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shared by marble_bird on 07 Jul 20 - No Cached
  • The development of technology has made it easier for the traveller to book hotel rooms by the website. The number of online websites that provide services for the hospitality industry is on the rise.
  • According to Quinby and Jain (2012) (which research the OTA market in Australia, China, Japan, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, New Zealand, Singapore and Thailand), the Asia Pacific’s online travel booking on 2011 is estimated to be US$ 1,6 billion/year and predicted to rise 30% to 40% on the next periods
  • In the hotel industry, the internet has had a big impact on the evaluation of the distribution channel, which pushed the industry from a traditional operation (offline) to an online operation system
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  • The use of the internet has changed the hospitality industry by helping organize, promote and market tourism products and services, as well as helping communication, online transaction, and distribution systems for hoteliers and consumers
  • With the growing number of hotels in Indonesia, the number of online websites which offer hotel rooms also increases.
  • this study examines the process of online hotel decision making by focusing on the effect of website quality on the customers’ e-Trust.
  • The two key issues we wish to examine are: (1) whether customer’s perception of the website’s usability influenced e-Trust; and (2) whether customer’s perception of the website’s ease of use influenced their e-Trust.
  • Nowadays there are more travellers than ever that search the internet medium for information of the tourist destination and the process of booking the trip, as evidenced by the increase of information access through the search engine and social media and also online hotel booking
  • A hotel’s website is not only an information channel but also a trading form, where it not only provides news and data, creates a brand image but also works
  • as a sale tool. But this ease does not come without a weakness. Communication by the internet creates uncertainty and risks have become an intrinsic attribute of e-commerce from them complexity and anonymity of online purchase.
  • A good website must be easy to use, understandable, and navigate well (Aziz, 2014). The easiness of using the website’s features can influence the customer’s interest in using the online service and push their booking intention
  • Because OTAs are such an important channel for hotel distribution, the industry should pay close attention to the way hotels are presented on OTA web pages.
  • The level of usability of a website will determine whether a user will stay or leave to find another website
  • website quality becomes the main factor in e-commerce because the perception of the website quality will trigger the customers’ purchase intention directly.
  • The ZEN Rooms website effectively delivers information and adopted a good interaction design to make sure consumers can easily navigate the website and find useful information.
  • Usability refers to whether a hotel’ s website can provide sufficient information about the product and the service, while ease of use showed the level of which a hotel’s website is easy to navigate and customer-friendly.
  • e-Trust is the consumer’s trust or confidence that the seller will not abuse the consumer’s vulnerability .
  • Sparks and Browning (2011) found that consumers depended on the easiness of information processing while evaluating a hotel based on online reviews.
  • risk-taking behaviour based on consumer’s positive expectations of a hotel’s website was called e-Trust. E-Trust plays an important role in online booking because of the risk that comes with online service
  • A hotel’s website that has good usability has a significant result on the consumer’s e-Trust. This finding is in line with previous study from Bai et al. (2008) and Wang et al. (2015) which also stated the significant impact between the usability variable towards online booking intention, where the higher a website’s usability was, it automatically affected customer’s e-Trust and willingness to make an online hotel booking.
  • The effect of usability of the website and ease of use of the website on e-Trust among participants of this research is elaborated upon in Table 1. The data in this table display the outcomes of a multiple linear regression analysis.
  • The other variable in this study, which is the ease of use, did not have any significant result on consumer’s e-Trust. This finding is different from previous studies conducted by Shen and Chiou (2010) and Venkatesh and Agarwal (2006) which stated that a website’s ease of use could help consumer’s online booking intention.
  • There is no significant impact between genders and e-Trust. The findings of this research propose that gender does not play a significant role in the attention of guests toward e-Trust and both genders are highly confident of having online booking purchase of hotel rooms.
  • The current study is not without limitation, such as the scope of the research. Future studies could conduct similar research but through a mobile application instead of the website. The internet keeps developing and there are changing platforms from website to mobile application so the use of mobile in the hotel industry is unsurprising and expected
  • The importance of having information towards the relationship between a website’s usability and consumer’s e-Trust is essential to help maintain the attributes of a website’s quality to keep consumer’s e-Trust of the hotel.
    This article covers an Indonesian study performed to study factors that influence online bookings of consumers. The main factors considered in the study were the perceived usability of the website and the ease of use. The study found that perceived usability influenced the decisions of the consumer, while the actual ease of use did not.

Know the advantages of using Event Management Software - - 0 views

  • Know the advantages of using Event Management Software An event management tool is a wonderful way of m
  • anagi
  • ng the events successfully.
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  • top priority for any modern day event planner.
  • help you to manage your tool in an expert manner
  • Positively Impacts the Work Flow:
  • boring paper works as you need not require that any more once you have the event planning software.
  • Reduced cost:
  • apphelps inmanaging your data/ task
  • not require to keep too many employees
  • increasing the ROI of the company. 
  • Export Report with Ease:
  • create/ extract reports and hence you can make use of this to send client reports, analytics, registration, ticketing, scheduling as well as surveys.
  • helps to ease the stress of planning an event. With the increasing popularity of social networks, events are becoming popular.
    This article talks about the advantages of using an event management software and how the tool help managing the event successfully. This software is priority to the modern day event planner with an expert manner. Positively Impact the work flow cutting down on the boring paper work. Software will help time by cutting down all the time you would spend in organizational work reduced workload. Event software will reduce cost by inmanaging you data and task allowing you to have less employees and increasing ROI for the company. Have a good software will allow you to export reports with ease like client reports, analytics, registration, ticketing, scheduling as well as surveys. This will help ease the stress of the company and allow managers to focus on increasing revenues and getting new business.
Mengjun Ren

