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Kalina P

Common Sense: The Rhetoric of Popular Democracy | EDSITEment - 0 views

  • first comprehensive, public call for independence, advancing arguments that far exceeded previous critiques of English rule in their radicalism and scope.
  • mass audience, extending beyond the literate public as colonists read it aloud in a wide variety of settings. George Washington, for example, was so affected by Common Sense that he relinquished all personal hop
  • of mending fences with England and ordered the pamphlet to be distributed to his troops.
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • clear case for independence
  • directly attacked the political, economic, and ideological obstacles to achieving it.
  • British rule was responsible for nearly every problem in colonial society
  • only be resolved by colonial independence.
  • unified action.
  • Challenging the King's paternal authority in the harshest terms, he mocked royal actions in America and declared that "even brutes do not devour their young, nor savages make war upon their own families."
  • in the most graphic, compelling and recognizable terms the suffering that the colonies had endured, reminding his readers of the torment and trauma that British policy had inflicted upon them.
  • resonated with their firm belief in liberty and determined opposition to injustice
  • blunt language that colonists of different backgrounds could understand.
Andre Harris

Ancient Greece - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

    • Andre Harris
  • The territory of Greece is mountainous, and as a result, ancient Greece consisted of many smaller regions each with its own dialect, cultural peculiarities, and identity. Regionalism and regional conflicts were a prominent feature of ancient Greece. Cities tended to be located in valleys between mountains, or on coastal plains, and dominated a certain area around them.
  • Thus, the major peculiarities of the ancient Greek political system were; firstly, its fragmentary nature, and that this does not particularly seem to have tribal origin; and secondly the particular focus on urban centres within otherwise tiny states. The peculiarities of the Greek system are further evidenced by the colonies that they set up throughout the Mediterranean Sea, which, though they might count a certain Greek polis as their 'mother' (and remain sympathetic to her), were completely independent of the founding city. Inevitably smaller poleis might be
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Ancient Greece consisted of several hundred more or less independent city-states (poleis). This was a situation unlike that in most other contemporary societies, which were either tribal, or kingdoms ruling over relatively large territories. Undoubtedly the geography of Greece—divided and sub-divided by hills, mountains and rivers—contributed to the fragmentary nature of ancient Greece. On the one hand, the ancient Greeks had no doubt that they were 'one people'; they had the same religion, same basic culture, and same language. Furthermore, the Greeks were very aware of their tribal origins; Herodotus was able to extensively categorise the city-states by tribe. Yet, although these higher-level relationships existed, they seem to have rarely had a major role in Greek politics.
    • Andre Harris
Kalina P

The Thomas Paine Society - Common Sense - 1 views

  • e most important piece of writing of the American Revolution
  • powerful, dramatic and often scathing -- especially when describing the monarchy. Paine described the kings of England as mere usurpers who, like criminals, had seized power by force:
  • against the monarchy and British domination spread like wildfire throughout the colonies and turned the public tide toward independence. General George Washington wrote to a friend in Massachusetts: "I find that Common Sense is working a powerful change there in the minds of many men. Few pamphlets have had so dramatic an effect on political events."
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • write in plain language
  • accessible to colonists rich and poor.
  • , there was still talk of reconciliation among the colonists.
  • sold over one hundred fifty thousand copies in its first printing
  • profits instead turning his share over to the American cause. *
  • irrefutable argument for separation from England
  • revolution as not only achievable but inevitable.
  •   The cause of America is, in a great measure, the cause of all mankind. Many circumstances have, and will arise, which are not local, but universal, and through which the principles of all lovers of mankind are affected, and in the event of which, their affections are interested. The laying a country desolate with fire and sword, declaring war against the natural rights of all mankind, and extirpating the defenders thereof from the face of the earth, is the concern of every man to whom nature hath given the power of feeling; of which class, regardless of party censure is.
John Woodbridge

