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Michelle Ross

L5 Discussion-Spring 2012 - ETC647 Group - 11 views

  • User generated content (wiki pages).
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Could you explain why UGC is different Participatory web? Be more specific.
    • anonymous
      UGC allows for creativity outside of the norms of a traditional learning environment, allowing the Internet to serve as a platform for a collection of ideas to assist others. Whereas participatory web seems to encourage those coming together to have a part in developing or meeting a specific goal, at least that is what I am understanding. After a better understanding of what exactly we were to post for this upcoming unit plan, I am now changing my character profile lesson to a more participatory project that assists other educators in ideas for integrating technolgy into their classroom.
  • Can view previous students' wikis.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Please explain why this is critical to your design.
    • Ty Coulter
      This is critical for 2 reasons. First, it gives current students and example of what their pages could look like. Second, it lets them see how this process can be effective in helping real people manage their weight effectively.
    • Dennis Olson
      Ty if that is the case wouldn't this also qualify as community-community learning under Network Instructional Strategies?
  • Social Tagging (Delicious, Twitter, Blogspot)
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Please explain why and how social tagging is integrated into your design.
    • Eldon Ferguson
      The objective of this lesson calls for the participants to research and share five Web 2.0 technologies. As they continue their research, it will be important for students to bookmark and share these sites with their group as this lesson has actually been designed as a professional development for teachers. Using Delicious, Blogspot, and other tagging resources will allow these teachers a constant source of Web 2.0 tools.
  • ...57 more annotations...
  • UGC (Presentational Web 2.0 Tools)Learner-Learner InteractionParticipatory Web (Blogspot)
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Please explain how and why UGC and participatory web are different in your design.
    • Eldon Ferguson
      UGC content will be found in the lessons that the participants create for their students, using Web 2.0 technologies and tools. This activity is more UGC as it creates content for others. Participatory Web will be found as participants add to collaborative blogs and wikis. This activity is more participatory as it shares content, but does not create it for the purpose of others' study.
  • Community-Community interaction: Delicious bookmarking
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Please explain how and why Delicious is integrated.
    • Sarah Gagliardi
      Delicious is integrated to share resources for other students to access easliy. I thought it would be a great way to share information that each member found when doing research.
  • UGC: webquest presentations
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Please explain why WQ is considered as UGC. Do students create WQ or go through WQ?
    • Sarah Gagliardi
      Students will do both create the webquest for their peers to then interact and learn from each other.
  • Social content: resources are tagged in Delicious for students to have access to
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Please explain why teachers tag to share. Why not to engage students to tag to share? If Delicious is integrted, why social tagging is not part of your design? Please explain.
    • Kirsten Harder
      I often forget about the students doing the tagging, especially with my middle school students because they often try to share things that are not relevant to the content. However, if I set up the guidelines for them, they could definitely be the ones to share and not the teacher.
  • Participatory web User generated content
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Please explain how and why the differences between Participatory web and UGC in your design.
    • Kirsten Harder
      In order to get students started, they will use a participatory web to begin gathering their research. Then once they have the information, they will create the content or presentation of the information. Each group will have different topics to cover so they will be teaching material to the rest of the class on their assigned topic.
    • anonymous
      I like the idea of putting their research into practice. I think this makes the learning more meaningful.
  • Web 2.0 tools
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Please explain why Web 2.0 tools are considred network instrucitonal strategies. Be more specific.
  • Social Tagging
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Please explain why and how social tagging is integrated into your Prezi design.
  • Discussion Board Moderation and Scoring 
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Online discussion is not explained in your activities why we need the evaluation. Please justify.
  • Network Instructional strategies:
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Please explain how and why each network instrucitonal strategies integrated in your design. Be more specific.
    • Beth Koepp
      Students will brainstorm background knowledge and vocabulary definitions using piratepad.  This piratepad will be made available throughout the course, continuously being added to. This pad will continue to be available after the course is completed.  Using various sites, students will share online graphic novels (using Delicious with tagging for easy sharing) then will create their own graphic novel using Toondoo.  Through google docs, participants will leave each other feedback on their shared graphic novels. 
  • Mobile Learning and Ubiquitous Learning: Mobile devices providing 24/7 learning environment with access to course materials, Twitter, Delicious, Facebook, RSS, email, iGoogle.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Please explain how mobile learning is integrate into your deisgn. Is it required?
    • Dennis Olson
      Students use smart phones in the commons for everything that they do. For example synchronous voice communication, asynchronous texting, internet searches and Facebook. This course in its design hopes to use technology that students are familiar with, mobile services, and relate those with use of computers, laptops and other mobile devices like the iPad to accomplish the goals of the class.
  • Network Instructional Strategies:
