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Paulo Balancio

Codecademy Partners With Twitter, Evernote, Box, And Others To Offer A Suite Of New API... - 0 views

    Codeacademy upgraded its website because it has partnered with a number of established web companies to offer a host of new lessons that concentrate on the basics of building with their specific APIs. An API is an application porgramming interfaces that allows developers to build applications with sophisticated feature more quickly and easy. Codeacademy now has lessons for building APIs from twitter, evernote, box and grit. The twitter API lesson teaches users how to read twitter from the code editor and make their own tweets from there. While WePay and Dwolla (codeacademys API partners) lets the learners send money from the code ediotr and create invoices, for only some examples. This update isnt only just for beginners, but it can also be for people that are a bit more experience that just want to learn new things.
Radu Cernatescu

How Facebook Plans To Take Over The Internet - ReadWrite - 0 views

    "Mobile World Congress on Monday, Zuckerberg delineated some of his plans for moving forward with, the initiative led by Facebook to bring Internet connectivity to poor countries around the world.  While Zuckerberg touted the altruistic vision of his company's goal to connect the next one billion people, it's important to note that the project isn't just for the sake of bringing basic services to those that don't have it, but rather bringing millions of additional eyeballs to Facebook and its advertisers.  See Also: Hey Facebook! Connecting The World To The Web Isn't Enough "[We are] making it so that we can increase the amount of up-sells to subscriptions when they're using these basic services," Zuckerberg said in his keynote. "They will come to a link that isn't included in the basic services package; a popup that says, ok if you want to consume this, you have to buy this data plan." Facebook is making a long-term promise to both data carriers and advertisers-Zuckerberg said the next one billion people to attain Internet access will not be as affluent as those already on Facebook, thus making it harder to monetize the company's services. Zuckerberg said the social network will subsidize Facebook, Messenger, and other services like weather or basic news and information, and then provide up-sells in applications to deliver the whole package-like a gateway drug. Those up-sells are where carriers and Facebook make money. "The reason why they're not on [the Internet] is they don't know why they would want to get access to it," Zuckerberg said. "[We will show] people why it's rational and good for them to spend the limited money that they have on the Internet." How WhatsApp Fits Into Facebook recently spent $19 billion to acquire the mobile messaging application WhatsApp, an application Zuckerberg claims will be one of the few services to amass a billion users in the future. He claimed that, by it
codrin gherghel

YouTube Now Allows Music Partners To Sell Merchandise, Digital Downloads And Event Tick... - 0 views

    We already know that YouTube is seeing 3 billion videos viewed per day day, but now the online video giant is now seeing a whopping 800 million people per month visiting the site, Google revealed in its third-quarter earnings report last week. And today, YouTube is also announcing the ability to sell merchandise, tickets and more via the site.
    TItle pretty much sums it up. Now you can buy merchandise, event tickets and digital downloads through youtube. I think this will help make youtube more popular and help them make money off of it because more than 800 million people per month visit the site and 3 billion videos are watched per day.
    Now the online video giant is now seeing a whopping 800 million people per month visiting the site, Google revealed in its third-quarter earnings report last week. And today, YouTube is also announcing the ability to sell merchandise, tickets and more via the site.
Daniel Carriere

How Apple's Obsession with Google Is Hurting Apple | Cult of Mac - 0 views

    This article is about how Apple's competition with Google is hurting both Apple and its users. The removal of Google maps and no Google+ integration in iOS6 is an example of this. It relates whats going today with Apple in 1985-1997 which had tried making many unsuccessful products. The author believes this has to do with its strong competition with Microsoft. They were focusing more on beating Microsoft with new products than actually developing quality ones. After Steve Jobs came back from leaving Apple he decided to partner with Microsoft and the quality of new products greatly improved. The author says that the same thing is happening with Apple vs Google, and unless Apple decides to stop, it will hurt the company and its users. I chose the tag of eLifestyle because everyday users of Apple are being affected by the new maps unreliability and no Google+ integration. Apple will continue to affect us even more if they don't decide to focus on creating quality products. In my opinion, I agree with the author and I think that Apple needs to think a little more like how Steve Jobs would.
Daniel Le