The Renaissance - 0 views

  • new enthusiasm for classical literature, learning, and art which sprang up in Italy towards the close of the Middle Ages, and which during the course of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries gave a new culture to Europe.
  • Renaissance was essentially an intellectual movement
  • secular, inquiring, self-reliant spirit which characterized the life and culture of classical antiquity
  • ...19 more annotations...
  • vernacular literatures.
    • John Woodbridge
      Vernacular means locally spoken language. Literature the stories that are written so this whole phrase means stories written in the local language about local topics.
  • The atmosphere of these bustling, trafficking cities called into existence a practical commercial spirit, a many-sided, independent, secular life which in many respects was directly opposed to medieval teachings and ideals.
  • So far-reaching and transforming was the influence of the old world of culture upon the nations of Western Europe that the Renaissance, viewed as the transition from the mediaeval to the modern age, may properly be regarded as beginning with its discovery, or rediscovery, and the appropriation of its riches by the Italian scholars.
  • It was a political, intellectual, and artistic life like that of the cities of ancient Greece.
  • Florence, for example, became a second Athens
  • Italy the birthplace of the Renaissance was the fact that in Italy the break between the old and the new civilization was not so complete as it was in the other countries of Western Europe.
  • Italians were closer in language and in blood to the old Romans than were the other new-forming nations
  • direct descendants and heirs of the old conquerors of the world
  • first task of the Italian scholars the recovery and appropriation of the culture of antiquity.
  • existence in the peninsula of so many monuments of the civilization and the grandeur of ancient Rome
  • -a recovery and appropriation by the Italians of the long-neglected heritage of Graeco-Roman civilization.
  • The movement here consisted of two distinct yet closely related phases, namely, the revival of classical literature and learning, and the revival of classical art
  • intellectual and literary phase of the movement
  • "Humanism,
  • study of the classics, the literae humaniores, or the "more human letters," in opposition to the diviner letters, that is, theology, which made up the old education.
  • Petrarch, the First of the Humanists.-- [Francesco Petrarca (1304-1374
  • He was the first scholar of the mediaeval time who fully realized and appreciated the supreme excellence and beauty of the classical literature and its value as a means of culture.
  • He could not read Greek, yet he gathered Greek as well as Latin manuscripts
  • During all the mediaeval centuries, until the dawn of the intellectual revival, the ruins of Rome were merely a quarry. The monuments of the Caesars were torn down for building material, the sculptured marbles were burned into lime for mortar.
    Effects of the Renaissance on development of Western culture
mrs. b.

Mr. Dowling's Ancient Greece Page - 0 views

  • Ancient Greece was not a unified nation, but a collection of poli. Poli is the plural of polis, a word often translated as city, but a polis is much more. When we think of a city, we generally think of a place. A Greek polis consisted of a small walled area that was generally no larger than a few city blocks, the farmland that surrounded it, and most importantly, the people who lived there. Today we think of the people who live in a place as citizens, but to the ancient Greeks the people were as much of the poli as the land or the buildings. The word politics is derived from the Greek polis.
  • Each polis was a nation of its own, but the poli of ancient Greece had many things in common. The Greek poli developed independently of one another because they were isolated by rugged mountains or were located on small islands, but the poli spoke a common language. The poli were also small and often had to depend on one another to survive. Further, the poli met every year at a great athletic contest known as the Olympics.
    Description of "Polis"- Task 2

Magna Carta and Tax Reform | Tax Foundation - 1 views

  • The Declaration of Independence asserts that governments “deriv[e] their just powers from the consent of the governed,” distilling concepts invoked by Locke and earlier English political reformers. For the English-speaking world, however, the germ of that concept can be found in Magna Carta. At the time, feudal barons could be required to provide what was known as “scutage,” essentially a fee in lieu of personal service typically used to hire mercenaries to fight the king’s wars. Other aid levies were also common. King John, however, was perceived as abusing the system, imposing unusually high levies and doing so even in the absence of war. Magna Carta introduced a revolutionary innovation: the idea that the power to tax was in some way limited by general consent. Still, it being the year 1215, there were some loopholes: No scutage not aid shall be imposed on our kingdom, unless by common counsel [alt. "general consent"] of our kingdom, except for ransoming our person, for making our eldest son a knight, and for once marrying our eldest daughter; and for these there shall not be levied more than a reasonable aid…
Garth Holman