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      You integrate many interesting network instrucitonal strategies. Can you discuss any potential challengs you may encounter?
    • Sarah Gagliardi
      I can see the students getting lost in the many tools that are embedded. Additionally, teaching each tool individually and then embedding them in the project may take a large amount of time; however, I think students may get into the project when they are engaged within the tools.
  • Information visualization (wordle creation)
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Please explain why and how InfoViz is integrated into your design.
  • Network Instructional Strategies:
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Googel Sites are integrated. Is any reason that Participatory web and UGC are not included in your deisgn. Please jsutify!
  • Online Instructional Strategies:
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Please explain how and why each strategy is integrated. Be more specific.
    • Michelle Ross
      Each strategy will be used in an ONLE by employees to enhance not only the learning experience but collaborative techniques as well. 
  • Presentation Rubric
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Shouldn't we need to evaluate onlien delivery technology and onlien instrucitonal strategeis?
  • Participatory Web (via Web 2.0)
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Which one? Be more specific and explain why?
    • Michael Wolfe
      Students are creating their own pages, so specifically it would be user generated content.  By creating their pages, they are actually making a product live on the internet for research and informational use.  Other students next year can reference their information and use it to help them make their own pages.
  • Community-Community Interaction (via Delicious)
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      What are your social tagging architecture and how it may generate communit-community interaciton? Be more specific.
    • Michael Wolfe
      Students would tag their work based on the class, regional mythology, and specific informational category (pantheon, artifacts, locations, history, etc.).   The development of resources will assist in other students finding information and develop the resources for the course over time.  Students would be required to find a minimum of new sources to contribute to the list.
  • Information Visualization (ToonDoo graphic novel creator)
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Please explain how and why it is integrated in your design.
  • UGC (Students create notes in Google Docs)
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Please explain why it is consdiered as UGC not participatory web. Be mores specific.
    • Beth Koepp
      This portion would be considered user gernerated content (USG) because the students are collecting and creating documents/notes that will be shared with others in the course.  This content will be available long after the unit is done. 
  • Evaluation:
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Please justify how you assess your network instrucitonal strategies.
  • Content will be delivered and created using Glogste
  • Participatory web (wiki pages).
  • Student-student interaction
    • Eldon Ferguson
      I love the idea of using "peertrainer" for discussion and support. Is there room in your design for social tagging or bookmarking? This would allow students with an opportunity to share sites that they have found to be helpful.
    • Ty Coulter
      Social tagging and bookmarking could easily be built in either through Diigo or Delicious. I simply neglected to add this feature when initially typing this up.
  • students will create a webquest for classmastes
    • Eldon Ferguson
      I love this idea! Your design is well done and explained.
  • Teacher created rubrics
    • Eldon Ferguson
      How will the presentation's be graded? Will the research be listed on the student wiki, or will it be more of a report?
    • Kirsten Harder
      The research will be integrated into their presentations. They will be graded on the content of their research, keeping with the topic, and at least meeting the research standard as set by the Arizona State standards for research.
  • argument on the issue of slavery.
    • Eldon Ferguson
      From who's viewpoint will you direct the argument of slavery: The negative views of the slaves themselves or the positive outcomes for the slave owners? Will students present both viewpoints or choose a side?
  • create a personal profile choosing from a list of fictional characters
    • Eldon Ferguson
      Love this idea!
    • Ruthee John
      I am currently doing this with my students and they LOVE it.  
  • Students can view other Glogs created by peers
    • Eldon Ferguson
      This can be used from year to year as well, creating a community-to-community networking.
    • Ruthee John
      Very true!
  • design of submarines
    • Eldon Ferguson
      Should be interesting! Which content area would be covered during this project?
    • Dennis Olson
      History has shown that as the political environment changes the missions of submarines has changed. For example attack submarines were used in WWII, Korea, Viet Nam, the Cold War, and the Gulf Wars. A need was realized during and after Korea that required the mission of the submarine to fire missiles, the design and shape of the submarine changed. Another example is more current with the design of submarines to deploy Seal Teams. This assignment could use mind mapping tools to show links between political environment, mission and designs. Mind mapping tools are also available in the mobile learning environment. It is a topic that, being a submarine sailor, interests me and allows for prediction of what the next generation of submarine might be like.
  • Students gather information on character from books, contacting author...
    • Eldon Ferguson
      I love the idea of a character profile, using Google sites. Is there room for gathering and collecting the character information via online technologies, or will this be done with pencil and paper?
  • Professional Development Training Course 
    • Eldon Ferguson
      What specific content does your training cover, or is it a shell for creating professional development programs?
    • Michelle Ross
      This Professional Development training course covers new software or programs that will be integrated within our department at work. 
  • share mythologies of different regions of the world.
    • Eldon Ferguson
      Awesome Idea!
    • Eldon Ferguson
      Where will the information for the mythologies be found: Through individual/group generated research, instructor-learner discussion, or via a previously determined text?
