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Brian Agas

The First Gorgeous OLED TV Will Cost $8,000 - 0 views

  • Gizmodo Top Stories Please confirm your birth date: Please enter a valid date Please enter your full birth year This content is restricted. .toppic .post-body img.image_0 { display: none; } Full size tv oled lg hdtv By Sam Biddle View Profile Email Facebook Twitter Google Plus Rss Mar 27, 2012 10:31 AM 9,590 25 Share Share this post × Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Tumblr Instapaper #share
    LG made the first 55-inch OLED TV which , and it will cost $8,000. The timing jibes with what we heard at CES, but it's the first solid word we've heard as to what the future of beautiful television is going to cost us. Eight thousand. That's a lot of money-more money than most people have to spend on a TV, by a longshot. But it could've been a lot worse! Samsung's current top of the line 55-inch LCD TV runs around half that-and it's using old, old technology. OLED will be out of reach for almost everyone, but, like everything else, it'll slide cheaper, and cheaper in a (relative) hurry. Especially when LG, Samsung, and the rest realize nobody can afford this. It realtes to the course because its technology.
Matthew Favret

Iphone Apps stories - Gizmodo - 0 views

    If anyone has ever gone downtown you would know how congested the city is, and if you have ever needed to park and pay by the meter I'm sure you would understand how stressful it may be to have to worry about the time left in the meter. Well this iPhone app takes the worry off of your shoulders. It basically remembers where your vehicle is parked via GPS. This app is also a great idea as it will even show you how much time is left in the meter it self. 
Nikita Varabei

Wii U Review: The Future Is in Good Hands - 0 views

    Today The Wii U came out, and even before that there are already positive posts about it. This Article talks about the Wii U's features, compares it to other consoles, and talks about Nintendo's future. The Wii U seems to have made quite an entrance, with many positive replies and it has been sold out everywhere in my area. Its main Qualities is amazing Multiplayer, as it has been designed to have fun with friends and family. Its new controller is also very interesting, as it has a built in touch screen. This is a big improvement as it allows for more control and eliminates screen picking as you can hide what you are doing and only see it on your controller. It also has completely free online interaction which puts it a step above the Xbox. As for its Hardware, it's processing is about 3 times as good as the Xbox' or PS3's and it also has a much improved graphics card. It also has its traditional motion sensor and controller, allowing for fun sword fighting and other motion controlled games. Overall, I recommend the Wii U for everyone, as it gives a lot of fun to yourself, and all your family/friends. It as an amazing console And will bring a lot o fun to your life.
Dragos Penelea Updates: The Surest Way to a Viral Hit: Professional... - 0 views

    This post is about making videos viral. Currently, people have to work hard, be creative or create something different in order for it to be noticed on the internet. This parody predicts that it will no longer be the case in the future. The video promotes the company "Buyral" that can ensure that your video has a huge amount of views, (goes viral) without you even trying to make a good video. It seems ridiculous, but as Brian Barrett points out: like all good satire, it is perilously close to becoming a reality. Many times, a viral video goes viral because it is a great video. Can you imagine if anyone could just as easily give up a few bucks and have an internet smash? Some companies are already promoting videos on Youtube and other websites, buy you can clearly read the caption that says "Promoted." If this parody were a reality, you would have no way of knowing if it truly earned those views, or if somebody with no imagination paid a website to get his or her video views. I believe that this defeats the whole purpose of a video becoming viral, and it relates to eLifestyle because it would definately influence our daily lives. When people go on youtube and click on the "most viewed" section, they are expecting to find something that is worth their time. Furthermore, if someone is searching for a video, for instance, on making apple pie, the first video that will come up is the one with the most views. Instead of getting a video that earned the views, people will likely get an advertisement from a company that makes apple pies or such, that paid an amount of money to obtain those views.
Nicole Luciani

IPhone News, Videos, Reviews and Gossip - Gizmodo - 0 views

    The iCade controller for iPhone and iPad so far was a big hit and now they came up with a new invention called iCad 8-Bitty, a Nintendo-style gamepad controller with 8 buttons. The 8-Bitty connects to your iPhone etc. through Bluetooth. This device is only $25. A pretty decent price I say. This device is awesome for those who like to play the greatest game ever invented, Super Mario 64. 
Nicole Luciani

