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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Garth Holman

Garth Holman

Holy Relics - Middle Ages for Kids - 2 views

  • To make each cathedral and each little church in the land unique, each had its own holy relic. A holy relic is something that belonged to or was touched by Jesus or a saint. A treasured relic might be bone fragment or a tiny piece of the cross. 
Garth Holman

The Seven Catholic Sacraments | Seasonal Feature | American Catholic - 2 views

  • The Latin word sacramentum means "a sign of the sacred." The seven sacraments are ceremonies that point to what is sacred, significant and important for Christians. They are special occasions for experiencing God's saving presence.
  • For Catholics, the Sacrament of Baptism is the first step in a lifelong journey of commitment and discipleship. Whether we are baptized as infants or adults, Baptism is the Church's way of celebrating and enacting the embrace of God
  • Catholics believe the Eucharist, or Communion, is both a sacrifice and a meal. We believe in the real presence of Jesus, who died for our sins. As we receive Christ's Body and Blood, we also are nourished spiritually and brought closer to God.
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  • The Catholic Sacrament of Reconciliation (also known as Penance, or Penance and Reconciliation) has three elements: conversion, confession and celebration. In it we find God's unconditional forgiveness; as a result we are called to forgive others.
  • Confirmation is a Catholic Sacrament of mature Christian commitment and a deepening of baptismal gifts. It is one of the three Sacraments of Initiation for Catholics. It is most often associated with the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
  • For Catholics, the Sacrament of Marriage, or Holy Matrimony, is a public sign that one gives oneself totally to this other person. It is also a public statement about God: the loving union of husband and wife speaks of family values and also God's values.
  • In the Sacrament of Holy Orders, or Ordination, the priest being ordained vows to lead other Catholics by bringing them the sacraments (especially the Eucharist), by proclaiming the Gospel, and by providing other means to holiness.
  • The Catholic Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick, formerly known as Last Rites or Extreme Unction, is a ritual of healing appropriate not only for physical but also for mental and spiritual sickness.
Garth Holman

Architecture of the medieval cathedrals of England - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 1 views

  • 5 Famous features of the cathedrals 5.1 Bristol Cathedral 5.2 Canterbury Cathedral 5.3 Carlisle Cathedral 5.4 Chester Cathedral 5.5 Chichester Cathedral 5.6 Durham Cathedral 5.7 Ely Cathedral 5.8 Exeter Cathedral 5.9 Gloucester Cathedral 5.10 Hereford Cathedral 5.11 Lichfield Cathedral 5.12 Lincoln Cathedral 5.13 Manchester Cathedral 5.14 Norwich Cathedral 5.15 Oxford Cathedral 5.16 Peterborough Cathedral 5.17 Ripon Cathedral 5.18 Rochester Cathedral 5.19 St Albans Cathedral 5.20 Salisbury Cathedral 5.21 Southwark Cathedral 5.22 Southwell Minster 5.23 Wells Cathedral 5.24 Winchester Cathedral 5.25 Worcester Cathedral 5.26 York Minster
    List of Cathedral names in England. Search for Cathedrals of France, or your country to find a list to find on Google earth
Garth Holman

Medieval Gothic Cathedrals - 0 views

  • Over the centuries, the splendor of these sacred structures has inspired believers, poets, painters and writers alike. The Medieval Gothic Cathedrals are the most beautiful religious buildings the Christian World has created. Their breathtaking material appearance is a symbol of the Christian faith, as they literally try to reach heaven. Their orientation East-West is an expression of man's advancement towards God. Entering the cathedral from the West, you are surrounded by symbols. First, is the pattern of the labyrinth in the floor stone. What else then a Labyrinth life is? Going towards East, you leave the Labyrinth behind and start feeling the spirituality replacing the material, as you advance through the Nave, guided by the surreal light coming from the stained glass windows. In the end, you reach the eastern end chapels. There, closer to the raising sun (God), is the place of praying and profound meditation.
Garth Holman

