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What Is an Advantage of a Direct Democracy? | The Classroom | Synonym - 2 views

  • In a pure democracy
    • Garth Holman
      Here they use that word PURE! 
  • all citizens have the opportunity to participate in making the policies and laws for the society
  • representative democracy,
    • Garth Holman
      This is what Rome comes up with later.  It is better for a larger population.  
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • citizen has a direct impact on every policy decision, since he has a vote on each issue
  • opportunity to speak and be heard, and there is an incentive for the community to be involved in town meetings, referenda and other elections.
  • power in the hands of the people,
  • opportunity to know about all of the important decisions, but they also have the responsibility to get the information necessary to understand the issues and make the best choices for laws and policies
    • Garth Holman
      With power comes great responsibility.  That is the key. People have to work to make a direct democracy work.  
  • transparency to government
  • accountable to the people.
  • opportunity to voice her concerns, it's more difficult to brush concerns aside or to hide uncomfortable issues.
  • apathy of some citizens who don't choose to attend town assemblies or vote can result in something more like a representative system than a pure democratic one. Direct democracy also involves many more elections, which can be both inconvenient and expensive. Finally, because direct democracy is usually effective only in small societies, the influence of the media and government officials may be stronger there than in a larger setting.

The Roman Republic Fails - Ancient Rome for Kids - 2 views

  • graft
    • Garth Holman
       a form of political corruption, is the unscrupulous use of a politician's authority for personal gain. The term has its origins in the medical procedure whereby tissue is removed from one location and attached to another for which it was not originally intended.
  • legions, to build roads, sewers, aqueducts, and arenas, and to pay for the welfare programs that fed the poor.
    • Garth Holman
      A Legion, is a name for an army.  Each Legion was about 6000 men.  Could be more or less depending on the year
  • tax farmers.
  • ...16 more annotations...
  • A tax farmer was a person who bought the right from the Senate to tax all the people and business in a certain area
  • didn't set up any controls
  • Tax farming was a business, and the tax farmers were in it to make a profit.
  • Plus, since the tax farmer decided who got taxed and who didn't, you could bribe the tax farmer to make your taxes low or maybe tax your competitors out of business, or if you had enough bribe money,
  • you and your entire family could be sold into slavery.
  • Rome was going broke.
    • Garth Holman
      Spending more then  they had.  This is always a problem! 
  • Under Roman law you could pay someone to vote for you.
  • Since they bought the position from the Senate, the Senate set the amount it cost and decided who actually got the job
  • Senate decided who got to build the roads, arenas etc.  So construction companies bribed the Senate to get the construction contracts.  Finally since the Senate made all the laws, people could bribe senators to make laws that they wanted.
  • Since there was no police force, there was no one to stop them.
  • Wealthy Romans hired guards and even built their own small armies to protect their homes and families.
  • Senators didn't trust each other, and they really didn't trust the legions. 
    • Garth Holman
      Why do you think the people of Rome did not trust each other?  Is trust in your fellow citizens important! 
  • They even passed laws making it illegal for a legion to enter Rome.
    • Garth Holman
      BUT one person will bring his army into Rome and things will change forever.  Who is that? 
  • They didn't say how much taxes were, or who got taxed.
  • They left all that up to the tax farmer.
    • coa21dcs
      They put the responsibility on the tax farmer
  • many of the tax farmers went way beyond
    • anl21dcs
      They taxed people they liked less or not at all and people they didn't like they taxed more heavily

Renaissance Art Basics: Everything You Need to Know to Sound Smart at a Cocktail Party ... - 1 views

