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mukul g

Society of the Mongol Empire - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 1 views

  • During the Mongol Empire there were two different groups of food, "white foods" and "brown foods"
  • "White foods"
  • were usually dairy products and were the main food source during the summer. The main part of their diet was "airag" or fermented mare’s milk, a food which is still widely drunk today.
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • "Brown foods" were usually meat and were the main food source during the winter, usually boiled and served with wild garlic or onions.
  • The Mongols had a unique way of slaughtering their animals to get meat. The animal was laid on its back and restrained. Then the butcher would cut its chest open and rip open the aorta, which would cause deadly internal bleeding. Animals would be slaughtered in this fashion because it would keep all of the blood inside of the carcass. Once all of the internal organs were removed, the blood was then drained out and used for sausages.[2]
  • Genghis Khan authorized the use of paper money shortly before his death in 1227. It was backed by precious metals and silk.[6]
  • During the winter sheep were the only domestic animal slaughtered, but horses were occasionally slaughtered for ceremonies.[3]
  • The Mongols rarely slaughtered animals during the summer but if an animal died of natural causes they made sure to carefully preserve it.
  • During the winter the Mongols would also go ice fishing
  • Meal etiquette existed only during large gatherings and ceremonies. The meal, usually meat, was cut up into small pieces. Guests were served their meat on skewers and the host determined the order of serving. People of different social classes were assigned to different parts of the meat and it was the responsibility of the server or the “ba’urchis” to know who was in each social class. The meat was eaten with fingers and the grease was wiped on the ground or on clothing.
  • The most commonly imported fare was liquor
  • The Mongols used Chinese silver ingot as a unified money of public account, while circulating paper money in China and coins in the western areas of the empire such as Golden Horde and Chagatai Khanate
  • Under Ogedei Khan the Mongol government issued paper currency backed by silk reserves and founded a Department which was responsible for destroying old notes.[7] In 1253, Mongke established a Department of Monetary affairs to control the issuance of paper money in order to eliminate the overissue of the currency by Mongol and non-Mongol nobles since the reign of Great Khan Ogedei.
    Tells you about the daily life of the mongols which come in quest 10. 
Garth Holman

SDTV: American Gov't Transcript - 1 views

  • Types of Government After the Revolutionary War, the founding fathers got together to discuss what type of government they wanted to establish. They considered four types: monarchy, oligarchy, aristocracy, democracy. Well, you probably already know which one they picked, but, for the sake of argument, pretend you don't. We know they didn't choose a monarchy, but what is a monarchy anyway? A monarchy is a form of government in which hereditary rulers (people who share the same bloodline) better known as kings and queens, wield absolute power over everybody. Absolute power? That means that the kings and queens can pretty much do whatever they want. Well, since the founders knew the monarchy thing didn't really fly in the original American colonies, they decided against a monarchy. They also considered oligarchy. An oligarchy consists of a body of individuals possessing high levels of wealth, social or military status, or achievement. These elite guys and gals pretty much rule everything and everyone. There was also aristocracy to consider. Aristocracy is rule by a privileged few. As nice as monarchies, oligarchies, and aristocracies may sound (at least to those lucky enough to be in power!), one of the reasons the colonists fought for independence in the first place was to free themselves from government structures that left little or no popular consent to the people. So, the founding fathers set up a democracy. A democracy is a form of government in which the people hold the power to rule themselves. But it's not quite as simple as that. In fact, there are two main types of democracy: direct democracy and indirect democracy. In a direct democracy, all the people get together and have an equal say in the laws they create. In an indirect democracy (also known as a representative democracy), people vote for representatives who work on their behalf to create laws. Once chosen, these representatives then vote within a government structure, making and passing laws. This is a two-step version of democracy. The founding fathers chose… an indirect democracy! After all, they figured that at some point in time, America would become a really, really big nation. And if that happened, there'd be no way they could possibly get everyone together to vote on every single thing.
    "Types of Government
Garth Holman

