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Cindy Huang

Report: Apple Is Being a Massive Cheapskate with Its Music Streaming Service - 0 views

    It is well-known that Apple has access to almost any music that one can think of. However, according to the New York Post, Apple is low-balling record labels for the rights to use their music in a new music streaming service. The company is only offering labels 6 cents per 100 listens, where as Pandora offers 12 cents per 100 and traditional radio pays 22 cents per 100. One can say that Apple is trying to enter this business, but not willing to go through all the trouble and complications that other music streaming services has to go through. I personally do not think this is right because record labels go through a lot of work just to try to get a little profit from the music industry. With Apple offering such a low price to use their music, it is not fair to those who work hard for a result.
Daniel Dmitrievich Prilipko

Google Fiber could expand to Austin as city preps for joint announcement next week | Th... - 0 views

    Google is looking to expand its high-speed internet service, Google Fiber, into the city of Austin in Texas. Google Fiber is an internet service that offers ultra-fast Gigabit internet speeds with no bandwidth caps that no other provider in Canada and the United States offer for a price under $120.  This is because there are major internet service providers who create a monopoly over the entire industry keeping all their prices the same so they maximize their profits and offer sub-par internet connection.  With Google Fiber, these companies will have to provide better internet or they won't be able to compete, so many people want Google Fiber to expand as fast as possible over North America so that the monopoly is broken and people are given better internet.   This plays into eLifestyle because Gigabit internet connections with unlimited bandwidth will allow most people who pay for internet to pay less, have a more reliable connection and have faster speeds. This also plays into economics because Google Fiber will allow small businesses to use the internet without fear of high costs.

Marvel Opens Its Vault to Offer 15,000 Comic Books to iOS and Android Users - 0 views

    in this article, it is stating that MARVEL opened its vault to offer 15 to comic books to iOS and Android users. Marvel is offering this one-time fee of $0.99, a reduced rate, to access the comics during March as a promotion for he company's activities. Marvel Unlimited users can now download up to 12 comics at a time to their personal libary and enable offline reading for on-the-go access. following the month-long promo, fans can continue their subscription to Marvel unlimited for $9.99 a month or $69 for a basic year plan or $99 for the year long premium, Marvel Unlimited Plus, which gives members additional discounts on Marvel products and a first look at Marvel news. Marvel Unlimited is available in the APP Store and Goggle Play Store.   
Paulo Balancio

Codecademy Partners With Twitter, Evernote, Box, And Others To Offer A Suite Of New API... - 0 views

    Codeacademy upgraded its website because it has partnered with a number of established web companies to offer a host of new lessons that concentrate on the basics of building with their specific APIs. An API is an application porgramming interfaces that allows developers to build applications with sophisticated feature more quickly and easy. Codeacademy now has lessons for building APIs from twitter, evernote, box and grit. The twitter API lesson teaches users how to read twitter from the code editor and make their own tweets from there. While WePay and Dwolla (codeacademys API partners) lets the learners send money from the code ediotr and create invoices, for only some examples. This update isnt only just for beginners, but it can also be for people that are a bit more experience that just want to learn new things.
codrin gherghel

Best Buy To Offer Full Fleet Of iPhone Models | TechCrunch - 0 views

    Best Buy is preparing for the fleet of customers that will be coming in for the iPhone 4S. they have just recieved their order and are awaiting the mass of loyal apple customers that will be coming. But dont worry just in case you find the iPhone 4S a little pricey they still have made other large orders of iPhone 4 and iPhone 3GS. The iPhone 3GS is being offered for free, but of course there comes a pricey plan with this
Elezabeth Lee

RIM Offers Users Free Apps After BlackBerry Service Outage - 0 views

    Blackberry users are mad. And why shouldn't they be? RIM went down. RIM is what MAKES Blackberrys. The outage that lasted more than three days has now been resolved, and to make amends for it, RIM does not only apologize, but also offers 12 free apps. Woo hoo. But, there is also a month of free technical support. So, there is something to gain. Millions of customers worldwide were left without access to various apps, email, etc. Is this a big enough apology?
    After a BlackBerry service outage that lasted more than three days, RIM is trying to make fix their mistakes  by offering them a selection of premium apps for free, as well as one month of free technical support. The RIM service outage was the biggest one they have ever had, and alot of customers are starting to switch, but RIM ensures this will never happen again... yeah right...
    All Blackberry users including myself were all ticked off after the 3 day service outage. As an apology, RIM (company that makes Blackberrys) decided to offer 12 free apps for Blackberry users. (Bejeweled, Texas Hold'em Poker 2, Bubble Bash and Shazam Encore) On top of that RIM has given us one month of technical support. I admit that RIM is trying hard to get back on track but sadly this isn't going to keep customers from switching phones. :$
anthony garisto