The Advantages of an HRIS System - 0 views

  • , a company can make use of an HRIS to process all such data. An example is the processing of payroll and benefits information. Instead of depending on handwritten data for each employee and the laborious processing of this with pen, paper and calculators, a company can employ an HRIS to process the information much more quickly with few or no inaccuracies
  • An HRIS, or human resources information system, is a computer program that allows companies to electronically store information about their employees
  • HRIS eases the work of managing employee issues
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  • HRIS stores a large collection of databases on employees and employee issues. Databases are sets of data usually organized on a computer for convenient access. Such databases include employee names, their contact information, and the professional or non-professional training they received.
  • Because it is a computer program, an HRIS facilitates the updating of employee data, such as contact information or age. It removes the need to use erasers or correction fluid to remove outdated or incorrect data. With an HRIS, the person working on such data can easily delete the data and enter the corrected information.
    AN HRIS system is a computer program that allows a company to electronically store information about their employees. HRIS eases the work of managing daily employee related issues. HRIS stores a large collection of databases on employees and employee issues. Information included in the databases include employee names, their contact information, and any training they may have received. HRIS systems make it more efficient for a company as it can process payroll and benefits information electronically rather than having to rely on the traditional pen and paper. Storing information in the databases makes it more secure against the potential of tampering and theft.
    This article describe some advantages of HRIS, such as data storage, ease update and efficiency. HRIS has huge data storage, it can easy to track employees' working behavior; ease update, HRIS is a computer system, it can easy to delete can update any data; and in some field, it can be a replacement of handwriting.

Why trust the Cloud to manage your hospitality business? - 0 views

  • revenue-maximization
  • Hotel management solutions offered on the Cloud are often referred to as PMS (property management system) or HMS (hotel management system). Whatever might be the nomenclature, the benefits of using a web-enabled solution on the Cloud remain largely the same. This includes the ease-of-use, scope for customization and assurance of any-time, anywhere availability.
  • When the Cloud first arrived, data security-related concerns were prominent. What many people don’t realize is that these apprehensions were quickly dissolved.
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  • survival or safety of a Cloud-based data management system can be eliminated if you understand the dynamics of Cloud computing.From handling data management in Fortune 500 companies to driving millions of transactions across business process outsourcing companies, the Cloud is literally, everywhere.
  • This is just a form of temporary glitch that is as common as struggling with a slower broadband connection or power outage for a few minutes. This doesn’t compromise the security of your data in any way!
  • Hotel owners have realized that investing in new IT infrastructure or manpower just isn’t practical. A better solution lies in using an on-demand, flexible solution, i.e. a web-based hotel management system.
    In this article we could check lots pros of the cloud PMS.This includes the ease-of-use, scope for customization and assurance of any-time, anywhere availability.When the Cloud first arrived, data security-related concerns were prominent. This is why computing solutions offered on the Cloud have risen as a dynamic solution for businesses handling the most sensitive kind of data, including financial/banking institutions and workplaces handling large volumes of personal information.Hotel owners have realized that investing in new IT infrastructure or manpower just isn't practical. This helps to raise the recall value of hotels and provides them with the most influential form of marketing recommendations from happier, more contented customers

India's Modi Seeks More Investment From U.S. Tech Sector - US News - 0 views

  • India's burgeoning tech sector is responsible for creating more than 400,000 American jobs
  • business deals between firms in the two countries have generated $22.5 billion in tax revenue for the U.S. since 2011
  •  the report should dispel the stereotype that India’s IT sector “takes jobs away from the U.S.”
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  • “neither country can achieve their nation’s economic vision without the other.”
  • easing the process for skilled Indian workers – including college students educated in the U.S. – to be able to obtain visas so they can join American tech companies.
    The main focus of my article is about the financial connection between India and the U.S. The article discusses a few key issues about India and their tech support in relation to the U.S. It tells us that "India's burgeoning tech sector is responsible for creating more than 400,000 American jobs, according to a report released Monday that prompted calls from leaders in both nations to reform business practices so the industry remains a bright spot in an often unreliable global economy". The article goes on to list some more interesting statistics. For example, "The new study from the National Association of Software and Service Companies, a trade group representing Indian technology firms, said business deals between firms in the two countries have generated $22.5 billion in tax revenue for the U.S. since 2011". I feel that these two statistics are important because in too many cases, Americans feel that "foreigners" are coming to the U.S. and "stealing" all of our jobs. That is clearly not the case with every situation, as the article points out. The article further explains that India is seeking to ease the process of coming into the U.S. to work. They feel that if they are providing their highly skilled techs to come work here and/or gain their American education here than the process of getting the visa should be much more lax than it is for other countries. I don't know if I agree with that one, but I understand their point.

Ritz-Carlton eases event planning with mobile app - Luxury Daily - Mobile - 0 views

  • Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company is enhancing its event services with a mobile application designed to assist meeting and event planners with the details involved with scheduling a function at a property
  • The app, ((Chime))
  • ((Chime)) allows organizers an opportunity to request needs immediately and efficiently from their phones or tablets
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  • The application is sent to the event planner by the host hotel three days prior to an event to make any last minute changes
  • The new endeavor offered a large amount of Ritz-Carlton bonus reward points when consumers book a meeting, event or conference at any of the hotel properties
    In keeping up to its standard of maintaining high customer service, the Ritz Carlton has a new idea to do just that. As we know with a hotel, there are many hands on the assembly belt to make the hotel run smoothly. Since the guest experience is their main priority, they don't want to leave anyone excluded. So the company has released an app, ((CHIME)), to assist event planners during their event. Sent to the planner three days prior to the event, the Event planner is able to make any changes necessary. On the day of, if something was to malfunction or hotel assistance was needed, instead of the planner panicking, they are able to use ((CHIME)) to get what they need done. Whether it has to do with food & beverage, audio / visuals, seating arrangements, or room relocation, within minutes the event planner can have a request put in and a hotel employee will be there to fix the issue. Just another way of keep guests returning and to ensure a successful event. 

