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Iphone Apps stories - Gizmodo - 0 views

    If anyone has ever gone downtown you would know how congested the city is, and if you have ever needed to park and pay by the meter I'm sure you would understand how stressful it may be to have to worry about the time left in the meter. Well this iPhone app takes the worry off of your shoulders. It basically remembers where your vehicle is parked via GPS. This app is also a great idea as it will even show you how much time is left in the meter it self. 

Electronic Security a Worry in an Age of Digital Espionage - - 0 views

    This is just crazy. These guys have just taken hacking to the extreme level. I mean there is totally no privacy anymore. People from the U.S. government go to China or Russia with few or no electronic devices due to the fear of getting hacked. There is this guy named Kenneth Lieberthal who is an expert in travelling, takes extraordinary precautions whenever he goes to China. When he is there, he disables his bluetooth and Wi-Fi, never lets his phone out of sight, and in meetings, not only does he turn off his phone, but also takes out the battery, for fear that hacker might snoop in to their discussions by turning on his microphone remotely. Personally, I would hate to see what would happen for the next ten years of technological advancement.

New Invention Helps Cut the Mess of Cords - 0 views

    Are you tired of taking out your earphones and they are a tangled mess? Well now they have a "winder" that allows you to roll up earphones, usb wires, etc. Now you will not have to worry about a mess of wires under your computer, or a bunch of wires in your pocket(earphones). You can also fit cellphone earphones with the microphones on them. You can get a medium or large one for $9-10. This relates to the course because earphones plug into hardware's and it makes it more easier for everybody.   
    Don't you just hate it when your cord in your pocket gets all tangled up and it takes FOREVER to untie all the knots and stuff. well now you don't need to worry because inventor David Alden designed the Recoil Winder. Just a simple device, pull the middle cord, and it rolls up. Basically a spring mechanism inspired BY TAPE MEASURES! The recoil winder comes in three sizes. Small size for iPod earbuds, medium for the charger cord for an iPhone, and large is for a USB cord. Recoil Winder is funded by Kickstarter, for 8$ you can get the small recoil winder, 9$ for medium and 10$ for large. 30$ for all three along with the rack. Shipping will be in April.

IBM's new services zero in on fraud, financial crime | Business Tech - CNET News - 0 views

    The article that I have chosen to share for week 4 is about IBM and their new services to help eliminate fraud and financial crime. The article interested be because around 3.5 trillion dollars are lost per year to financial crime and fraud through technology. While the software is being marketed to big companies it also directly involves us, the consumers. For example when Sony's PSN was down thousands of peoples accounts were hacked and had money taken from their accounts. This new software interested me because now people can feel a little more secure using online programs knowing that their information can be safer. It is a new time where many things are bought through the internet and with better security people won't feel as worried about their security
    The article that I have chosen to share for week 4 is about IBM and their new services to help eliminate fraud and financial crime. The article interested be because around 3.5 trillion dollars are lost per year to financial crime and fraud through technology. While the software is being marketed to big companies it also directly involves us, the consumers. For example when Sony's PSN was down thousands of peoples accounts were hacked and had money taken from their accounts. This new software interested me because now people can feel a little more secure using online programs knowing that their information can be safer. It is a new time where many things are bought through the internet and with better security people won't feel as worried about their security

Teen Behind Kidnapping Hoax Tweet Returns Home - 0 views

    A 16 year old teenage girl attracts the attention of her followers after her tweet claiming that there was someone in her house. The girl was supposedly kidnapped by the stranger in the house when she disappeared; however, after the investigation, the police confirmed that she left voluntarily. Within two days of searching for the lost teen, the police found her walking at the side of a highway. The police finalized that the teen faked her kidnapping.  After the teenage girl tweeted that there was someone in her house, more than 30,000 people retweeted and the local police department received over 6,000 calls about her frightening situation. This event shows how fast news travels through social networking sites and how messy the issue could become if what you post is untrue. The teen that was once known as the young lady who was kidnapped by an intruder, is now someone who has made poor choices and worried many people for reasons unknown.  

