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Chris Dede

How Mobile Technology is Reshaping the Global Landscape - Brookings Institution - 9 views

    Session on global impact of mobile technology - webcast as well as f2f
Amanda Bowen

Forget an essay -- earn a scholarship with a tweet - - 7 views

    I wish it was this easy when I applied to undergrad. 
    interesting point that the MBA admissions director from University of Iowa mentions. Admissions dept.'s are finding traditional application essays stale. New/social media outlets like twitter are bringing back originality and creativity. Maybe embracing Tweets as a medium is like a page-limit on a paper assignment. The constraints force students to really hone in on their points, and convey it as succinctly and clearly as possible? Conveying an entire thought/argument in 140 characters... it isn't easy, and perhaps those who can do it best are really effective 21st century communicators, and are worth rewarding/supporting.
Diana Mazzuca

The Problem with Lecturing - 13 views

    An example of student preconceived notions preventing them from learning scientific concepts.
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    Interesting article. Dockterman speaks of Mazur all the time and it's nice to see the background.
    Great find. It touches on two topics I'm pursuing this semester- conceptual change and how formative assessments can improve learning. Eric Mazur's approach is fantastic. I wonder how what he does can be applied to K-12 teaching.
  • This is a video of Professor Mazur using this strategy. I'm currently taking a class where the professor uses a similar type of engagement method and I find that it is much more interesting and results in deeper understanding than a typical lecture method.
    Ayelet, I curious what class / professor.
    Merseth. Do you agree with this characterization? Do you find that style effective?
    Thanks, Diana. I can use this article in two of my other classes.
    Great video - key quote "You can forget facts but you can't forget understandings." Yes - I would agree that Merseth and a number of other HGSE professors structure their courses for engagement in a similar manner. Requiring reading & active reflection (by via a written brief, case preparation, or online quiz) before the class / lecture is a great way to prep for deeper engagement and understanding. The genius in Mazur's approach is to use technology to assess before class and during class what his students understand and, more importantly, don't understand AND then tailor what he presents next to address misconceptions.
Hannah Lesk

Educators & Developers Unite: Shared Learning Collaborative Camp Boston - 3 views

    As Mary Jo said in class today, the lack of collaboration between teachers and developers is a hugely frustrating. The Shared Learning Collaborative is an organization that tries to bring the groups together for "camps" that tap the skills of both around big problems in education. This weekend, there's a Codeathon/Tagathon in Cambridge aimed at increasing the volume of properly meta-tagged content in the Learning Registry. Could be interesting to check out.
    This conference addresses a very real gap - I really hope that more opportunities like this one bring people together that share the common goal, but are coming at it from such different perspectives. Thanks, Hannah!
Yan Feng

10 Things That Will Be Obsolete in Education by 2020 - 6 views

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    I thought the word "satchel" was already obsolete? HA! And does anyone else agree that they use the term "obsolete" very loosely in some of their explanations - for example HOMEWORK - doesn't "some work at school and some work at home" still constitute homework? And about Standardized TEACHING - until Standardized TESTING goes away, HG and supporters can advocate for this type of teaching reform, but try as we might (and many of us do offer alternative lessons and assignments to take advantage of the multiple intelligences within our classroom), end of the day, we still have to get our kids to pass those tests. It is how we as students, teachers, schools, districts, states and a nation are continually evaluated as being successful.
    I think this article is a little odd too. I think that a lot of times, writers of articles want to make these large shocking claims in their headlines. When you read the actual body of the text though, it becomes evident that the term "obsolete" isn't what they're after - but rather, it's about renaming or altering the way we think about current systems. Also, I was interested in what they meant by changing the actual architecture of schools. When I looked into the gallery though, it was a group of photos of a bunch of weird structures that didn't really show anything about schools (maybe the outsides?).
    Also, I can't imagine that education will make the fear of failure extinct. It may make failing a bit more tolerable with individualized instruction, but I can't image that the pressure on students to succeed will decrease; it seems more likely that it will increase.
    I appreciated that they mentioned learning HTML. I wish I learned that in school -- I think basic web design should be a 21st century skill.
Chris Dede

Daphne Koller - Technology as a Passport to Personalized Education - - 10 views

    artificial intelligence and the personalization of instruction
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    Excellent artcile that illustrates the disruptive nature of technology in education. Thank you.
    I wholeheartedly believe in the last sentence of the article - "By using technology in the service of education, we can change the world in our lifetime".
    A great article -- mentions Khan in forefront again -- I think the more we speak to how to maintain high standards of design and pedagogy for blended classes, the better
Uche Amaechi

Fraud U: Toppling a Bogus-Diploma Empire | Magazine - 9 views

    Please read through the comments for perspectives. And try to site back and imagine their perspective. We're going to be inherently biased about this one
    Interesting article and comments. The comments from Tshavo and chendrix are especially entertaining.
    Thanks for this article. The comments are hilarious and demonstrates that some people are always looking for a shortcut to success.
Allison Gevarter

N.J. schools explore using iPads as teaching devices | - 5 views

    Really interesting article on a school district in New Jersey that is testing iPad use across multiple classroom subjects . The district purchased 60 devices for students in the testing program. Pending the results, they are considering providing all of their high school students with the device as early as next year.
    Thanks for contributing this great article. I am going to closely monitor this "experiment" and may potentially seek to interview some of the teachers who created this iPad curriculum for the various courses.
    I'd really like to see one of these lessons in action- this sounds cool. I wonder, do the ipads stay in the classrooms?
Chris Dede

