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Lyon en 1700 - 7 views

  • e du centre historique de la presqu'île disparu quasi intégralement, avec des commentaires audio et/ou des illustrations agrémentant la visite selon le lieu où le visiteur se trouve. La restitution permettra donc de servir de fil conducteur pour présenter des documents d'archive pouvant intéresser le public, gravures, peintures, plans ou autres. Elle permettra également de présenter des articles concernant tel ou tel bâtiment ou secteur de la ville.L'objectif adopté pour la restitution des immeubles disparus est de retrouver à minima le nombre d'étages, d'arcs de boutique et l'emplacement de la porte principale, mais cela n'est pas toujours possible. De vieilles gravures ou même certaines photographies du milieu du 19ème siècle permettent parfois de retrouver l'organisation des fenêtres. La couleur des façades est nécessairement imprécise. Les bâtiments publics ou religieux sont reconstitués à partir de plans et de gravures.Lyon en 1700 est une association régie par la Loi de 1901 et composée de passionnés d'histoire.Tout Lyonnais amateur de recherches en archives ou sur le terrain est bienvenu pour donner un coup de main ! Vous pouvez nous écrire à l'adresse Méthode adoptée à télécharger Méthodologie.pdf Diaporama

Geiss, Rüsenkritik, Narrativismuskritik - 0 views

    • Lisa Rosa
      Sinn-Verständnis: zu platt und Verwechslung von gesellschaftlicher Bedeutung und persönlichem Sinn; zugleich die Vorstellung, gesellschaftlicher Sinn sei allgemein und lebenspraktisch, (Rüsen spricht von lebensdienlich!)
    • Lisa Rosa
      Es sind genau genommen erkenntnistheoretische Fragen von Gesellschaftswissenschaften, ja Wissenschaft überhaupt. Nur als solche behandelt - nicht fachwissenschaftlich verengt - sind sie nützlich bearbeitbar. Es ist die Arbeit mit dem Paradigma, dass jede Erkenntnis/Wissenschaft perspektivisch ist. Das erkennende Subjekt kann sich noch nicht einmal aus den Natur-Gegenständen seines Erkennens "herausrechenen" - wie viel weniger aus den Kultur-Gegenständen. Die Frage ist nicht, ob, sondern WIE mit diesem als Tatsache aufzufassenden Umstand umgegangen werden kann/muss/sollte. Das ist keine in erster Linie fachspezifische Frage. Sie muss auf einer allgemeinen Ebene geklärt werden und in der Fachwissenschaft konkretisiert. D.h. meine apriori - und es gibt, wie wir wissen immer welche - liegen gar nicht in der fachwissenschaftlichen Problematik, sondern davor.
    • Lisa Rosa
      Die Aufteilung in einen "normativ kontaminierten" Bereich (Wahl des Forschungsgegenstands) und einen davon freien, "reinen" Forschungsbereich ist epistemologischer crap.
  • ...20 more annotations...
  • Sinnstiftung
    • Lisa Rosa
      Sinnstiftung? Auch Sinn im Rüsenschen Sinne ist nicht gestiftet, sondern vom psychischen System/gesellschaftlichen System gebildet (konstruiert), kann also nicht - wie Stiftung nahelegt - von außen in das System hineingelegt werden.
    • Lisa Rosa
      Nipperdeys Kritik war Kritik gesellschaftlich relevanten Fragen an die Geschichte. Eine Auswahl des Gegenstands, ausgehend von Fragen, ist immer. Auch Nipperdey wählt. Und er wählt andere - für ihn sinnmachende! - Gegenstände, mglw, um sich in die "objektive" Geschichte vor den politischen Konflikten der Gegenwart zu retten. (Das ist die Figur des "Archivbegeisterten", der womöglich sein ganzes Leben der Deutung einer einzigen lateinischen Quelle aus dem MA widmet. Das ist persönlicher Sinn! Und er schafft Orientierung, indem er von den für die Gegenwart belangvollen Gegenständen und Fragen wegführt.
    • Lisa Rosa
      Die Verkürzung der Apriori - die ja gar nichts mit Normativität zu tun haben müssen! - aufs Normative - und das platte "lebensweltliche" als Verständnis der Frage- und Orientierungsnotwendigkeit aus der Gegenwart - die ja auch nicht auf das sog. "Lebensweltliche", d.h. den Alltag reduziert werden dürfen" - zeigt die Züge einer Strohmann-Argumentation
  • Stiftung von Sinn
    • Lisa Rosa
    • Lisa Rosa
      Wenn Geschichtsschreibung keine gesellschaftliche Funktion hat - was ist sie dann? "Reine Erkenntnis"? Och nö, so ein Rückfall. Rüsen hat zuRecht den Nipperdey überdauert. Ausgraben von Mumien ist nicht Geschichtswissenschaft, eher Archäologie ...
  • So man denn unbedingt will, mag man auch hier von Erzählung sprechen,
    • Lisa Rosa
      und das tut man heute auch - "Erzählung" ist die Konkretisierung von Vorstellungen unter dem herrschenden (oder nicht herrschenden) Paradigma. Alle Wissenschaft, die Zeit, also historische Prozesse zum Gegenstand hat, muss Ereignisse entlang der Zeit anordnen (unter mindestens 1 Ordnungskriterium)
    • Lisa Rosa
      Theorien sind eben nicht die Erzählung selbst - sondern die dahinter liegende theoretische Vorstellung, die den "Inhalt" der Erzählung organisiert.
  • Wenn Marc Blochs These zutrifft, dass im Grunde alle empirischen Wis-senschaften historisch sind, weil sie immer nur Vergangenes analysieren können, dann mag es angehen, auch die Naturwissenschaften in ihren Erkenntnisweisen als ›narrativ‹ zu bezeichnen.45 Aber was leistet dies dann für die Beantwortung der Frage, was historische Erkenntnis in Wissenschaft und Schule genuin ausmacht oder ausmachen sollte?46
    • Lisa Rosa
      Soll etwa die "Leistungfähigkeit für die Schule" begründen, ob Bloch zuzustimmen ist?
    • Lisa Rosa
      Schade, zu schnell verworfen! Denn Dantos weiter Erzählbegriff könnte tatsächlich dazu führen, dass endlich verstanden wird, dass alle Wissenschaften eine historische Dimension enthalten/brauchen. Historisches Denken ist nicht bloß ein Denken in dem Fach Geschichte der Menschheit. Es ist die permanente historische Einbettung aller Gegenstände von Wissenschaft.
    • Lisa Rosa
      Hier wird offenbar dem Narrativismus-Prinzip Subjektivismus unterstellt. Strohmann
  • Vielmehr wird ein solcher Unterricht narrative Sinnentwürfe der Vergangenheit62 und Gegenwart konsequent zu seinem Objekt machen.
    • Lisa Rosa
      Das ist eine gute Idee!
  • kritische Analyse von in Gesellschaft und Öffentlichkeit vorliegenden »Sinnstiftungsofferten« im historischen Lernen eine ungleich größere Rolle spielen muss als die Generierung von Sinn auf direk-ter Quellenbasis.63
  • Dabei spielt der Gedanke eines »Konzept-wechsels« eine wesentliche Rolle:
    • Lisa Rosa
  • Der damit verbundene Erkenntnisfortschritt vollzieht sich recht analog zum naturwissen-schaftlichen Lernen, wo es auf das fachlich angemessenere Verständnis eines vor-wissenschaftlichen Konzepts ankommt.72