What If Your Smartphone Could Read Your Mind? Kimera Is Working On It - 0 views

    We all know that voice recognition software exists having been created by companies like Apple, some of us thought that advanced technology would end at a computer recognizing words and responding to questions. However that is not the case. A company called Kimera Systems is developing a system that figuratively reads your mind. This isn't a software that literally reads what you are thinking and performs an action based on your thought since that would require an implant into your body. Rather, Kimera's system consisting of the Salience Engine and DigitalMe (or DMe) Smart Agents. The Salience Engine collects information from its users and uses this to understand human action better while the Smart Agents perform actions based on the user's preferences and the user's previous actions. For example, if a user sent out party invitations to friends and then went out to buy groceries, Kimera's system would automatically download a shopping app for the user because the system understands the user is going to the grocery store to buy select food items. This system, should it be implemented into future phones and devices could very well change society for the better and for worse. This system could make people's lives better by allowing decisions to be made by the system for the user so they can worry about other things while knowing Kimera's system will take care of tasks for them. This could negatively impact society though because since the system automatically makes decisions for the user, if they begin to rely on this system and lose their sense of judgement rendering them unable to decide without this system. Though automated technology is the dream of many, is an automated life really what we want? From this new technology Kimera is creating, other more advanced automated technologies could arise and eventually we could end up losing our humanity since everything we need to do is done for us by a computer. We would end up like the humans in the movie Wall-E who were

Microsoft Can Convert Your Voice Into Another Language - 0 views

    Wouldn't it be great to communicate with almost anyone in the world without having to learn a new language?  Microsoft has created a software that can analyze your speech, translate it, then play a new recording of your own voice speaking in a different language.  There are some downfalls however.  To reach a stage where the software is able to copy the user's speech and translate it, it would require the software to be trained with said person's voice for hours.  As well, the software may misinterpret the word, and could translate the wrong word, throwing the entire sentence off.  This software gets around one word in eight wrong. Regardless of the flaws, this software will benefit almost everyone worldwide.  People from all over the world will be able to communicate with each other no matter what language they speak.  This will help many companies worldwide as they do business with one another, due to the fact of how easy it will be to communicate with global companies. As well, it will be easier for people to look for jobs since they communicate with almost anyone, which means they can look for a job almost anywhere.   This software seems like it could potentially change the world as we know it today.  Once this software is perfected, it would be an amazing breakthrough in technology, seeing as how many companies would want to buy it.  Many people who don't work for big companies may also want to purchase this software to communicate with people on a global scale, and just to say that they can speak a different language.  To me this software would've been useful long ago, so I would not have to worry about taking international language classes.  Nonetheless, it will be exciting to see this software in the future.

When Parents Take Back Facebook - 0 views

    What started out as a minor distraction is now an issue that parents are beginning to take notice of. Popular electronics are becoming more than just a form of entertainment, it is also believed to negatively affect a child's mental development. Since kids these days are relatively less active due to technology, this problem also affects the kids social skills, education, and physical health. Social networking sites such as Facebook are also a problem because parents worry that their kids may be too young to have an account on Facebook, Twitter, etc. and therefore, post inappropriate pictures or see posts that others post that is not suitable for kids.  Jim Steyer, the Common Sense Media founder, help parents better understand the new media by providing a review of video games, movies etc. This way, parents can gain insight  on the newest and popular video games, movies etc. The Common Sense Media website also provides suggestions on how to deal with children and teenagers when it comes to being too addicted to mobile technology. There is another popular method that is simple: ban you kid from using Facebook.

Tweeting fake news in a crisis - illegal or just immoral? - Tech News and Analysis - 0 views

    With all that's been happening with the Super storm, Hurricane Sandy, social networking may seem far from our mind, but it turns out social network sites, like twitter has become a common source for breaking news about what's going on in different places. At times like these, people often join together and find courage and compassion in one another, while others simply seek to make the problem worse. That's what happened when someone had tweeted false news about the hurricane, like tweeting about the New York Stock Exchange building being flooded and under three feet of water. The rumor had spiralled and even been repeated on CNN and the Weather Channel before being found fake. Normally, false tweets are simply overlooked or scoffed at, but at times like this those kinds of tweets can create mass panic and worry. They are definitely immoral, but what has come into question is whether it should be considered illegal. Some think that this type of tweeting was done to increase fear and endanger, but should his behaviour be considered criminal? After all, he does have freedom of speech and the freedom to lie is included in that, except in "rare occasions". Personally, I think that, normally, silly, fake tweets can be overlooked and just scrolled past, but in times of emergency, tweets like this that can add more fear and panic to an already troubled situation should be considered a criminal action. In times of crisis, everybody should be uniting and helping each other, not creating more danger and trouble. Freedom to lie in the face of disaster like this, about that kind of information is not something that should be tolerated. No matter how big or small the aftermath and reaction to those tweets, they should not be overlooked and in no way should the law consider it okay.