  • The 14th century was a time of great crisis; the plague, the Hundred Years war, and the turmoil in the Catholic Church all shook people’s faith in government, religion, and their fellow man. In this dark period Europeans sought a new start, a cultural rebirth, a renaissance.
  • Humanistic education, based on rhetoric, ethics and the liberal arts, was pushed as a way to create well-rounded citizens who could actively participate in the political process. Humanists celebrated the mind, beauty, power, and enormous potential of human beings. They believed that people were able to experience God directly and should have a personal, emotional relationship to their faith. God had made the world but humans were able to share in his glory by becoming creators themselves.
  • Prior to the Renaissance Period, art was largely commissioned by the Catholic Church, which gave artists strict guidelines about what the finished product was to look like. Medieval art was decorative, stylized,  flat, and two-dimensional and did not depict the world or human beings very realistically. But a thriving commercial economy distributed wealth not just to the nobility but to merchants and bankers who were eager to show their status by purchasing works of art
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • while Italy’s trade with Europe and Asia produced wealth that created a large market for art.
  • Perspective. To add three-dimensional depth and space to their work, Renaissance artists rediscovered and greatly expanded on the ideas of linear perspective, horizon line, and vanishing point.
  • Vanishing point: The vanishing point is the point at which parallel lines appear to converge far in the distance, often on the horizon line. This is the effect you can see when standing on railroad tracks and looking at the tracks recede into the distance.
  • Shadows and light. Artists were interested in playing with the way light hits objects and creates shadows. The shadows and light could be used to draw the viewer’s eye to a particular point in the painting.
  • Realism and naturalism. In addition to perspective, artists sought to make objects, especially people, look more realistic. They studied human anatomy, measuring proportions and seeking the ideal human form. People looked solid and displayed real emotions, allowing the viewer to connect with what the depicted persons were thinking and feeling.

Middle Ages :: Crusades - 1 views

    • Shira H
      Great site for Quest 8. Has information about the Crusades. 

The Renaissance at - 3 views

  • About 1450
  • Renaissance is a French word that means "rebirth."
  • beginning of modern history.
  • ...22 more annotations...
  • flowering in literature
  • painting, sculpture, and architecture. Paintings became more realistic and focused less often on religious topics.
  • began in northern Italy
  • Arab scholars preserved the writings of the ancient Greeks in their libraries. When the Italian cities traded with the Arabs, ideas were exchanged along with goods. These ideas, preserved from the ancient past, served as the basis of the Renaissance.
  • William Shakespeare.
  • Crusaders returned to Europe with a newfound understanding of the world.
  • The invention of the printing press encouraged literacy and helped to spread new ideas.
  • Wealthy families and the church had amassed enough wealth to become patrons.
  • The development of financial techniques such as bookkeeping and credit allowed merchants to
  • prosper
  • studying the world around them.
    • Garth Holman
      What does the term Rebirth mean?  Imply?  SO the Renaissance was a WHAT? 
    • Rose h
      The beginning of a new age, 
    • Margo L
      Whats a turk???
    • Garth Holman
      A Turk is a person from Modern Turkey.  They divide the European/Christian world from the Middle East and Asia (Arab/Islamic) 
    • agriffin a
      the term re birth means a new life or to start over from scratch.
    • gpinhasi g
      Why did the Europeans became more interested in the World around them?
    • jgreen j
      Because the world around them was very interesting.
    • jdanielpour j
      The reason why Europeans all the sudden are now curious and are now investigating the world around them is that after the black death and the crusades, people became more humanist and farther away from religion, so this causes two things: First, religion was keeping others from wondering what everything is, (since religion would make an answer for the questions people had,) keeping everyone together in one place. Second, Christianity at that time had a pretty bad relationship with Muslims, so now that people aren't letting their Religion tell them what to do, people will go past those religious laws for the sack of curiosity.
    • Garth Holman
      So, who do we thank for saving the knowledge of Ancient Greece and Rome?  Who helped make our world? 
    • Lance C
      The muslims
    • Jack Z
      The Arabs
    • Garth Holman
      What does the word Patron mean?  Look it up.   How did art change?  How did MONEY impact society? 
    • glever g
      A Patron is like an EMPLOYER they pay you with MONEY as compared to an item or land to do a task
    • Garth Holman
      Here we have four causes.  What do they really say is happening?  In your own words. 
    • Hannah K
      The idea of investing
  • Rich families became patrons and commissioned great art. Artists advanced the Renaissance style of showing nature and depicting the feelings of people.
  • Crusaders returned to Europe with a newfound understanding of the world. The invention of the printing press encouraged literacy and helped to spread new ideas. Wealthy families and the church had amassed enough wealth to become patrons. The development of financial techniques such as bookkeeping and credit allowed merchants to prosper
    • Yuke Z
      Cultural Diffusion
    • Yuke Z
      Replaced illuminated manuscripts. Took much less time to use printing press, which means, more books and ideas could be spread
    • bsafenovitz b
      So more money could be made in a faster time
    • Yuke Z
      Banking is invented. Instead of breaking the stick, now there is bookkeeping.
    • Garth Holman
      If the Middle Ages are sometimes called the "DARK AGES", why is the Phrase "DAWN of a New Age" so important? 
    • mberkley m
      I think the "DAWN" means that the "New Age" is going to be a better and nicer time for people and the world will be calmer that before
    • glever g
      I believe the "DAWN" means an enlightening of minds
    • jdanielpour j
      Since the dark ages are now over, and now it's the "DAWN" of a new age, this could imply that, the "DARK AGES," was the night/hibernation of technology and/or knowledge and information, and now that it is now the "DAWN," we could infer that this could mean that technology and knowledge, are awakening.
    • nshore n
      I think "DAWN" probably means the beginning of change in Europe. Everything from art to government transforms into new ideas for a new era. 