Klout News, Videos, Reviews and Gossip - Gizmodo - 0 views

    sir is not gonna like this. Blackberry users are more important than iPhone or Android users. Klout, a social influence-ranking service showed that blackberry users are more INFLUENTIAL than Android or iPhone users. the average blackberry user it tracks scored a 43.6. iPhone user was 42 and Android was 40.6. The average score on Klout is 20. JUSTIN BIEBER SCORES A Why would bb users win? Many say that bb are more older and more professional user group than the other phones. TAKE YOU KLOUT SCORE TODAY
    According to Klout, my influence on Twitter (@marcod1419) is 37.
Justin Gomez

Japan Makes Awesome Anime Of Its Latest Rocket Launch With NASA | Gizmodo Australia - 0 views

    The article talks about how Japan in the JAXA launched a rocket with NASA launched a rocket together to collect data on rainfall and snowfall, and Japan creates an anime on this. This isnèt really relevant for a bookmark but HEY its cool! Also I like anime. The article has anime and space tags for obvious reasons; it is about an anime based on a rocket to space. My thoughts on this are that I have to find this anime right away and I am wondering why they made an anime with a random rocket launch of NASA and JAXA. OOPS WRONG ONE
Matthew Favret

Google Wallet: The Future of Money Is Here, Sorta - 0 views

    How many of us have ever walked up to buy something only to throw your hand into a bunch of cash? Well Google has come out with a revolutionary app called google wallet. This app basically combines all of your payment methods into your mobile phone! It will even add point to your American Express card or any specific reward points programs for specific venders. Isn't this amazing or what?  
Stefania Bono

Apple Hdtv stories - Gizmodo - 0 views

    Apple is actually thinking of coming out with their own HDTV. Since Apple doesn't really use buttons, there TV will have self-function. Which means that you can simply tell the TV to change the channel and soon enough your on a different channel. Amazing, right? I think this TV is actually one of the coolest inventions that Apple has made.
Joey Ma

How to Ditch Cash and Pay for Everything Electronically - 0 views

    Many things are replaced by electronics and machinery for our convenience. However, in 2012, why is the majority of people still using the traditional form of payment-cash. In the past few years, there were a few developers, who were interested in this topic, began to explore and brainstorm a variety of creative ideas of payment for the convenience everyday consumers. These determined developers may not have created new methods, but they have provided us with options that we may consider depending on our positions: people buying or selling products, or exchanging funds. For each category, mobile apps and online websites were recommended. Since we have easy access to our cell phones, it is not difficult to complete our payment tax with ease. As a result, it is not necessary to carry around cash or credit cards too often when going out to.    For example, Google Wallet is relatively efficient since it supports most or all major credit cards and can be used to pay for restaurant or shop purchases. Microsoft Wallet (similar to Google Wallet) is also another option for those who do have Android phones since Google Wallet is available to only a few Android phones.     
Nikita Varabei

Are Your Future Passwords Hidden In the Jiggling of Your Eyeballs? - 0 views

    This article describes how scientists are working to create new top off the line security. As we've seen in many sci-fi movies ; there is such a thing as eye scanners. they have existed for sometime now, but they have been primitive and worked just by using the iris of your eye. This could be faked easily by someone just taking a picture of your eye and simply holding it to the screen. This new technology however is a lot more sophisticated. It uses your eyes "fixations" and "saccades" to determine if it is really you. Fixations is how your eye behaves when it is still and saccades is how your eye behaves when it is moving from point to point. This new technology is a breakthrough in security, as it is virtually impossible to fake. no more stolen passwords, or hacked systems. Now unless its really you, the system wont let the person in. THis is extremely important as it prevents theft, hacking, and many other problems. To conclude, this technology is extremely important to our security and will greatly contribute to our future
ecaterina smirnov

Kinect Can Help Doctors Monitor Your Physical Rehab From Home - 0 views

    This article mentions a new invention by West Health Institute in San Diego.  This new invention is called the Reflexion Rehabilitation Measurement Tool (RMT). It uses your Windows 7 computer and Microsoft Kinect to help patients suffering from musculoskeletal disease to get their daily physical therapy and help patients stay on track. It also helps keep the patients involved with interactive feedback so that their doctors can see their progress and help the patients constantly improve in a fun way. This new technology will also help bring down the cost of healthcare as well as the number of doctor visits a patient has to make without compromising quality.  This article is all about eLifestyle and how technology can help improve our daily lives and in this case health. With this technology we can improve health care and bring down the cost that comes with the therapy. This tool can help patients stay connected with their doctors and constantly work and learn new physical therapy routines for the patients needs without long doctor visits. I think this is a brilliant idea that will help save time and money opening up room to help treat more people with musculoskeletal disease.
Anthony Dao