Splitsecnd dials 911 when your car crashes (video) - 0 views

    The article is about a device that can get your vehicle to be connected to OnStar. This feature can be targeted to almost anyone who can drive because it is very beneficial to the owners. This device can automatically dial 911 and send emergency services your location if you are ever in an accident. This can also be used if there is a medical emergency, which I think is great for seniors or anyone with medical issues that drive. By having this in your car, it can make driving safer and makes you feel less worried. This device has already saved many lives and I think it is a great invention that can positively change our lives regarding the way we drive. This technology can lead to other inventions that can help save lives. The downside, however, is that there is a $15 monthly fee that comes with purchasing the product.

How Secure Is the Passcode on My Phone? - 0 views

    Recently, there have been a lot of passcode exploits, especially on the iPhone and Samsun Galaxy. On the iPhone, it can allow the attacker to access their way into the Phone app, letting them place calls, see/edit contacts, and access photos via the "assign new picture" option. On the Samsung Galaxy, the attacker can flash whatever was open before the phone was locked for a second. This is enough time to launch an app, which can be repeatedly downloaded and completely unlock your phone. The article suggests the user of the phone should download the Apple's Find my iPhone app or Prey, which can track the location of your smartphone if it is ever lost or stolen. This, they say is the best protection for your personal information stored on your phone. These passcode exploits can let one worry and doubt how much protection the lock screen actually provides. The truth is they are no more secure than any other password or PIN, which means they can eventually be cracked. However, it is still suggested to always lock your screen, just in case it is robbed by someone who does not know anything about getting around locked screens. Many companies are aware of the issues and is releasing new techniques, like the iOS 6.1.3. Hopefully, with time, these password problems will not be an issue anymore.

Intel Chefs Bake WiFi Into Mobile Chips | Wired Enterprise | - 0 views

    This is article tells us how engineers have been able to create Wifi chips for phones to get Wifi easier. I think that this would be helpful because, as the article says, "Ultimately it would reduce the chip count on the cell phone, which would reduce the cost and the complexity of manufacturing of the phone and improve battery life." This is particularly good because since many of us use our phones regularly, improved battery life will be so much more helpful without having to worry about our phones dying.

BrowserQuest Is Pure HTML5 Gaming Goodness | Webmonkey | - 0 views

    This game is called BrowserQuest, which is written in fully HTML5 pages. It uses CSS,HTML5 and Javascript to fully make this game. Now, software companies do not need to worry about using Flash, and can make complex games for all devices. It is a 16-bit-style and this game can work on chrome, firefox, safari etc. This game is said to be very addicting with secret items hidden in the worlds. This relates to the course because we are currently working with HTML pages and we learn how to use them. I find it fascinating that they can use these pages to make fun-filled games for everyone. As well, they need to program these pages to make them work on the web. 

Dell gives up on the smartphone dream - Cell Phones & Mobile Device Technology News & U... - 0 views

    This article explains how Dell, one of the largest and most successful PC makers in the world, has given up on a possible creation of their own smartphone. Dell expressed that they tried multiple times to produce a product that would be successful in the US smartphone market, but with a number of devices facing some serious bugs as well as a problem with slow speed, the company did not see positive results and they decided to trash the idea and process once and for all to focus on other opportunities. Dell is not getting out of the mobile device business altogether thanks to sales and success with devices sold in Asia and Japan, and the company will continue making low-cost phones and tablets for sale in emerging markets. With smartphones becoming a very successful and poplar device that many customers are increasingly taking an interest to, this setback has to worry or concern Dell because they are not able to compete will other huge named brands and companies in the mobile device bushiness. Dell has had it's highs and has had success over the years with products and devices, but maybe this is a wake up call that they don't have the money, resources, and high praise that more well-known companies do and this could be a huge factor to why the amount of success, more specifically in the phone industry, hasn't been enough to be a top contender in the mobile business altogether.

