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Daniela Gaudio

10 Apps for Finding Apps - 0 views

    This article, "10 Apps for Finding Apps" may be appealing to one because it is convenient for someone who has difficulty finding a specific app. When I am trying to find an app for my phone it's usually difficult for me to come up with a certain name that that one app might be under. This new technology allows you to find apps that are relevant to you, which makes it easier for one to find. This is also helpful because you will not waste any time having to search to find the app that fits your need at that moment. 
Serena Zaccagnini

Findings Turns Your Ebook Highlights Into Shared Reading Libraries - 0 views

    As an eReader owner, I find this very interesting. On an eReader, you can highlight sections of a passage in an eBook and it will save it for future reference. Now, Findings, a social corporation, has turned into "an online destination where readers can collect, share, discuss, and discover such highlights from eBooks and web texts," which basically means that you can now share your highlights with the world on Findings. Not very impressive, I know, but for an eReader owner, it is useful. You can look up someone else's saved passages from a book you don't even own, so there's a way this technology can help you out in this world - save a couple dollars.
Nicole Luciani

Always Get the Best Deals on Mobile Apps - 0 views

    This lifehacker article explains how to save money in terms of finding and purchasing the best deals on mobile apps. If you are someone who is either tired or annoyed by paying full price on an app that never really lived up to your expectations or your someone who just wants to find a good deal, then your in luck, because the best sales or price drops to find for apps is not that hard, it just requires a little patience. If you are a iPhone or Android user, the best way to track price drops easily and efficiently is to create a list so you can easily check on the price of an app to see if it's gone on sale or not. A particular nifty tool on the iPhone is when you add a interested app to your account of a created wish list, the App Shopper app will either send you an email or a push notification when an app you're keeping your eyes on drops in price. Another method in saving money while wanting to purchase apps for your mobile device is to hold out for common sale times. Both the iTunes App Store and Google Play love having sales around the holidays. Also, apps tend to go on sale after they hit the top of the charts to celebrate their success or after an anniversary of some kind. A third strategy is to look at the sale history or possibly a one-year anniversary to see if a possible sale is sure to come around soon enough. Overall, holding out for a good sale and knowing when those sales happen is a good way to keep your app purchasing budget in check. It's important to not waste your money on pointless apps or on ones that end up dropping in price the next day. Wait the extra day or two and save an extra couple dollars because in the long run, this will pay off both economically as well as feeling satisfied with how you shopped to make your mobile device experience that much better.
    Here are some steps into getting some of the best deals on Mobile apps. Most apps are $1.29 to 99 cents and sometimes you think they're too overpriced and you just want a good deal! They're are two things about buying apps, you're always looking for the best deal on apps and hate paying full price, or you buy the app, and then find out the next day that the app goes on sale. Here are some easy ways to find out about cheap apps. 1. Set up price drop alerts and create a list of apps YOU want. This is great so you can track the prices of apps you want. 2. Set up notifs of price drops, for iPhone, there is an app called App Shopper where you can search for any app, and add it to your wish list, and when the price of that app drops in sale, you'd get a e-mail telling you the price dropped. You can do the same thing with Android, and those apps are called AppBrain and AppsFire. 3. Hold out for common sale times. Apps tend to go on sale during holidays like Christmas or Easter. Also, they go on sale after they hit the top of the charts to celebrate their success or after an anniversary of some kind. Many think apps aren't that big of a deal about prices, but when you buy a lot, the bill adds up. These steps great tips on how to get a great deal on apps! SO THIS BOOKMARK BETTER BEAT JASON'S BOOKMARK....but it looks like it didn't :'(
Joey Ma

Creepy marketing campaign "will find you" with GPS-equipped candy bars | Ubergizmo - 0 views

    Most of us know the movie "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory" which is about a young boy who finds a golden ticket in his chocolate bar and wins a trip to the chocolate factory. Now Nestle is doing the same with their candy.  In the UK, some Nestle chocolate bars have GPS trackers on them but you will not know until a Nestle representative track you down to award you with a prize. The trackers in the selected candy bars cannot be seen and many wonder if it is embedded in the chocolate itself and the effects it will have on the body when consumed.  Others find this "Willy Wonka-style promotion" to be creepy knowing that someone is tracking you down if you purchased and opened a candy bar with a GPS tracker in it. Despite having the feeling that you are being watched, wouldn't it be a pleasant surprise when you are presented with an award for purchasing a Nestle chocolate bar?
Roman Mitjaev