Here Comes the First Real Alternative to iPhone and Android - 0 views

    The smartphone market has been dominated by Apple's iPhone and Google's Android devices, but with this dominance many people think they do not have any other options when it comes to smartphones other than Apple and Android. Yes, there have been other companies that have tried to combat the powerful hold of Apple and Android but they have faltered and ultimately could not dethrone these smartphone giants. Now the Finnish company Jolla plans on competing against Apple and Android with its new OS, Sailfish which they claim is an alternative to Apple and Android. Jolla also partnered itself with Chinese phone retailer D.Phone so Jolla would have phones that will run Sailfish. For many of us, we are stuck with the decision of buying either an Android or an iPhone since any other phone trying to appear differently was simply forgotten. But the release of Sailfish phones would completely change the smartphone market by giving consumers another option when considering buying a new phone and releasing some of the control that Apple and Android have. It could also be possible that Sailfish phones will be more revolutionary and better looking than Androids and iPhones but still cost less which would attract many consumers who want an innovative but low-cost phone. I think Sailfish will have a large impact on the smartphone market since it uses many gestures that makes the OS unique. Whereas Apple's iPhone and Google's Android will eventually lose their popularity due to Apple and Android's lack of innovation, the Sailfish phones could possibly have the same effect the first iPhone had on the world and become the new dominant smartphone. 
Matthew Fantauzzi

Creepy Side of Search Emerges on Facebook | Wired Business | - 0 views

    Facebook heads have launched a new 'search engine' for those using Facebook. Entitled 'Graph Search', this engine allows users to type in specific tags to find users that fall under a specific group. The tags include things such as age, location, relationship status, and other similar traits. The Facebook developers should have seen this as an issue from the very start of the project. Many executives and onlookers anticipated that this engine will cause issues, especially with youth. The main concern being privacy. Facebook claims that only users who opt into this feature will show up on the results, but for mindless teenagers who click accept on anything simply out of haste, this could cause an issue. Although there has been no recorded cases yet, this engine opens the door for sexual predators on Facebook, allowing them to easily search for 'Women under 18 in my area' and similar search options. CEO Mark Zuckerberg himself claimed that they are heightening privacy settings for this engine, but there are still concerns to be had. This new feature is obviously a ploy to send more information to advertising companies and other Facebook partners. Facebook is renown for sending information and demographics of it's users to paying companies, but with Graph Search, anyone can do it themselves, including said companies. Facebook is finding new ways to sell out their user base, while still looking like the 'good guy'. Although it has it's benefits for the honest users that want to use it for social purposes, Graph Search is a very bad decision. If it wasn't apparent to you before, now is the time to get off Facebook.
Jillian Rago

Facebook Buying Instagram Makes Perfect Sense - 0 views

    This article explains how it is practical that Facebook bought out Instagram. Facebook is very popular when it comes to sharing photos and Instagram brings the latest and most innovative ways to take photos. So, it is only right that Facebook and Instagram team up. I agree that the partnership between Facebook and Instagram will be beneficial for the both of them. Separately Facebook and Instagram are quite popular but by partnering together it will definitely boost both their popularities. Also, I think it's good to see that Facebook is doing something more than just changing their layout every couple of months.
Ira Garcia

DARPA's 'Avatar project' aims to give soldiers surrogate robots, make James Cameron pro... - 0 views