Untitled - 2 views

  • Warlike Games of the Nobles; the Tournament. So eager for war and adventure were the nobles that times of peace seemed dull. Even hunting, of which they were very fond, was not exciting enough. So they had "tournaments." These were simply play-wars in which knights contended, either in single combat or in opposing troops.
  • Galleries were erected from which the ladies might view the combats and applaud their champions; and high nobles and even kings in splendid costume eagerly attended. The knights in their shining armor, with colored streamers fluttering from their lances, made a gallant picture.
  • One of them was "chivalry," which taught that every boy of noble birth should strive to be a true "knight" and every girl a "lady."
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  • A true knight was a brave warrior who feared nothing, who was always ready to fight for the poor or the unfortunate, and who would never do a mean or underhand thing. To perform a gallant feat of arms, or to help any one in distress, he would gladly risk any danger and never ask for pay. A true knight must be a good Christian and serve the church. But most of all he was to select some noble lady for whose sake he would win renown and whose smile would be his highest reward.
  • chivalry marked out for each young noble what he was to learn. At about the age of seven his training began. Usually he was sent by his father to the castle of his lord or to that of some other famous knight. Here he became a "page." He waited constantly upon the lord and his wife, and by the ladies of the castle was taught courtly manners and perhaps how to play and sing. But when he grew strong enough for more active tasks, perhaps at fourteen or fifteen, he became a "squire." He now attended more especially upon the lord. He must care for his horses, keep his arms bright, and go with him on his campaigns. Meanwhile, under the direction of his lord, he practiced constantly in the use of arms, learning to ride, to wear the heavy armor, and to wield the lance. The older squires fought beside their lords in battle.
  • The giving of "knighthood" was an impressive ceremony. After bathing and arraying himself in the required costume of red, white, and black, the young man was required to watch for a whole night before the altar of a church in which his weapons and armor had been placed. In the morning he attended mass and then, in the presence of all his family, friends, and vassals, advanced to his lord and knelt. The lord drew his sword and with the flat of the blade smote the young man on the shoulder, saying as he did so, "In the name of God,’ St. Michael, and St. George, I dub thee knight. Be brave and loyal." Then the newly made knight arose joyfully, and leaping upon his horse showed his skill in riding and in the use of his sword and lance. The ceremony ended with a great feast.
mukul g

Medieval Life - Food - 2 views

  • His table is set at one end of the great hall and he sits in a high-backed chair. His guests, the priest, two noblemen and his wife, sit on his table while less important people eat sitting on stools or benches at trestle tables lower down the hall. 
  • Above the lord's head, part of the shields bearing his coat of arms can be seen, while at the bottom right corner a flying knife and ball offer evidence that the lord is being entertained by a juggler
  • . The plates used by the Normans were made out of wood.
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  • Sometimes they used large slices of day-old bread as plates for the meat and sometimes they ate out of bowls. 
  • Although they had knives and spoons, there were no forks, so people used their fingers a great deal. The lord always ate well, even during winter.
  • he could afford to buy salt to preserve his meat all the year round
  • The peasants’ main food was a dark bread made out of rye grain
  • They ate a kind of stew called pottage made from the peas, beans and onions that they grew in their gardens. 
  • Their only sweet food was the berries, nuts and honey that they collected from the woods. 
  • Peasants did not eat much meat. Many kept a pig or two but could not often afford to kill one.
  • They could hunt rabbits or hares but might be punished for this by their lord.  
    This is how some of the normans ate.
Garth Holman

Medieval Times - 0 views

  • women didn't even know the man before they wed.
  • ometimes able to choose their bride. Marriage back then was not based on love; most marriages were political arrangements.
  • The arrangement of marriage was done by the children's parents. In the middle ages, children were married at a young age. Girls were as young as 12 when they married, and boys as young as 17. The arrangement of the marriage was based on monetary worth. The family of the girl who was to be married gives a dowry, or donation, to the boy she is to marry. The dowry goes with her at the time of the marriage and stays with the boy forever.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • posted on the door of the church. The notice was put up to ensure that there were no grounds for prohibiting the marriage.
  • There were several reasons for prohibiting a marriage. One reason was consanguinity, meaning the couple was too closely related. If the boy or the girl had taken a monastic or religious vow, the marriage was than also prohibited. Other reasons that prohibited marriage, but were not grounds for a divorce, were rape, adultery and incest. A couple could also not be married during a time of fasting, such as lent or advent, and a couple not be married by someone who had killed someone.
Garth Holman