History student learns from her grandfather, makes his WWII story a senior project - Lo... - 0 views

  • II story a senior project
  • When she was little, Heidi Klise listened to her grandpa’s war stories.
  • This story and others persuaded Klise to learn more about her 91-year-old grandpa and use his story for her Independent Study Senior Project at the College of Wooster.
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • “As a historian, I think it’s really important to archive the stories of people,” she said.
  • The 22-year-old spent the last school year meeting with him and researching his role in World War II for her thesis.
  • Klise said she had only heard snippets of his war stories in the past. She said her questions would “jog his memory” and he would share more and more.
  • “I was surprised she was interested,” he said.
  • The group is disbanding because so many of its members have died.
  • And their story, just like Win’s, needs to be told so that we remember what war is truly about, the strength and will of the people who fight it.”
Garth Holman

SDTV: American Gov't Transcript - 1 views

  • Types of Government After the Revolutionary War, the founding fathers got together to discuss what type of government they wanted to establish. They considered four types: monarchy, oligarchy, aristocracy, democracy. Well, you probably already know which one they picked, but, for the sake of argument, pretend you don't. We know they didn't choose a monarchy, but what is a monarchy anyway? A monarchy is a form of government in which hereditary rulers (people who share the same bloodline) better known as kings and queens, wield absolute power over everybody. Absolute power? That means that the kings and queens can pretty much do whatever they want. Well, since the founders knew the monarchy thing didn't really fly in the original American colonies, they decided against a monarchy. They also considered oligarchy. An oligarchy consists of a body of individuals possessing high levels of wealth, social or military status, or achievement. These elite guys and gals pretty much rule everything and everyone. There was also aristocracy to consider. Aristocracy is rule by a privileged few. As nice as monarchies, oligarchies, and aristocracies may sound (at least to those lucky enough to be in power!), one of the reasons the colonists fought for independence in the first place was to free themselves from government structures that left little or no popular consent to the people. So, the founding fathers set up a democracy. A democracy is a form of government in which the people hold the power to rule themselves. But it's not quite as simple as that. In fact, there are two main types of democracy: direct democracy and indirect democracy. In a direct democracy, all the people get together and have an equal say in the laws they create. In an indirect democracy (also known as a representative democracy), people vote for representatives who work on their behalf to create laws. Once chosen, these representatives then vote within a government structure, making and passing laws. This is a two-step version of democracy. The founding fathers chose… an indirect democracy! After all, they figured that at some point in time, America would become a really, really big nation. And if that happened, there'd be no way they could possibly get everyone together to vote on every single thing.
    "Types of Government
Yuke Z

Illumination History - 0 views

  • During the early Middle Ages most books were used by priests and monks for liturgical purposes. New books appeared most often when a new monastery was founded.
  • Most illuminators were humble craftsmen who set up shop. Some were independent, itinerant artists who traveled from place to place looking for commissions. The best held the rank of court artists at the exclusive service of a wealthy patron.
  • Illuminators usually belonged either to the painter’s guild or another guild involved in the book trade. Most illuminators remained anonymous until the late Middle Ages
    Illumination, from the 7a World History website! 
Dana G

Greece Country Profile - National Geographic Kids - 0 views

  • Greece has the longest coastline in Europe and is the southernmost country in Europe.
  • mainland
  • rugged mountains, forests, and lakes,
  • ...25 more annotations...
  • thousands of islands dotting the blue Aegean Sea
  • Mediterranean Sea
  • Ionian Sea
  • the mainland, the islands, and Peloponnese, the peninsula south of the mainland.
  • three geographical regions
  • prime minister has the most power
  • 3,600 feet
  • Mount Olympus
  • 9,570 feet
  • home of the gods.
  • Greece abolished their monarchy in 1975 and became a parliamentary republic
  • e Pindus mountain range on the mainland contains one of the world's deepest gorges
  • president and a prime minister
  • president selects cabinet ministers who run government departments
  • he parliament, called the Vouli, has only one house with 300 members who are elected every four years. Greece became part of the European Union in 1981.
  • The first great civilization in Greece was the Minoan culture on the island of Crete around 2000 B.C
  • Minoans were conquered by the Myceneans from the mainland in 1450 B.C.
  • city-states, which were ruled by noblemen
  • Athens became the most powerful, and in 508 B.C
  • Greece won independence in 1832.
  • The first Olympic Games were held in the southern city of Olympia in 700 B.C. to honor Zeus, the king of the gods.
  • banned by the Romans in A.D. 393, but began again in Athens in 1896.
  • reece was ruled by foreigners for over 2,000 years beginning with the Romans conquering the Greeks in the 2nd century.
  • new system of rule by the people called democracy
    • Dana G
      This was cool!
Chandni B