Point of Sale (POS) System - 0 views

  • With a POS system:You can analyze sales data, figure out how well all the items on your shelves sell, and adjust purchasing levels accordingly.You can maintain a sales history to help adjust your buying decisions for seasonal purchasing trends.You can improve pricing accuracy by integrating bar-code scanners and credit card authorization ability with the POS system.
  • Ease of use. Look for software with a user-friendly graphical interface.
  • Entry of sales information. Most systems allow you to enter inventory codes either manually or automatically via a bar-code scanner.
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  • Pricing. POS systems generally offer a variety of ways to keep track of pricing
  • Updating product information. Once a sale is entered, these systems automatically update inventory and accounts receivable records.
  • Sales tracking options. Different businesses get paid in different ways. For example, repair or service shops often keep invoices open until the work is completed, so they need a system that allows them to put sales on hold.
  • Security. In retail, it's important to keep tight control over cash receipts to prevent theft.
  • Taxes. Many POS systems can support numerous tax rates-useful if you run a mail order business and need to deal with taxes for more than one state.
    With the development and improvement of technology, point-of-sale (POS) systems nowadays are playing a vital role in the industry. In this article, the author has mentioned that POS systems let businesses track usage, monitor changes in unit dollar costs, calculate when businesses need to reorder, and analyze inventory levels on an item-by-item basis. In one word, POS systems enable businesses to keep track of their cash flow. The author also introduced some features to consider in a POS system, including: ease of use, entry of sales information, pricing, updating product information, sales tracking options, security, and taxes for businesses to choose the most appropriate system for them. Since every business is unique, it's important for every business find that system meeting their all requirements instead of just using a popular one.

The Top 7 Hotel Tech Trends for 2016 - Capterra Blog - 0 views

  • the top hotel tech trends for 2016
  • 1. New Security Measures
  • It’s past time for a change, and 2016 will (hopefully) mark a new initiative in the industry: innovative tech security.
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  • Hotels will also begin installing new check-in systems that accept chip-based credit cards and debit cards as a way to guarantee secure payment.
  • 2. Wearable Tech
  • MagicBands, which operate off their MyMagic+ system,  allow guests to “[book] transportation to a hotel from the airport and choos[e] where to eat. The MagicBand also serves as a room key and ticket for attractions, replacing the need to carry around bulky key cards and folded papers, both of which are lost frequently.”
  • It’s more effective for learning customer preferences than just relying on online guest reviews.
  • 3. Self-Service Check-in
  • And in a technological world where you can get just about anything at the touch of a button, your guests are going to start expecting the same immediate gratification from your hotel.
  • However, this technology can do more than just ease your guest experience. Using kiosks for self check-in can “sav[e] money on staffing, increas[e] its revenue[,] and increas[e] customer satisfaction,” says author Julie Weed.
  • 4. Cloud Computing (Total or Hybrid)
  • You need to keep all your software tools in one, centralized location that everyone can access.
  • as hotels are expected to invest in newer technologies to stay ahead of the curve, they also need to find ways to cut costs, and cloud computing has the potential to cut 50% of operational costs.
  • many companies employ a hybrid cloud, which can quell fears of sensitive data breaches by only storing some (not all) information on the cloud.
  • 5. Increased Presence on Social Media
  • it’s clear you need to be on social media to ensure users stay at your hotel rather than your competitors.
  • 6. Native Mobile Apps
  • While social media can get your name out there, making a native mobile app is another emerging trend that taps into your guests’ affinity for technology and ease.
  • Not to mention, these mobile apps are a good replacement for key cards, and enable smartphones or smartwatches to act as more secure room keys.
  • 7. Continued Industry Aversion to Tech
  • Technology has changed many industries, and in one that serves its guests face-to-face, it’s important to keep up with what those guests value. And a growing number of them value technology. It’s a part of their everyday lives.
    Tech innovations are the essential part of the Hospitality Industry. In the article the author tells us about the top hotel tech trends for 2016 which impact the industry: -new security measures, which is very important due to possible breaches -wearable tech, with just a wave of your wrist you can check in or enter your room -self service check-in, which ease the process -cloud computing, which cuts costs and flexible -presence on social-media, engaging with customers is very important -native mobile apps -continued technology development All these trends play a very important role in improving relationships between hotel and guest.
    This article is explaining some of the new trends that hotels are finally catching up on. For example, self service check in took a while to catch on but with hotels using it now, it reduces wait times for customers and increases satisfaction.

