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Todd Bryant

Games don't Equal Academic Achievement - 20 views

    Makes a good point. There's a big difference between showing games help students learn, and finding games that match the much more narrow objectives of a class.
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    Sure... compare with reading a book, or doing an experiment. It takes contextualization and reflection, which can be done by a learner (autodictat) or school (pedagogy).
    It's also a higher level of learning that's difficult to quantify. Student A and B take History 101. Student A is given a book on US History after 1870. Gets test on same topic. If he read the book, does pretty well. Student B plays a history game, explains outcome, and compares with actual historical events. Certainly more impressive, but if given the standard 101 exam, would he do better? I think games are likely to get the short end of the stick with most standardized assessments.
    I don't know -- it has much to do with the way the prof articulates her objectives. For us (who use games regularly), we can/will shape our objectives at least somewhat around existing titles (just as others do so around existing texts), or augment those games with other content that they don't cover (as others do with inadequate texts). So it seems the issue is more about trying to articulate why games could be useful to *others*, who don't yet use them. Trying to persuade our colleagues to try games when they've been using texts with which they're familiar to accomplish pedagogical objectives they've been using for years is going to be hard, and that's where identifying games that more directly support traditional objectives becomes a boon.
    I wonder if we could develop a few talking points tying games to Bloom's taxonomy (updated version), making clear that like all pedagogical tools, games address some student needs better than others. And, of course, that not all games address the same type of developmental tasks, just as all texts, A/V materials, classroom techniques do not address the same tasks. The computer/radio analogy is a good one. Expecting computers and/or games to replace some other educational and entertainment resource is missing the point - they are their own thing.
    Ed, I feel like such a set of points might already exist and/or have been publicly expressed by game critics/designers, especially from the serious games side of things. But that shouldn't stop us from discussing whether they might be in need of update/reworking/extension. :) I'm interested -- could/should we try to look at some existing texts/posts and then come together in a conference call or something?
    I'm thinking something specific to liberal arts educators. We could brainstorm with an etherpad clone (e.g. or asynchronously via a google doc.
    Ed, would you object if I took that Bloom's approach in a forthcoming paper? "augment those games with other content that they don't cover (as others do with inadequate texts)" - nicely said, Brett.
    Go for it, Bryan. If you want to kick ideas around, let me know.
    Will certainly do.
Brett Boessen

Terra Nova: Movies Stink - 15 views

    Castranova is not usually so passionate in his writing.  Very interesting perspective, though.
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    Interesting to see him split games from stories.
    I do chime in with his grumpiness about Hollywood, generally.
    Honestly, I'm starting to feel similarly. Though I am finding many of the long-form serial narratives of TV pretty engaging. Still, I appreciate the value in *doing* over watching/consuming. And yet what he's saying is essentially a version of the old "film/tv makes you passive" argument, which I've always recoiled against. So I'm torn.
    I've been coming back to the tv=passive line, more and more each year. It's hard, because I know so many active fans engaged in all kinds of practices. But then I see the silent fans, the ones who just... soak. And I'm reminded of William Gibson's line about couch potatoes.
    I don't know that tell. :)
    I think this is textually correct, more or less: "a vicious, lazy, profoundly ignorant, perpetually hungry organism craving the warm god-flesh of the anointed. Personally I like to imagine something the size of a baby hippo, the color of a week-old boiled potato, that lives by itself, in the dark, in a double-wide on the outskirts of Topeka. It's covered with eyes and it sweats constantly. The sweat runs into those eyes and makes them sting. It has no mouth, Laney, no genitals, and can only express its mute extremes of murderous rage and infantile desire by changing the channels on a universal remote. Or by voting in presidential elections."
    Or, more succinctly: couch potatoes, like taters, are kept in the dark, buried under manure.
    Wow. That's...very detailed. Doesn't leave a lot of room for empathy or understanding: pretty cut and dried. :)
    Jeremaiad. One I sympathize with. I need to spend time with you happy media studies folks and regain my old empathy.
    THAT Camp - Games. Done and done. :)
    That's right - when do you arrive?
    I'll actually be there Thursday evening, but I'm going to dinner with my parents and brother (who live in the area). I am staying through Monday morning, though. We should be able to find some time to catch it, I'd guess. What are your travel plans?
    Coming in Thursday, leaving Sunday @3.
    Cool -- I'll see you Friday morning then. Let's try to grab a meal at some point. :)
Ed Webb