Untitled - 2 views

  • Warlike Games of the Nobles; the Tournament. So eager for war and adventure were the nobles that times of peace seemed dull. Even hunting, of which they were very fond, was not exciting enough. So they had "tournaments." These were simply play-wars in which knights contended, either in single combat or in opposing troops.
  • Galleries were erected from which the ladies might view the combats and applaud their champions; and high nobles and even kings in splendid costume eagerly attended. The knights in their shining armor, with colored streamers fluttering from their lances, made a gallant picture.
  • One of them was "chivalry," which taught that every boy of noble birth should strive to be a true "knight" and every girl a "lady."
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  • A true knight was a brave warrior who feared nothing, who was always ready to fight for the poor or the unfortunate, and who would never do a mean or underhand thing. To perform a gallant feat of arms, or to help any one in distress, he would gladly risk any danger and never ask for pay. A true knight must be a good Christian and serve the church. But most of all he was to select some noble lady for whose sake he would win renown and whose smile would be his highest reward.
  • chivalry marked out for each young noble what he was to learn. At about the age of seven his training began. Usually he was sent by his father to the castle of his lord or to that of some other famous knight. Here he became a "page." He waited constantly upon the lord and his wife, and by the ladies of the castle was taught courtly manners and perhaps how to play and sing. But when he grew strong enough for more active tasks, perhaps at fourteen or fifteen, he became a "squire." He now attended more especially upon the lord. He must care for his horses, keep his arms bright, and go with him on his campaigns. Meanwhile, under the direction of his lord, he practiced constantly in the use of arms, learning to ride, to wear the heavy armor, and to wield the lance. The older squires fought beside their lords in battle.
  • The giving of "knighthood" was an impressive ceremony. After bathing and arraying himself in the required costume of red, white, and black, the young man was required to watch for a whole night before the altar of a church in which his weapons and armor had been placed. In the morning he attended mass and then, in the presence of all his family, friends, and vassals, advanced to his lord and knelt. The lord drew his sword and with the flat of the blade smote the young man on the shoulder, saying as he did so, "In the name of God,’ St. Michael, and St. George, I dub thee knight. Be brave and loyal." Then the newly made knight arose joyfully, and leaping upon his horse showed his skill in riding and in the use of his sword and lance. The ceremony ended with a great feast.
Garth Holman

Free Video Clips - The Middle Ages - 0 views

    Lots of film clips on the middle ages 
Garth Holman

Feudal System - 14 views

  • Feudal SystemThe Feudal System was sustained by the rights and privileges given to the Upper Classes and in most cases enacted by laws. Everything was a source of privilege for the nobles. They had a thousand pretexts for establishing taxes on their vassals, who were generally considered "taxable and to be worked at will." Kings and councils waived the necessity of their studying, in order to be received as bachelors of universities. If a noble was made a prisoner of war, his life was saved by his nobility, and his ransom had practically to be raised by the "villains" of his domains.
  • The Feudal System Right of Hunting
  • The Feudal System Right of Jurisdiction
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  • The Feudal System Right of Safe Convoy
  • The Feudal System Right of Wearing Spurs
  • The Feudal System Rights of Knighthood
  • The Feudal System Right of having seats of honour in churches and Monuments
  • The Feudal System Right of Disinheritance
  • The Feudal System Right of common oven
  • Feudal System Rights of Treasure Trove
  • The Feudal System Right of Shipwrecks
  • The Feudal System Right of Shelter
    • Garth Holman
      What does the word Villains mean, as it is used here?  
  • all privileges dearest to and most valued by the nobles.
    • Garth Holman
      If you are not a noble, what would happen if you killed an animal on the nobles land? 
    • Garth Holman
      Who was the judge of in all cases on a manor? 
    • Garth Holman
      This right applied to what members of society? 
  • Knights had the right of receiving double rations when prisoners of war; the right of claiming a year's delay when a creditor wished to seize their land; and the right of never having to submit to torture after trial, unless they were condemned to death for the crime they had committed.
    • Garth Holman
      What are three rights a KNIGHT had? 
  • of claiming the goods of a person dying on their lands who had no direct heir. They also had the right of claiming a tax when a fief or domain changed hands.
  • the right of common oven required serfs to make use of the mill, the oven, of the lord
    • Garth Holman
      What did this force all peasant and serfs to do? 
    Laws and rights of the middle ages.
Garth Holman