Must-Know Event Technology Trends for 2020 | Social Tables - 3 views

  • In addition to speeding up registration time, incorporating RFID technology into events will help with both qualitative and quantitative data analysis, thereby making it easier for planners to target what worked during their event and what didn’t.
  • Though event apps are admittedly helpful, they now have a new hurdle to face. Producing an application to be used for one event is costly, time consuming, and inefficient, as users must learn how to interact with the app for each new event attended. Phone storage space is very important to consumers. Many are hesitant to download an application that they will only use once. Thus, event apps that can continue to deliver value to customers beyond the date of the event itself, are going to become a huge trend.
  • RFID also has the potential to allow attendees to become more engaged with the event across various social platforms.
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  • Menu options, travel directions, appointment updates, facial recognition software and contact information are just the beginning of the very real ways that event planners will soon be able to use wearable tech.
  • Event technology trends aside, the number one thing for any event professional to remember, is to let your tools work for you, rather than the other way around. The purpose of implementing advanced technology is to make your life, and the life of those whom you plan events for, as easy as possible.
  • 5G will also make it more feasible to incorporate the cutting-edge into event experiences.
  • Projection mapping is the act of creating an augmented reality experience with the help of projectors.
  • this visual technology proves to be an efficient and cost effective way to create optical illusions in nearly every location.
  • event technology adoption can increase attendance by 20%, increase productivity by 27%, and decrease costs by as much as 30%.
  • branded apps provide limitless opportunities to interact with consumers right on their own phones
  • Apps can be customized to appear as if they were created specifically for events or stays, while offering functionality that serves to enhance and personalize the attendee experience.
  • Planners can utilize branded multi-use apps to connect with attendees and engage them on a variety of levels before, during, and after the occasion.
  • Event spaces can create customized apps to enhance experiences and share things like helpful facts, historical tidbits, and even the personalities of their unique employees,
  • Because they’re often cloud-based, these programs also provide accurate, customizable, and collaborative project planning that’s accessible by all managing parties
  • With event diagramming software, both event planners and venues are able to map everything out visually
  • provides helpful tools like drag-and-drop diagramming, 3D walkthroughs, and seating software on a single platform.
  • Hotels especially can use apps in this way, allowing guests to control their rooms from their phones and even communicate with chatbots to find nearby attractions.
  • Projection mapping5GBranded multi-use appsEvent diagramming
  • It also opens up new possibilities for app developers to push the boundaries of current event tech trends
    • abroo041
      The world of technology is advancing every day. As technology grows and advances, so does its use in the events industry. This blog post discusses some of the technological advances that have made their debut in the events industry and how they can improve an event, how they help the event planner and venue, and even shows us examples of how they are used in real life. It gives statistics on how these technologies have benefit events. For example, when the blog post speaks about gamification, it mentions that "gamified events see a 44 percent increase in engagement". The post is not only suggesting to us that adding gamification is a good idea for future events, but it shows us how well gamification works.
  • Knowing event technology trends—and adopting the most valuable ones—gives planners and venues the competitive advantage
  • Studies show that using event technology can increase attendance by 20 percent and increase productivity by 27 percent. 
  • Each match automates personalized actions, such as printing a badge with the attendees name, sending an email with a scannable lunch voucher, and finalizing a swag bag for their ticket-tier (no sense creating swag bags for no-shows).
  • The technology speeds event check-ins, improves security, and helps businesses at tradeshows collect more valuable leads by tracking attendee visits to booths.
  • can also use facial recognition to watch for crowd flow bottlenecks and collect session attendance data so you know what worked—and what didn’t.
  • The ability to support advanced tech like facial recognition makes venues more attractive to corporate planners. The technology also allows automation at certain access points, which means lower manpower requirements and lower costs. 
  • Properly integrated apps add value to events, providing attendees with more opportunities for networking, interaction, and engagement with peers, speakers, and exhibitors.
  • Offering tech to support projection mapping provides bang for the buck. There’s no need to physically construct or deconstruct any part of your exhibit hall to add this fun, popular technology to your toolbox and draw more events. 
  • This visual technology is an efficient, cost-effective way to create optical illusions on anything—from cars to landmarks to stages.
  • With tradeshow or conference maps, speaker bios, and schedules in the event app, there’s no need for bulky information packets. Push notifications in the apps help keep attendees informed and on schedule. Planners can also use apps to personalize the event agenda through live polling and attract event sponsors with the option of targeted attendee surveys.  
  • Event spaces can create customized apps to share helpful info like maps, historical tidbits, and even the personalities of their unique employees
  • Easy-to-use 3D event diagramming software provides accurate, customizable, collaborative project planning regardless of venue design or size.
  • Give clients peace of mind and leave nothing to chance on the big dayUpload a floor plan to work with, so you know the diagram is to scaleTake clients and stakeholders on 3D ‘fly throughs’ to clarify your visionPlan seating charts and manage attendees’ meal choices or other preferencesHelp staff easily identify and accommodate VIPs and guests with special requests
  • Sales reps can collaborate with planners in real time, share variations on the event proposal, and visually portray upsells.
  • Attendees can use this tech to follow slide presentations, participate with quizzes and polls, take notes, and engage in text-based Q&A. They can also view graphs, tables, videos, and other content; and follow website and social media links. 
  • Any speaker can keep an audience attentive and engaged with this technology, leading to good reviews and a successful event.
  • Supporting second screen tech for presentations is much less expensive than making physical upgrades that aren’t in the budget. 
  • This data underscores the importance of social media sentiment analysis in monitoring your brand and messaging, keeping an eye on competitors, and making improvements to services during and after events.
  • Tracking attendee activity on social media during an event provides actionable data to help you make adjustments in real-time
  • Replenishing food and beveragesEasing show floor bottlenecksDriving session attendanceAddressing technology issues (mobile apps, Wi-Fi, or audio/visual)
  • Venues can social media sentiment to promote popular services and learn where there’s room for improvement:
  • Wristbands and smart badges using near-field communication (NFC) chips keep disruptions and lines to a minimum, thereby increasing attendee productivity and engagement.
  • Access different event areasExchange information with peersReceive exhibitor marketing materialMake cashless purchases
  • Wearable tech helps you speed-up check-in, control access, and monitor attendee behavior with less staffing. It also improves ROI for exhibitors, who can drive attendees wearing the tech to visit a booth of interest based on an individual’s profile.
  • On-site staff can use real-time data to learn when they need to offer overflow rooms or investigate security breaches, such as non-VIP guests in restricted areas. 
  • Indoor wayfinding helps attendees navigate exhibit halls with ease,
  • gather useful attendee behavioral data, send leads to sales team members in real-time, and build attendee profiles to send targeted messaging
  • You can also incorporate proximity advertising options as a value-add for exhibitors and sponsor
  • Post-event, you can utilize IPS data to see where attendees spent their time visiting booths and attending presentations.
  • Adding hotel bars, restaurants, spas, gift shops, and other amenities to the location map can help drive additional revenue during events while improving the attendee experience
  • store attendee admission information on their person, helping to detect fraud and streamline access
  • Attendees can review their travels throughout a tradeshow and see who they interacted with, while exhibitors are notified in real-time when sought-after prospects come into their booth.
  • Planners can generate pop-up directions for attendees based on their location at an event instead of investing in producing/shipping/replacing physical signage
  • validates your event and highlights improvement opportunities by tracking session popularity, length of attendee visits to exhibitor booths, and strong tradeshow traffic.  
  • RFID and beacon technology helps security and general event staff do their job better in real-time, which is essential for building trust and streamlining crowded events
  • event planners are turning to venue sourcing platforms to connect with the perfect site for their particular event.
  • discover detailed venue layouts, capacity ranges, and on-site services
  • Venue platforms offer exceptional ROI and generate more leads through improved discoverability.
  • Convey elements that make your venue uniqueShowcase your event spaces visually with accurate floor plans, 3D diagrams, quality photos, and videosLeverage the success of past events with testimonials and social media accolades
  • artificial intelligence (AI) tech is using badge scans, social media info, and other behavioral data to match attendees with people they should meet or seminars they may want to attend. 
  • Instead of taking-up significant time pre-event and on-site manually recommending seminars, exhibitors, and sponsors to attendees, AI can do it for you—even in real-time—based on their profiles and preferences captured during registration. 
  • it requires transparency and advance notice about how you may use data submitted by attendees. 
  • Attendees entering the geofenced area triggers predetermined actions, such as event check-in, push notifications, or advertising related to the event. 
  • Planners can sell geofencing to exhibitors and sponsors to reach attendees at events, or even promote their event on attendee devices at a competing event under a separate geofence. You can also provide attendees with a better experience via seamless registration and check-in, along with automatic app downloads as soon as they walk on-site.
  • provides analytics, both post-event and in real-time to help you better understand things like the duration of an attendee’s time at an event and overall peak attendance. 
  • Hotels can serve ads promoting their brand, facility, and services to attendees at events
  • once a prospect visits an event website, ads for that event will appear on any subsequent websites the prospect visits, in the form of website banner ads, search engine results, and pop-up or push ads on mobile apps. 
  • Event marketing teams should develop relevant and creative ads with clearly visible event dates to convince prospects who have visited an event website, but haven’t yet registered
  • venues can use it to generate return visits from event planners
  • retarget attendees during events with offers for in-house services like food and beverage, spa, and discounts on extending their stay.
  • Gameplay creates an immersive attendee experience, while generating leads and booth visits for exhibitors via quizzes, scavenger hunts, and trivia on mobile apps.
  • Gameplay fosters a sense of common purpose; creates an environment of collaboration and trust; facilitates easier communication; and boosts attendee confidence. You can also gather information about attendee engagement and interests via game choices.
  • Promoting the use of gameplay on-site showcases a venue to organizations looking for facilities supporting team building exercises as well as immersive attendee experiences.
  • Event technology is a term used to describe all of the digital tools and software used in the events industry. Everything from check in & registration, to diagramming, to social media tools, and more can be considered event technology.
    RFID, event applications, wearable technology, virtual reality, and social media are upcoming popular uses for event planners. With RFID event planners are able to keep better track of the guests attending the event as well as keeping them more involved. I first heard of this a few months ago when attending an event and it described that a chip with RFID was placed inside the wristband-type ticket. For me, the most interesting thing is the wearable technology! Imagine an event where you can have directions given to you or a layout of the event right on your wrist! Also, the watch can notify you of events happening within an event or you can see order your food or see the menu. To know that soon enough it will be a norm for everyone to have some type of wearable technology and that event planners can truly get the guests involved through this use is exciting.
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    This article discusses five major event technology trends. The first is RFID, which can assist in registration time but even more important is being used to gather both qualitative and quantitative data analysis. This kind of data acquisition is great because it allows for planners to analysis, study and understand what worked and didn't work for their events. The second is multi-use apps. These apps allow the event to incorporate important aspects like activities, scheduled break down, and speaker info all at once. Additionally these apps allow attendees to socialize with other participants, and expand their network. The other technologies are some that can definitely change the industry once they are fully integrated. These include: wearable technology, virtual reality, and social media.
    Nowadays the event planning becomes more and more popular. With the development of event planning, we have 5 event technology trends shaping the future of event planning. The first on is RFID-radio frequency identification. In addition to speeding up registration time, incorporating RFID technology into events will help with both qualitative and quantitative data analysis, thereby making it easier for planners to target what worked during their event and what didn't. In this way, it will be easier to foster repeat attendees. The second one is multi-use apps. It's easy to use apps to solve problems. event apps that can continue to deliver value to customers beyond the date of the event itself are going to become a huge trend. The third one is wearable technology. Like google glasses should be a trend in the future. Facial recognition and contact information make the event planning more easier. The fourth one is VR. VR is a great way to up attendee engagement during events. The last one is social media. Social media will be a really important trend. Social media is more than likely the way that investors and sponsors will advertise your event.
    This article introduces four new advances to technology that help ease the process of event planning. Projection mapping, 5G, Branded multi-use apps, and event diagramming.
    This article shares the technology innovation with meeting/convention operations and how these technology help offer better guest satisfaction.

