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Tom Daccord

EdTechTeacher - 10 views

    "Summer 2011 Teaching with Technology Workshops Inspiring Technology Integration Ideas with Acclaimed Education Technology Leaders For this, our 9th year, we have assembled an incredible summer program on a diverse set of topics for educators from across the country and around the world. Join us amidst the greenery of Harvard Yard in historic Cambridge next summer, for a memorable educational experience. Registration open. "
    That sounds fantastic. We're so lucky there are technologies like this available now that let teachers abroad share opportunities and resources with each other. Thanks for sharing Tom.
Clif Mims

HippoCampus - Free Educational Multimedia - 8 views

    "HippoCampus is a project of the Monterey Institute for Technology and Education (MITE). The goal of HippoCampus is to provide high-quality, multimedia content on general education subjects to high school and college students free of charge. HippoCampus was designed as part of Open Education Resources (OER), a worldwide effort to improve access to quality education for everyone. HippoCampus content has been developed by some of the finest colleges and universities in the world..."
Ed Webb

Office of Educational Technology (OET) - 3 views

  • Secretary Arne Duncan invites comments on the draft National Educational Technology Plan.
  • This plan is a draft. "We are open to your comments," Secretary Duncan said. "Tell us about how technology has changed your school or classroom." Read the plan. Share your comments, videos and examples of how technology is changing and improving education.
Daniel Ballantyne

Technology a key tool in writing instruction | Community | - 9 views

  • Students should have an opportunity to write for a real audience and collaborate on writing projects, experts say—and the internet can help
  • The report found that the use of Web 2.0 tools such as blogs, podcasts, wikis, and comics-creating software can heighten students’ engagement and enhance their writing and thinking skills in all grade levels and across all subjects.
  • First, every student needs one-on-one access to computers or mobile technology in classrooms.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Second, every teacher needs professional development in the effective use of digital tools for teaching and learning, including the use of digital tools to promote writing. Teachers need an opportunity to use technology themselves so they can share what they learn with the students
  • Finally, all schools and districts need a comprehensive technology policy to ensure that the necessary infrastructure, technical support, and resources are available for teaching and learning.
    Technology a key tool in writing instruction
Polett Schafer

Integrating technology too tightly with education presents its own kind of problems | P... - 2 views

    • Polett Schafer
      Listen to the radio program
    How to integrate tech into education. The problems with it. 
Brian Peoples

The bar has been raised. - 4 views

  • A school leader who wishes to “create and sustain a culture that supports digital age learning must become comfortable collaborating as co-learners with colleagues and students around the world” (aka “I don’t do technology” is no longer acceptable.)  Also, this framework seeks to help school leaders propel their organizations forward as members of “dynamic learning communities.” Vision is vital.
  • ensure instructional innovation; model and promote effective use of technology for learning; provide learner-centered environments to meet the individual needs of students; ensure effective practice in the study of technology and infusion across curriculum; promote and participate in learning communities that allow for global, digital-age collaboration
  • allocate time, resource and access to ensure ongoing professional growth in technology fluency and integration; facilitate and participate in learning communities to nurture administrators, teachers, and staff; promote and model effective communication and collaboration using digital tools; stay current on the latest educational research and emerging trends in educational technology to improve student learning
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • model and establish policies for safe, legal, and ethical use of digital information/technology; promote and model responsible social media interactions; model and facilitate a shared cultural understanding and involvement in global issues through the use of communication and collaboration tools
  • A med student at UVA commented to our leadership team- teachers and admins together- this past week that the “real learning begins when we get to the team-based work.”
David Hilton

Is History history? - 35 views

I am creating a site you and your students might enjoy and perhaps add to. is an online course in the history of art around the world. You can jump in anywhere. I would love to f...

history philosophy pedagogy teaching education social studies

Dominic Salvucci

Top 10 Teacher Tools for Digital Curation ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Learning - 14 views

    Ten data collection and curation tools.
Lisa M Lane

Google to Caption YouTube Videos - - 7 views

    YouTube is initially applying the captioning technology only to a few channels, most of them specializing in educational content. They include channels from universities like Stanford, Yale, Duke, Columbia and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, PBS and National Geographic, and Google itself - its corporate videos will be captioned.
David Hilton

Making of America - 0 views

    Making of America (MoA) is a digital library of primary sources in American social history from the antebellum period through reconstruction. The collection is particularly strong in the subject areas of education, psychology, American history, sociology, religion, and science and technology.
    "Making of America (MoA) is a digital library of primary sources in American social history from the antebellum period through reconstruction. The collection is particularly strong in the subject areas of education, psychology, American history, sociology, religion, and science and technology."
David Hilton

Recordings - 2010 Global Education Conference - 4 views

    Recordings from the 2010 Global Education Conference. 
Keith Dennison

NJ history goes digital for high school students - Daily Targum - University - 18 views

    This is a project that I am involved with. If you are doing similar things with technology please reach out to me. I am looking to build a PLN of like minded educators.
    Hi Keith - I work in the social studies department at Morristown High School and am good friends with one of your colleagues, Ryan Herbst. I'd like to get involved in any way possible... I read the article and visited the website for Electronic New Jersey and have years of experience using primary sources and technology in my everyday teaching. You can contact me at Thank you
    Hi, Lindsay, I am so sorry this took so long to get to you, I've been up to my ears in work and other stuff. I just couldn't steal the five minutes to write to you. Sad, I know. :) Ryan was my protege and he's such a great guy! He's talked about you and Morristown H.S. and what a great place it is. I went to Randolph and all of my relatives on my Mom's side graduated from Morristown H.S. starting back in the 1930s! Lots of history there, and I love Morristown! When I get permission to do pilot testing I will ask if we can send you the link and let you try stuff out there and give us feedback. Also, if you ever want to come to Central and see what we're up to just ask!
Kendra Nielsen

Kathy Schrock's Guide for Educators - General History & Social Studies Sites - Kathy Sc... - 9 views

    The tech specialist for my high school runs an award-winning website with references for using technology in teaching.
David Hilton

seven thirty-five a.m. - 9 views

    I am just starting a blog as part of a reflective practice. I also want to use it to connect with people who are interested in education and interested in smart inclusion of technology into the classroom. It's brand new, but I have a post on there with examples of what we're doing at Hunterdon Central Regional High School in Flemington, NJ.
    This is a blog by Keith Dennison, a history teacher in New Jersey. Might be useful for teaching ideas or collaboration.
Deven Black

A Teacher's Guide to the Holocaust - 13 views

    A Teacher's Guide to the Holocaust offers an overview of the people and events of the Holocaust. Extensive teacher resources are included."> This is a cached version of has no relation to the site.x

    TimelinePeople Arts
    Activities<img s
David Hilton

321 Free Tools for Teachers - Free Educational Technology - 20 views

    In my current iteration as an instructional designer I came across this list. It might be useful when putting together resources or elearning experiences.
David Hilton

Alexander Graham Bell Family Papers: Home - 0 views

    The online version of the Alexander Graham Bell Family Papers at the Library of Congress comprises a selection of 4,695 items (totaling about 51,500 images). This presentation contains correspondence, scientific notebooks, journals, blueprints, articles, and photographs documenting Bell's invention of the telephone and his involvement in the first telephone company, his family life, his interest in the education of the deaf, and his aeronautical and other scientific research. Dates span from 1862 to 1939, but the bulk of the materials are from 1865 to 1920
    A very large collection covering all aspects of Graham Bell's work.
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