Google is Getting a Voice Search - 0 views

    This article discuses the fact that google TV is now getting a voice search. I think this is a very good thing because it would save a great deal of time for everyone while they are scrolling through google. You now do not need to spend countless minutes scrolling through pages and pages of information and finding what you need. The voice search will allows you to find the exact information you need at a certain point of time. Google's also adding Primetime, an unobtrusive improvement to the on-screen guide. In my opinion this would be a good addition to google. I and lots of other students use google for help with homework, assignments, and just general research. Now students will be able to find the exact information they need, and in a very short period of time.
Jihae Jeon

10 Apps for Finding Apps - 0 views

    This article talks about apps people can download to their computer and cell  phones. This is very helpful because in our society, there are many technology which deals with apps such as i pods, i phones, Google phones, smartphone and etc. In the beginning people have difficult time finding which apps are useful since not all apps are free to download. This article could solve their problem because it talks about 10 apps that can help you to find other apps that are useful. I like this because i too have problem deciding which apps to download and now i know that these 10 apps can help me to solve my problem and help me download useful apps without wasting my time. 
Alexandra Fank

Radiation-free cancer scans may be on the horizon | Cutting Edge - CNET News - 0 views

    THis article introduces a new cutting edge idea that exposes cancer without the radiation that could cause cancer further down the line. I find this fantasic the treatment not only leaves out the harmful radiation but it is also just as effective if not more. Another plus is it is also about the same price. I find that for the people being scanned i would find it a great comfort to me that i don't increase my chances of getting cancer because i was scanned for cancer. So it appears the MRI appoarch is on the rise.
Robert Augustynowicz

Drones help find World War II's missing soldiers - 0 views

    The BentProp Project is a group which has been searching for WW2 relics in the Pacific Ocean for the past few years. Some of the things they find is downed aircraft and unexploded bombs, with a side of human remains. Recently they started using robots to create a 3D map of the area of ocean explored rather than towing a side-scanning sonar device behind their boat. Although progress is very slow the team will not give up. I believe that the employment of new technologies to find pieces of the past really interesting and important, especially when it is such an enormous event like the Second World War. This kind of history must be expressed and remembered so we do not repeat the mistakes of the past. I feel like this kind of practice should be continued and funded for the next couple decades
Jonathan Villa

Your Cheating Heart: iPhone App Finds Wife With Another Man - Yahoo! - 0 views

    Recently apple released the iPhone 4s. With it, they released an app called find my friends, with that app, you can track someone (if they first agree) which can be helpful in finding someone at a crowded place. However, it's already wrecked the marriage of a new york couple when a husband was able to catch his wife cheating through this app. What does this say about the future of privacy? Everyday people have less and less of it. 
jonathan molloy

Mac Flashback Trojan: Find Out If You're One of the 600,000 Infected - 0 views

    Since the coming of the 600,000 macs being infected, your probably wondering as a mac user if you may be next.  This site shows simple ways of finding out if u may be infected with the virus.
Anthony Mirabile

Where America's Racist Tweets Come From - 0 views

    *Disclaimer: Article above contains profane/vulgar language This article details the findings of the blog 'Jezebel', who compiled a series of racist, anti-Obama tweets following the U.S election, and 'Floating Sheep' who trended those tweets and imposed them over a map of the United States. Using the knowledge of geo-coded tweets and the Twitter search bar, Floating Sheep was able to trend racist anti-Obama tweets from November 1-7. They used an 'LQ' algorithm which compared a state's ratio of racist to normal tweets to the entire country's ratio of racist to normal tweets. States with an LQ score of 1 were on par with the country, while those 1 had more racist tweets on average. After trending the reassuringly low 395 tweets, the study found (unsurprisingly) that higher LQ scores came from South-Eastern states, with Alabama at 8.1 and Mississipi at 7.4. This relates to Privacy and Security because Floating Sheep used geo-coding to find out where the cruel tweets originated from. This relates to eLifestyle because the internet harbours some of the most ignorant/hateful people who make callous remarks without realizing everything that you do can be and often is tracked. This relates to ICS20 because we promote a positive online environment and we frown upon things like racism and vulgar language; the very opposite of what these people mentioned in the article are portraying. If there is a silver lining to this study, it is that in this technological era, we are able to publicize ignorance and judge/analyze those who advocate awful messages.
Justin Hernandez