Medieval Food - 0 views

  • Medieval foods and diets depended much on the class of the individual.
  • Fowl such as capons, geese, larks, and chickens were usually available to the lord and his family. They would also dine on other meats; beef, bacon, lamb, and those living close to water may have regularly dined on salmon, herring, eels ands other fresh water fish. Fish would either be sold fresh or smoked and salted. Wealthy society could afford large quantities of milled flour and other meals made from grain. Dairy products such as cheese and butter could be seen on the manor table.
  • Most of the wheat they harvested went exclusively to the market, and peasant breads were made from barley and rye, baked into dark heavy loaves. Ales made from barley would quaff the thirst, as would water drawn from the well, sweetened with honey. Peasant society got what little proteins they could from peas and beans that would be added to bread and pottage.
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  • Onions, cabbage, garlic, nuts, berries, leeks, spinach, parsley were some of the foods that would combined to make thick soup. Raw vegetables were considered unhealthy and rarely eaten, but anything that could grown, with the exception of known poisonous plants, were added to the mix.
cglosser c

Black Death - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

    • cglosser c
      The black death was a bio-hazard.
  • The Black Death was one of the most devastating pandemics in human history, resulting in the deaths of an estimated 75 to 200 million people and peaking in Europe in the years 1348–50 CE.
  • The Black Death is thought to have originated in the arid plains of central Asia, where it then travelled along the Silk Road, reaching the Crimea by 1346
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • The aftermath of the plague created a series of religious, social, and economic upheavals, which had profound effects on the course of European history. It took 150 years for Europe's population to recover
  • The plague disease, generally thought to be caused by Yersinia pestis, is enzootic (commonly present) in populations of fleas carried by ground rodents, including marmots, in various areas including Central Asia, Kurdistan, Western Asia, Norther
  • India and Uganda
  • The plague reached Sicily in October 1347
    This is a wikipedia article on the black death
John Woodbridge

How a Medieval Philosopher Dreamed Up the 'Multiverse' - Yahoo News - 0 views

  • written by a philosopher named Robert Grosseteste — into English. Grosseteste was "one of the most dazzling minds of his generation, lauded by his successors as a mathematical genius, theologian, politician and church leader; he was the bishop of Lincoln from 1235-53,"
  • In Grosseteste's time, the dominant cosmological model was the one developed mainly by the Greek philosopher Aristotle. He postulated that there were nine planets (called spheres), one inside the other, with planet Earth at the center.
  • In De Luce, Grosseteste assumed that the universe was born from an explosion that pushed everything, matter and light, out from a single point — an idea that is strikingly similar to the modern Big Bang theory.
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  • matter and light were linked together
  • rapid expansion
  • light-matter crystallizing and forming the outermost sphere — the so-called "firmament" — of the medieval cosmos.
  • The medieval philosopher realized this problem, too. To deal with it, he added an extra reason to explain why there were "exactly nine celestial spheres plus one, an 'imperfect' Earth," Bower said.
Dana G

Greece Country Profile - National Geographic Kids - 0 views

  • Greece has the longest coastline in Europe and is the southernmost country in Europe.
  • mainland
  • rugged mountains, forests, and lakes,
  • ...25 more annotations...
  • thousands of islands dotting the blue Aegean Sea
  • Mediterranean Sea
  • Ionian Sea
  • the mainland, the islands, and Peloponnese, the peninsula south of the mainland.
  • three geographical regions
  • prime minister has the most power
  • 3,600 feet
  • Mount Olympus
  • 9,570 feet
  • home of the gods.
  • Greece abolished their monarchy in 1975 and became a parliamentary republic
  • e Pindus mountain range on the mainland contains one of the world's deepest gorges
  • president and a prime minister
  • president selects cabinet ministers who run government departments
  • he parliament, called the Vouli, has only one house with 300 members who are elected every four years. Greece became part of the European Union in 1981.
  • The first great civilization in Greece was the Minoan culture on the island of Crete around 2000 B.C
  • Minoans were conquered by the Myceneans from the mainland in 1450 B.C.
  • city-states, which were ruled by noblemen
  • Athens became the most powerful, and in 508 B.C
  • Greece won independence in 1832.
  • The first Olympic Games were held in the southern city of Olympia in 700 B.C. to honor Zeus, the king of the gods.
  • banned by the Romans in A.D. 393, but began again in Athens in 1896.
  • reece was ruled by foreigners for over 2,000 years beginning with the Romans conquering the Greeks in the 2nd century.
  • new system of rule by the people called democracy
    • Dana G
      This was cool!
Garth Holman

