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Cameron Paterson

Networked student model - 4 views

    Principles of networked learning, constructivism, and connectivism inform the design of a test case through which secondary students construct personal learning environments for the purpose of independent inquiry. Emerging web applications and open educational resources are integrated to support a Networked Student Model that promotes inquiry-based learning and digital literacy, empowers the learner, and offers flexibility as new technologies emerge. The Networked Student Model and a test case are described in detail along with implications and considerations for additional research. The article is meant to facilitate further discussion about K-12 student construction of personal learning environments and offer the practitioner a foundation on which to facilitate a networked learning experience. It seeks to determine how a teacher can scaffold a networked learning approach while providing a foundation on which students take more control of the learning process.
Jennifer Jocz

Social Isolation and New Technology - Pew Research Center - 1 views

  • Americans are not as isolated as has been previously reported. People's use of the mobile phone and the internet is associated with larger and more diverse discussion networks.
  • Our survey results challenge the finding that an increasing number of Americans have no one with whom they can discuss important matters. However, our findings support existing research that suggests that the average size and diversity of core discussion networks have declined.
  • ownership of a mobile phone and participation in a variety of internet activities were associated with larger and more diverse core discussion networks.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • Contrary to the assumption that internet use encourages social contact across vast distances, we found that many internet technologies are used as much for local contact as they are for distant communication.
  • Social networking services, such as Facebook, provide new opportunities for users to maintain core social networks.
  • Contrary to the argument that internet use limits people's participation in the local community, local institutions and local spaces, our findings show that most internet activities are associated with higher levels of local activity. However, we find some evidence that use of social networking services (e.g., Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn) substitutes for some level of neighborhood involvement.
  • internet use, and in particular the use of social networking services, are independently associated with higher levels of network diversity.
    Interesting report contradicting some previous findings about the link between technology and social isolation.
Uly Lalunio

Does your social class determine your online social network? - 1 views

    While not an emerging tehnology per se, social networks can serve as indicators of how, why and who is using and CREATING web content. I think the creation part of this exchange is key in that it ishere that the disruptive element of the technology comes into play. In my studies of Podcasts for the wiki assignment I found that many first time podcasters subscribers experimented with recording their own Podcast before becoming regular consumers. How does this relate to the facebook vs. myspace arguement, you ask? SImple, myspace is a more customizable portal/page that allows users to express and communicate their own, often marginalized socio-cultural identity. Facebook on the other hand asks users to define their online persona via 'freinds', shared photos, profile text fields, etc. For many recent immigrant and children, the formation and identification of an imagined community is an attractive thing. Somalian wallpaper, Manga flash videos embedded, Dominican Republic Flag .gifs waving all over..and MUSIC.
    Here's a brief article with statistics on online social networking divide. What does your online social networking preference reveal about your social class?
    Will online social networking create or perpetuate a "caste system" within online communities?
Mitch(ell) Miller

Scholastic Launches Social Networking Site: You Are What You - 0 views

Uly Lalunio

MIT wins Pentagon prize in social networking contest - 0 views

    "According to DARPA, the goal of the Network Challenge was to explore how "broad-scope problems can be tackled using social networking tools." It said it aimed to look at such issues as mobilization, collaboration, and trust in diverse social networking constructs."
Vafa AK

Social networking sites affect social behavior | Campus Reform - 1 views

    About the power of social networks, and how they influence our behavior. No doubt social networks can be a powerful tool for education and learning as well!
Irina Uk

Teachers Like Social Networks, But Not Always Your Social Networks - Marketplace K-12 -... - 0 views

    This article outlines the ways in which teacher utilize social networking.
Jennifer Hern

Understanding Users of Social Networks - HBS Working Knowledge - 0 views

    Online social networks are most useful when they address failures in the real world. Pictures are the killer app of social networks. Women and men use these sites differently. Businesses shouldn't consider SNs as just another channel.
Jennifer Jocz

Social Networking in Schools: Incentives for Participation -- THE Journal - 0 views

    Provides a good overview of some social networks used in education
Chris Dede

Social Networking in Schools: Incentives for Participation -- THE Journal - 0 views

    how educators can foster social networking tools in school settings
Chris Dede

Social Networking Can Bring Students Stress as Well as Connection, Survey Finds - Wired... - 1 views

    The stress of social networking affects many students
Miyoung Park

Social networks and kids: How young is too young? - - 1 views

    social networking and young children
Parisa Rouhani

Does class decide online social networks? - - 0 views

    this article discusses how segregation is taking place in social networking (facebook is upscale compared to myspace)
James Glanville

Education Week: Professional Learning Networks Taking Off - 0 views

    EdWeek article on the emergence of online education focused professional learning networks.
Amanda Bowen

Regulators Say Social Network Violated Child Privacy Law - - 0 views

    "Skid-e-Kids says it offers children help with homework and parents a dashboard to keep tabs on what their kids are up to. "Skid-e-Kids is the only social network that is truly committed to not only keeping our children safe, but also making sure that they are systematically learning while they are having fun," the site promises."
Chris Dede

Education Week: Social Networking - 2 views

    survey shows teachers want professional development on web 2 and social networking tools
Mydhili Bayyapunedi

Ed 2.0 Social networking and education - 1 views

    Great article along with an infographic on the usage of social network in US education "Wikis are an excellent tool for open collaboration and knowledge sharing because they allow everyone to contribute. Roughly 22 percent of United States school districts are involved in creating or maintaining wikis. Educational wikis give teachers and students a place to contribute to the community on the ideas and projects they are working on in the classroom. Wikis teach students how teamwork and collaboration benefit society through knowledge sharing."
Yang Jiang

On the Media: Social media in the spotlight - - 0 views

  • The college campus experience makes a nice analogy for how consumers adapt to social media. Students arrive for their freshman year brimming with energy and expectation, ready to join every group, hit every party and try every new experience. The dorm room remains constantly open.
    Can social networks be an instructive technology? Since social networks are so popular, if their features can be used in education, there would be interesting results. However, nowadays, most of them are for entertainment uses.
Jennifer Hern

Ning Opens a Virtual Gift Shop With Custom-Made Gifts - Bits Blog - - 0 views

    Ning, which lets Web users create their own social networks about any topic they want, plans to open a virtual gift shop on Wednesday. Users will be able to buy and sell virtual gifts, as they can on some other social networks, including Facebook. On Ning, they will also be able to create and sell their own, custom-designed virtual gifts.
Jennifer Hern

Top News - The rise of the globally connected student - 0 views

  • Global networks such as iEARN and ePals insulate student communication from the rest of the internet and let teachers monitor eMail accounts, as well as provide for the creation of secure blogs that can only be seen by the recipients. Assisted by standards-based curriculum materials, these networks link participants from a diverse range of countries in a discussion of globally relevant issues.
    Networks such as IEarn and ePals are facilitating youth-to-youth exchanges and breaking down cultural barriers worldwide.
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