National STEM Video Game Challenge - 4 views

    Big money for games that help young children learn STEM
    Maybe you or someone could comment on what this has in common with the Tesla project (or what is different). Would love to hear more. As a future middle school teacher, this inspires me. The contest geared toward middle school age validates my conviction that middle schoolers can and should be learning technology ... yes, even in BPS there's got to be a way.
    TESLA is studying both how we can make math education more effective and what types of motivational inductions appeal to various types of students in grades 5-9. The emphasis in engagement is on building intrinsic motivation and self-efficacy in math, rather than using external motivation to "sugar-coat" math as yucky, but necessary. The intrinsic/extrinsic distinction is often ignored by game designers,and as a result kids who are momentarily engaged in STEM can actually be demotivated longer term. TESLA is trying to established a more nuanced view of how to build this type of game.
Heather French

Online Educator Database list of 50 Great Apps for Educators - 4 views

    Top 50 iPhone applications for educators and some of them are free.
    While many of the apps listed are organization the teaching tools and media lists have some great apps for the classroom. For EDC
Chris Dede

Survey: Mobile learning at a tipping point | Mobile and Handheld Technologies | eSchool... - 4 views

    survey of kids' thoughts about mobile learning
Diego Vallejos

Solar-powered internet school set to benefit children in rural Africa - 0 views

    "Resilient mobile classroom incorporating laptops, video camera and electronic blackboard will work in areas without electricity"
Cameron Paterson

Kesmit-ing: The Twitter Experiment - Bringing Twitter to the Classroom at UT Dallas Video - 3 views

    How one teacher is using twitter to teach more effectively
    Uche, in class today I was thinking about this posting from Cameron. Was wondering your thoughts on it and if/how using Twitter like this relates to OneVille.
Natalie Hebshie

Sal Khan: Bill Gates' favorite teacher - Aug. 24, 2010 - 3 views

    After reading this I wonder what other resources there are online for learning all those things that I have found difficult to master in my life.
    A great read and resource that came up through another one of my classes. The Harvard Business School grad makes free online videos that explore math and science concepts. Bill Gates is a big fan.
Garron Hillaire

The Case For Social Media in Schools - 3 views

  • Elizabeth Delmatoff started a pilot social media program in her Portland, Oregon classroom, 20% of students school-wide were completing extra assignments for no credit, grades had gone up more than 50%
  • Although Delmatoff is adamant that there’s no way to pin her class’s increased academic success specifically to the pilot program, it’s hard to say that it didn’t play a part in the more than 50% grade increase.
  • is one of many free tools that allow teachers to control an online environment while still benefiting from social media. Delmatoff managed her social media class without a budget by using free tools like Edmodo and Edublogs.
    An article that advocates the use of social media in the classroom. It highlights one pilot program in Oregon.
Doug Pietrzak

Future Shock: Nokia Research Touts 5 Innovative Mobile Interfaces | Gadget Lab | - 3 views

    A nokia future technology video, much like that of the Microsoft one we watched earlier featurying nanotechnology
Chris Dede

A 'Stealth Assessment' Turns to Video Games to Measure Thinking Skills - Technology - T... - 3 views

    using videogames to measure thinking skills
Doug Pietrzak

Clive Thompson on Coding for the Masses | Magazine - 3 views

    Everyone should learn to program!
Chris Dede

IPhone and Android Apps Breach Privacy - - 7 views

    no privacy with cognitive audit trains from phones
Amanda Bowen

How Khan Academy Is Changing the Rules of Education | Magazine - 3 views

    One teacher claims that "The idea is to invert the normal rhythms of school, so that lectures are viewed on the kids' own time and homework is done at school." - Do you agree that this is a good solution? 
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    That is the way a couple of my colleagues (science and math) use Khan and they feel it creates more opportunity to use them as a resource for their specific needs. The spend some time at the beginning of class to answer questions as a group and then students begin working on problems and asking for individual help during class.
    I think the idea of distributing video tutorials and courseware for free is a powerful lever for change and education (Khan Academy, MIT OpenCourseWare, etc). While I'm intrigued by Khan Academy and see the benefit to help student who want to pause and replay lessons, there is a limit to it's use as an educational tool. In the article linked below, the Los Altos district currently piloting the program noted that they have not seen any statistical difference between Khan students and the control group.
    I too am intrigued by this "inverting" of time spent in the classroom and at home. My idealized model would be to introduce learners to new material at their own pace out of the classroom (allowing for pausing, note taking, reflecting and/or rewinding) and focus classroom time on face to face guiding and coaching of clusters of students or individual students engaged in applying or exploring the current material. To help facilitate this (and assist with accountability) some brief form of pre-assessment before class or at the start of class could illuminate for student and teacher alike what material has been mastered and what needs more attention. The research report from the TIE Foundations summer reading appears to support this type of hybrid approach. => Marsha Lovett, Oded Meyer, and Candace Thille (2008). The Open Learning Initiative: Measuring the effectiveness of the OLI statistics course in accelerating student learning.
    An added benefit of tools such as Khan Academy is the option for reinforcement. In a traditional K-12 school environment students do not have the option to watch a video of their class or spend personalized time reviewing a concept they need more time with during class time due to the required pace of school curriculum. An online learning tool allows a student to watch a lesson as many times as needed and to learn from an expert. Often if a student needs help outside the classroom the only people they turn to is parents, who may or may not know about the content themselves.
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