    • Michael Wolfe
      Students are given a variety of resources, some online, some through digital texts, and some through previous student's resources (i.e. Delicious).
  • Wright, Beth
    • Eldon Ferguson
      For some reason, it wouldn't let me highlight any of your content, but it would let me highlight your name. Under UGC, how will the student created content be used by the other students, or is it more of a participatory web strategy?
  • Animoto, Popplet, Voicethread, Glogster, Diigo, Delicious, and Google Docs to collaborate, create, and share their pages.
    • Ty Coulter
      I like how you are giving your students so many options for building their pages. Will you be offering any training on how to use some of these tools?
    • Michael Wolfe
      Actually, I would likely assign different Web 2.0 tools to different elements of their pages.  A timeline could be done with Dipity or Prezi, a map of significant sites could be done with Glogster, Animoto could be used for artifacts, and so on.  Ideally, I would offer either some training or have students become the experts by creating a practice page with assigned tools for each group to become the experts on.
    • Kirsten Harder
      What tools specifially do you plan to use for this?
    • Ruthee John
      Glogster will be the Web 2.0 tool that my students will use to create their profile.  However, with glogster they can incorporate youtube videos, blogs, wikis, links, etc.  They will use a search engine as well as books to research their characters and gather pictures. 
  • Information Visualization
    • Kirsten Harder
      Will students share this wordle with others? How will they do that?
    • Michelle Ross
      The trainees may share wordle on their team web site that will be shared with others in the training course. 
  • UGC content will be found in the lessons that the participants create for their students
    • Dennis Olson
      I am confused as to who is creating the UGC. In this area it sounds like the teacher. In other areas UGC is created by students.
    • Eldon Ferguson
      I fell into my pattern of writing according to the School District Objectives, in which the participants are referred to as students. This is a professional development lesson for the teachers in our district. Therefore, anytime I wrote "Students will..." I am speakin of the participants in the training. Sorry for the conclusion.
  • After collaboration of one reptile
    • Dennis Olson
      Is each group selecting a reptile is the class writing about one reptile?
  • Students will use a variety of Web 2.0 and networking tools
    • Dennis Olson
      Michael how old are the students that will be doing this project? Have the students been experienced with some or all of the technologies that you mentioned? Would creating a document that shares the links to the choosen Web2.0 tool be part of the content shared or published?
    • Michael Wolfe
      To do this would likely require a class template page where they all worked on a single region (like Greece) to create a page.  They could each have a Web 2.0 too assigned with the specific content of the page and then present both the content and the tool for the other students to use when they get started with their individual projects. 
  • Students create descriptive wordle on character
    • Dennis Olson
      What content will students use for the Wordle?
  • UGC (Students create notes in Google Docs)
    • Dennis Olson
      I believe that the notes created in Google Docs doesn't fit the definition of UGC. User Generated Content is original content for sharing or publishing whereas your graphic novel is the element being created for sharing and publishing. What do you think?
  •  Students in groups will use Prezi as a web sharing tool to creat
    • Dennis Olson
      Jimmy, is this topic limited to the owning of slaves by whites? Slavery comes in many forms that should also be discussed...Native Americans owning Native Americans, and the trade today of women and children. Is slavery just an historic issue in this discussion, or will the contemporary elements be explored as well. How does slavery differ between the Native Americans, the African American, women and children? If we are working with 8th graders should the topic be focused more on the African American or less covering the entire issue of slavery?
  • to discuss their diet and activity levels and to help support others as they try to manage their weight.
    • Dennis Olson
      Ty this sounds like an interesting project. What grade level are we working with here? Is this designed as a single semester project? Is this a continuing project with data available from previous classes?
  • ers a constant source of Web 2.0 too
  • Using Delicious, Blogspot, and other tagging resources will allow these teach
    • Dennis Olson
      Is this a case of teachers learning from the students to build the teachers collection of Web2.0 tools?
  • Ferguson, Eldon Objective:  Students will research, collect, and share five Web 2.0 technologies; using online, collaborative tools.
  • Ferguson, E
  • ergus
  • Students will research, collect, and share five Web 2.0 technologies; using online, collaborative tools.  Students will use this information to create a group/individual presentation discussing how these technologies would be used in the classroom. 
    • Ruthee John
      How fun!  What age/grade of students are you going to be doing this with?
  • Students collaborate using blogger
    • Ruthee John
      Will students be posting on a classroom blog or have their own blog?
  • Web 2.0 tools
    • Ruthee John
      Which specific Web 2.0 tools do you plan to use?
  • develop a department web site using Google sites or similar technology to embed screencasts and share with other teams
    • Michael Wolfe
      Is this the ultimate objective of the lesson?  Will the screencast be geared towards creating these sites?  Why are the Twitter accounts used?  Is this all done remotely?
  • Students create presentation through Google sites
    • Michael Wolfe
      How might you be able to incorporate a few other web 2.0 tools into their sites to enrich the pages and learning experience?
  • Research and use Web 2.0 Technology to collaborate with others and present information.
    • Michael Wolfe
      How does this lesson align with class objectives?  Are the students simply learning about Web 2.0 tools or is there a topic or subject to cover with these tools?
    • Michelle Ross
      What is this tool and how will it enhance the learning experience of students?
  • book we have read
    • Michelle Ross
      Do you have a particular book that you plan to use or will the students' choose?
Ruthee John