The Middle Ages: Religion - 6 views

    This is a great website about religion in the Middle Ages and what people did. For more info click the Read More link.

Bishops in the Middle Ages | Middle Ages - 1 views

  • The Bishops being a key figure of the society and being wealthy by virtue of his position in the clergy used to live either in a castle or a manor
  • Every king was supposed to have one Bishop in his court for consultation.
  • The rulings of the clergy affected everyone during the Middle Ages.
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • Bishops had become so powerful that it was mandatory for the king to take orders and consult the Bishop in everyday affairs over the state.
  • f you were born in one class of the society, you belonged to that class for your entire life with no chances of improving your status through hard work.
  • They were generally from a noble family or a wealthy family from some town.
  • He used to take tours around the country to many churches within the country. There was a seat reserved for the Bishop in every church in the country.
  • Listening to the plights of all the priests and clergymen below him; Levy taxes on the peasants; Settling of important issues such as annulment of marriage; Maintaining an army of his own to assist the king during war; Leading his army in the war was common in the Early Middle Ages for Bishops; Take care of the spiritual soundness of his diocese; Implement the code of the church in the diocese; Take care of the business of the church in their diocese and supervise the priests, nuns and monks in their activities.
    tells about key ideas a being a bishop 

History of Timbuktu, Mali - 6 views

  • The popular statement, " From here to Timbuktu." conjures up images of remote, isolated and distant parts of this earth. Very few people are aware of this ancient city's location, and fewer still ascribe any kind of civilization to this historic area. Timbuktu is located in the western African nation of Mali at the edge of the sahara.
  • The historic town of Timbuktu is located at the precise point where the Niger flows northward into the southern edge of the desert. As a result of its unique geographical position, Timbuktu has been a natural meeting point of Songhai, Wangara,Fulani, Tuareg and Arabs. According to the inhabitants of Timbuku, gold came from the south, the salt from the north and the Divine knowledge, from Timbuktu. Timbuktu is also the cross-road where "the camel met the canoe." It is to this privilege position that the city owes much of its historical dynamism. From the 11th century and onward, Timbuktu became an important port where goods from West Africa and North Africa were traded.
  • Goods coming the Mediterranean shores and salt were traded in Timbuktu for gold. The prosperity of the city attracted both black scholars, blacks merchants and Arabs traders from North Africa. Salt, books and gold were very much in demand at that time.
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • he first constructions in Timbuktu were designed by African architects from Djenne and later on by Muslim architects from North Africa. Trade and knowledge were at their height.
  • Timbuktu became a celebrated center of Islamic learning and a commercial establishment. Timbuktu had three universities and 180 Quranic schools. These universities were the Sankore University, Jingaray Ber University and Sidi Yahya University. This was the golden age of Africa. Books were not only written in Timbuktu, but they were also imported and copied there. There was an advanced local book copying industry in the city. The universities and private libraries contained unparalleled scholarly works. The famous scholar of Timbuktu Ahmad Baba who was among those forcibly exiled in Morocco claimed that his library of 1600 books had been plundered, and that his library, according to him, was one of the smaller in the city.