Geography of Greece - Crystalinks - 0 views

  • About 80% of Greece consists of mountains or hills, thus making Greece one of the most mountainous countries of Europe. Western Greece contains lakes and wetlands. Pindus, the central mountain range, has a maximum elevation of 2,636 m. The Pindus can be considered as a prolongation of the Dinaric Alps. The range continues by means of the Peloponnese, the islands of Kythera and Antikythera to find its final point in the island of Crete. (Actually the islands of the Aegean are peaks of underwater mountains that once consisted an extension of the mainland). The Central and Western Greece area contains high, steep peaks dissected by many canyons and other karstic landscapes, including the Meteora and the Vikos gorge the later being the second largest one on earth after the Grand Canyon in the US.
  • We begin to look at the geography of ancient Greece by examining how Greeks lived on their farms, why they traded, road systems, and the plant life that ancient Greece had. Geography has always had a great influence on Greece and its inhabitants. It is largely responsible for numerous continuities in its extensive history. While the mountains that split the Greek lands have contributed to localism they have been a major barrier to unity as a nation. The struggle of communication by land and the significant presence of the sea have made mariners out of Greeks for numerous generations. The natural resources ensure a steady flow of abundance and guarantee sustenance if governed wisely.
  • The Greeks had their private space that consisted of the agricultural fields in the territory of the polis and their houses compacted in settlements, whether in the central town of the city-state, in smaller towns, or villages. Ancient Greeks preferred to live in such compacted settlements, even when agriculture was their main source of support. Occasionally, there has been evidence of how agricultural land was organized by the residents of the settlements in rectangular and equal lots. The idea was that each family would farm a single plot of land. But, there was a tendency for farmland to become divided and for a landowner to own many plots of land scattered all over the community.
  • ...14 more annotations...
  • In ancient Greece, many cities had land that was used for farming within the city, but most of the people lived in small towns and villages outside of the city.
  • Greece consists of a large mainland at the southern end of the Balkans; the Peloponnesus peninsula (separated from the mainland by the canal of the Isthmus of Corinth); and numerous islands (around 3,000), including Crete, Rhodes, Kos, Euboea and the Dodecanese and Cycladic groups of the Aegean Sea as well as the Ionian sea islands. Greece has more than 15,000 kilometres of coastline and a land boundary of 1,160 kilometres.
    • Chandni B
      Greece is very mountainous. Western Greece contains many lakes. Pindus is the main mountain range.
  • high range, the Rhodope, located in Eastern Macedonia and Thrace
  • Mount Olympus forms the highest point in Greece at 2,919 metres above sea level.
  • covered with vast and thick century old forests like the famous Dadia
  • Plains are mainly found in Eastern Thessaly, Central Macedonia and Thrace.Greece's climate is divided into three well defined classes the Mediterranean, Alpine and Temperate, the first one features mild, wet winters and hot, dry summers. Temperatures rarely reach extremes, although snowfalls do occur occasionally even in Athens, Cyclades or Crete during the winter.
  • Alpine is found primarily in Western Greece
  • temperate climate is found in Central and Eastern Macedonia as well as in Thrace at places like Komotini, Xanthi and northern Evros; with cold, damp winters and hot, dry summers.
  • About 50% of Greek land is covered by forests with a rich varied vegetation which spans from Alpine coniferous to mediterranean type vegetation.
  • Seals, sea turtles and other rare marine life live in the seas around Greece, while Greece's forests provide a home to Western Europe's last brown bears and lynx as well as other species like Wolf, Roe Deer, Wild Goat, Fox and Wild Boar among others.
  • According to this information, there would have been many villages, hamlets, single farms, and occasional small towns scattered over the land; as can still be seen in Crete.
  • The land was organized for mules and donkeys with built mule-tracks reaching every settlement.
  • Ancient Greeks became a sea-going people due to the close proximity of the sea to most Greek city-states. These merchants and traders developed a sense of freedom and independence not seen before.
    What was the geography of Greece like? How did they farm?
  • ...2 more comments...
    What was the geography of Greece like? How did they farm?
    What was the geography of Greece like? How did they farm?
    This website talks about the geography of Greece
    Describes Geek Geography.
Daniel D