L5 Discussion-Spring 2012 - ETC647 Group - 0 views

  • Students collaborate using blogger
    • Ruthee John
      Will each student have access to one classroom blog or will they each have their own blog?  
  • Students gather information on character from books, contacting author...
  • Technology
    • Ruthee John
      Will students gather information on the web, book, pre-seleected material?
Kirsten Harder

Best content in ETC647 | Diigo - Groups - 0 views

shared by Kirsten Harder on 05 Apr 12 - Cached
  • Could you explain why UGC is different Participatory web? Be more specific.
    • Sarah Gagliardi
      It is my understanding that UGC is when students are creating the material and presenting their knowledge; whereas, participatory web, students are participating in some of the content that is provided beforehand.
    This group is for ETC647 students at NAU.
Dan Ciernia

web2.0tools - Home - 0 views

    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Question I: ONLE Please justify why your unit integrating ONLE, not just distributed learning (DL) or online learning environments (OLE). Be sure to distinguish ONLE from DL and ONLE. Provide the examples from your unit to justify your responses.
    • Laurel Griffiths
      I really tried to create a ONLE when designing my unit so I incorporated many discussion boards and 2 group assignments so that my students would have the feeling of having classmates that are all learning together. Also, I reminded students every step of the unit that if they have questions to email me so that I can address them, therefore again creating a classroom sense.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Question II: Social Tagging Architecture Please discuss what you social tagging architecture is. How do you design and develop it.
    • Laurel Griffiths
      I did not include any social tagging assignments in my unit but I did have students share ideas and web 2.0 tools they enjoyed through a discussion board, so websites and ideas are still being transferred just not through tagging.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Question III: Evaluations Discuss how do you know your integrated ONLE instructional strategies effective? Remember assessing content is different from assessing instructional strategies. Your assessment must be capable to assess content, delivery technology, and instructional strategies.
    • Laurel Griffiths
      My assessment was having my students create their own lesson plan to share with the class using a new web 2.0 tool. I feel this assessment was good for the content because it is applying the content learned in a real setting. To assess the delivery of technology and instructional strategies I had a survey at the end of the lesson for students to fill out asking questions like if they thought the objectives were met. This survey is just for the instructor to know and improve their methods for the next time.
  • ...4 more annotations...
    • Dan Ciernia
      Content is appropriate and is two-layered, Instructors and the learners they guide. The key to the success of this workshop will be in how well the intended audience carries through with that aspect of the workshop.
    • Dan Ciernia
      This workshop is complete in the area of ONLE instructional strategies and the appropriate tools to achieve success in executing these strategies. Choice is key in the elements of this workshop, the audience of this workshop need to recognize that element and assure that it is implemented in their follow-on.
    • Dan Ciernia
      A very good collection of web 2.0 tools to use and learn. They provide the networking aspects necessary for this assignment and to provide a strong base in learning and understanding web 2.0 tools. The variety of tools are very good as standalone and integrated for connecting learners and the content they research and create.
    • Dan Ciernia
      Lesson elements are measured/assessed by rubrics which are clear and complete. The inclusion of the survey on how the workshop instructor performed is an excellent addition.
    The true goal of my unit was to introduce teachers to as many web 2.0 tools as I could in a short period of time so that they are able to incorporate them into their lessons. I feel that creating a lesson plan and sharing our lesson plans with the class with a great way to assess the content of my unit. Also I included a survey at the end of my unit for my students to grade me as an instructor, so then I would get a assessment for my delivery of technology and instructional strategies through feedback.
Nicole Conrad