  • The booming economy of Timbuktu attracted the attention of the Emperor of Mali, Mansa Mussa (1307-1332) also known as “Kan Kan Mussa.” He captured the city in 1325. As a Muslim, Mansa Mussa was impressed with the Islamic legacy of Timbuktu. On his return from Mecca, Mansa Mussa brought with him an Egyptian architect by the name of Abu Es Haq Es Saheli.
  • The Emperor also brought Arabs scholars to Timbuktu. To his great surprise, the Emperor has found that these scholars are underqualified compared to the black scholars of Timbuktu
  • Mansa Mussa's pilgrimage to Mecca in 1324 had made Mali known worldwide. The great rulertook 60,000 porters with him. Each porter carried 3 kilograms of pure gold, that is, 180,000 kilograms or at least 180 tons of gold (Reference: Volume IV UNESCO General History of Africa, pages 197-200). He had so much gold with him that when he stopped in Egypt, the Egyptian currency lost its value and as result, the name of Mali and Timbuktu appeared on the 14th century world map.
    • Garth Holman
      Who would take notice of all this gold?  
    • Garth Holman
      Where camel met the canoe.  What does this mean? 
    • Garth Holman
      Key items traded? 
    • Garth Holman
      Spread of Islam.  How did Timbuktu help Islam take hold in Africa?  How did Mansa Mussa Help spread the word about Timbuktu?

History of Islam: Lesson for Kids | - 0 views

  • The Birth of IslamA man named Muhammad was born around 570 CE in the city of Mecca, in what is modern-day Saudi Arabia. Muhammad's parents died when he was young, and as a teenager, he was forced to work as a caravan leader. He was very good at his job; when he was older, the owner of the caravan, an older woman whose husband had died, proposed to him. Muhammad was now wealthy and had plenty of time to think about his faith. The wickedness and greed of his people worried him. He also didn't like that the people were worshiping idols, or false gods, instead of Allah so he prayed for his people. Muslims believe that Muhammad received a revelation from Allah in 610 telling him to preach to his people. These were the first revelations of the Qur'an.

Objectivity and Bias in the Study of History - 0 views

  • Voltaire pointed out that history is a pack of tricks we play upon the dead.
  • the present can and does influence our knowledge of the past because past events do not any longer exist anywhere except in mind of the historian, who has now become both subject and object.
  • Some people have gone so far as to say that the closest we can get to what actually happened is to believe what the records say actually happened.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Historical thought about the past and all history, consequently, is the history of thought.
  • We can also check one person’s version of what actually happened by comparing it with that of another person or by examining all the relevant sources ourselves.
  • History is not a branch of literature, it is a science.
    • alove_
      I would say the opposite...

Ancient Egyptian Farming - 1 views

  • Hope you were able to afford a few animals such as some goats, pigs, ducks, cows, and geese. Animals were one of the most important things about farming. Animals helped you with jobs like trampling in the seeds, pulling your plow, eating unwanted grain or wheat and providing you with food and drink. But having these animals may have caused misfortune like if your donkey nibbled on someone else's crops the farmer could threaten to take you to court. Also if your animals were sick you had to do all the work that they did. If your animals were not marked they may have been stolen. Along with misfortunes came care. You had to take great care of your animals. You had to give them food, drink and you had to count your cattle. The herdsman drove the cattle past the overseer who counted them and wrote down the size of each cattle.
    • MIkayla CarnoHarf
      How farming worked in Ancient Egypt.