Should Students Use Wikipedia? | Wired Science | - 0 views

    Many of our teachers tell us clearly when we have a project or an assignment that involves research, we should try to avoid Wikipedia as a source. I think it's because of the fact that Wikipedia makes it easy to find information and that most of the information is starting to be more accurate instead of being fake information. In my opinion, most information that's on Wikipedia is almost no difference from the information found in textbooks. This article explains that Wikipedia should be used if the assignment is to find information and summarize it to something simple because Wikipedia simply shows you a summary that can be referenced in classes. This is related to being legal because mainly, copying information from something site like Wikipedia would be plagiarism. Although in my opinion using Wikipedia as a way to gather any information and constrict it into a small summary of that information, then it should be used.
James Harris

iPhone App Contains Secret Game Boy Advance Emulator, Get It Before It's Gone [Update: ... - 0 views

    Early in the afternoon today, a clever developer managed to sneak a Game Boy Advance emulator into an innocent looking app named "Awesome Baby Names". The secret emulator is activated by a series of taps on the touchscreen inside of the app. Once it is activated you can play your classic gba games just like you did in 2005. Apple was quick to catch this security breach as it was only in the App Store for twenty something minutes, but in that time many people including myself managed to download the app. This kind of sneaky activity from developers happens very seldom, but when something is smuggled into the App Store, it is usually very important. As stated in the article, it is a very easy process to unlock the emulator from the app, but getting the games and the BIOS onto the iPhone is the hard part. You must first download a program that lets you access the phone's file directory, then you must find the app's directory and drop the relevant BIOS and game files there. I chose the portable computing tag for this article because it deals with mobile technology and exploiting it to run handheld gaming software. This idea is not knew and has been around for a long time, but the idea of hiding the identity of apps and smuggling them into the App Store is a new idea. Apple is updating their security daily, but clearly couldn't spot this "child naming app" and make it out for the emulator that it was. I chose the privacy and security tag because Apple has a high priority for the security of their ecosystem and operating system, but clever people can still find ways to bypass this and get unidentified files into the operating system. I believe that Apple must keep a close eye on how they approve future apps into the app store because one day we may see cydia disguised as a senseless app make its way into the app store. If this happens, Apple with really have some explaining to do!    
Matthew Fantauzzi

Creepy Side of Search Emerges on Facebook | Wired Business | - 0 views

    Facebook heads have launched a new 'search engine' for those using Facebook. Entitled 'Graph Search', this engine allows users to type in specific tags to find users that fall under a specific group. The tags include things such as age, location, relationship status, and other similar traits. The Facebook developers should have seen this as an issue from the very start of the project. Many executives and onlookers anticipated that this engine will cause issues, especially with youth. The main concern being privacy. Facebook claims that only users who opt into this feature will show up on the results, but for mindless teenagers who click accept on anything simply out of haste, this could cause an issue. Although there has been no recorded cases yet, this engine opens the door for sexual predators on Facebook, allowing them to easily search for 'Women under 18 in my area' and similar search options. CEO Mark Zuckerberg himself claimed that they are heightening privacy settings for this engine, but there are still concerns to be had. This new feature is obviously a ploy to send more information to advertising companies and other Facebook partners. Facebook is renown for sending information and demographics of it's users to paying companies, but with Graph Search, anyone can do it themselves, including said companies. Facebook is finding new ways to sell out their user base, while still looking like the 'good guy'. Although it has it's benefits for the honest users that want to use it for social purposes, Graph Search is a very bad decision. If it wasn't apparent to you before, now is the time to get off Facebook.
Lynn Bui