Feudal Justice - 7 views

  • Feudal Justice - Judicial Administration
  • Feudalism - A system of Feudal Justice
  • Feudal Justice - The Oath
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  • Feudal Justice - The Ordeals
  • Feudal Justice - The Judicial Duel
  • The law followed in a feudal court was largely based on old Germanic customs. The court did not act in the public interest, as with us, but waited until the plaintiff requested service. Moreover, until the case had been decided, the accuser and the accused received the same treatment. Both were imprisoned; and the plaintiff who lost his case suffered the same penalty which the defendant, had he been found guilty, would have undergone.
  • The burden of proof lay on the accused, who had to clear himself of the charge, if he could do so.
  • Ordeals, however, formed a method of appealing to God, the results of which could be immediately observed. A common form of ordeal was by fire. The accused walked barefoot over live brands, or stuck his hand into a flame, or carried a piece of red-hot iron for a certain distance. In the ordeal by hot water he plunged his arm into boiling water. A man established his innocence through one of these tests, if the wound healed properly after three days. The ordeal by cold water rested on the belief that pure water would reject the criminal. Hence the accused was thrown bound into a stream: if he floated he was guilty; if he sank he was innocent and had to be rescued. Though a crude method of securing justice, ordeals were doubtless useful in many instances. The real culprit would often prefer to confess, rather than incur the anger of God by submitting to the test and ordeals.
  • a trial by combat.
    How the justice system worked in the middle ages.
Garth Holman

YouTube - 2 views

    Great idea.  We need to think about this for an online class 
Garth Holman

mummy - 0 views

    Not this unit, but interactive Mummy creator. Fun.
Garth Holman

The Middle Ages | Feudalism - 3 views

    • Garth Holman
      Corn and tomatoes are not correct. Both these items are from North or South America and not found in Europe until after Columbus in the early 1500's, so this is wrong. 
Garth Holman

The Middle Ages - 5 views

    Great site that was found by a student.  It has links to each social class and much, much more.  Check this one out.  Easy to read and clear. 
Garth Holman

Life in the Middle Ages - 1 views

    Great site for quest four: All the key ideas of your social life.  USE IT. 
Garth Holman

Intro to the Medieval Era - 1 views

  • The Medieval Era, often called The Middle Ages or the Dark Ages, began just before 500 A.D. following a great loss of power throughout Europe by the Roman Emperor. The Middle Ages span roughly 1,000 years, ending around 1450 A.D. (Medieval actually means "Middle"!) In The Middle Ages people were busy: Building great Cathedrals as there was a huge rise in Christianity Building Great castles for local nobility Clearing large tracts of land by peasants and slaves for their Lords and Kings New towns and villages were popping up all over Europe
  • esulting in the foundation of many of today's modern European countries.
  • For safety and for defense, people formed small communities around a central Lord or Master. Most lived on a Manor, which consisted of the Castle, the Church, the Village, and the surrounding Farm Land. These Manors were isolated, with only occasional visits from peddlers or pilgrims on their way to the Crusades or soldiers from other fiefdoms (kingdoms).
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  • Feudalism ~ The King awarded land grants to his most important nobles, like Barons and Bishops, in return for their contribution of soldiers for the King's armies. Lords could have a variety of other official titles including Earl, Marquis or Viscount. Lords did more than fund wars. They were the local justice and held court for local matters. Lords provided some of their land to Vassals, or tenants who were a somewhat higher class than peasants. Vassals were required to serve guard duty, and later they paid a fee to acquire mercenaries (soldiers-for-hire).  At the lowest class of society were the Peasants, also called "serfs" or "villeins." Peasants provided the Lord with labor or a share of the produce or livestock yielded from his lands in exchange for protection, land to work and a place to live.
    This page of the site is good.
Garth Holman