Geography shaped Greek civilization - 2 views

  • Greece was known as the "Birthplace of Western Civilization"
  • One factor that can be considered as an integral part of the development of Greek civilization is its geography.
  • Balcan peninsula in Southwestern Europe. It is surrounded by three seas: in the south is the Mediterranean Sea; Ionian Sea in the west; and the Aegean Sea in the east.
  • ...31 more annotations...
  • The geographical features of ancient Greece contributed to its advantage and disadvantage.
  • Greece is a strategic location for empire building because it served as the crossroads between Africa, Asia and Europe
    • Garth Holman
      What does it mean: "Crossroads between Africa, Asia and Europe." 
  • climate, the mountains and the seas
  • temperate, making it comfortable to the people to be outside of their homes almost every year. This allowed them to engage in outdoor life within their city-states. They were able to interact with each other which enabled them to organize outdoor activities such as athletic competitions, public gatherings, entertainment and art shows, and meetings, which facilitate to the development of a rich and distinct Greek culture.
  • mountains
  • Almost 70 to 80 percent of Greece is covered and dominated with mountains
  • advantage of the mountains is that they contributed to the preservation of the purity of Greek culture.
  • were secluded to their area resulting to rare interactions with other cultures.
  • served as a natural barrier which acted like walls separating different communities.
  • hindered communication among communities and slowed down the introduction of new ideas and technology.
  • unified system of government
  • polis or the city-state
  • democratic government works better in smaller states
  • protection and security to the inhabitants.
  • disadvantage of this geographical feature is that only few lands were dedicated to farming
  • isadvantage is the the rocky lands and poor soil which are not suitable for the domestication of plants.
  • olives and grapes
  • domesticated sheeps and cattles as an alternative to farming
  • Having been surrounded by three major bodies of water served as an advantage because it allowed early Greeks to travel and trade
  • Greece to major trade routes allowed the prosperity in maritime commerce (
  • became fishers, sailors and merchants
  • excelled in ship buildings and voyaging because of their knowledge about seas around them
  • Greeks to depend heavily on trade
  • could not grow through trading
  • olive oil, wine, wool and pottery with grains and other natural resources, which had a limited supply during that time
  • trade encouraged cultural diffusion
  • Hellenistic culture
    • Garth Holman
      Hellenistic Culture means Greece culture. 
    • Garth Holman
      What are the geographic factors that promote or impede the movement of people, products or ideas? Explain your ideas.  
    • Garth Holman
      We are part of the WESTERN CIVILIZATION.  That means Greece has several enduring impacts on us.  Can you find any in this reading.  

How Ancient Trade Changed the World - 2 views

  • When the first civilizations did begin trading with each other about five thousand years ago, however, many of them got rich…and fast.
  • human interaction, bringing cross-cultural contact to a whole new level
    • Garth Holman
      When groups trade products, they also trade ideas. Cultural diffusion occurs and new ideas spread. Trade is good for change.
  • self-sufficiency
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • A farmer could now trade grain for meat, or milk for a pot, at the local market, which was seldom too far away.
  • where the climate and natural resources produced different things.
  • but was lucrative for the middlemen willing to make the journey.
    • Garth Holman
      We will discuss the middle man during the Renaissance.
  • luxury goods like spices, textiles and precious metals.
  • Cities that were rich in these commodities became financially rich, too, satiating the appetites of other surrounding regions for jewelry, fancy robes and imported delicacies.
    • Garth Holman
      If you have the resources others become very rich!!! Supply and Demand in action.
  • linking cultures for the first time in history.
    • Garth Holman
      What good things came from this linking? What bad things happened from this linking?
  • By the second millennium BC, former backwater island Cyprus had become a major Mediterranean player by ferrying its vast copper resources to the Near East and Egypt, regions wealthy due to their own natural resources such as papyrus and wool. Phoenicia, famous for its seafaring expertise, hawked its valuable cedar wood and linens dyes all over the Mediterranean. China prospered by trading jade, spices and later, silk. Britain shared its abundance of tin.
  • another was by sea
    • Garth Holman
      Rome will change that! The Roads connect cities and make travel faster.
  • Cities grew up in the fertile basins on the borders of those rivers and then expanded by using their watery highways to import and export goods.