Greek Architecture: Doric, Ionic, or Corinthian? - For Dummies - 0 views

  • They were built as focal points on the highest ground of every city in Greece and the conquered territories around the Mediterranean.
  • the remains of Greek cities can be found in Italy, Sicily, and Turkey
  • Greeks built their temples, amphitheaters, and other major public buildings with limestone and marble. Blocks of stone were held in place by bronze or iron pins set into molten lead — a flexible system that could withstand earthquakes.
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  • three styles, or orders. Each order consists of an upright support called a column that extends from a base at the bottom to a shaft in the middle and a capital at the top — much like the feet, body, and head of the human figure.
  • The oldest, simplest, and most massive of the three Greek orders is the Doric, which was applied to temples beginning in the 7th century B.C. As shown in Figure 2, columns are placed close together and are often without bases.
  • The Doric order reached its pinnacle of perfection in the Parthenon.
  • The Ionic was used for smaller buildings and interiors. It's easy to recognize because of the two scrolls, called volutes, on its capital. The volutes may have been based on nautilus shells or animal horns.
  • tiny Temple to Athena Nike at the entrance to the Athens Acropolis.
  • but its capital is far more ornate, carved with two tiers of curly acanthus leaves. The oldest known Corinthian column stands inside the 5th-century temple of Apollo Epicurius at Bassae.
  • To make their columns look straight, they bowed them slightly outward to compensate for the optical illusion that makes vertical lines look curved from a distance.
erick j

Ancient Roman Inventions - 2 views

  • Having set the background and gained a glimpse of just how thorny the subject could be it seems easiest to change tack and take the loosest of definitions. Listing some of the many things for which Ancient Rome might justly be remembered no particular order: Advanced roads and road networks Milestones The standard width of our modern roads and tunnels is based on that of ancient Rome (there was a standard width for cart wheels, essentially based on the need of placing two horses side by side). The worn ruts in the roads made it virtually impossible to use any other measure. Triumphal arches Aqueducts (actually they learned much about structures from the Estruscans, but developed it to perfection) Bronze valves and water pumps. Huge numbers of instruments and tools for engineering, construction and measurement. The Romans were, after all, excellent engineers. For example you could purchase your access to water supply for set hours of the day or set quantities of water, which were dutifully metered and billed, pretty much as you would today, albeit with slighty different technology!. Medical and Surgical tools (mainly thanks to the Greeks actually but hugely developed as a consequence of the needs generated by Gladiatorial games and continuous war campaigns) Cesareans - sounds like Caesar doesn't it? Cesareans were often used to save the baby if the mother died during childbirth. Fast curing cement - hugely important discovery which allowed cement to cure and harden in short times and even under water. The ancient Romans realised that adding pozzolanic earth from volcanic regions (Eg Pozzuoli near Naples) to traditional mortar allowed a water proof and extremely solid mix. This could be used to waterproof the interior of aqueduct tunnels or extend the potentials of Roman architecture with impo
    • erick j
      The Romans invented many things that we use more perfected versions of today. I wonder what would happen if the ancients Romans didn't exist.
    Here are some ancient Roman inventions.
    This website has some good information on ancient Roman inventions.
Garth Holman

Ancient Greek Environment - Ancient Greece for Kids! - 1 views

  • The combination of good sailing and lousy farming tends to make Greeks try to get a living from the sea.
    • Garth Holman
      How did these people make a living from the sea?  
  • There are several active volcanoes, and earthquakes are also very common. There is a nervous feeling that there could be a natural disaster at any time. This got the Greeks interested in a particular kind of religion which we call oracles. Oracles are the gods speaking to people, often in the form of minor earthquakes, and the gods tell the people what is going to happen in the future.
  • There used to be quite a lot of trees on the hillsides of Greece, but people cut most of them down, and now the hills of Greece are mostly bare, or have little bushes on them.
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  • The soil is not very good for growing things, there are a lot of mountains that make it hard to walk from one place to another, and there is never enough fresh water.
  • what Greece does have is a lot of coastline
  • No part of Greece is more than about forty miles from the sea: a couple of days walking
  • in Greece, they were sailors
  • Greeks have always spent a lot of time sailing on the ocean.
hmcphillips h