Hospitality Industry Turns to Tech to Lure Guests Back - WSJ - 2 views

  • At RLH, “We’ve prioritized anything that has to do with automation,” Mr. Edwards said.
  • A key on your phone, voice-activated digital assistants that can order fresh towels, electrostatic sprayers—hotels are piling on tech workarounds to keep guests safe from Covid-19
  • U.S. hotel companies are doubling down on automation and fast-tracking technologies such as digital room keys and voice-activated digital assistants to minimize contact between guests and hotel staff amid the coronavirus pandemic.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Guests can use the AI-based devices to control the lighting and operate the television, while avoiding touching light switches and remote controls.
  • any recovery could depend on how safe guests feel.
  • “The reality is the pandemic has impacted all of our staffing levels and budgets and forecasts,” said John Edwards, chief information officer at the Denver-based company, which is also known as Red Lion Hotels Corp.
    This article focuses on the ways AI and automation can help the hospitality industry get back on track by helping guests to feel safe while they travel during the COVID-19 pandemic. By using different software guests can have a contactless check-in, request digital room keys, use AI based devices to control lighting/TV and/or make housekeeping/front desk requests, and housekeeping can use electrostatic sprayers to help mitigate the chances of guests contracting or spreading COVID. It notes the losses in revenue and occupancy by several major hotelier groups, especially some Las Vegas properties, as well the high number of furloughed employees that COVID has caused while showcasing ways that hotel groups can help get back on track by easing the fears of guests. It offers data to show that through these technologies, guests are returning because the feel their safety concerns have been addressed. comment by Jwilc019 "