Democracy Is Born [] - 2 views

    • Garth Holman
      Who had citizenship rights? 
  • Only free, adult men enjoyed the rights and responsibility of citizenship.
  • modern democratic governments in which citizens can choose whether or not they wish to participate.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • In Athenian democracy, every citizen was required to participate or suffer punishment.
  • about 20 percent of the population of Athens were citizens.
  • Women were not citizens and therefore could not vote or have any say in the political process.
  • Slaves and foreigners were not citizens and also could not participate in the democracy.
    Describes the start of Athens Democracy

Facts About History of Ming Dynasty Clothing FashionMing Dynasty Historical Details Pro... - 0 views

    Ming dynasty people wear Chinese clothing/

Medieval Civilization: Lecture Notes - 4 views

  • Feudalism and Manorialism
  • The noble class developed a value system (later called chivalry)
  • Three-field system was used, with one field planted in the autumn, one in the spring, and one fallow.
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • Power and prestige of the noble class based on land (the fief)
  • feudalism was a political arrangement that provided for the performance of these functions of government by a class of landed nobles.  Nobles bound by an interdependent system of personal ties; the heart was the feudal contract, which established relations between lord and vassal, the most important of which were protection and service.
  • knights were to be Christian, brave, faithful, generous, and protective of women and the poor; evidence of this code may be found the French epic The Song of Roland and the Spanish El Cid.
  • which supported the lord, his family, and his soldiers.  Landed estate organized as manors; each a self-supporting economic unit; the lord provided the land and protection; serfs provided the labor.
  • Serfs (=landless peasants) bound to the soil; could not be bought or sold individually; they passed new owners when land changed hands.  Medieval farming methods primitive; yield was low
    Scroll about one-third of the way down, and you can find a great diagram of how the feudal system works. There is also a map of what a fief would look like. I highlighted where they have some information on feudalism and manorialism.

Feudal Justice - 7 views

  • Feudal Justice - Judicial Administration
  • Feudalism - A system of Feudal Justice
  • Feudal Justice - The Oath
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • Feudal Justice - The Ordeals
  • Feudal Justice - The Judicial Duel
  • The law followed in a feudal court was largely based on old Germanic customs. The court did not act in the public interest, as with us, but waited until the plaintiff requested service. Moreover, until the case had been decided, the accuser and the accused received the same treatment. Both were imprisoned; and the plaintiff who lost his case suffered the same penalty which the defendant, had he been found guilty, would have undergone.
  • The burden of proof lay on the accused, who had to clear himself of the charge, if he could do so.
  • Ordeals, however, formed a method of appealing to God, the results of which could be immediately observed. A common form of ordeal was by fire. The accused walked barefoot over live brands, or stuck his hand into a flame, or carried a piece of red-hot iron for a certain distance. In the ordeal by hot water he plunged his arm into boiling water. A man established his innocence through one of these tests, if the wound healed properly after three days. The ordeal by cold water rested on the belief that pure water would reject the criminal. Hence the accused was thrown bound into a stream: if he floated he was guilty; if he sank he was innocent and had to be rescued. Though a crude method of securing justice, ordeals were doubtless useful in many instances. The real culprit would often prefer to confess, rather than incur the anger of God by submitting to the test and ordeals.
  • a trial by combat.
    How the justice system worked in the middle ages.
  • ...1 more comment...
    nice sight
    sorry site the site helped me with answers in the blogs but i probably didn't read enough still studying!
    This talks about the individual rights of people