How to Send Secret Encrypted Text Messages on Your iPhone - 0 views

    This article is about the iPhone app "Black SMS."This app will enable you to send private messages to your recipient without having to worry about someone else being able to see it.  When you download the Black SMS app, you attach a password to your message and then type whatever you'd like into the app. Once the message is complete, hit Send and the app will automatically open your SMS app. Paste the message and the recipient (and everyone else) will only see a black text bubble. secret and encrypted black text bubble, that is. The person on the receiving end then copies the black bubble and unlocks the message by pasting it into Black SMS with the password. The only downside of this app is you can't encrypt pictures with it.

Amazing Water-Repellant Tech Keeps Your Gadgets Dry - 0 views

    This is such a cool article. I think everyone would want to read it. Waterproof phones would be something more people would want. Alot of phones are constantly dying because of water damage. With this new water repelling technology you wouldn't have to worry when your phone would accidently fall in a sink or if you would drop it in a puddle because it would still be working. I can't wait till this new technology comes out!

Samsung Three-Proof Brushed Metal Memory Cards Can Survive the Worst Conditions - 0 views

    This article presents Samsung's three-proof metal brushed memory cards, which are prepared to resolve many problems for memory card users. It includes physical features such as its metal casing that is waterproof, shock proof, and magnet proof. This is very convenient for photographers or people who regularly store their data in devices they use. I personally find this useful for storing and transferring data to other computers because it is small and fast and you don't have to worry about it corrupting.

NASA Was Hacked 13 Times Last Year - 0 views

    These hackers have stolen a lot from NASA such as access codes to over 150 NASA employees and causing significant disruption to mission operations. This just goes to show that big important companies like NASA aren't as secure with their stuff if people are able to hack into their computers.  These intrusions were discovered to be hackers working through China-based IP addresses. This worries me as to how easily people are able to hack because if they are able to bypass even NASA's computers then they could also hack into other places just as easily.

How Facebook Plans To Take Over The Internet - ReadWrite - 0 views

    "Mobile World Congress on Monday, Zuckerberg delineated some of his plans for moving forward with, the initiative led by Facebook to bring Internet connectivity to poor countries around the world.  While Zuckerberg touted the altruistic vision of his company's goal to connect the next one billion people, it's important to note that the project isn't just for the sake of bringing basic services to those that don't have it, but rather bringing millions of additional eyeballs to Facebook and its advertisers.  See Also: Hey Facebook! Connecting The World To The Web Isn't Enough "[We are] making it so that we can increase the amount of up-sells to subscriptions when they're using these basic services," Zuckerberg said in his keynote. "They will come to a link that isn't included in the basic services package; a popup that says, ok if you want to consume this, you have to buy this data plan." Facebook is making a long-term promise to both data carriers and advertisers-Zuckerberg said the next one billion people to attain Internet access will not be as affluent as those already on Facebook, thus making it harder to monetize the company's services. Zuckerberg said the social network will subsidize Facebook, Messenger, and other services like weather or basic news and information, and then provide up-sells in applications to deliver the whole package-like a gateway drug. Those up-sells are where carriers and Facebook make money. "The reason why they're not on [the Internet] is they don't know why they would want to get access to it," Zuckerberg said. "[We will show] people why it's rational and good for them to spend the limited money that they have on the Internet." How WhatsApp Fits Into Facebook recently spent $19 billion to acquire the mobile messaging application WhatsApp, an application Zuckerberg claims will be one of the few services to amass a billion users in the future. He claimed that, by it

FreedomPop's 'Snowden phone' encrypts your calls and data | Security & Privacy - CNET News - 0 views

    FreedomPop has come out with a new phone that will protect your phone calls and data from hackers. The phone is nicknamed the "Snowden phone" but is actually a Samsung Galaxy S2 that FreedomPop remodeled. The phone is selling now for $189 and comes with unlimited voice and texting. They also throw in 50MB of monthly data access for the first three months and then charges the users $10 a month. FreedomPop's Chief Operating Officer Steven Sesar says: "In light of recent violations in consumer's privacy across social networks and mobile devices, privacy is becoming increasingly important to many Americans and we all have a right to communicate anonymously. Large carriers don't have the flexibility, desire, or creativity to invest in privacy." I think this is a great idea because today, so many people don't know if their information is safe. This will help people feel more secure and safe with their information and not have to worry about who could have their phone calls or text messages.
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