Bringing History to Life - High School Notes ( - 13 views

  • The students' documentary was part of National History Day, a program that more than 600,000 middle and high school students participate in each year.
  • They're going to archives, going to museums, doing real historical research. In the process of all this, they learn history, they learn about their nation's past. They learn important skills they can apply in their careers and in college.
  • We have empirical data that proves without a doubt that kids who participate in History Day outperform their peers who don't.
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  • In middle and high school, that's where the loss of instruction time comes.
  • has to be an engaged study of the past.
  • [National History Day] is not just for gifted and talented students; this is a program that does extremely well with kids in the lower quartile.
  • riginal research, you have an opportunity to form your own opinion on a topic. You're looking at original material. They do have to read secondary material so that they can have context. Have you talked to any teachers about how they're discussing the killing of Osama bin Laden with students? What should teachers be saying to their students? What's the importance of recent history in history class? I haven't had the chance to talk to any teachers since [last] Sunday. But I can tell you that what I hope they're doing is helping young people put this in perspective. I hope they're helping students understand the history of terror and understand why 9/11 happened in the first place. You have to understand the history of the Middle East and the history of the United States' role there, so you can draw some meaning and understanding. Using the word understanding doesn't mean condoning; it just means you need to understand why it may have happened. See how your school stacks up in our rankings of Best High Schools. Have something of interest to share? Send your news to us at More High School Notes posts Reader Comments Add Comment Start the discussion! Be the first to comment on this story. var RecaptchaOptions = { theme : 'clean' }; Add Your Thoughts Title Comment 3000 characters left About You Name Email State - state - AL AK AZ AR CA CO CT DE DC FL GA HI ID IL IN IA KS KY LA ME MD MA MI MN MS MO MT NE NV NH NJ NM NY NC ND OH OK OR PA RI SC SD TN TX UT VT VA WA WV WI WY International Please enter the two words below into the text field underneath the image. Recaptcha.widget = Recaptcha.$("recaptcha_widget_div"); Recaptcha.challenge_callback(); Your comment will be posted immediately, unless it is spam or contains profanity. For more information, please see our
    Outlining the importance of National History Day.