World Book Student | Article Page - 0 views

  • in government, s
  • cience, philosophy, and the arts still influence our lives.
  • A city-state consisted of a city or town and the surrounding villages and farmland. The Greek city-states were fiercely independent and often quarreled among themselves.
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • world's first democratic governments.
  • common language, religion, and culture bound the people together.
  • stressed the importance of the individual and encouraged creative thought
  • created new forms of expression, which explored human personalities and emotions.
  • The Greeks usually fortified a hill, called an acropolis,
  • within the city for defense.
  • Ancient Greece lacked adequate farmland, rainfall, and water for irrigation, and so crop production was limited. The mountains provided huge amounts of limestone and marble for building construction and clay for making bricks and pottery. But Greece had few other mineral deposits. Timber was plentiful at first. However, it became increasingly scarce as the people cut down many trees without replanting the forests.
  • depend on overseas trade for needed goods.
  • Only citizens could own land and take part in government. Noncitizens consisted of women, slaves, and serfs. Unlike slaves, serfs were not considered personal property.
    extensive encyclopedia about Ancient Greece
ycarmi y

The Baldwin Project: Famous Men of Greece by John H. Haaren and A. B. Poland - 1 views

  • they often quarreled with one another and were not united against Macedonia
  • another hundred years.
  • the Romans invaded the country
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • Macedonians were defeated
  • Macedonia was made part of the Roman Empire and men were sent from Rome to rule it
  • A hundred and fifty thousand of its inhabitants were sold into slavery and the state was made a Roman province.
  • the other states of Greece still continued fighting with one another
  • a Roman army was sent against them
  • the Greeks were completely defeated
  • Athens, Thebes, Sparta and the other Greek states became, like Macedonia, parts of the Empire of Rome.
  • Greece passed, in the Middle Ages, under the rule of Turkey
  • about seventy-five years ago that she revolted from Turkey and became once more an independent country
  • is still teaching the world
    An article talking about the fall of ancient Greece.
Garth Holman

Ancient Greek Art Lesson - 0 views

  • The Ancient Greeks created what has become known as classical art.  Many of America's governmental buildings have been designed with Classical Greek structures. 
  • cornerstone to the western traditions of art and ideas.
  • The Ancient Greeks were organized into independent city-states.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • The Greeks idealized humans, showing the strong and youthful depiction of men and women. 
Zoe K