The Life-Changing $20 Rightward-Facing Cow - 4 views

  • The A Slow Year limited sets include the poetry book and the game on Atari cartridge, all set in black velvet and red leather, gold foil stamping, all hand-numbered, hand-made. While a manic counter was screaming the end of Bogost's journey to challenge social gaming norms, the creator was quietly, manually, assembling a physical art object. Only 25 will ever be made; they will sell for $500 apiece. Most have already been sold. To Bogost, like the poetry book that accompanies the Atari game, the handcraft and limited nature of A Slow Year's special edition help establish the project uncompromisingly as an art object, a creation bigger than "video game."
    • Ed Webb
      Sounds like something in a Wm Gibson or Bruce Sterling story
  • "I never expected that would happen," reflects Bogost. "A lot of the serious players… just like clicking a cow sometimes. It's very innocent; they just like clicking a cow."
  • Cow Clicker was never supposed to be fun. It was supposed to be silly, insultingly simple, a vacuous waste of time, and a manipulative joke at the expense of its players-–in other words, everything Bogost thought that Facebook games like the Zynga-made hit FarmVille are. In Cow Clicker, players get a cow, they click it, and then they must either pay to click it again or wait six hours; an embarrassing, joyless labor that to him represented the quintessential aspects of the games that were flourishing all over the social network.
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  • the story of a person whose joke project became more successful than the one on which he lavished love and intellect, the climate that caused that to happen and how ultimately he decided to learn from it instead of becoming upset
  • Then came the Gamification movement, the shiny new idea that if people were assigned goals and extrinsic "rewards," they'd be more motivated to engage with tasks-–and brands-–than they would have otherwise been
  • Cow Clicker developed an active player base–-people who missed the humor and attached to it as if it were a "real" game. These players unquestioningly spent real-money Facebook credits to enjoy their cows and sent Bogost innocent player feedback in the hopes of improving their experience. It subverted every expectation that he had, even as it reaffirmed his worst fears about the exploitive sadism of Facebook game design. Its success also became something to dread.
Brett Boessen

Reacting to the Past - 4 views

Agreed. That last, Bryan, can be an excellent way to draw non-"gamer" folks into game principles and design, too. This looks cool; passing it along to my historian colleague.

games simulation role play pedagogy

Brett Boessen

Minicraft - 7 views

    Persson produced this in 48 hours for a game design competition.
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    Very clever. Now to figure out how to use the workbench...
    Just walk up to it and press X -- it opens the window, which lists everything you can make and which/how much resources are needed to make the item. If you have gathered enough, it will list those you are able to make at the top of the list. It does not seem like you can pick up a workbench like you can in Minecraft, but maybe I'm missing something.
    I guess I need to gather more resources. ...or get back to work! Click to focus indeed.
Bryan Alexander