Turabian Citation Guide - 0 views

    A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations Turabian Quick Guide Kate L. Turabian's Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations presents two basic documentation systems: notes-bibliography style (or simply bibliography style) and author-date style (sometimes called reference list style). These styles are essentially the same as those presented in The Chicago Manual of Style, sixteenth edition, with slight modifications for the needs of student writers. Bibliography style is used widely in literature, history, and the arts. This style presents bibliographic information in footnotes or endnotes and, usually, a bibliography.

Enlightenment The Age of - 10 views

  • To understand the natural world and humankind's place in it solely on the basis of reason and without turning to religious belief was the goal of the wide-ranging intellectual movement called the Enlightenment. The movement claimed the allegiance of a majority of thinkers during the 17th and 18th centuries, a period that Thomas Paine called the Age of Reason. At its heart it became a conflict between religion and the inquiring mind that wanted to know and understand through reason based on evidence and proof.
  • Political developments were far livelier in central Europe. In Prussia Frederick the Great, building on the military and bureaucratic organization of his predecessors, introduced greater freedom of religion while expanding the economic functions of the state.
  • France and Britain squared off in the 1740s and again in the Seven Years' War (1756-1763)
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  • More than in art, neoclassicism in literature came closer to voicing the eighteenth century's fascination with reason and scientific law.
  • All are but parts of one stupendous whole,           Whose body nature is, and God the soul ...           All nature is but art, unknown to thee;           All chance, direction, which thou cannot see.           All discord, harmony not understood;           All partial evil, universal good           And, spite of pride, in erring reason's spite,           One truth is clear: Whatever is, is right.

Modern art was CIA 'weapon' - World, News - The Independent - 6 views

  • The Central Intelligence Agency used American modern art - including the works of such artists as Jackson Pollock, Robert Motherwell, Willem de Kooning and Mark Rothko - as a weapon in the Cold War. In the manner of a Renaissance prince - except that it acted secretly - the CIA fostered and promoted American Abstract Expressionist painting around the world for more than 20 years.
  • in the propaganda war with the Soviet Union, this new artistic movement could be held up as proof of the creativity, the intellectual freedom, and the cultural power of the US. Russian art, strapped into the communist ideological straitjacket, could not compete.
  • The decision to include culture and art in the US Cold War arsenal was taken as soon as the CIA was founded in 1947. Dismayed at the appeal communism still had for many intellectuals and artists in the West, the new agency set up a division, the Propaganda Assets Inventory, which at its peak could influence more than 800 newspapers, magazines and public information organisations. They joked that it was like a Wurlitzer jukebox: when the CIA pushed a button it could hear whatever tune it wanted playing across the world.
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  • Initially, more open attempts were made to support the new American art. In 1947 the State Department organised and paid for a touring international exhibition entitled "Advancing American Art", with the aim of rebutting Soviet suggestions that America was a cultural desert. But the show caused outrage at home, prompting Truman to make his Hottentot remark and one bitter congressman to declare: "I am just a dumb American who pays taxes for this kind of trash." The tour had to be cancelled.
  • This philistinism, combined with Joseph McCarthy's hysterical denunciations of all that was avant-garde or unorthodox, was deeply embarrassing. It discredited the idea that America was a sophisticated, culturally rich democracy. It also prevented the US government from consolidating the shift in cultural supremacy from Paris to New York since the 1930s.
  • If any official institution was in a position to celebrate the collection of Leninists, Trotskyites and heavy drinkers that made up the New York School, it was the CIA.
  • Moscow in those days was very vicious in its denunciation of any kind of non-conformity to its own very rigid patterns. And so one could quite adequately and accurately reason that anything they criticised that much and that heavy- handedly was worth support one way or another
  • As president of what he called "Mummy's museum", Rockefeller was one of the biggest backers of Abstract Expressionism (which he called "free enterprise painting"). His museum was contracted to the Congress for Cultural Freedom to organise and curate most of its important art shows. The museum was also linked to the CIA by several other bridges. William Paley, the president of CBS broadcasting and a founding father of the CIA, sat on the members' board of the museum's International Programme. John Hay Whitney, who had served in the agency's wartime predecessor, the OSS, was its chairman. And Tom Braden, first chief of the CIA's International Organisations Division, was executive secretary of the museum in 1949.
  • "It was very difficult to get Congress to go along with some of the things we wanted to do - send art abroad, send symphonies abroad, publish magazines abroad. That's one of the reasons it had to be done covertly. It had to be a secret. In order to encourage openness we had to be secret."
  • Would Abstract Expressionism have been the dominant art movement of the post-war years without this patronage? The answer is probably yes. Equally, it would be wrong to suggest that when you look at an Abstract Expressionist painting you are being duped by the CIA. But look where this art ended up: in the marble halls of banks, in airports, in city halls, boardrooms and great galleries. For the Cold Warriors who promoted them, these paintings were a logo, a signature for their culture and system which they wanted to display everywhere that counted. They succeeded.