Advantages of Cloud Computing for the Hotel Industry - 0 views

  • Is cloud computing secure?If you invest in a cloud Hotel Property Management System (PMS), then you won’t need to store any data onsite; it simply resides on a server elsewhere (it could even be in another country)
  • In reality, the opposite is true, because if you choose the right cloud-based Hotel PMS, then your operations will benefit from some of the best cybersecurity in the business. You’re unlikely to have enterprise-level security and firewalls, intrusion detection and industry-standard SSL encryption in-house, but the cloud PMS delivers all those protections for a fraction of the cost.
  • Cloud computing relies on a robust Internet connection and a device of your choosing.
  • ...21 more annotations...
  • Lower operational costs
  • With cloud computing, you can truly work from anywhere – a capability the hospitality industry has historically struggled to embrace, often due to the limits of the technology in use.
  • Firstly, it must provide the best suite of management tools for all members of your hotel staff; and, secondly, it must help you provide the best guest experience possible. Another advantage of cloud computing is it enables your staff members to work more efficiently by freeing them from fixed terminals. Check-ins aren’t limited to the reception desk,
  • Improved guest experience thanks to mobility
  • Remote working
  • Depending on the system from which you’re moving, a complete import of your data might be possible, and the ease with which such systems can be learned means staff adoption is unlikely to cause any problems or service interruptions.
    • amoon008
      If you use a cloud Hotel Property Management System, you won't have to store any data on site (PMS). Instead, it will be kept on a different server (it could even be in another country). It's understandable that you'd feel insecure as a result. In reality, the opposite is true: if you choose the right cloud-based Hotel PMS, your operations will benefit from some of the best cybersecurity in the industry. You're unlikely to have enterprise-level security and firewalls, intrusion detection, or industry-standard SSL encryption in-house, but the cloud PMS offers all of these protections for a fraction of the cost.
    • amoon008
      It is undeniable that times are changing. Older, on-premise hotel PMS solutions are being transferred to cloud computing, which is helping to improve basic, but crucial, hotel operational circumstances like a check-in or check-out line. Cloud computing requires a strong Internet connection and a device of your choice. Because cloud applications are so versatile, you can use your cellular-enabled tablet to run your reception desk from the palm of your hand even if your main Internet connection is down. Cloud computing allows you to operate from anywhere, at any time, in a secure environment, all while reducing IT infrastructure and continuing IT costs. In today's connected world, cloud computing is incredibly dependable.
    • amoon008
      Changing to a cloud PMS isn't as difficult as you would imagine. A comprehensive import of your data may be achievable depending on the system you're transferring from, and the ease with which such systems can be learned assures that staff adoption is unlikely to cause any problems or service interruptions. Finally, and perhaps most critically, one of the most major benefits of cloud computing is that it takes far less time to make adjustments. It's not unusual to have virtually 100% uptime, allowing you to take use of the best features and benefits your PMS supplier has to offer without having to deal with lengthy, inconvenient update routines.
  • Older, on-premise hotel PMS solutions are now being shifted to take advantage of cloud computing, helping improve basic, but important, common hotel operations situations, such as a line of people waiting to check in or out.
  • Cloud computing relies on a robust Internet connection and a device of you
  • Cloud computing relies on a robust Internet connection and a device of your choosi
  • Cloud computing relies on a robust Internet connection and a device of your choosing
  • Lower operational costs
  • Lower operational costs
  • invest in a cloud Hotel Property Management System (PMS), then you won’t need to store any data onsite; it simply resides on a server elsewhere (it could even be in another cou
  • Cloud computing relies on a robust Internet connection and a device of your choosing
  • Remote working
  • Improved guest experience thanks to mobility
  • Depending on the system from which you’re moving, a complete import of your data might be possible, and the ease with which such systems can be learned means staff adoption is unlikely to cause any problems or service interruptions.
  • In 2019, just 24% of hotels in the U.S. were using a cloud
    This article is telling us about some advantages of cloud computing in hospitality industry (hotel industry). You won`t need to store any data outside if you invest in Hotel Property Management System (PMS). There are advantages in cloud computing in hotel industry both for hotel staff and guests.
yuzhu li

Station Casinos Bolsters Service Levels for Meetings and Events with Deployment of Pass... - 0 views

  • Its live event dashboards give planners access to real-time event information
  • email alerts can be set to automatically notify planners and resort staff when critical event milestones are reached,
  • y lets planners link their preferred registration system to an event's customizable booking website, which makes for a seamless registration and hotel reservation process.
    To gain a competitive advantage in Vegas, Station Casinos set up a new platform calls GourpMAX for profession and occasional meeting planners. The added ease of use helps planners maximize bookings by accelerating their booking pace, increasing reservations within contracted group blocks and mitigating attrition risk. 28GroupMAX even helps planners with the very granular details of event planning by giving them an easy way to capture individual guest information, such as meal preferences, arrival and departure times, RSVP details and more.
Jingjia Zhang

10 Tech Tools that Help Event Planners Do Their Job - 0 views

  • thanks to how fast and innovative technology has become, there are a number of tools to help ease the stress of planning and to help you not only plan in ease, but become an even more successful event planner. We share with you our top tech tools for event planners
  • 1.) HeyTell:
  • 2.) Square
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • 3.) Pathable:
  • 7.) TicketLeap:
  • 5.) Maestro Market:
  • 6.) Yapp
  • 4.) Planana
  • 8.) LinkedIn CardMunch
  • 9.) Storify
  • 10.) Pinterest:
    This article introduce 10 tech tolls that help event planners do their job, they are1. HeyTell, a software which can make your group's phone like talkie and walkie. 2. Square, a reader which can atttach to smart phone to accept credit cards. 3, pathable, 4, planana, 5, maestro market, 6, yapp 7, ticketleap, 8, linkedin cardmunch, 9, storify and 10, pinterest. These new tech all provide convenience to  event planners.
Minghui Zheng