  • h a semi-autonomous bi-pedal machine and allow it to act as the soldier's surrogate." DARPA isn't talking about simple remote control rigs, either -- these 'bots are being designed to clear rooms, and facilitate sentry control and combat casualty recovery. The new budget also sets aside $4.1 million to design laser countermeasures to protect military weapons, well, lasers -- ensuring that the future's robot soldiers will be nigh indestructible when they rebel against their human hosts. IEEE Wired 150 Leave A Comment
    I guess in the future, wars won't be called "bloody" anymore because these guys, namely DARPA, are creating robots that would take the place of human soldiers. With the use of complicated interfaces and algorithms, they are aiming to enable these robotic avatars to effectively partner with their respective human soldiers. Amazing but at the same time scary because the more technological advances in weaponry means the more destructive the war will be. Another thing is they are trying to make these soldiers indestructible as possible. What if those robots start a rebellion or something? Just saying.
jose valenzuela

8 Things That Could Make iPad 3 More Expensive Than iPad 2 - 0 views

    this article is about the 6 things that that will make the iPad 3 more expensive then the iPad 2  and the other 2 things are just supplier issues.the six things that will make the iPad 3 more expensive is the double resolution,4g LTE radio,NFC technology -- which enables mobile payments -- probably wouldn't add much cost to the actual hardware, but Apple will have spent a lot of time and money getting partners and integrating it with iTunes, faster processer, better camera, better battery life,
Nicked -

Google buys Instagram rival Nik Software | Reuters - 0 views

    Google Inc buys Nik Software's "Snapseed", in competition to Instagram, which was recently bought by Facebook. Despite being less popular than Instagram, and costing $4.99, in contrast to Instagram being free on Apple's mobile devices, Snapseed won Apple Inc's "iPad App Of The Year (2011)" award for its photo editing abilities. This article describes reactions to Google's purchase from companies including Google Inc., Nik Software, and BGC Partners. It seems once again that Google is playing catch up in social media to companies such as Facebook. Google Inc. reported this week that Google+ had reached 400 million users, and 100 million monthly active users. As a user of both Facebook and Google+, I feel as though Google is once again the underdog, albeit a rising one. In comparison to the battle for social media supremacy, Snapseed also has 9 million users, versus Instagram's 100 million. Google is rising in popularity and Facebook may have some competition. Perhaps this purchase of the photo-editing power of Snapseed may help Google in their obstacle ridden climb.
Matt Visitacion

Google Launches 'Android Wear' Project for Wearable Devices - Mac Rumors - 0 views

  • As promised, Google today announced its "Android Wear" project, which is designed to bring Android to wearable devices. To begin with, Android Wear will be focused on watches that will come in a range of styles from several different manufacturers.
    This article is about how Google is launching an Android Wear Project. Their goal is to bring Android to wearable devices. The world is staring to elaborate more with mobile technology and increasing the number of different uses for mobile tech. Right now, Android wear is focused on watches, which are designed to offer several functions. The app is planned to provide notifications, messages, and updates from social networking apps and it will include Google Now, which will allow the people to ask questions, send texts, set alarms and much more. Android Wear is also being designed to help with fitness and health by providing reminders. The company is partnering with chip makers Broadcom, Imagination, Intel, Mediatek, and Qualcomm, plus fashion brands to help introduce the new Android Wear powered watches in 2014.
codrin gherghel

Why Hulu's Owners Couldn't Find A Buyer | TechCrunch - 0 views

    Hulu, which has been shopping itself around this year, is no longer for sale. Hulu's owners-Disney, News Corp, Comcast, and Providence Equity Partners-put the online TV site up for bid and got some serious offers from Google, Dish Networks, and Amazon. Even Yahoo supposedly took a look. But in the end, Hulu's owners didn't get the bids they wanted.
Matthew Tam

All Star Animators Recreate the Entire Ocean Online - 0 views

    Wemo Media has partnered with top animators from Avatar and Tron, the director of MIT's Media Lab and other high profile activists for an ambitious, underwater animation project called theBlu. TheBlu is a project to replicate the entire ocean system, from North America to Asia. It is part social network, part educational tool and part art project. The program will also have a feature where newly designed aquatic creatures can be bought and sold at theBlu's marketplace, which will feature common fish, user creations and exotic or rare animals tied to "philanthropic missions." Currently theBlu is in a closed beta.
ecaterina smirnov

