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Michael Jensen

Death Of Old Media Exaggerated, They Have At Least Five Years Left | - 0 views

    PriceWaterhouseCooper: "One of the things we need to get into context here is that traditional media isn't dead yet and won't be for the next five years. It's very important to think why. The over-50s are helping to sustain traditional media, and also in many of the emerging markets there is still plenty of room for traditional media. The death of traditional media is exaggerated, at least in a five-year context."
Derik Dupont

Reuters to overhaul website and hints at charging for content - Media news - Media Week - 1 views

    Read Reuters to overhaul website and hints at charging for content & other Media Week news online. Reuters to overhaul website and hints at charging for content from Media Week. Media Week magazine - news and information from the world of media
Amanda Litvinov

Why (Some of) the Wall Street Journal's Social Media Rules Are Right | BNET Media Blog ... - 0 views

    Interesting conversation cropping up regarding WSJ's guidelines for journalists using social media. Click on the link to Editor & Publisher to see the guidelines.
Ryan Holman

FTC's blogger rules 'constitutionally dubious,' says IAB - The Hill's Hillicon Valley - 1 views

    The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) on Thursday called on the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to withdraw its recent guidelines regarding the commentary of bloggers and other social media opinion leaders, saying the new rules unconstitutionally penalize online media for practices traditional media have had in place for decades. Randall Rothenberg, IAB's chief executive, sent a letter to FTC Chairman Jon Leibowitz saying the new rules will "muzzle" bloggers.
Derik Dupont

New Media, Old Media | Project for Excellence in Journalism (PEJ) - 1 views

    The Lead Teaser: The stories and issues that gain traction in social media differ substantially from those that lead in the mainstream press. But they also differ greatly from each other. Across a year-long study of blogs, Twitter and YouTube,
arnie Grossblatt

The best report ever on media piracy | Felix Salmon | Analysis & Opinion | - 1 views

  • he big forces driving media piracy in developing countries are real and powerful and will not be changed, no matter how many western politicians get on their moral high horses and insist that countries like India and China build a “culture of intellectual property.” But the irony is that if governments and corporations really wanted to build such a culture, then they would encourage companies to set their prices low enough that the populations of those countries could actually afford to buy music, movies, and software at the full legal retail price. It turns out that domestic companies are quite good at distributing media at low prices, and can build profitable businesses by doing that. But foreign companies have different incentives in the short term, and don’t do that.
    Data-grounded research on the costs of media piracy developing economies.
Derik Dupont

Rupert Murdoch Talks Media Predictions and the iPad - Fashion Memopad - - 2 views

    Hearst's Cathie Black and Rupert Murdoch spoke at a panel at this week's New York Forum.
Ryan Holman

How Social Media Has Changed Us - 0 views

    Effects of social media on society at large.
Paul Riccardi

100 Tips, Tools, and Resources for Teaching Students About Social Media | Teaching Degr... - 0 views

    Snagged this from the Diigo homepage. With social media becoming a permanent part of online interaction, seems fitting to have some guidelines for educational purposes.

Making sense of social media - an ALPSP seminar « SAGE Connection - 0 views

    The SAGE Connection blog has a lot of useful info on publishing and associations. This one touches on social media and using QR codes.

Social Media Marketing Course | SMM Training Hyderabad - 0 views

    Basic Social Media Marketing Course - Class room training with expert trainers and customized corporate training for business Peoples.
Helen Nam

The Growth of Talking Points Memo: A Case Study in Independent Media | Media and Techno... - 0 views

    This interview with the founder of Talking Points Memo describes the process of his nutty personal blog became respected "independent media." TPM broke the Duke Cunningham bribery scandal and the US Attorneys firing scandal. Perhaps this is the authority "test" for political blogs -- they must break a major news scandal. Whatever you think of him, Matt Drudge made his bones by breaking the Monica Lewinsky scandal.
Amanda Litvinov

How Village Voice Media Uses Digg to Game Their Traffic Numbers | The Deets - 0 views

    A fascinating investigation that raises questions about Digg's ranking algorithm; revenue models based on page views; and the ethics of media outlets inflating their page hits using social bookmarking.
Derik Dupont

Advertising - Madison Avenue Finds Old and New Media Can Coexist - - 0 views

    Marketers are using Web video along with - rather than in place of - television.
Derik Dupont

Just How Much Saving of the Media Does the IPad Need to Do? - Advertising Age - MediaWorks - 0 views

    I thought a lot about the near-divinity ascribed to the iPad as I worked on the latest Ad Age Insights white paper, "Dumenco's State of the Media Report."
Mark Schreiber

How Google's New Hatred of "Content Farms" Could Rearrange the Media Business - 0 views

    "A broad definition would burst the content farm media bubble - there are far more news sites than consumers could possibly need - which has been growing the last few years. By the same token, such a move would leave legit news sites - such as the Times - riding higher in the rankings. Google could, in other words, kill off much of the competition that has vexed traditional media on the web in a single blow."
Allison Hughes

University Press Shows Knack for New Media - 1 views

    University Presses using Social Media to drive search and discovery
Derik Dupont

Google and Hearst Make Digital Acquisitions - Media Decoder Blog - - 0 views

    Google buys Invite Media and Hearst acquires iCrossing.
Derik Dupont

Gannett setting up local websites in 10 markets - Yahoo! News - 0 views

    Gannett Co., one of the nation's biggest media companies, said Tuesday that its broadcasting arm is launching new local websites in 10 of its markets.
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