Ancient Greece - Ancient History - - 2 views

  • Greece refers to the time three centuries before the classical age, between 800 B.C. and 500 B.C.
  • Archaic Greece saw advances in art, poetry and technology, but most of all it was the age in which the polis, or city-state, was invented.
  • They developed governments and organized their citizens according to some sort of constitution or set of laws.
  • ...15 more annotations...
  • (For example, they refused to let ordinary people serve on councils or assemblies.
  • They all had economies that were based on agriculture, not trade
  • These people monopolized political power.
  • The colonial migrations of the Archaic period had an important effect on its art and literature
  • They also monopolized the best farmland, and some even claimed to be descended from the gods. Because “the poor with their wives and children were enslaved to the rich and had no political rights,”
  • Land was the most important source of wealth in the city-states;
  • As time passed and their populations grew, many of these agricultural city-states began to produce consumer goods such as pottery, cloth, wine and metalwork.
  • These leaders were known as tyrants.
  • And every one of these city-states (known as poleis) was said to be protected by a particular god or goddess, to whom the citizens of the polis owed a great deal of reverence, respect and sacrifice.
  • a relatively sophisticated period in world history.
  • The polis became the defining feature of Greek political life for hundreds of years.
  • During the so-called “Greek Dark Ages” before the Archaic period, people lived scattered throughout Greece in small farming villages. As they grew larger, these villages began to evolve. Some built walls.
  • Between 750 B.C. and 600 B.C., Greek colonies sprang up from the Mediterranean to Asia Minor, from North Africa to the coast of the Black Sea. By the end of the seventh century B.C., there were more than 1,500 colonial poleis.
  • Each of these poleis was an independent city-state. In this way, the colonies of the Archaic period were different from other colonies we are familiar with: The people who lived there were not ruled by or bound to the city-states from which they came. The new poleis were self-governing and self-sufficient.
    • Yang Y
      The oligarchs' power was greater than anyone else's.
    facts about ancient greece
Achintya K

Greece Geography - 1 views

  • About 20% of Greece is made up of islands. Crete is a large island located in the Mediterranean Sea. It is a popular tourist area for its beautiful mountains, coastline, and many ancient ruins.
    • JI-Yoon K
      Greece is a beautiful place to visit!
  • Much of Greece is mountainous and rocky terrain, with the occasional plain.
  • ...49 more annotations...
  • Pindus Mountains start in northern Greece and stretch south to the Gulf of Patra. In the southern part of Greece are the Peloponnesus Mountains.
  • people of Greece were one of the earliest civilizations
  • Greece is one of the oldest civilizations, dating back over 5000 years.
  • 10 million people.
    • Achintya K
      What is the most interesting key fact about Greece?
  • Athens, Patra, Piraeus, Larisa and Salonica.
  • Athens.
  • Major cities
  • Most of the people in Greece live along the coast, or along rivers and harbors.
    • Achintya K
      Figure out what are some historical highlights.
  • still has many ancient ruins, some over 4000 years old.
  • has many medieval churchs.
  • makes Greece a very popular tourist area.
  • well known for its sculptures, paintings, pottery, poetry and playwriting.
  • The land within Greece is not very productive for farming.
  • Greeks have struggled to build a strong economy.
  • standard of living in Greece is lower than other European countries.
  • Manufacturing
  • becoming one of the key industries.
  • Tourism
  • 51,000 square miles.
  • very important, particularly along the Aegean Sea coast.
  • farming includes wheat, fruits, vegetables, olives and grapes.
  • Some areas support goat and sheep ranching.
  • Fishing also continues to be an important industry.
  • Top of Page Ancient Greece is considered the birthplace of European civilization, dating back over 5000 years.
  • date back over 4000 years,
  • caves showing signs of life over 10,000 years ago.
  • ancient greek people may have come from northern Africa.
  • Ancient Greece produced many philosophers and scholars, such as Socrates and Plato.
  • contributed significantly to our current culture.
  • first democratic government
  • created
  • scientific principles
  • created
    • Achintya K
      What are a few things about greece?
  • discovered
  • contributed to the artistic community with Homer
  • wrote the Iliad and The Odyssey,
  • artisans creating sculptures, paintings, pottery, poetry and playwriting.
  • Competitive sports were a major part of Greek life. The first Olympic Games were held in Greece in 776 BC.
  • did not have a strong, unified military force.
  • ancient Greeks
  • an easy target for other invading people.
  • ancient times, Greece was conquered by the Romans. Others controlled Greece at various times. In the 15th century, the Turks invaded Greece and ruled for about 400 years. The Greeks finally got their independence in the early 1800s.
  • mathematics.
  • Two thirds of the population lives in urban areas such as Athens.
  • Greek culture is still heavily influenced by its ancient history.
  • Most of Greece has a mild climate. Summers are warm and dry, particularly in the southern coastal areas. Rain is heavy during the winter months, with some mountain areas getting snow.
    i had no idea that 20 percent of greece is islands and is rockey with terrains
    I really want to go to Greece
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