A Teacher's Guide to the Holocaust - 13 views

    A Teacher's Guide to the Holocaust offers an overview of the people and events of the Holocaust. Extensive teacher resources are included."> This is a cached version of has no relation to the site.x

    TimelinePeople Arts
    Activities<img s

How we remember them: the 1914-18 war today | openDemocracy - 6 views

  • After the war, however, the problem of reintegrating into society both those who had served and those who had lost, and finding a narrative that could contain both, found one answer by an emphasis on the universality of heroism. A British society that has since the 1960s grown increasingly distant from the realities of military service - whilst remaining dedicated to it as a location for fantasy - has been unable to move on from this rhetorical standpoint
  • The war's portrayal has always been shaped by contemporary cultural mores, and commemorative documentaries demonstrate just how much the relationship between the creators and consumers of popular culture has changed over the last fifty years. For the fiftieth anniversary of 1914, the BBC commissioned the twenty-six part series The Great War, based around archive footage and featuring interviews with veterans. There was an authoritative narrative voice, but no presenters. For the eightieth anniversary, it collaborated with an American television company on a six-part series littered with academic talking-heads. For the ninetieth anniversary, it has had a range of TV presenter-celebrities - among them Michael Palin, Dan Snow, Natalie Cassidy and Eamonn Holmes - on a journey of discovery of their families' military connections. These invariably culminate next to graves and memorials in a display of the right kind of televisual emotion at the moment the formula demands and the audience has come to expect.&nbsp;&nbsp; The focus of these programmes - family history as a means of understanding the past - is worthy of note in itself. It is indicative of the dramatic growth of family history as a leisure interest, perhaps in response to the sense of dislocation inherent in modernity
  • The search for family history is usually shaped by modern preconceptions, and as such it seldom results by itself in a deeper understanding of the past. The modern experience of finding someone who shares your surname on the Commonwealth War Graves Commission website, taking a day trip to France and finding his grave (perhaps with a cathartic tear or few) might increase a person's or family's sense of emotional connection to the war, and may bring other satisfactions. Insofar as it is led not by a direct connection with a loved one, however, but by what television has "taught" as right conduct, it can seldom encourage a more profound appreciation of what the war meant for those who fought it, why they kept fighting, or why they died.
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  • Projects such as The Great War Archive, which combine popular interest in the war with specialist expertise, and which recognise that an archive is different from a tribute or a memorial, suggest that it is possible to create high-quality content based on user submissions.
  • the exploitation of popular enthusiasm to encourage thought, rather than to enforce the "correct" opinion
  • It is certainly true that the 1914-18 war is popularly seen as the "bad war" and 1939-45 as the "good war." I think the one view is sustained in order to support the other. Although no expert, it seems to me that in reality the two world wars were marked more by their similarities than their differences (Europe-wide military/imperial rivalry causes collapse of inadequate alliance system &gt; Germany invades everywhere &gt; everywhere invades Germany). However, there is an extreme reluctance in Britain to admit that WW2 was anything other than a Manichean struggle between the elves and the orcs, so WW1 becomes a kind of dumping-ground for a lot of suppressed anxiety and guilt which might otherwise accrue to our role in WW2 - just as it might in any war. So we make a donkey out of Haig in order to sustain hagiographic views of Churchill. "Remembrance" of both wars continues to be a central feature of British public consciousness to an extraordinary, almost religious&nbsp;degree, and I think this has a nostalgic angle as well: if "we" squint a bit "we" can still tell ourselves that it was "our" last gasp as a global power. Personally I think it's all incredibly dodgy. "Remembrance," it seems to me, is always carried out in a spirit of tacit acceptance that the "remembered" war was a good thing. Like practically all of the media representation of the current war, Remembrance Day is a show of "sympathy" for the troops which is actually about preventing objective views of particular wars (and war in general) from finding purchase in the public consciousness. It works because it's a highly politicised ritual which is presented as being above politics and therefore above criticism. All these things are ways of manipulating the suffering of service personnel past and present as a means of emotionally blackmailing critics of government into silence. I reckon anyway.