Exclusive: Apple, Macs hit by hackers who targeted Facebook | Reuters - 0 views

    This article is about how Apple was hacked on Tuesday February the 19th, 2013. Basically, unknown hackers infected some Apple workers computers when they visited a website for software developers This website had been infected with malicious software that was designed to target Mac computers. Some people are saying that the malware could have originated from China, but there is no proof. Some of the malware was distributed through a site aimed at iPhone developers. It might still be infecting visitors who haven't disabled Java in their browser. F-Secure a security firm wrote that the hackers might have been trying to get access to codes for apps on smartphones which would allow them to infect millions of app users. Hackers recently found out a sophisticated way to attack Macs by exploiting a flaw in Adobe Systems Inc's Flash software. What I find very interesting is that the breaches described by Apple mark the highest-profile cyber-attacks to date on businesses running Mac computers. This shows that we should make an effort to protect our information especially since one of the largest technology companies has been breached. With cyber security attacks on the rise, we should all be aware and careful of the sites that we are visiting. Apple workers simply visited a website for software developers and became infected with the virus. The hackers are breaking many laws by hacking Apple, Apple intents to find the hackers with the help of the police.
Daniela Gaudio

Siri Might Be Speaking Three New Languages by March - 0 views

    Siri is very useful to those who want to find an answer easily, or want something done quickly, Siri is able to do just that. Apple is now introducing advanced technology as is currently in progress of having more languages spoken. This technology is so advanced that now those who do not speak English very well, or can't speak it at all now might be able to have that option that they can talk to Siri in their own language without discomfort. I find this to be very fair and open to all those around the world and Apple is doing an excellent job at expanding their cultural impact. 
Holly Di Bart

Going Google-Free: The Best Alternatives to Google Services on the Web - 0 views

    This article is really useful if you are tired of the usual sites such as google. It really opened my eyes to new sites. I always use google, but now I think I will try some new sites.  I still like using google but I found it interesting when looking up some of google's alternatives. I think that many people will find these alternatives useful. As well as always having plan B when you are having trouble finding something or are tired of using the same resources. 
Jason Strassler

New computer program to take the wheel from drifting drivers - 0 views

    This article informs the world of a computer program created by researchers from North Carolina State University, that allows a computer to have the tools to help, guide, and take control of a unpleasant driving experience. A computer with this program installed can understand what a camera is looking at and makes decisions based on what it sees. The program is highly intelligent because it can sort visual data and make decisions related to finding the lanes on a road, detecting how those lanes change as a car is moving, and controlling the car to stay in the correct lane. I find this program extremely fascinating and more importantly is also useful for lazy or bad drivers because if it just so happens you fall asleep at the wheel, this program acts as a lifesaver to prevent you and others from severe harm while you can trust you will be safe and secure with your computer taking over. This computer is essentially driving your car and is designed to notice a pedestrian or a stop sign and is assigned the appropriate action to complete. This could be the start in advances in technology where more computer programs can allow assistance and advisement when someone is struggling or in need of help. Something like this can definitively be cool and if it works effectively at all times, I believe this will be a huge invention that we all look back on one day. 
Daniela Gaudio

Firefox 10 Arrives With New Dev Tools and Full-Screen API | Webmonkey | - 0 views

    This article was a piece of knowledge to one who is looking for a better browser. I find it convenient that this new and improved Firefox is better. This browser would be more efficient and to myself I find that much better. When the pages load faster and you have the ability to accomplish more things without a struggle it makes me use the certain browser more. You can even see the HTML which is also useful when you want to see how a certain thing was done. 
Alexandra Fank

Warner Bros. working on a Minecraft movie | Ars Technica - 0 views

    Warner bros is apparently thinking about doing a minecraft movie. I love minecraft and it has a huge fanbase so I this it will be very successful because I find it is very much like the the lego movie which I find most people watched because they were curious as to how it would work out. I know thats why I watched it. Minecraft is very blocky and harder to work with. The only big thing I fear is that the lego movie was okay and is now started a trend of copycats and normally the copycats are never as good as the first one. But one thing i am really hoping for because minecraft has an older age group playing it the lego that the storyline will be a little bit better. But over all I would be very interested in seeing how this works out.
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