A Facebook App That Aims to Keep Private Photos Private - - 0 views

    This post is about a new app made by McAfee which is meant to be an extra security for people's photos on Facebook. We know that even if we put our privacy settings on "only friends" there are ways through comments, likes and mutual friends that people you do not know can come across your pictures and download, print or upload them on a different site. This app helps protect by asking users to list who will get to view their photos. Only those people on the list will get to see the photo no matter who is friends with who, or who likes or comments on it. People not on the exact list will only see the photo blurry and barely visible. In addition to that nobody will be able to grab, print or download the photos even if they are on the list of people who can see the photos. This app is only in its development or "beta" phase, but it is already free to download and use on Internet Explorer and Firefox. The company is still working on versions for Chrome and mobile devices. Before concluding they did mention that there are still ways to photograph the photo with your phone, if you have a clear picture. I believe this app is a big step to having online security. This app can help stop the spread of your photos before it starts. People may not think about their internet security very often but it is important to know that once it's on the internet it's on there forever. With internet popularity growing and growing we must also know the dangers of posting photos and protect ourselves. Facebook allows so much public information to be revealed this app can ensure you have a more private account. In my opinion this is a great app and considering that it is free while it is being developed I think people should try it out. Although it's only available on Firefox and Internet Explorer it is already a leap in the right direction. However, as it was mentioned earlier you can still have people take photos from their phones. Nevertheless, if you chose the correct people on your list
Nicked -

Free Speech in the Age of YouTube - - 0 views

    This article, by Somnini Sengupta on the New York Times, is an in-depth look on free speech on the internet, and drawing the line between free expression and hate speech. An anti-Islamic video recently posted on YouTube has brought up the debate over where internet companies decide to draw that line. After the killing of a US ambassador and three other Americans, Google has restricted access to the video in Egypt and Lybia. Google continued to restrict the video in five other countries where it violated local laws. The question about free speech proves to be a problem where it can lead to hate speech. There are continual debates over whether hate speech includes speech that can lead to violence, or demeans a group by race or religion. Politically unstable countries, such as Pakistan, have blocked YouTube altogether. Many internet companies such as Facebook and Twitter, receive the same problems on content as well. Social networks of communication and freedom of expression can also become outlets and channels of hateful and demeaning speech. However, it is also difficult to screen such large amounts of user uploaded content at a time. Although these social networking sites may not condone the views expressed by their users, they can do little to prevent the upload and viewing by hundreds of millions of daily active users. As represented by the anti-Islamic video, these views can affect events, actions, and the lives of people the world over. This can relate to us as students because we can see how widespread the internet is, and how much larger it will become. Everything we post online is recorded and forever preserved; once it's out there, it's out there. Whether what we post reach the desired recipient or a nation, words, coupled with the internet, have immense power, and should be treated with respect. This reflects on smaller scale issues such as cyber bullying, where what we post may intentionally or unintentionally harm our peers. Yes, I believe that free spee
Nikita Varabei

Australians Surge in Quest to Build Quantum Computer - - 0 views

    This article talks about a new development in computing technology. So far we have relied on the basic computer who's most basic functions are base on binary logic in the in state of "on" and "off". This new development is referred to as "quantum computing". In quantum computing instead of using "on" and "off" states ; qubits are used. Qubits are a form of matter/energy which is part of quantum physics. The trick here is that qubits can represent multiple states at once and therefore far less of them are needed, and many new types of problems can be solved. There is a drawback however, and it is that qubits can only stay in their form for a set period of time, and they must also be at a temperature of 0 degrees Celsius or lower. Overall quantum computing is a great idea as it allows for things such as modeling atoms, and seeing how they will react. It will be a huge breakthrough in science, and will allow the modeling and creation of new atoms, chemical reactions, and even living beings, but it is not something you will be using day to day, such as your computer. To conclude, I think that this is an amazing development but i believe that it is more science centered rather than day-to-day life.
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