Warco: an FPS where you hold a camera instead of a gun - 5 views

    Warco is a first-person game where players shoot footage instead of a gun. A work in progress at Brisbane-based studio Defiant Development, the game is a collaboration of sorts; Defiant is working with both a journalist and a filmmaker to create a game that puts you in the role of a journalist embedded in a warzone.
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    I find the comment that "It will be difficult to market a First Person Shooter where you don't shoot" very odd. How many copies of Portal were sold? Prior to that, the Thief series sold well and won tons of awards. It's not even the first game to feature a camera as the primary mechanic- I can't remember the name but there was one I played years ago where that was the primary role. Step outside the box a bit guys.
    Thief is a great example of an FPS where the S isn't about shooting people. First-person sneaker, some people called it. One of my personal favorite games of all time. I agree with edremy that there is no marketing problem here at all. Quite the reverse - war correspondent is a glamorous kind of profession (from the outside) and likely to attract not only the usual FPS fanbase but also appeal more broadly.
    I wonder about attracting the usual FPS fanbase, but I do take your point that there's no a priori feature of the gaming market that would make this a hard sell. Now politics, however, if they're foregrounded here, could be bad for the bottom line, as, of course, could clunky gameplay. If the levels require a significant amount of challenge and variety to complete, this could be quite popular. Did anyone see any kind of release date and cost?
    Agreed, edremy. Makes me think of _War is a Force That Gives Us Meaning_. Not yet, Brett.
Ed Webb

Buzz by Andrew S. - 4 views

    • Ed Webb
Brett Boessen

image2rqz.gif (300×176) - 4 views

    Why game designs should include challenge.
Ed Webb

Simulation - 3 views

    First of several posts by students playing Peacemaker as a way of thinking about the Israeli-Palestinian peace process.
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    Are these from that Army College down the road from you guys?
    These are students in my Int'l Politics of the Middle East Class: Shalom's Conflict Resolution class also recently did an exercise with Peacemaker, and will shortly be invited to comment on this series of blog posts.
    Oh great!
Brett Boessen

MIT TechTV - Part 2 of 3-Games As An Aesthetic Form - Frank Lantz (NYU Game Center) - 3 views

    Lantz, designer of Drop7 and head of the NYU Game Center, which has a new game design MFA, talks about aesthetic characteristics of games in this second part of his three-part talk at MIT (part 1 lays out his thinking about aesthetics and art in general, and part 3 is the QnA). I especially like his provocations that "all games are digital" and "games created computers", both of which have to do with his definition of games as "the aesthetics of interactive systems."
Ed Webb

cyoa - 3 views

  • I’d be very curious to know the reason for this progression toward linearity. Presumably the invisible hand was guiding this development, but whether the hunger was for less difficulty in the books or simply for something with more in the way of traditional storytelling is harder to unravel. I could also imagine that this balance between interaction and exposition was peculiar to the individual writers, so this could merely reflect a changing set of practitioners. In another way, this trend mirrors the adoption of more recent new media. In the early days of the web, people flocked to what was unique to HTML, namely links, animated gifs, and the <blink> tag. A similar cautionless exuberance marked the appearance of affordable typesetting systems – the first time people without phototypositors had access to typefaces beyond a choice of monospaced typewriter fonts.When a world of new possibilities has just opened, it’s hard to find the will for restraint. But, in time, people scale back the more gratuitous uses of this sort of glitz, moving from what’s possible to what best suits the material. It could be that the glut of choices in the early books reflected more a rush toward the new than a well-considered balancing of storytelling and reader-directedness. As the genre developed, the choice-based structure ceased being so novel that it was an experiential end in itself. Perhaps only then could it recede into its proper role as a gameplay mechanic – all the more potent when used judiciously.
  • a peek into the construction process the authors went through as they folded their nonlinear stories into a sequential medium
  • In a computer game, tracking this kind of inventory state is a simple matter. By flipping bits in memory, the program itself can keep a running tally of items you’ve encountered and possibly picked up. In a book this responsibility falls to the reader, and with it an expectation of honesty. To encourage a degree of fair play, the Cavern of Doom engages in a form of entrapment by asking the reader, in the midst of a dicy situation, whether they have a magic item that would clearly save the day. What the book knows and the reader may not is that this item does not even exist. Woe upon the adventurer who angers the gamebook in this way.
    Very nice to see this. CYOA is a vital antecedent for digital storytelling, from hypertext to gaming to branching YouTube videos.
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    I feel sheepish for not tagging this to our group when I saw it months ago, but thanks to Ed for remedying that. :) I wish I had the skills in infographic production the author has, but it reminds me that enriching your argument with different media forms is becoming more and more essential.
    This might be a good time for humanists to identify a bunch of easy, low-cost tools for that. Like Wordle.
    Agreed, Bryan. There are quite a few low-cost (in terms of learning curve and the general attentive economy) visualization tools that we could all learn to use more frequently. I've been playing again, after a break of a couple of years, with Dipity, for instance, to generate timelines. Word clouds and mind maps might be forms with applications in discussing digital storytelling in games and other media.
Brett Boessen