Welcome to Medieval Fayre - 0 views

    Student found---they said great site for learning
Garth Holman

Normans - William the Conqueror - 4 views

  • William was a distant cousin of the English King Edward the Confessor and claimed that Edward, who had no children, had promised him the throne of England. He also claimed that when Harold Godwineson had been shipwrecked off Normandy, he had sworn to support his claim.
  • When Harold Godwineson was crowned King of England, William, with the approval of the Pope, began planning an invasion to take what was rightfully his. 
    The name who bring feudalism to Britain.
    Learn about the guy who bring feudalism to Britain
Garth Holman

historyteachers's Channel - YouTube - 1 views

    50 plus history music videos 
Garth Holman

The Middle Ages for Kids - Coat of Arms, Shields, Herald, Heraldry - 0 views

  • People in medieval times used personal and family banners and shields to express their identity and status in society. Think of your school logo, or the logo of a professional sports team
  • Heraldry includes a family motto and a family coat of arms. The actual design of the coat of arms followed a pattern, although each was distinctive. 
  • As time went on, a family's heraldry was recorded so that no one could copy the pattern or take it for themselves.
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  • In the Middle Ages, a distinctive coat of arms was used to identify each noble family. Each item in the design had meaning. 
  • Once a coat of arms was adopted by a family, the design was placed on shields held by knights of the manor, embroidered on tapestries, and carved in stone throughout the castle or manor house. It was placed on swords and on banners and even burnt into the top of breads on special occasions. A family's heraldry was important. It said, "This is who we are, and we are special." That is heraldry.
  • Since most people could not read, heraldry was invented.
  • design and short saying
  • They put their coat of arms, showing their heraldry, on banners, shields, tapestries and anything else they could think of.
  • coat of arms has a specific meaning
  • brave as a lion
    Background on a coat of arms.
Garth Holman

Feudalism Pyramid - 0 views

  • Feudalism - The Pyramid of PowerThe pyramid of power which was the Feudal system ran to a strict 'pecking' order - during the Medieval period of the Middle Ages everyone knew their place. The order of rank and precedence in the Medieval Feudal System was as follows:The PopeThe KingNoblesKnights / VassalsFreemenYeomenServantsPeasants / Serfs / Villeins
  • Feudalism PyramidFeudalism in the Middle Ages resembles a pyramid, with the lowest peasants at its base and the lines of authority flowing up to the peak of the structure, the king. Under Feudalism the King was only answerable to the Pope. Feudalism was based on the exchange of land for military service. Life lived under the Medieval Feudal System, or Feudalism, demanded that everyone owed allegiance to the King and their immediate superior.
  • Feudalism Pyramid - Fealty and HomageDuring the Middle Ages a portion of land called a fief would be granted by the King. This reward would be granted to him by his lord in exchange for his services. The recipient of the fief would be one of his vassals. The fief, or land, was usually granted following a Commendation Ceremony. The commendation ceremony was designed to create a lasting bond between a vassal and his lord. Fealty and homage were a key element of feudalism.
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  • Feudalism was based on the belief that the land belonged to God - but that the Kings, who ruled by Divine Right, managed the land and used it as they wished. However, under the Feudalism pyramid the King was answerable to the Pope. The Pope, as God's vicar on Earth, had the right to intervene and impose sanctions on an unjust King. Under the feudalism pyramid the Pope had the power to pronounce judgement against a King, depose a King, forfeit his Kingdom, put another King in his place or excommunicate a King.
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