Renaissance -- Out of the Middle Ages - 2 views

  • more than enough money to meet their basic needs for food, clothing, and shelter.
  • leisure time to spend on education and entertainment.
  • As the fortunes of merchants, bankers, and tradespeople improved, they had more than enough money to meet their basic needs for food, clothing, and shelter. They began to desire larger, more luxurious homes, fine art for these residences, sumptuous clothing to show off their wealth in public, and exotic delicacies to eat. These desires of the middle class stimulated the economy.
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  • leisure time to spend on education and entertainment.
  • Bankers and accountants needed to understand arithmetic
  • knowledge of foreign currencies and languages
  • Reading was essential for anyone who needed to understand a contract.
  • reading for pleasure, learning to play musical instruments, and studying a variety of topics unrelated to their businesses.
  • Bankers and accountants needed to understand arithmetic. Those trading with other countries needed a knowledge of foreign currencies and languages. Reading was essential for anyone who needed to understand a contract.
  • Many Italian coastal cities became centers for trade and commerce, and for the wealth and education that ensued.
  • the Medici family, made their wealth as business people
  • Many Italian coastal cities became centers for trade and commerce, and for the wealth and education that ensued.
  • Florence.
  • made their wealth as business people
  • Medicis had the appearance of nobility.
    • Garth Holman
      So, what did the creation of a middle class do to society? How did it change society?  And how did their spending impact others?  Why is a strong middle class important today? 
    • jashapiro j
      The creation of the middle class stimulated society by having the new wealthier middle class buy expensive things. This impacted others because it made jobs for bankers (which led to learning math,) and made people around them want to buy more too. It is important to have a middle class today so we can have a balance.
    • Garth Holman
      What do banks do today?   How do banks help people today?  They want do you think banks did to make peoples lives better in the 1450's? 
    • jwoomer j
      Banks help people today by holding peoples money for them so they don't lose it or so that it doesn't get stolen as easily. Also, banks help you balance out your budget so you don't over spend. 
    • cglosser c
      Compared to banks today, banks earned people money, not hold on to it.
  • They lived in beautiful homes, employed great artists, and engaged in intellectual pursuits for both business and pleasure.
  • One of the cities that exemplified these new trends was Florence.
Garth Holman

Spain and America: From Reconquest to Conquest - North Carolina Digital History - 1 views

shared by Garth Holman on 19 May 14 - Cached
  • had been isolated from each other for 10,000 years.
    • Garth Holman
      If they have been isolated, how would that make them different? 
  • the human inhabitants of the “old” and “new” worlds developed vastly different cultures, languages, and religions; they found different ways of adapting to their different envinronments; and their bodies over hundreds of generations became resistant to the diseases of their different worlds. When the two great land masses were rejoined by European exploration, the resulting exchange of people, crops, animals, ideas, and diseases — called the “Columbian exchange” — changed both worlds forever.
  • Within a hundred years this small European nation had claimed the better part of two continents
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  • disease.
  • They go as naked as their mothers bore them, even the women, though I only saw one girl, and she was very young. All those I did see were young men, none of them more than thirty years old.… They do not carry arms and do not know of them, because I showed them some swords and they grasped them by the blade and cut themselves out of ignorance
  • They ought to make good slaves for they are of quick intelligence, since I notice that they are quick to repeat what is said to them, and I believe that they could very easily become Chirstians, for it seemed to me that they had no religion of their own. God willing, when I come to leave I will bring six of them to Your Highnesses so that they may learn to speak
  • Columbus believed he had every right to take their land and make them into “servants.
  • With the native population gone, the Spanish began to import slaves from Africa to grow their sugar cane
  • superiority to their enemies who had rejected Christianity, and they developed rules of war based on that superiority — including the right to enslave the people they conquered. Once Spain was reconquered, Muslims and Jews were forced to convert to Christianity or be expelled from Spain.
    • Garth Holman
      Forced + Fled = INQUISITION
  • In 1519 Hernán Cortés arrived in Mexico from Cuba with 11 galleons, 550 men, and 16 horses — the first horses on the American continent. Within two years his conquistadores, conquerors, had won control of the Aztec kingdom that spanned most of present-day Mexico and Central America.
    • Garth Holman
      How could this happen?  How could an empire of millions be destroyed and conquered by 550 men? 
  • One of Cortés’ soldiers had smallpox, and he started an epidemic that killed a third of the population of the Aztec empire.
  • Cortés for the deity Quetzalcoátl, or Plumed Serpent, who according to prophesy would return from the east to reclaim his kingdom — perhaps in 1519. When Cortés arrived — from the east, with fair skin, riding four-legged creatures never before seen in Mexico, wearing shining armor and looking for all the world like someone who wanted to reclaim a kingdom — Moctezuma feared that he might be Quetzalcoátl and did not immediately meet him in battle.
  • What Cortés and his men saw in Tenochtitlán horrified them.
  • The Spanish, more convinced than ever of their superiority, forced most of the people of Mexico to convert to Christianity. Priests burned Aztec books and destroyed idols and temples. Indigenous people were enslaved to work in gold mines. Disease reduced the population of Mexico from more than 20 million when Cortés arrived in 1519 to about 2 million by 1600.
  • By the 1600s, Spain was easily the most powerful kingdom in Europe.
  • We can estimate very surely and truthfully that in the forty years that have passed, with the infernal actions of the Christians, there have been unjustly slain more than twelve million men, women, and children. In truth, I believe without trying to deceive myself that the number of the slain is more like fifteen million.…
  • They attacked the towns and spared neither the children nor the aged nor pregnant women nor women in childbed, not only stabbing them and dismembering them but cutting them to pieces as if dealing with sheep in the slaughter house.
  • With still others, all those they wanted to capture alive, they cut off their hands and hung them round the victim’s neck, saying, “Go now, carry the message,” meaning, Take the news to the Indians who have fled to the mountains.
mrs. b.