Nicole's Unit Plan - 1 views

    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Question I: ONLE Please justify why your unit integrating ONLE, not just distributed learning (DL) or online learning environments (OLE). Be sure to distinguish ONLE from DL and ONLE. Provide the examples from your unit to justify your responses.
    • Nicole Conrad
      I feel that my unit was ONLE because it makes the students create their learning environment and explore different possibilities instead of being limited to one general location where all material is located in a central location. There are a variety of tools utilized that are not otherwise always connected.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Question II: Social Tagging Architecture Please discuss what you social tagging architecture is. How do you design and develop it.
    • Nicole Conrad
      My social tagging architecture was modeled after the tagging architecture that was utilized in this course. Students were asked to tag within their individual Delicious accounts and use a similar structure. I made up a course code and the students were asked to use that at the beginning and then a descriptor for the remaining structure, for example: EDU123+State Facts+Fall 2011
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Question III: Evaluations Discuss how do you know your integrated ONLE instructional strategies effective? Remember assessing content is different from assessing instructional strategies. Your assessment must be capable to assess content, delivery technology, and instructional strategies.
    • Nicole Conrad
      I believe that I will consider my instructional strategies effective if my students are capable of completing the tasks properly with little or no questions/confusions. If my strategies are effective my students will be successful. There was a lot that went into creating the lesson and my students should be able to fairly easily understand the material at hand.
  • ...5 more annotations...
    • Dan Ciernia
      The content is appropriate for the early learner audience. Nicole does a nice job of keeping the learning elements and tools visual and interactive to retain the attention and enhance the experience of this level of learner.
    • Dan Ciernia
      Nicole has integrated web 2.0 tools sharing, organization, create content, social networking - as she explains in her presentation, the design of her lesson is to connect learners, instructor in their activities to share and collaborate as they learn from each other and themselves.
    • Dan Ciernia
      The web 2.0 tools that Nicole integrates into this lesson network her learners with each other, the instructor and additional communities. The tools she chose for this lesson are learner level appropriate now and as they advance. The tools provide a base for communication, interaction, exploration and collaboration.
    • Dan Ciernia
      Measurement/assessment tools seem a bit vague, although it appears Nicole does not include peer review, but instructor review - which seems appropriate at this learner level.
    • Dan Ciernia
      Great presentation on Elluminate and the Lesson Wiki! Well designed. Excellent work Nicole!
    I feel that my unit was ONLE because it makes the students create their learning environment and explore different possibilities instead of being limited to one general location where all material is located in a central location. There are a variety of tools utilized that are not otherwise always connected.
    My social tagging architecture was modeled after the tagging architecture that was utilized in this course. Students were asked to tag within their individual Delicious accounts and use a similar structure. I made up a course code and the students were asked to use that at the beginning and then a descriptor for the remaining structure, for example: EDU123+State Facts+Fall 2011
    I believe that I will consider my instructional strategies effective if my students are capable of completing the tasks properly with little or no questions/confusions. If my strategies are effective my students will be successful. There was a lot that went into creating the lesson and my students should be able to fairly easily understand the material at hand.
Denilya Barrett

Wikispaces - 1 views

    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Question I: ONLE Please justify why your unit integrating ONLE, not just distributed learning (DL) or online learning environments (OLE). Be sure to distinguish ONLE from DL and ONLE. Provide the examples from your unit to justify your responses.
    • Dan Ciernia
      Chih, This lesson is built upon the ONLE strategies of sharing (PICLP and PICs tagged sources and data), collaboration (team contributes to and co-authors lesson plan and script through google docs) partipative web (Synchornous meetings through Google+, Asynchronous communication through Gmail), user generated content (co-authored Lesson Plan and Script for People In Crisis training which will be utilized and updated by subsequent training teams in ongoing training and education). Using these web 2.0 tools provides an interactive, 24/7 environment that far exceeds a simple delivery system.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Question II: Social Tagging Architecture Please discuss what you social tagging architecture is. How do you design and develop it.
    • Dan Ciernia
      Chih, the social tagging architecture is built with two tags PICLP (Lesson Plan related sources and data and PICS script related sources and data). This architecture is simple, but clear in identifying and organizing the elements used in developing these two lesson deliverables (Lesson Plan and Script) for use by team colleagues.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Question III: Evaluations Discuss how do you know your integrated ONLE instructional strategies effective? Remember assessing content is different from assessing instructional strategies. Your assessment must be capable to assess content, delivery technology, and instructional strategies.
    • Dan Ciernia
      Chih, The deliverables in this lesson (Lesson Plan and Script) are created throught the participation and contribution for team colleagues by using the web 2.0 tools introduced in this lesson. Your question does shed light on recognizing the participant accountability aspect that I did not place enough focus on and that is the individual effort, I have the focus on the team, not the individual. In this lesson and the audience this lesson is targeted to the collaborators will hold each other accountable throughout the process.
  • ...3 more annotations...
    • Max Atwell
      Outstanding unit Dan! I would like to hear how this goes when you impliment it next year.
    • Dan Ciernia
      Thanks Max, I'll keep you in the loop when the lesson goes live.
    • Aric Bilas
      This looks like a great unit to bring different areas of law enforcement together! Great job.
    • Dan Ciernia
      Thanks Aric, this lesson will provide new tools to various units of law enforcement to connect at new levels.
    • Denilya Barrett
      Good Job :) I think it could use a discussion or examples at the beginning of how it will be useful for the students. Less of a general "it's good for collaboration" and more a "here are some specific examples of how you could use this to make your job/life better, so pay attention to class!"
    • Denilya Barrett
      ...not that it isn't a good introduction. As a student, I just like having examples so I know what I'm getting into and how it's actually going to be useful...
    • Dan Ciernia
      Denilya, you point out some very good points regarding the introduction. The learners that this lesson is designed for want to get from "A" to "B" on the shortest route, they already have a pretty good idea of what they are getting into (content speaking) . The learners expect that any training they receive will make their job/life better.
Aric Bilas

