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Biology Lab Escape ("Escape the room" type flash game) - 0 views

    • Chris Johnson
      Try playing through this "escape the room" type flash game. You have to conduct an experiment as part of the solution. In this case the experiment is trivial and its validity is questionable, but couldn't we create a similar game as a performance assessment? If you get stuck, you can click "walkthrough" for help (including a video of the solution). Yes, I know there are many advertisements.
    • Xavier Rozas
      Chris don't you find the spastic picking up and inspecting of random artifacts laying around the castle, maze, forest, etc..hoping for a dialogue box to blurt out '..Just a regular newspaper...But what's this, a secret code puzzle left unfinished?!' is a flat experience. Don't get me wrong, I love easter eggs, but the hunt is a pain in clunky 2D.
    Consider the possibilities for a performance assessment while playing through this simple "escape the room" game. The validity of the experiment involved in the solution is questionable.
    Escape games are very big in the publishing industry right now due mostly to their inquiry based assessment and the low development cost compared to highly immersive first-person games. The biology lab escape is one of the better ones that I've seen out there. Thanks Chris!
    I played for about 8 minutes and then grew tired of the game. I am curious how assessors would have graded my performance. I found the easier way to "escape the room" was to close the browser window.

The Fall of Multi-Tasking : Education Next - 0 views

    multi-tasking vs: serial tasking

Obama urges students to work hard, stay in school - - 0 views

    I'm missing something because i don't understand why she feels scared to be in the country because POTUS is telling kids to stay in school.

Technology Review: An Advert for In-Game Violence - 0 views

  • A team of European and U.S. researchers found ads displayed along with violent scenes to be more memorable to players than those shown with nonviolent content, even though players spent less time looking at them. The results are contrary to expectations stemming from research on television, where violence has been shown to decrease attention to advertisements. Developing a better understanding of the way advertising works in games could help game companies enhance their advertising strategies.
  • Those who played a violent version of the game, where the goal was to run down pedestrians, resulting in a blood-splattered screen, demonstrated significantly better recall of advertised brands than those who played the regular version. The researchers presented their work at the International Conference on Entertainment Computing last year.
    The unholy marrage of violent gaming and hightened advert recall...Clearly there are educational implications to be considered here.

Psychologist: Facebook makes you smarter, Twitter makes you dumber | Technically Incorr... - 0 views

    Anything that involves 'instant' such as twitter, texting, and youtube, hurt your 'working memory' and thus make you dumber. Facebook, on the other hand, expands your working memory as you seek to keep in touch with all your 'friends'. Really?
    But what if the people finding me on Facebook were better left fogotten.

Humanities 27: Imaginary Journeys - 0 views

    While the technology has summarily 'emerged', Google Earth and a well designed media rich narrative are rethinking lecture dynamics and student participation. Informative video highlights some of the features and offers testimonials about Greenblatt's Humanities 27 being taught at Harvard.

The Hierarchy Of Digital Distractions | Information Is Beautiful - 0 views

    interesting take on the technology that's competing for our attention--creating multi tasking monsters of us all, or as some would argue, ADD junkies with continuous partial attention
1More - 0 views

    Great site promoting online youth collaboration. Site includes tools for student game and digital asset development in addition to pre-built educational games.

A copyright black hole swallows our culture (Financial Times - Opinion) - 0 views

    This is a very salient issue in modern education and the results of the Google Books issue will have a great impact on academia.
    This is an article by professor of Law at Duke. His argument focuses around Google's Book search service and the recent litigation surrounding it. He criticizes both sides and recommends that we collectively rethink the ideas behind copyright.

Is Online Education More Effective Than Traditional Learning? - 2 views

    One of the fastest growing uses of tech is online learning...

Education, psychology and technology: Games lessons | The Economist - 1 views

    a school with a curriculum based on videogames
    While I applaud the concept of their program, I believe it tips the scale too far in the direction of technology. Unless the students plan to solely work in a digital world the removal of a physical classroom and interaction will greatly affect their social development. For example, physics lab was partially about the smell of the chemicals, the viewing of the wave pools, the teamwork and the mistakes that were real life.

Social Impact Games (Entertaining Games with Non-Entertainment Goals) - 1 views

    This site lists educational games by category. There is no feed for updates (at least, I haven't found one) and games listed vary greatly in quality and educational merit. The site is hard to navigate due to poor design and doesn't seem to update very frequently
    Cool Site! What an easy way to see what has been explored and was in the works. It seemed as though Health and Language acquisition were big topics.

Opinion: The First-Person Immersion Myth (Gamasutra) - 0 views

    • Chris Johnson
      I tend to agree with the author, though I would be interested in seeing evidence to support his claims. I remember playing the classic horror survival game "Alone in the Dark" (from 1992) The graphics were fairly primitive by today's standards, the controls could be clunky, but I felt more immersed in the experience, even upon replaying years later. By contrast, I played through first-person shooter and survival horror game F.E.A.R. recently. The graphics are very realistic and the controls are smooth, but something was missing that kept it from being an immersive experience for me. People who haven't played the original "Alone in the Dark" may recognize more with games like "Resident Evil" in comparison with "Half Life".
  • saves developers from having to develop
  • has a high learning curve for those who haven’t already experienced many first-person games
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • The reason for that is likely that we are used to seeing games and movies play out before us in a third-person view.
  • Having an avatar gives us a strong frame of reference,
  • Are first-person games inherently more immersive? A lot of developers seem to presume that they are,
  • most of us do is identify with the character
  • the “silent hero” dilemma
  • do a somewhat better job by at least allowing the player to make some dialog choices -- but still, the character isn’t you
  • What makes a game immersive or otherwise is not the viewpoint
  • because his world is so well-realized
  • we’ve come to our own conclusion that first-person games are inherently intuitive and more immersive, simply by virtue of their camera position
  • a couple people mailed me to say that they feel I have too closely tied character identification with immersion, and that’s not my intention
    This is an opinion article that talks about immersion and the first-person camera angle in video games. He argues that game developers should re-evaluate the assumption that the first-person viewpoint is inherently more immersive than other gaming experiences.

Dual Perspectives Article - 0 views

    Multiple Display technologies the move that parallels everything that came before it, to fully digital (non disc based) music.

Cushing | Welcome to the library. Say goodbye to the books. - 0 views

    Original Article

Can a School Library Be Replaced by E-Readers? Apparently, it Can - 0 views

    18 ereaders>1 Library?

A Kindle for Every Student - US News and World Report - 0 views

    Pros and cons of the Kindle in K-12 education. Necessity or "Whack-a-Mole"?
2More Thriving in the zone: Geoffrey Canada - 0 views

    An article about a great thinker in urban education.
    Great Article about a Pioneer in Urban Education.

Technology Review: Videos - 0 views

    graduate student at MIT has wearable device that enhances real world with digital information
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