This Kid Blew $2,500 on In-Game Purchases in Just 10 Minutes - 0 views

    As 5 year old Danny Kitchen was playing on his parents iPad one afternoon he discovered that in his game "Zombie v Ninja" he could buy more weapons and add on items for a cost. Now, Danny didn't know that it cost money to have these items so he just kept clicking on  the items until he had a stock pile of weapons in the game. After only 10 minutes, Danny had collectively spent $2500 on the bundles offered in the game. He thought that if the game was free then the items would be free too.  Many people are angered over these options of purchasing these $100 bundles in games geared towards children. The publisher's of these games add these options so that children like Danny will be intrigued to buy these insane bundles that cost hundreds of dollars and offer items in mass amounts. 
Kimberly Bueno

What Happens When The Cloud Abandons You - ReadWrite - 1 views

  • The world of online services may be convenient, but there is always a risk of such services doing something your locally installed software won't: drop off the face of the Earth at a moment's notice.
  • That is the scenario OfficeDrop users are now facing, after receiving word last Friday that the five-year-old online collaboration and storage service would no longer be around after May 5.
  • OfficeDrop as a company is not going away, just the service to its users
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • signed an agreement to sell OfficeDrop to another Cloud Storage player.
  • According to the notice sent to OfficeDrop users, billing for OfficeDrop has stopped, and refunds are being issues when applicable. The notice urges all files be downloaded as soon as possible, because "they will be securely and permanently deleted as of May 6th, 2013
    Online services such as cloud may be convenient, but there is always a risk of such services that your locally installed software won't. Unfortunately, what could happen is that your cloud service could abandon you at any moment. OfficeDrop users were facing just about the same scenario. After receiving a notice that last Friday that the online service of OfficeDrop stopped its service on May 5. This left collaboration and service no longer available to its users. Many people have come to depend on OfficeDrop to store and share your files in the cloud. Unfortunately, OfficeDrop is not longer able to offer OfficeDrop as a standalone service anymore and also discontinued it permanently as of May 5th, 2013. OfficeDrop as a company did not go away, just the service to its users. OfficeDrop signed an agreement to sell OfficeDrop to another Cloud Storage player. Also, the acquirer has decided to not continue offering the OfficeDrop service and instead will combine the product, technology and team with theirs and market it through their channels. According to the notice sent to OfficeDrop users, billing for OfficeDrop has stopped, and refunds are being issues when applicable. The notice urges all files be downloaded as soon as possible, because they will be securely and permanently deleted as of May 6th, 2013. This is a negative impact when you use the cloud.
Jason Strassler

Google Claims Latest Chrome is Speedier | PCWorld - 0 views

    This article notifies readers that Google has boosted the speed and their browser's hardware acceleration with the launch of Google Chrome, version 18. Google paid more than $210,000 to outside researchers to identify and prevent a number of bugs, flaws, and hacking challenges from this past year so these same problems wouldn't be involved in this new update. This interests me because I am a Google Chrome user both at home and school and when I hear that another version is offered that speeds up Web applications, various software's such as Adobe Flash Player, games, internet, etc, I am more than pleased to get on my computer to update my browser to overall experience a better and more efficient use while on my computer that Google has to offer. But in my opinion, the most intriguing part of this article is how even with Google constantly updating and improving their web browser, Google Chrome, in the month of February, Google's browser is only third with 18.9% of users, next to Firefox with 20.9% of users, and in first, Microsoft Internet Explorer with more than half of users at 52.8%. People are least invested in Google's web browser and this largely adds to the reason to why they are constantly changing their Google Chrome design to attract but also to maintain their users. My thoughts are how I think it be interesting to see what Google has next up their sleeve because they have the money, technology, and resources to develop a browser that has enough features and limited problems to double and almost triple their amount of web users in hopefully the near future. 
Jason Strassler

Samsung planning Canadian retail stores - 0 views

    This article explains how the successful and profitable Samsung company has decided to open various electronic retail stores in Canada to compete with well-known rivals Sony Corp. and Apple Inc. For Samsung, the retail push is the company's latest move to establish itself as a premium electronics brand, an evolution due to Samsung's success in the smartphone and tablet markets. Another reason for Samsung to have an interest in opening stores, is part of a global movement by the company to expand it's presence with consumers. Samsung, being a major technology company, believes these retail outlets will help showcase their products in a way so  consumers can experience the brand and everything Samsung has to offer like never before. This is a smart strategy for Samsung to take part in because this opens up opportunities for consumers to purchase and learn about new and popular Samsung products in a way that was never offered or accessible to them before. A variety of Samsung stores will give this company a huge advantage on the market and this will ultimately set themselves up for bigger and better success in the years to come. 
Jillian Rago