Microsoft Can Convert Your Voice Into Another Language - 0 views

    Wouldn't it be great to communicate with almost anyone in the world without having to learn a new language?  Microsoft has created a software that can analyze your speech, translate it, then play a new recording of your own voice speaking in a different language.  There are some downfalls however.  To reach a stage where the software is able to copy the user's speech and translate it, it would require the software to be trained with said person's voice for hours.  As well, the software may misinterpret the word, and could translate the wrong word, throwing the entire sentence off.  This software gets around one word in eight wrong. Regardless of the flaws, this software will benefit almost everyone worldwide.  People from all over the world will be able to communicate with each other no matter what language they speak.  This will help many companies worldwide as they do business with one another, due to the fact of how easy it will be to communicate with global companies. As well, it will be easier for people to look for jobs since they communicate with almost anyone, which means they can look for a job almost anywhere.   This software seems like it could potentially change the world as we know it today.  Once this software is perfected, it would be an amazing breakthrough in technology, seeing as how many companies would want to buy it.  Many people who don't work for big companies may also want to purchase this software to communicate with people on a global scale, and just to say that they can speak a different language.  To me this software would've been useful long ago, so I would not have to worry about taking international language classes.  Nonetheless, it will be exciting to see this software in the future.
Roman Mitjaev

Google is Getting a Voice Search - 0 views

    This article discuses the fact that google TV is now getting a voice search. I think this is a very good thing because it would save a great deal of time for everyone while they are scrolling through google. You now do not need to spend countless minutes scrolling through pages and pages of information and finding what you need. The voice search will allows you to find the exact information you need at a certain point of time. Google's also adding Primetime, an unobtrusive improvement to the on-screen guide. In my opinion this would be a good addition to google. I and lots of other students use google for help with homework, assignments, and just general research. Now students will be able to find the exact information they need, and in a very short period of time.
Justin Hernandez

The Internet Isn't a Good Excuse to Be a Bad Friend - 0 views

    Some people today, act in one way in the real world but once they go on the internet and social networks, it's like they're a whole different person. This article explains how we communicate in different ways through social networks such as Twitter and Facebook. When you're feeling down or not in the mood it doesn't hurt to just vent to someone on the internet rather than freaking out and acting crazy. If you can socially act online in a positive way, it gives a reciprocal, so maybe you can receive some back that's positive. The internet should be a reason for use to jump out of reality because it gives a certain impact on ourselves. this article relates to Portable Computing because through out phones we can also access social networks which goes back to jumping out of reality and acting like were some bad person but as this article says, that's not a good excuse.
Melissa Yu

Users Start Giving Up on Streaming Video If It Takes Two Seconds to Load - 0 views

    Over the years, the internet has become faster and faster and as this has happened our patience has decreased. We have come to expect fast speeds and short loading times on the internet and anything slower is considered unacceptable. However, before reading this article I didn't realize how impatient we had really become when it comes to the internet. This article talks about the results of a study that showed that users were likely to give up on a video after only two seconds of loading! This had come as a surprise to me. To me, two seconds seems like only an instant, but I have to admit that I still am not willing to wait much longer than that for a video especially if the video is only 10 minutes or less. However, I find it interesting how two seconds of loading has become an issue, while we are still waiting through 30 seconds or more of advertisements before we are able to view our video. If we have already spent so much time watching an ad a couple more seconds shouldn't seem like a big deal. This article shows how our expectation of high speeds has affected us and our lifestyle. We have come to expect our video to load almost immediately and if it doesn't do this then it isn't worth the time. Our ability to wait is being altered. We're no longer used to having to wait for things that we want to watch, see or listen to on the internet. We've changed into thinking that if it doesn't load instantly, then it isn't worth watching. Of course, our patience should have limits. If it really is taking longer than the length of the video itself to load then perhaps it is time to abandon the video, but I feel that waiting only two seconds before moving on shows how impatient we have become with technology.
Nicked -

Anonymous Targets Israel by Taking Down Hundreds of Websites and Leaking Emails and Pas... - 0 views