Ancient Greece for Kids - Athens - 3 views

  • Athens did not have a king, it was ruled by the people as a democracy. The people of Athens believed that no one group of people should make the laws and so citizens could choose the government officials, and vote for or against new laws. The people of Athens chose their ruler. They held a large meeting on the slopes of a hill in Athens where any citizen could speak, and tell the government what it should be doing. This was called the Assembly, and there had to be at least 6,000 citizens at every Assembly. Athenian democracy was not like modern democracy. Only citizens over 18 could vote. Women, slaves and foreigners could not become citizens. So democracy in Athens meant rule by the men of Athens. Slavery Slaves made up about a quarter of the working population on Athens. Most were people who had been captured in warfare and sold to slave dealers. They were then put on sale in the slave market.
John Woodbridge

Science reveals secret lives of mysterious decapitated gladiators - CNET - 0 views

  • At least 75 were adult male skeletons, all under the age of 45, around an inch taller than the Roman average and well built. This demographic alone is unusual for a Roman cemetery of the era. But the manner in which the remains were buried was oddest of all. The heads had been removed, placed in the graves on the chests or between the legs of the bodies.
  • Forensic work conducted on the bones revealed one man had been bitten by a large carnivore, such as a lion or bear, which were fought by gladiators in the arena. Another skeleton showed signs of a massive hammer blow to the head, a method of mercy killing delivered to badly wounded fighters.
  • The bones also showed that the men had much stronger right arms than left, which was normal for slaves trained to fight in the arena from childhood. In addition, the bones showed evidence of childhood stress and deprivation, which would be expected for gladiatorial slaves, and healed wounds that suggested lives well used to injury and fighting.
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  • Most of the skeletons sampled had similar genomes to those of a female Iron Age skeleton from Melton in East Yorkshire, suggesting that some of the men had lived most of their lives in Britain. And a small variation in isotope levels showed that some had started their lives elsewhere, but had been in Britain since early childhood.
  • One skeleton of the seven was a surprise, though. According to the genomic analysis, he was from the Middle East. He had grown up in what is now Palestine, Jordan or Syria, and migrated across to the UK as an adult
  • "It confirms the cosmopolitan character of the Roman Empire even at its most northerly extent."
    Roman gladiators graves found in England
John Woodbridge

Lost Language May Come Alive Again on Stone Slab Containing Etruscan Text - 0 views

    The so-called lost language of Etruscan may come alive again. Inscriptions in the language that were recently discovered on stone slab, or stele, are set to be
Garth Holman