SS Curriculum Guides - 22 views

    These are a set of out-of-print guides made by the NYC Board of Education in 1993-1994. They are full of primary sources, short text selections and activities which many teachers have found very useful. Although designed for 7th and 8th grade they can be modified for high school and elementary school. Many teachers have used these over the last 17 years to help them develop their lessons. They are large files so they will take a few minutes to open. Note that both sets follow the same format but the 8th grade guides were done with a modern text style and therefore "looks" much better.

About the Germany Under Reconstruction Collection - 0 views

    "The Germany Under Reconstruction digital collection [at the University of Wisconsin, Madison,] provides a varied selection of publications in both English and German from the period immediately following World War II. Many are publications of the U.S. occupying forces, including reports and descriptions of efforts to introduce U.S.-style democracy to Germany. Some of the other books and documents describe conditions in a country devastated by years of war, efforts at political, economic and cultural development, and the differing perspectives coming from the U.S. and British zones and the Russian zone of occupation. At the same time, the Germans themselves and the occupying forces look back at the National Socialist period and try to come to terms with what had happened."

The history Daily - 24 views

    An excellent news-style history page. Seems to aggregate blog posts from the most prominent history bloggers. 

BBC - A History of the World - About - British Museum - 100 Objects - 8 views

    This is a really cool site! There is also a podcast to accompany each object. There is an audio podcast and an enlargeable graphic of the object. These are great to use as bellwork, or within a lesson, or even as homework! I usually devise my own set of question(s) to go with the podcast and object - whether quiz style questions or longer discussion style questions.

Tesla's Revenge: Filmmakers Kickstart Electrifying Docudrama About Cult Genius | Underw... - 3 views

  • The movie will feature dramatic re-enactments, interviews, vintage film sequences and archival photographs filmed in slow-panning “Ken Burns style,” according to project rep Zach Taiji. Kickstarter funders can snag cool swag including Nikola Tesla action figures.
  • David Bowie’s portrayal of Tesla in Christopher Nolan’s Victorian-era science thriller The Prestige will be hard to beat, and God only knows what it’ll look like if Christian Bale decides to portray Tesla in Tesla, Ruler of the World, now in discussions.
    History of science is hip!

Turkey can avert a tragedy on the Tigris - Yahoo! News - 0 views

  • The issues are complex. Advocates and opponents cast the debate as preservation of the past challenging progress for the future, conservation versus energy, national interests versus minority Kurdish interests, nationalism versus the interests of neighboring countries. The government argues that the dam will bring irrigation and power to the region. Opponents maintain that much of the electricity generated will go to other parts of the country. Iraq has protested vehemently against Turkey damming the Tigris River just upstream and further restricting the water flow across the border. There is also the geopolitical drama of the European partnerships withdrawing and Turkey potentially pursuing other partners such as China and Russia.

World Digital Library Home - 2 views

    A useful site for historical images from around the world. I guess the great thing about these kinds of resources is that they're going to grow over time.

Educarional Improvement Internet Library - 0 views

    A n extensive collection of materials to help teachers, parents, and administrators. \n\n

The Spanish-American War in Motion Pictures - 2 views

    A presentation of 68 motion pictures recording images of that American adventure in old-style colonialism, the Spanish-American War. Filmed in the US, Cuba and the Philippines.

Jules R. Benjamin, A Student's Online Guide to History Reference Sources, Eleventh Edition - 11 views

    Welcome to the Web site for A Student's Online Guide to History Reference Sources. Adapted from the appendixes in A Student's Guide to History, Eleventh Edition, this site guides you to some of the best tools available for the most common research areas.
    This site accompanies a book I bought recently and would highly recommend as a useful guide for high school history students. It contains research and writing style guides and heaps of online resources (which I'm going to add to the group anyway). It's written for introductory undergraduate students yet would be useful for senior high school history students and is written and organised clearly and effectively.
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