Feudalism and Religion in the Middle Ages - 8 views

  • eudalism was the main political system in the Middle Ages.
  • The Church had the same amount, if not more, power and wealth than the kings.
  • All schools taught religion, most politicians were also priests, and no food was eaten without first saying thanks to God.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • priests had quite a lot of influence over the people.
  • Priests also collected a tenth of whatever the peasants had produced from their land over the course of the year. This was called a "tithe."
  • Anyone who was suspected of disagreeing with the church's teachings was called a heretic and burnt at the stake.
  • even if they did make it to heaven in the afterlife, they would have to spend a thousand years in purgatory to be cleansed of their sins on earth. So, many rich people would pay the church to say extra masses for them in the hope that it would reduce the amount of time in purgatory.
    This site is very good for finding out important things about the middle ages.

Peasant Life In The Middle Ages - The Finer Times - 1 views

  • Peasant life in the Middle Ages was noticeably difficult. Families and entire villages were exposed to disease, war and generally a life of poverty.
  • most people across Europe were peasants or “velleins”
  • worked in the vast stretches of lands owned by the local lords
  • ...28 more annotations...
  • very little known about the detailed life of peasants in Europe because the lords and the clergy did not keep records of the peasants
  • only
  • early records were concerning
  • duties
  • peasants owed their masters
  • slaves and serfs.
  • Majority of the peasants worked three days a week in their lord’s land but they would work longer during the harvest and plantation periods
  • Those who were full time servants would work every day of the week and would get a break to attend Mass on Sundays. Peasants were forbidden from leaving the lord’s manor without seeking permission. The condition of serfdom was hereditary and one would be tied to his master unless he saved enough to purchase some land or if he married a free person.  At the end of the twelfth century, the ties that bound peasants to their masters began to loosen.
  • Peasant life in the Middle Ages was confined to the manors,
  • The lords had great influence over the lives of the peasants;
  • manors were divided into two:
  • was where the peasants worked, tilled the land, planted and harvested on
  • one part of the land, the “demense”
  • behalf of the lord
  • he peasants would receive a larger piece of land as long as they adhered to the condition that they work on the lord’s land before working on their own.
  • The plows and horses were so few and the peasants themselves spent the entire day working in the “demense”.
  • peasant also tended to the horses and cattle in meadows
  • Most peasants did not do much other than working, going to church and the occasional celebration.
  • hardly travelled outside their villages but they did have a sense of community amongst themselves
  • Peasant life was generally marked by having few possessions in the home
  • houses were basic shacks with benches, stools, wooden cups, bowls and spoons. Most households had a chest of drawers where the family would keep their valuable items. Peasants hardly slept on beds; they slept on straw mattresses on the floor. Given that they had few possessions even in terms of personal attires, they typically slept with their work apparels and covered themselves with animal skin.
  • Women
  • a small garden behind their house.
  • he Church offered help to the neediest peasants in the form of food and necessities.
  • Church was also a source of education mainly for the peasant’s children who attended the local school that was part of the church. The peasants looked to the priests for baptism, marriage, and performance of last rites for the dying.  Christianity guided the moral decisions that peasant men and women made in their day-to-day life.
  • Education was meager and only available to a select group of boys.
  • young girls helped with chores in the house and they were married off as soon as they attained maturity; this was usually at the young age of thirteen or sixteen years.
  • Societal and economic development saw the rapid rise of cities and towns. As the ties between serfs and their masters became lose, the peasants were able to rent land and some even migrated to the towns. Catastrophes such as the Black Death, a plague that killed thousands of peasants made it difficult for lords to find peasants to work in their farms.
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