Renaissance Art Basics: Everything You Need to Know to Sound Smart at a Cocktail Party ... - 1 views

  • The 14th century was a time of great crisis; the plague, the Hundred Years war, and the turmoil in the Catholic Church all shook people’s faith in government, religion, and their fellow man. In this dark period Europeans sought a new start, a cultural rebirth, a renaissance.
  • Humanistic education, based on rhetoric, ethics and the liberal arts, was pushed as a way to create well-rounded citizens who could actively participate in the political process. Humanists celebrated the mind, beauty, power, and enormous potential of human beings. They believed that people were able to experience God directly and should have a personal, emotional relationship to their faith. God had made the world but humans were able to share in his glory by becoming creators themselves.
  • Prior to the Renaissance Period, art was largely commissioned by the Catholic Church, which gave artists strict guidelines about what the finished product was to look like. Medieval art was decorative, stylized,  flat, and two-dimensional and did not depict the world or human beings very realistically. But a thriving commercial economy distributed wealth not just to the nobility but to merchants and bankers who were eager to show their status by purchasing works of art
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  • while Italy’s trade with Europe and Asia produced wealth that created a large market for art.
  • Perspective. To add three-dimensional depth and space to their work, Renaissance artists rediscovered and greatly expanded on the ideas of linear perspective, horizon line, and vanishing point.
  • Vanishing point: The vanishing point is the point at which parallel lines appear to converge far in the distance, often on the horizon line. This is the effect you can see when standing on railroad tracks and looking at the tracks recede into the distance.
  • Shadows and light. Artists were interested in playing with the way light hits objects and creates shadows. The shadows and light could be used to draw the viewer’s eye to a particular point in the painting.
  • Realism and naturalism. In addition to perspective, artists sought to make objects, especially people, look more realistic. They studied human anatomy, measuring proportions and seeking the ideal human form. People looked solid and displayed real emotions, allowing the viewer to connect with what the depicted persons were thinking and feeling.
Zoe K

Ancient Greece - Ancient History - - 2 views

  • Greece refers to the time three centuries before the classical age, between 800 B.C. and 500 B.C.
  • Archaic Greece saw advances in art, poetry and technology, but most of all it was the age in which the polis, or city-state, was invented.
  • They developed governments and organized their citizens according to some sort of constitution or set of laws.
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  • (For example, they refused to let ordinary people serve on councils or assemblies.
  • They all had economies that were based on agriculture, not trade
  • These people monopolized political power.
  • The colonial migrations of the Archaic period had an important effect on its art and literature
  • They also monopolized the best farmland, and some even claimed to be descended from the gods. Because “the poor with their wives and children were enslaved to the rich and had no political rights,”
  • Land was the most important source of wealth in the city-states;
  • As time passed and their populations grew, many of these agricultural city-states began to produce consumer goods such as pottery, cloth, wine and metalwork.
  • These leaders were known as tyrants.
  • And every one of these city-states (known as poleis) was said to be protected by a particular god or goddess, to whom the citizens of the polis owed a great deal of reverence, respect and sacrifice.
  • a relatively sophisticated period in world history.
  • The polis became the defining feature of Greek political life for hundreds of years.
  • During the so-called “Greek Dark Ages” before the Archaic period, people lived scattered throughout Greece in small farming villages. As they grew larger, these villages began to evolve. Some built walls.
  • Between 750 B.C. and 600 B.C., Greek colonies sprang up from the Mediterranean to Asia Minor, from North Africa to the coast of the Black Sea. By the end of the seventh century B.C., there were more than 1,500 colonial poleis.
  • Each of these poleis was an independent city-state. In this way, the colonies of the Archaic period were different from other colonies we are familiar with: The people who lived there were not ruled by or bound to the city-states from which they came. The new poleis were self-governing and self-sufficient.
    • Yang Y
      The oligarchs' power was greater than anyone else's.
    facts about ancient greece
Garth Holman

Middle Ages History - YouTube - 0 views

    What to watch the BBC TV Show called "Medieval Life" Hosted by Terry Jones (Monty Python) Each show focuses on the life of one type of person in the middle ages: Peasant, Monk, Knight, Noble, Outlaw, Jester, etc.. Well worth the time. Enjoy.
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