Advantages & Disadvantages of Human Resource Information System | - 1 views

  • When the decision to build a human resources information systems department is made, examine the options carefully and be aware of technology and human resources trends for a small business. Small businesses have unique needs based on company goals for growth, or a plan to remain small with access to technology without the hefty costs. The term "human resources information systems" (HRIS) often is used interchangeably with human resources management system (HRMS) and human resources information technology (HRIT). Any of these terms is used to describe the computer and information technology a company utilizes to automate human resources functions and employment actions.
  • A very popular use of HRIS is employee self-service. Many employers are utilizing their HRIS to supplement the human resources department staff by enabling employees for find answers to common questions they would have asked a human resources representative.
    This article summarized the advantages and disadvantages of using human resource information system. An HRIS is used for employment actions such as applicant tracking, performance management, attendance, compensation and benefits management, work force analyses, and scheduling. A very popular use of HRIS is employee self-service. There are a lot of advantages of HRIS, such as it is monitored by qualified specialists who know technology and HR functional and tactical processes can manage compliance with federal and state laws, streamline processes for recruitment and selection, and produce analyses, data and reports for internal and external use. What's more, it is easy to use for qualification computer technology specialists, accuracy of information and the ability to perform HR audits using any combination of parameters. It saves a lot of time. The disadvantages included that HRIS may involve human error during information input, costly technology to update the system and malfunctions or insufficient applications to support the human resources needs. There should be a qualified specialist with human resources functional area knowledge to manage this system. The cost to hire an HRIS specialist may be far above the average salary for a computer technology specialist.
  • ...3 more comments...
    The article highlighted describes some advantages and disadvantages of a Human Reources Information System for small business, that would include restaurants. The decision maker would have to take in consideration what type of information the system will need to handle in order to select the system to be used. This systems can do applicant tracking, perfomance management, attendance, compensatio, benefitios, paid time off and etc. A type of disadvantage for small businesses would be to be able to get support from somebody to manage the system. This could have high costs involved.
    This article discusses Human Resource Information Systems and the benefits and disadvantages to investing in such a program. Some of the advantages that the article addresses are: "manage compliance with federal and state laws, streamline processes for recruitment and selection, and produce analyses, data and reports for internal and external use." The technology allows employees and managers to "locate answers and information quickly without the need to consult an HR representative every time." I feel that this advantage outweighs any of the disadvantages that there may be. The benefits of a business/hotel running more smoothly are infinitely rewarding to profits and many other aspects of convenience. Some of the disadvantages that the article addresses are insufficient applications to support the human resource department, as well as it being costly.
    This article describes Human Resource Information systems and the benefits and disadvantages to investing in this type of technology. The article states that the advantages to investing are: "being able to manage compliance with federal and state laws, streamline processes for recruitment and selection, and produce analyses, data and reports for internal and external use." Most importantly though, the article states, "The employee and manager self-service features are excellent ways to free up the time of your human resources staff members for project work and other duties. Employees and managers can locate answers and information quickly without the need to consult an HR representative every time." This, to me, outweighs any disadvantage that may come from investing in HRIS technology because the convenience that this technology provides could really benefit profits for a business. HRIS is about coordinating communication among different departments. Businesses should really invest in this technology, even though it is costly, because ultimately it will increase profits by getting things done faster and more efficiently, as well as preventing problems from happening before they happen.
    With the development of high-tech management system, HRIS is no long strange for us. The HRIS is a software or online solution to data tracking, data management, or all of the data needs of the company within the human resources department. The reason why HRIS is becoming  more popular is that it has some useful functions such as the employee self-service through which employees can find answers to common questions by themselves while not ask a human resources representative. This system can help to save time and money for the company in certain aspects. But in this article, the author compares the advantages and disadvantages that HRIS brings to the company.The disadvantages can be that it may involve human errors during information input, costly technology update and so on. So if a company wants to apply this system, it should also look at these disadvantages, compare them with the advantages and then make a final decision in order to avoid suffering from the bad sides of the system. 
    The HRIS is used for applicant tracking, performance management, attendance, compensation and benefits management, work force analyses, and scheduling. HRIS can be also used for employee self-service. The human resources department staff can find answers to common questions they would have asked a human resources representative from the HRIS. HRIS has many advantages. It can help organization manage compliance with laws, streamline processes for recruitment and selection, and produce analyses, data and reports. The ease of use for qualified specialists, accuracy of information and the ability to perform HR audits using any combination of parameters. However, there are still some disadvantages, such as human error during information input, costly technology to update your system and malfunctions or insufficient applications to support human resources needs. In addition, the cost of hiring an HRIS specialist is also a problem for the small business.
Allen Lok

New Retail Credit Card Standards Affect Quick Service Restaurants | QSR magazine - 0 views

  • By October 2015, all restaurants and other merchants will be subjected to new Europay, Mastercard, and Visa (EMV) standards, which reflect a shift from magnetic-stripe credit cards to chip-and-pin cards.
  • , the chip-based cards require insertion of the card into a terminal throughout the entire transaction.
  • chip-based cards are less susceptible to fraud.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • It’s a rather slow conversion over to EMV. But it’s definitely coming.” View the discussion thread. Subscribe Subscribe to QSR Renew Update Address eLetters Advertising Contact &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Articles Food &amp; BeverageMenu Innovations Marc Halperin: Resident F&amp;B Expert Food Safety Health Ingredients &amp; Dayparts ExpansionQSR 50 Franchising Growth Fast Casual George Green: Fast-Casual Expert Emerging Concepts TechnologyOrdering Social Media Promotions Sustainability Denise Lee Yohn: QSR’s Marketing Guru OperationsExecutive Insights Competition In the Store Consumer Trends Charitable Giving Outside Insights Women in Foodservice Human Resources Alan Philips: Trends to Watch Research QSR 50 OneSource Drive-Thru Study Growth 40 Smart Chain Franchise Opportunities Find a Supplier Find a Job Restaurant Management Events NRA Show <a h
    A new set of standards is coming up for credit card transactions. EMV or Europay, Mastercard, Visa, standards include a chip-and-pin device on the card that requires the card to be inserted into the card processing terminal. While this does not prevent all fraud, it's important that this standard is mandatory by 2015 and business operators should be preparing for changes.
Kai Zhang