    Many of us remember the PSN outage of April 2011. Sony blamed 'Anonymous,' a collective hacktivist group formed in 2003 on 4chan, after they found the Anonymous calling card 'We Are Legion' in their system. Anonymous is composed of individuals with the ideals of: 1. Freedom of Information 2. Freedom of Speech 3. Unregulated Internet Anonymous will only attack databases and websites only if provoked, and will not do so for monetary gain. The group has recently engaged in multiple attacks on international government databases. The article, by Casey Chan, is about the Anonymous digital attack on Israel, in retaliation after the Israeli government threatened to shut down Internet access and other telecommunications to the Palestinian people in the Gaza and "Occupied Territories. " The group attacked the Israel Foreign Affairs database and Bank of Jerusalem database, as well as DDos attacks on over 600 sites and theft of over 2000 email addresses and passwords. This attack has generated some controversy. Since the beginning of November, Israel has also received over 150 missile attacks from the Palestinians as well. Anonymous aids the Palestinians by sharing a 'Care Package,' instructions on what to do in the event Israel does sever the Internet connection. Anonymous has become quite influential on the Internet. This illustrates how important the Internet has become. The internet is not only a commodity, but a right to have. It has replaced forms of communication, entertainment, transactions, and more. A group of 'anonymous' users has been formed for the sole purpose of protecting it, with the will and capabilities to punish any party that wishes to disrupt it. As with every conflict, there are sides. Anonymous, in protection of Internet freedoms; and the Israeli government, that has been fighting a war for as long as anyone can remember. Who's side are you on?
Joey Ma

Is Google Voice Sending Your Text Messages from Random Numbers? - 0 views

    Some people have experienced an issue with Google Voice. They have claimed that when they send SMS messages through the service, their messages are sent from random numbers. Some have received other people's personal messages and this can threaten privacy. Although many have been warned that they should never send personal text messages for security reasons, many ignore it. This issue with Google Voice can cause confusion for the people sending and receiving the texts since the sender does not have the option to send their messages to someone they know and the receiver receives a mysterious texts from a number that they cannot identify. Others might also receive multiple texts from random numbers which may irritate the person rather than confuse. Since texting is a very popular form of communication. those who use Google Voice may have to use other methods to communicate if the problem if affecting them too much and will have to wait until the issue is solved. Though this affects only a fraction of those who use Google Voice, this is bothersome. 
ecaterina smirnov

Knuckle and Fingernail Gestures Could Be Coming Soon to a Touchscreen Near You - 0 views

    This article talks about new gesture that could be used in addition to finger touch in order to have more options easily and launch new apps using your knuckle, fingertip, fingernail and more. A trio of Ph.D. students at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh managed to modify a Samsung Galaxy SIII to accept input from all three different touch variations, and tell the difference between them. It accomplishes this with the help of a vibration sensor and software that listens for the acoustic differences that come with the different types of touches. A man named Harrison has already started a company called Qeexo to start selling this tech. This vibration sensor can easily be added to any smartphone's "guts" and the software added too.   This article has a lot to do with portable computing because different companies are always coming up with new innovative ways to make smart phones more "smart". This is one of those things that a new company called Qeexo is doing. They are looking to improve the options and speed of using a smartphone for example instead of opening up a note pad by going into the menu and clicking it with your finger, you can use the "shortcut" of taping your knuckle twice to open it. This can also be used in gaming, option menus etc.  The main point is that companies are always changing making technology much more natural and easy to use. I think that this is a very good idea and over time if people hear about this depending on how much this would cost to upgrade it may become big and even become a pre-installed feature. 
anthony garisto

This Kid Blew $2,500 on In-Game Purchases in Just 10 Minutes - 0 views

    As 5 year old Danny Kitchen was playing on his parents iPad one afternoon he discovered that in his game "Zombie v Ninja" he could buy more weapons and add on items for a cost. Now, Danny didn't know that it cost money to have these items so he just kept clicking on  the items until he had a stock pile of weapons in the game. After only 10 minutes, Danny had collectively spent $2500 on the bundles offered in the game. He thought that if the game was free then the items would be free too.  Many people are angered over these options of purchasing these $100 bundles in games geared towards children. The publisher's of these games add these options so that children like Danny will be intrigued to buy these insane bundles that cost hundreds of dollars and offer items in mass amounts. 
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