Press Start to Continue: Toward a New Video Game Studies | HASTAC - 3 views

  • being a gamer is less an inherent attribute—either you are or you aren’t—than it is a malleable description of practices that change throughout one’s lifetime, whether from “hardcore” to “casual,” single-player to “social,” or genre to genre
  • one could argue that part of the origin story of game studies was the struggle to establish the idea that games are not narratives--that they were a radically "new" textuality, but this just delayed the needful discussions of how games related to the inherited media ecology, how they used narrative, music, video, etc. to new effects
  • students tend not to be "well-played," on an analogy to "well-read," but knowledgeable in one or a few genres
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  • what about our students' physical abilities and skill sets? How does skill play into their experiences of games?
  • Can or should one philosophize about a medium one has not embraced to the point of design?  I vote:  no.
  • In an academic paper, I don't think that I would feel legitimate in citing something from a designer. It doesn't feel credible, even though the designer may be someone like Ron Gilbert
  • a senior-level seminar in “Digital Games and Culture”
  • Betty Hayes and I have been teaching an undergrad games studies course uniting new media reading/writing, academic readings across disciplines, and gameplay across genres for two years now
    HASTAC has started a forum (a blog post with lots o' comments) to discuss video game studies.
Bryan Alexander

What Can a Videogame Tell Us About How Economies Work? - 3 views

    By Jamin Warren Posted 03.29.2012 at 10:13 am On October 3, 2008, President George W. Bush signed the Troubled Asset Relief Program bill into law, delivering $450 billion to failing banks on the premise that it would prevent their collapse and stimulate a faltering economy.
Lisa Spiro

Game Builds Student Empathy | National News | United States | Epoch Times - 3 views

    "Davidson met Dr. Kurt Squire, associate professor at the UW-Madison School of Education and director of the Games Learning Society Initiative, and they wrote a grant proposal to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. They were soon awarded funds for the project. The team is developing two kinds of games. One is to cultivate attention and the other to cultivate empathy, kindness, and pro-social behavior. Davidson said that ¬attention is a building block for learning. "If you can learn to focus your attention more skillfully and concentrate, that will have ripple effects on all kinds of learning," he said."
Lisa Spiro

"Games in the Classroom (part 2)" ProfHacker - The Chronicle of Higher Education - 4 views

    How to find games for education
Bryan Alexander

Peacekeeping the Game - 6 views

    Open source board game on political conflict.
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    How is it open-sourced? (If the answer is "read the site materials", I apologize in advance. ;)
    Read the site materials. :) Seriously, the rules, counters, and board are all printable there. Not an ambitious game.
    Oh I see it now. I especially like the supporting materials -- goals, background article. Those wouldn't have to be seen by the players, but could really help the facilitator/teacher.
Ed Webb

Minecraft: If you build it, they will play - Features, Gadgets & Tech - The Independent - 7 views

    Nice appreciation of Minecraft. I'm glad they catch the importance of RPG elements - I'd call it storytelling, but accept this for now.
    Been trying to follow it, but their beta tests are tightly scheduled, and keep missing me.
Brett Boessen

Codify - iPad - 6 views

    How is it?
    I wish I knew -- I don't have an iPad. Looks like there's a fair bit of text entry, though; in the demo clip there's definitely an external keyboard of some kind in use. I would think that would make it pretty hard to have much fine-grained control without such a device. Still, I'd like to try it. Maybe my institution will foot for an iPad...if they do, I'll let you know. :)
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