much energy they waste in their hotel room because they've already paid for the room. However, many of us are very conscious of how much energy we waste at home because we do in fact need to pay for that. So why don't we do it in hotel rooms? It comes down to convenience. When you're in a hotel, you don't worry about bills or energy or what harm you are doing to the environment or to the hotel's wallet because you are simply on vacation. However, key card management systems allow guests to save energy without the hassle of walking throughout the room turning off every light, faucet and air conditioning. Instead, saving energy is now as simple as leaving your room. With the key card management, energy management is in affect as soon as the guest pulls out the key card when leaving their room, and as easy as placing it back in the slot when they return. This is an effective, simple way for guests to save energy, while still on vacation.   
Jennifer Mesa

Hotel Technology || HotelChatter - 0 views

  • bestowing free loaner smartphones to its guests upon check-in. The devices do just about everything, aside from calling home (actual phone services aren't available; unless you use Skype, of course), such as unlocking and locking your door, ordering room service, turning on the lights, channel surfing on your flatscreen, and browsing the web.
    Hotel Skypark central is lending out smart ohones at check in that do everything from open the door, tuen on and off lights and so much more in the room. Most hotels do not have technological advanes such as this so it proves quite interesting how much we can make a smart phone do
    Hotel Skypark central is lending out smart ohones at check in that do everything from open the door, tuen on and off lights and so much more in the room. Most hotels do not have technological advanes such as this so it proves quite interesting how much we can make a smart phone do
Lu Zhang

BMS & Green Tech Solutions ‹ Japan Today: Japan News and Discussion - 0 views

  • It has developed building automation technology that controls, monitors and optimizes heating, ventilation, air conditioning, lighting, alarm systems and other electrical appliances. The facility maintenance chief or facility manager can control everything with a single computer either on-site or remotely.
  • It is a system that gives the operator of a building total and absolute control over every mechanical and electrical component within a building.
  • Having the power to control your building means that you don’t need worry about human error—relying on staff to save energy by switching lights off at the end of the day is a thing of the past.
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  • Not only do you get a high performance tailor-made system, but you also get the easiest to use software, and nearly all updates are free.
    This article introduce a new energy and labor saving system in Japan. With a brain box of the touch screen system, the computer control all the electronic components, such as lighting, alarm systems. Only one user is required to monitor the system. It not only save the energy that may be wasted because of the negligence of employees, but also save the labor cost. Many buildings, such as hotels and schools, would benefit from this system.

New York Hotels Make a Green Pledge - The New York Times - 0 views

  • Marquee properties like the Waldorf Astoria New York, Grand Hyatt New York, Loews Regency New York and the Peninsula New York recently joined the NYC Carbon Challenge, a program Michael R. Bloomberg started as mayor in 2007 with the city’s universities to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions.
  • This initial group of properties — accounting for more than 11,000 guest rooms — has pledged to cut greenhouse gas emissions from their buildings by 30 percent or more in the next 10 years, a move that could reduce emissions by more than 32,000 metric tons and save $25 million of energy operating costs.
  • Similar to the Grand Hyatt, other NYC Carbon Challenge hotels may have to financially invest in energy conserving upgrades, but their leadership realizes that they will save money in the long run.
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  • Like the Waldorf, tackling the issue of greenhouse gas emissions was already a priority for several of the properties before becoming a part of the NYC Carbon Challenge, but now they’re intensifying their efforts.
    This article talks about a group of New York City hotels that have pledged to become greener. Seventeen hotels have joined the NYC Carbon Challenge, an initiative originally created to get the city's universities to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. These hotels have pledged to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions by at least 30% in the next ten years, which can significantly reduce the amount of greenhouse gases produced by the city's buildings. This is all in an effort to reduce the city's overall greenhouse gas emissions 80% by the year 2050. The Office of Sustainability worked with the Hotel Association of New York City, a coalition of hotels in the city, to get this first group of hotels involved with this green initiative. The hotels that have already started working towards making their property greener are already on the right track to meeting their goals and these implementations will involve minor construction and little hindrance to guests. The article talks about some of the changes that these hotels are making, such as changing to LED light bulbs, installing more energy-efficient elevators, implementing sensors that turn off bathroom lights after a certain period of inactivity, and using an energy-conserving air-conditioning system. Although these changes will cost the hotels a hefty sum of front, they also know that these changes will save them money in the long run. Most of these changes will not be visible or known to guests, but people who want to stay someplace that is environmentally-conscious can educate themselves about what these hotels are doing.