Google Glasses First Look: Would You Wear These Augmented Reality Specs? - 0 views

    This article explains the latest in Google's innovations - augmented reality glasses. These glasses allow the user to receive notifications from their phone that will help will everyday struggles such as knowing the weather or the status of highway traffic. I think these glasses are extremely pointless unless they offer other features. I find it easier to check my phone rather than wear futuristic -like glasses the whole day just to inform me of quick notifications. However I am still looking forward to see what other features these glasses will offer and if the look of these glasses will change (hopefully they will look better than these prototypes). 
Julian Lounsbury

Team Fortress 2 Offers $100 Engagement Ring - PC News at IGN - 0 views

    team fortress 2 is now offering a 100 dollar engagment ring this shows how valve can get money out of everything and it is a very unique way to propose to your signifigant other if she is a gamer just like you
codrin gherghel

HP Flails Further Into Irrationality By Offering Printer Spam | TechCrunch - 0 views

    As HP is falling behind all the new technologies they are beginning to be a disgrace to the technological world, and the world of annoying and pointless subscriptions. HP is now going to introduce a new service called instant ink that will cost somewhere between 6-10 dollars a month. basically what it is will be a message will be sent to this service when your printer is out of ink, and in a few days, you will get more ink. Ya definitely not going to work.
Anthony Mirabile

Need a Job? You'd Better Learn to Code - 0 views

    This article (written by Lorenzo Franceschi-Bicchierai) is an interesting analysis of a general trend in the tech industry and demand for people with coding experience. The article states that now is the best time to dive in to coding because it has never been cheaper/easier to do so, with the introduction of Codeacademy - used in ICS20 - in early 2012. In less than 5 months, Codeacademy had stated that it reached over 1 million registered accounts, including New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg. Many web-based companies, even the titans that are Facebook and Google, are always looking for people with coding experience. Jobs in programming are also more lucrative than most jobs, even at entry level positions (15 of 21 San Fransisco Developer Bootcamp students were offered jobs in coding, with an average annual pay of $79 000.) The industry is severely lacking in female programmers as well, with only 1:10 ratio of women to men in the industry. This relates to Economics, eLifestyle and ultimately the ISC20 class because as the industry develops, there will be a higher demand for people with experience in coding; 2012 has been widely concerned as the best year for coding because many people who start coding now will most likely be secured for a positon right out of University, which can be very securing to young people who may not be sure of their future. Evidentally, the title says it all; if you are looking for a job, it would be wise to pick up coding because this a newly establihed market; most jobs in computers didn't exist twenty years ago so many people believe that coding will eventually become a societal necessary education, like math or grammar skills. This article shows how we are in a somewhat technological revolution, where we are creating new jobs where all the others are already full.
Dragos Penelea

Online Universities: Why They Still Don't Measure Up - 0 views

    This post is about Online Universities and why they don't compare to the real thing. Products like Saba LMS, Moodle, and iTunes U have made e-learning mainstream, and most universities offer and allow some or most of their coursework to be completed online. First off, the concern with many online universities and colleges is post-graduation employment statistics. Most have very low graduation rates. A government recruited states that "it's not ideal. It doesn't set a baseline expectation, for me or for the people he or she will meet in the field. If I just need to check off a 'degree' box on a requirements form, online will do, but if two candidates are similar, I'm going with the one from Stanford or UVA." Moreover, the differences come down to two things: brand and social interaction. Traditional schools can clearly understand reputations, strengths and weaknesses. Without historical data and a history of success or failure, the online schools' GPAs, class standing and other performance metrics are just numbers and statistics. The author of this article also states that "Giant online schools that accept pretty much everyone may be democratizing education, but they're not helping employers or anyone else separate out the best and the brightest." This can hurt the prestige, and ultimately the graduates of the school. This issue relates to the "eLifestyle" tag because in the end it will definitely affect not only the students, but the regular citizens of a country. The graduates of universities, online of traditional,  will be the leaders of the future, and I believe that traditional universities and colleges are better because professors can get to know and understand students at a different level. It is hard to judge or mark a student based only on online text. For instance, you will never be able to distinguish a student that truly tries and works hard but cannot understand the information properly to a student that understands it but is lazy and slacks off.
Adrian Ma

BMW's Performance sport steering wheel brings vehicle data right to your finger tips (v... - 0 views