Choosing A Restaurant POS System: Features to Consider | Point of Sale News | News For ... - 0 views

    This article talked about some features need to be considered when choosing a restaurant POS system. It suggested that restaurant should pay attention to the ease of use, customer database, tableside ordering, online reservations, online odering, scalability, pringting, and data recovery. It emphsized that live system changes, terminal flexibility, menu, menu firing, and discounts should be considered. It also talked about the important features for bars to choose a POS system. They are fast pay, tabs, repeat, job types, and credit card hold.
Marcos Oliveira

Cloud-Based Event Planning Design Tool Set to Preview at BizBash Ideafest -- NEW YORK, ... - 0 views

  • The Plaza Hotel, Mandarin Oriental, The Pierre, Pier Sixty, Harriette Rose Katz of Gourmet Advisory Services, State of the Art, Marcia Selden Catering and Foremost Caters
  • chance for a mismanaged seating chart to ruin the entire event
  • chance
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • is the new and completely free collaborative tool that connects venues, event planners, vendors and event hosts in the cloud so everyone can work together from one centralized and secure website -- no downloads required
  • archaic and inefficient methods
  • a practice that wastes approximately $5 billion a year in manpower and operations costs
  • core of's unique usage includes creating and viewing venue maps, managing floor plans, table layouts, building guest lists, seating arrangements and the operational setup of an event. Venues can program in the specs for their own space using the services tools and then add various features like table and chair sizes, spacing specifications, placement and more
  • Event hosts can let their venue and event manager know they are using so they can join in
  • Optimized for desktop, laptop and all iOS and Android tablets, everyone involved in planning the event has access to the service from anywhere, at anytime
  • Guest lists can be created in minutes as the tool allows hosts to import guests from social networks and email accounts.
  • An event is all about the glamour, best food and best music so it's great that we no longer have to give our customers a piece of paper for the layout but can offer them a state-of-the-art solution that will save an incredible amount of time, money and eliminate a lot of stress
  • is an easy-to-use cloud-based event planning tool for venues, event planners, vendors and event hosts to seamlessly collaborate on the creation, updating and implementation of floor plans, seating charts and guests lists
    In the fast paced and often stressful world of event planning, a new innovative planning tool has been released that allows customers, vendors and anyone else the opportunity to see event layouts, menus, specifications and make notes on the event from either a desktop, laptop or even an android device. The event planning tool is called and is completely cloud based which eliminates the use of the much antiquated way of writing everything down or showing a photocopy of a layout. also utilizes social media and to sync guest lists making it even faster for the client. With, the hassle of having to book an event is eliminated and the customer can feel more at ease with their event on hand and the event manager can also have a much less stressful experience.
Xiameng Zheng

Mobile Devices for POS Retail Expansion | Mobile POS News | News For Point of Sale Niches - 0 views

  • the new power that retailers can tap into to improve in-store productivity, from aisle-based customer service straight through to back office processing and inventory management.
  • to become more profitable, productive and competitive.
  • The portability and graphics capabilities of the tablet render it a powerful tool for creating more efficient transactions and improving customer engagement.
    Consumers are spending more time engaged digitally, especially smart phones. So retailers are applying the mobile devices for POS retail expansion. The processing speed and its mobility made mobile POS more helpful, productive and competitive. It offers a powerful computing platform that combines the attractive form factor with ease-of-use; it also save the tablets cost and offer retailers a vital tool to improve productivity and decision making from the back office to the point of order entry on the retail floor.
Kassandra Baumgardner

At Disney Parks, a Bracelet Meant to Build Loyalty (and Sales) - - 0 views

  • Visitors would wear rubber bracelets encoded with credit card information, snapping up corn dogs and Mickey Mouse ears with a tap of the wrist. Smartphone alerts would signal when it is time to ride Space Mountain without standing in line.
    Starting this spring Walt Disney World is introducing it's new vacation management system known as "MyMagic+". This system will drastically change the way Disney World theme parks are run. Part of the software is introducing "MagicBands" that will store guests credit card information, Fast Pass, hotel key, and other information to make the guests experience more interactive. The system will also allow Disney to keep a more accurate account of what is interesting to guests and what is not being utilized. There are some concerns with privacy that guests may have, but Disney is proactively trying to ensure that all guests privacy is still intact. Guests will be able to use the system how they want, and share only as much information as they are comfortable with. The introduction of this management system will benefit both guests and Disney if used effectively. Guests will be able to plan their trips with more ease, and spend more time enjoying the parks rather than standing in lines. Disney will be able to offer a better product, as well as manage its parks more effectively and see what guests are really interested in.
Patty Ferrer

Up in the Cloud: Hype and High Expectations for Cloud Computing :: Hospitality Trends - 0 views

  • Cloud computing is a much hyped but often misunderstood technology that is gaining traction in different industries around the world. Businesses are integrating the cloud into countless systems, from HR to finance. Full adoption and acceptance of cloud computing, however, are still far away.
  • Let's talk about mobile, social media and big data. We're seeing more data coming into companies. For example, people are constantly talking about company interactions and opinions on Twitter, Facebook and other sites. Now companies have a massive amount of data that need to be analyzed. One implication that I'm seeing is that companies have to take a more holistic view of their branding
    this article explains what cloud computing is, also how important it is in any business and expecially the hospitality business. There is so much information out there coming from different angles, such as social media that cloud computing in hospitality is a must. It is difficult for businesses to store that much incoming data in a inhome server. The article aslo discussed how tension around cloud computing can be put at ease. The biggest misconseption with cloud computing is people not understanding what and how it works.
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