INNCOM's In-Room Controls Now on Intelity's ICE Touch for iPad | Green Lodging News - 0 views

  • By adding INNCOM’s Integrated Room Automation Systems (IRAS) to Intelity ICE (Interactive Customer Experience) Touch on iPads, guests can now control room temperature, lighting, drapes and alarm clock directly from their iPad tablet computers—even when they are not in their rooms. INNCOM is an industry leader in advanced guestroom automation systems for hotels and resorts. IRAS is INNCOM’s customizable multi-purpose platform for in-room guest controls. Intelity is the hospitality software developer of ICE, the award-winning integrated, customizable, branded interface that enables hotel guests to request all services instantly via in-room tablet, TV, laptop or mobile device. “By placing the INNCOM IRAS on our ICE guest interface, Intelity is giving travelers real-time fingertip control over their hotel experience,” said David Adelson, Intelity founder, president and CEO. “Once a guest has registered with the hotel, downloaded its app and received password authentication, they can begin interacting with the property via ICE from virtually anywhere.”
    This is article speaks to room automation in guest rooms as a means to make hotels more green. Through the INNCOM system, hotels are able to customize the guest's stays by allowing them to adjust the lights and temperature. It also allows hotels to reduce cost as they are able to turn off HVAC units and turn on automatic lights. By allowing hotels to do this, they can save money on their utilities. With the INNCOM system, hotels also can upload their room collateral which reduces the cost of print for the hotels.
Gian Altamirano

New Green Hotel Tech Includes Smart Fireplaces, Lights With Memory || HotelChatter - 0 views

  • at Hotel 1000 in Seattle, they control what gets switched on and off using the system that tells them when a guest comes and goes. When a guest checks in, the heating or cooling kicks in, and when they go out for a while, the air con and other electrical appliances turn down to preset levels.
  • And the conference also talked a lot about putting solar panels on hotel roofs with government subsidies.
  • The system will remember how lights are set and if the fireplace is on and will shut down 20 minutes after the guest leaves and come back to the same setting when guest returns.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • cost them $8 million
    With the trend of green hotels and technology growing rapidly in not only our industry but all industries in general, it is important for companies to stay up to date with new innovative green technologies. This article touches upon on hotel in Seattle named Hotel 1000. The hotel has begun implementing new technologies such as memory lights that shut down when guests are out of the room and then turn on to the same levels set when the guest returns. Also being implemented is a system that can switch air on when a guest arrives to the hotel. This controls the amount of time the air is in use as well as prepares the room pre-arrival.  Finally this article discusses the imminent idea of alternative energy solutions for hotels. Many hotels hope to receive government subsidies in order to begin implementing solar panels on their roofs providing more energy while cutting current electricity costs. Installation costs are high but will be offset over time.
Laura Montoya

At Hyatt Regency McCormick Place, 'Little' Steps Add Up to 'One Big Green Initiative' |... - 0 views

  • Perhaps even more impressive than its energy and water savings is the hotel’s recycling and composting accomplishments. In 2008 the hotel recycled 85 tons of materials; in 2009 that number grew to 137 tons. Last year 116 tons was recycled. In late June of last year, a food waste decomposition machine was installed in the loading dock area. The leased machine uses heat, and bacteria treated wood chips to accelerate the decomposition process. Over the remainder of 2010, 110 tons of food waste was composted. “We need to generate at least a few hundred pounds a day to make it [financially] worthwhile,” Martin says of the machine. The Hyatt Regency McCormick Place recycles the following: office paper, newspaper, glass, metal cans, plastic containers, glass, construction waste, cardboard (four to six tons per month), used bulbs, batteries and ballasts, electronics and pallets. Recycling containers are placed throughout the hotel in public areas and guestrooms include a plastic bag for guests to insert recyclables.
  • “Our focus is to do a lot of the little things that add up to one big green initiative.”
  • reduced its electricity consumption by 12.7 percent from 2009 to 2010 and its water consumption by 24.4 percent.
    Travelers prefer to stay at green hotels. Major corporations such as Marriott, Hyatt, and Hilton & Starwood are looking for ways to integrate green into their hotels while conserving water and energy. Not only is the focus on going green going to impact the environment but also will impact the bottom line which is the dollars. This article shows how the Hyatt Regency McCormick Place in Chicago, Illinois has been able to go green to benefit both the company and the environment. The amount of items they are able to recycle is amazing; it is great that the company can also focus on the disposal of foods. As we continue to focus on the environment, more and more companies will continue to find ways to help reduce cost while protecting the environment. At the Walt Disney World Resort, guest can tour facilities and are educated on how the company impacts the environment through their recycling programs worldwide.
    This article talks about the Hyatt Regency McCormick Place and the different steps they have taken to Go Green. They have significantly reduced their water and electricity consumption with the "When not in use, turn off the juice" project. Along with saving water and energy, they have also begun recycling. They recycle, paper, plastic, cardboard, light bulbs and the list goes on. They are also taking the time to educate their employees as well. "To encourage participation in programs such as 'When Not in Use, Turn Off the Juice,' employee awareness days are held. Compact fluorescent light bulbs are given to employees to help them save energy at home." The hotel has a green team who meet quarterly to continue growing in their sustainability initiatives. The Hyatt Regency McCormick Place is Green Key certified and has been recognized and awarded for their Green efforts.
Yingjie Cao