caitv - Unit 1 - Creating Accounts - 0 views

    • Aric Bilas
      I like that you chose Google+ for networking instead of Facebook. Did this have anything to do with Google+ ability to separate people into different circles and share information independently, or was it just as a convenience of a Google product?
    • Dan Ciernia
      Aric, both of the reasons you state above and Google+ allows the team colleagues to meet synchronously, 24/7 as well. Good tool for remote users to connect.
Aric Bilas

Enhancing Higher Education - 2 views

    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Question I: ONLE Please justify why your unit integrating ONLE, not just distributed learning (DL) or online learning environments (OLE). Be sure to distinguish ONLE from DL and ONLE. Provide the examples from your unit to justify your responses.
    • Roman Graff
      The unit developed was one of compounding lessons that required synchronous and asynchronous interaction. While the tools introduced as part of the workshop were all Web 2.0, thus accessible as part of a DL or OLE, the intent of the workshop was to demonstrate them as functioning in concert with one another. In that respect, neither DL nor OLE couldn't operate in the same way given the frequent and high level of collaboration amongst workshop participants and the facilitator.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Question II: Social Tagging Architecture Please discuss what you social tagging architecture is. How do you design and develop it.
    • Roman Graff
      The social tagging architecture I've incorporate is rather limited. Admittedly, it's also woefully underdeveloped in the unit as well. The unit is intended for higher ed faculty and I wanted to provide a sufficient breadth of the tools that they might be able to incorporate into their respective classrooms without overwhelming them. This is especially the case in the context of the other collaborative tools that were introduced throughout the unit. That said, social tagging is limited to Delicious. It's introduced in the unit as a means of recording and sharing resources. Throughout the unit participants are expected to continually add to the their individual and the workshop library. Eventually, as subsequent workshops are facilitated, these original resources would provide a foundation from which other participants might draw from and add to.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Question III: Evaluations Discuss how do you know your integrated ONLE instructional strategies effective? Remember assessing content is different from assessing instructional strategies. Your assessment must be capable to assess content, delivery technology, and instructional strategies.
    • Roman Graff
      In review, my assessment was focused on the artifacts workshop participants produced rather than measuring the strategies that facilitated artifact development. Rubrics were provided for both the group collaborative document and online discussion. For the latter, there was slightly more awareness of measuring instructional strategy assessment than just simply the product. As a whole the unit included such strategies as: UGC, Participatory Web, social sharing (to a limited degree as previously admitted), Community-Community. Unfortunately, the Community-Community element could only have been developed after several workshops had been delivered, leaving that element un-assessable for the time being. UGC and participatory web, as instructional strategies, might have been more appropriately measured through reflection elements, like online journaling, survey, and peer review.
  • ...6 more annotations...
    • Dan Ciernia
      Roman presents content and activities that are based in web 2.0 tools. The focus of the workshop is to introduce and prepare instructors to integrate web 2.0 tools with existing CMS. The activities presented should provide a base to expand from.
    • Dan Ciernia
      Roman presents content and activities that are based in web 2.0 tools. The focus of the workshop is to introduce and prepare instructors to integrate web 2.0 tools with existing CMS. The activities presented should provide a base to expand from.
    • Dan Ciernia
      Collaboration is focused on document creation tools, tagging, sharing. Collaborative work is an integral part of this workshop. The participants are connected and required to work together in the aspects of this workshop.
    • Dan Ciernia
      Web 2.0 tool chest presented is vast and facilitate networked learning. The learners are provided a few choices in tools to accomplish the same task.
    • Dan Ciernia
      Evaluations are conducted by instructor review of created content and participation which will demonstrate an understanding of required and expected learning in this workshop.
    • Dan Ciernia
      Nice use of embedding links (video, audio, graphics, tutorials, etc.). This workshop provides the base for understanding of web 2.0 tools and PLE that will allow learners to continue to build upon this base of understanding.
    • Aric Bilas
      Great job!  The unit is well laid-out and described.  How will you be integrating the discussion tool?  I see a rubric but am not sure how they will communicate.  Will it be through the Comment feature in Google Sites or something external?
Chih-Hsiung Tu