    Introducing the all new BMW's very own M Performance sport steering wheel. This steering wheel offers a whole bunch of data and information while letting you concentrate on the road. What makes this steering wheel unique from other steering wheel is that high grip material and the small OLED display located 12 o'clock of the wheel. Within this small display it shows you many features of the car. For example, average fuel consumption, speed, oil and water temperature, lap times, G- force, and more. On each side of the display, there are LED's that glow and flashes to indicate the end of the current gear. So you do not have to look down at the dashboard to see your current RPM. There are also three readout modes: Efficient Dynamic, Sport, and Race. Depending of which mode is currently active, it gives you new information of the vehicle.  So you are probably all wondering the price of this wonderful steering wheel. The price is $1700. To me, I think it is worth it for those who wants to monitor their vehicle and see their lap times etc. The wheel looks absolutely gorgeous and it will attract many BMW customers. 
Roman Mitjaev

Can a Windows 8 Tablet Like the Surface Really Replace My Laptop? - 0 views

    This article describes weather or not Windows 8 tablet like the Surface really replace any ordinary laptop. The surface would be able to make a decent laptop replacement because it is thin and lightweight, comes with a keyboard, it can run the traditional windows desk top, and its decently cheap. However, Windows RT does have a very small selection of apps, it doesn't even have a facebook app. Without having a good selection of apps, you may miss out on a bunch of other fun stuff. Windows RT is the toned down version of Windows 8. This is very good for low powered, cheap tablets. But it won't replace Windows 8. So at the moment, the tablet will not be good replacement but that could change. Early 2013 the Surface Pro will be coming out and it runs Windows 8. So you will have access to all the apps, and take advantage of more powerful hardware. In my opinion, if you don't need as much features as a laptop offers, and you are looking for a cheaper device, go with the tablet. But if you need access to all the apps, and more powerful software, the surface at the moment is not a very reliable replacement.
Anthony Dao

Spin the Wheels on This Bike to Charge Your Phone - 0 views

    What if there a was a way to charge your smartphone and get a workout at the same time?  This project is currently being implemented in New York City. Bikes open to the public that are able to charge phones have been scattered all over New York City.  The Charge Cycle hopes to bring a network of outdoor neon-green stationary bikes that allows anyone to charge their phone for free by simply peddling.  It takes the same amount of time to charge as if you were to directly plug it into the wall. Although there are some concerns of theft, developers have chained the bikes and also put locks on the bikes, which makes it harder to move. Nowadays, we all rely on our smartphones, they are technically our everything.  Many people would be devastated if it were to die, and they will not be able to use it until they have their charger and an outlet.  The Charge Cycle offers a charging system for smartphone users while they get a workout as well, so it is a "win win" situation for these users.  This affects our lifestyle because instead of sitting around doing nothing while waiting for our phones to charge, we can get a workout out of it, and stay fit and healthy. I do think this a good idea because obesity rates today are increasing, which is dangerous.  In order to maintain a healthy diet, exercise is important.  This bike allows us to maintain said healthy diet, while charging our phones at the same time, which truly is a win win.
Daniel Le

The 12 Online Scams of Christmas [INFOGRAPHIC] - 0 views

    With Christmas slowly approaching, many of us will be shopping for presents online. For scammers, this means there will be more unsuspecting victims to scam. McAfee knows the risk of being scammed is present and has set up a list of 12 scams seen during the holiday season. These include fake charities, malicious mobile apps, too-good-to-be-true offers, and fake gift cards. As online shopping gets more popular, the threat from scammers increases as well so we have to know how to protect ourselves and keep our information secure. While shopping online is more convenient and cheaper in some cases, it isn't as secure as shopping in person at a store. Despite the lesser security in shopping online, people still would prefer it because of its convenience. I think it is good that McAfee released this list of scams to look out for because it will make sure more consumers during the Christmas season and everyday will have knowledge of what to look out for when shopping online. Though I doubt many people will see the list, McAfee has possibly saved many people from having to deal with being scammed, besides even if you can't help everyone you should help anyway.
Paulo Balancio

This Could Be The World's First 3D-Printed Car | TechCrunch - 0 views

    Since 3D printing is becoming more popular, workers can assemble anything by using it. In this article, this product could be the world's first 3D printed car called "Urbee 2". It is a three-wheeled hybrid assembled with pieces that is printed out from 3D printers. With this model, Urbee looking forward to changing the way we build cars today and in the future. Urbee is the invention of Jim kor and his group(Kor Ecologic) that is dedicated to future 3D vehicle manufacturing. Their goal is to make vehicles energy-efficient and is easy to assemble. The location where this first 3D car is being processed is at RedEye, where the first worlds 3D printed motorcycle was assembled. 3D printing is very helpful to workers that are making anything because instead of producing parts that would be assembled later, the 3D printer can print out a single part that makes manufacturing a lot simpler. Urbee is called for being a race car safety. 3D printing offers many possibilites but it is really expensive. But with it you can manufacture lots of things with it a lot easier and more efficient.
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