How Technology Trends In Shaping The Hospitality Industry - 1 views

  • links between the hospitality industry and technology can be difficult to appreciate, but these important connections are helping to create leading businesses within the sector.
  • The demands placed on internet services are forcing many businesses to review their wireless internet solutions.
  • Where hotels cater for business customers, the estimate is that 79% of these customers will return if satisfied.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Conferences are another big contributor to the industry and more businesses are considering the role of technology such as mobile apps within venues.
  • In 2008, around 70% of travellers made their reservations online.
    Hotels compete with others by providing excellent service which has been defined as giving outstanding technology. It means technology innovation has become one of the most important strategies to attract customers. WiFi has become one critical success factor in hospitality industry. Besides, people tend to interact and shop more through social media. Research shows that Facebook usage is up 40% since last year. 2.5 billion photos are uploaded to @Facebook each month. It's estimated that there will be 76.9 billion apps to download in 2014. And customers are predicted to spend $35 billion on apps in 2014. According to high demand of iPhone and iPad, some hotels set up iPad in concierge to assist guest with further information and iPad in rooms to help guests to control room temperature, light and TV. As going green has shaping a big trend for hotels, LED light and PlugOut Gym attract hotelier's attention to catch up with. Thus, technology is not only a way to give convenience to guests but also a way to ease management team.
Jenan Williams

Going Green - 2 views

    "Going Green" is no longer the standard, it is now how to greener than your last innovated green project. Why is the guest/ consumer not made more aware of these green accomplishment? They may notice the ones that directly effect their stay, however the indirect ones i.e, cloud computing to monitor solar power panels, removal of big box TV's and computer monitors are having a greener impact on technology in the hospitality. The energy savings are impressive, the continued effort made by these companies has a huge on the environment. "It is the collective consciousness of the whole human race that has to make people aware that this is important."
    I am all about going are adding sensors for when guests leave slidding door open to shot down A/C units as well as when the room is not occupied, the A/C with a sensor will rise the temperature. The technology is so amazing, that engineering staff can simply reset temperatures with a handle from outside the room. Beside A/C temperature control, hotels continue improve electricity savings by utilizing new light bulb and re-designing lighting around the hotel. At the company that I work at, we have light sensors in the offices, if you are not in your office after a certain amount of time the light goes off.
Jeremy Fairley

Electrical Contractor: Hotel Automation Goes Wireless - 1 views

  • “We have wireless and hardwired versions, making it easy for both new construction and retrofitting existing hotels,” Sobieski said. The intelligent thermostats can communicate over a ZigBee wireless network, giving the hotel’s engineering team full control and monitoring of every room in the hotel. “With our EcoCentral remote management platform, shutting down a wing for maintenance is as simple as a mouse click. Built-in alerting also gives them the ability to catch problem HVAC systems before a guest call comes in.”
    Article speaks about hotel automation systems by vendors, that allow hotels to reduce energy and utility costs that impact the bottom line. The EPA estimated that in 2004 the hotel industry spent more than $5 billion on energy and that the number was likely to increase. Items such as occupancy based thermostats communicate over wireless networks and allow hotel staff to perform maintenance tasks such as detect issues with in-room HVAC systems before guests call in to report the items. Other systems use energy monitoring systems that allow for the hotel to detect room temperatures. This is significant as those rooms temperature and lighting systems can know whether the occupant is in the room and adjust lighting and temperature settings accordingly. Energy waste in hotels is an issue that affects the bottom line so the potential for ROI is great. Implementation of many of these systems is flexible as many are built on wireless networks that do not require heavy physical installation of wiring. Interested in the groups thoughts on this?
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