Ulich CIS105 Homepage - 0 views

    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Question I: ONLE Please justify why your unit integrating ONLE, not just distributed learning (DL) or online learning environments (OLE). Be sure to distinguish ONLE from DL and ONLE. Provide the examples from your unit to justify your responses.
    • Monica Ulich
      My unit is integrating ONLE because it uses many web 2.0 applications that aren't already connected. For example, the the assignments use animoto, google sites, and delicious. These have been integrated together to form an online environment not previous in existence.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Question II: Social Tagging Architecture Please discuss what you social tagging architecture is. How do you design and develop it.
    • Monica Ulich
      The social tagging architecture used in this unit is accomplished through delicious bookmarking. When students are assigned material to research, they must bookmark their online sources CIS105, (subject), (Unit).
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Question III: Evaluations Discuss how do you know your integrated ONLE instructional strategies effective? Remember assessing content is different from assessing instructional strategies. Your assessment must be capable to assess content, delivery technology, and instructional strategies.
    • Monica Ulich
      Participation, and student feedback are how I determine if the strategy was effective.
Denilya Barrett

Algebra Community Learning Project - 0 views

    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Question I: ONLE Please justify why your unit integrating ONLE, not just distributed learning (DL) or online learning environments (OLE). Be sure to distinguish ONLE from DL and ONLE. Provide the examples from your unit to justify your responses.
    • Aric Bilas
      The unit integrates ONLE most specifically through the use of Diigo as a communication tool (will act like a discussion board) and the UGC pages that will be posted on the public class website for all students to see.  The unit incorporates multiple parts of ONLE through the use of Twitter for communication, Delicious for resource tagging, Diigo for class discussion, and Google Sites for creating content and using that content to drive instruction.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Question II: Social Tagging Architecture Please discuss what you social tagging architecture is. How do you design and develop it.
    • Aric Bilas
      For Delicious the Social Tagging is Period# Year Unit#. This format allows me to separate and aggregate results from different years and same unit, or different periods same unit to compare resources and provide them for future students.  In Twitter, each class has its own hashtag #ACLP(period #) which allows me to follow each class individually.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Question III: Evaluations Discuss how do you know your integrated ONLE instructional strategies effective? Remember assessing content is different from assessing instructional strategies. Your assessment must be capable to assess content, delivery technology, and instructional strategies.
    • Aric Bilas
      I believe that the rubrics I created allow me to assess content, delivery and strategies through the individual aspects that they address.  Student teaching effectiveness will be seen in classmates success with concept and the individual components of the lesson are addressed through separate rubrics (social tagging, UGC, etc).  These separate rubrics will, hopefully, allow me to see the strengths and weaknesses of each group.
  • ...1 more annotation...
    • Denilya Barrett
      Actually, I think high schoolers will do just fine with a discussion board :) My fourth graders are ok with it... or the mechanics of it, anyway, there are maturity issues.
    • Aric Bilas
      The maturity, even in high school, is my concern.  I think using Diigo as the discussion board will make it easier to manage.  Plus, these students still have 6 other courses to worry about and I don't want to overwhelm them with too many tools.
Denilya Barrett

Algebra Community Learning Project - 0 views

    • Denilya Barrett
      The audience is high school students, which I have not worked with, but it does seem appropriate. They will be doing a lot of communication and updates through Twitter and Diigo... which seems a bit unnecessary to me since high school students see each other in class and it'd be easier to just have them talk directly. So, is there a point to these tools beyond using the tools for the sake of using the tools? What is the advantage to it?
    • Aric Bilas
      Good question.  Yes, they will see each other in class but they will not necessarily have the opportunity to or want to talk about the lesson during this time (as we will be working on other assignments).  Twitter is more for class updates which I would normally do and it just gives them the responsibility.  Diigo will be used as the discussion board (just like we are using it now).  Students can instantly ask questions as they come across them versus having to wait until the next day and end up forgetting.
    • Denilya Barrett
      It seems very straight forward and organized, but looks like it will take a lot of additional in-class time to explain, set up, and keep the ball rolling. How will you keep it productive enough that your principal doesn't try to cut your head off for deviating from the curriculum?
    • Aric Bilas
      This is going to be a year long project spread across the entire curriculum.  The first group will probably take A LOT of hand holding and will take some extra time, but the remaining groups will do most of the work on their own time.  The project does not deviate from the curriculum at all because they are "teaching" the same concepts that I would have been teaching.
Denilya Barrett

Peer Evaluation - Algebra Community Learning Project - 1 views

    • Denilya Barrett
      I don't think that being late on any deadlines is "meets," although that could just be me. Being respectful enough of group members to keep to the deadlines that they have to keep to is just the basics. Working ahead of schedule and doing extra work is exceeding. I'm just saying, imagain a class where many of the students were late on their deadlines... would that really be meeting expectations?
    • Aric Bilas
      The "deadline" is actually 2 days before the lesson is suppose to be taught.  If they miss the deadline of 2 days early, but still have the page completed prior to the lesson day, they have met the requirements of the assignment. Getting a "meets" score still requires them to have the assignment done prior to the lesson.
Denilya Barrett

Content Creation - Algebra Community Learning Project - 0 views

    • Denilya Barrett
      How are they creating a content page? What will they use? This assignment sound like a wiki :)
    • Aric Bilas
      My Algebra courses have a pre-exisitng page where they can find assignments, due dates, resources already.  The students will be adding a new page to this website.  I use Google Sites but it would be the same as Wiki.
Max Atwell

Module 2 - ONLE's & PLE's for HRP Faculty - 1 views

  • Be on the lookout for an email from me inviting you to join the PCCHRP Diigo Group. Please accept the information and onto Diigo. You will be able to tell if your Diigo account is working correctly because you will see a highlight and a note on this page. Once you have succeeded with this step, your assignment is to search the web for three professional sites and then create an annotation on the page to be shared with the rest of the class.
Chih-Hsiung Tu

ONLE's & PLE's for HRP Faculty Home - ONLE's & PLE's for HRP Faculty - 0 views

    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Question I: ONLE Please justify why your unit integrating ONLE, not just distributed learning (DL) or online learning environments (OLE). Be sure to distinguish ONLE from DL and ONLE. Provide the examples from your unit to justify your responses.
    • Max Atwell
      My unit goes beyond being a DL activity and meets the standard of being an ONLE because of the incorporation of various PLE and ONLE instructional strategies. Upon completion of this unit participants will have developed and used a PLE as a hub for all lesson activities. Through this unit participants will have experienced an ONLE primarily through the following instructional stratagies: Linkage Design: Students create linkage to their PLE through Twitter and Diigo in modules 2 and 3. Participatory Web: Participants engage in collaboratively working on developing a Wiki in module 3. Social Tagging: Diigo and Delicious Bookmarking are introduced in module 2 and are again employed in module 3. Cloud Computing: Participants use Google Docs in Module 3 to present their Unit proposal and are encouraged to include cloud computing in their product. User Generated Content: Participants will develop a unit that they can use in their own teaching in module 3.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Question II: Social Tagging Architecture Please discuss what you social tagging architecture is. How do you design and develop it.
    • Max Atwell
      The social tagging architecture employed in this unit is a fairly simple one but one I believe can evolve somewhat throughout the course of implementing the unit. The concept of a social tagging architecture is introduced in Module 1. In this module participants are introduced to the one required tag in the unit and that tag is "PCCHRP." This tag is again used in module 2 with Twitter, Diigo and Delicious where there are links and widgets for participants to test their use of the PCCHRP tag. Lastly a common tagging architecture is required as a component in units that are to be created in module 3.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Question III: Evaluations Discuss how do you know your integrated ONLE instructional strategies effective? Remember assessing content is different from assessing instructional strategies. Your assessment must be capable to assess content, delivery technology, and instructional strategies.
    • Max Atwell
      Throughout the process of developing this unit I have struggled with how the assessment piece would work. The reason for this is the group for whom I developed the unit. As the unit has been developed for peer instructors whom I have worked with for year and hope to work with for many more years, I am a bit hesitant to employ tools such as rubrics or peer evaluations, though I do acknowledge the importance of both giving and getting feedback. To this end I have kept most of my assessment of performance on more of one of acknowledging and discussing participation as opposed to a more quantifiable approach such as rubrics. I do employ a survey of participants at the end of the unit. I would look at the units produced through the unit and comment offered in the survey to refine the unit.
Chih-Hsiung Tu

Algebra Lessons by Students Home - Algebra Lessons by Students - 0 views

    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Question I: ONLE Please justify why your unit integrating ONLE, not just distributed learning (DL) or online learning environments (OLE). Be sure to distinguish ONLE from DL and ONLE. Provide the examples from your unit to justify your responses.
    • Sammi Lindstrom
      The concept of ONLE is supported by three main areas, Collaborative Publishing, Personal Learning Environments (PLE) and Social Tagging. In this unit students will create a wiki to be used by lower level math students during the course of the year, iGoogle will help them to create a PLE to keep all resources and social tools organized and delicious will be used with appropriate tagging to share resources. This is different from DL because students are discovering and creating their own learning through suggestions by the instrucotr but they are not pigeonholed into using only the resources provided by the instructor.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Question II: Social Tagging Architecture Please discuss what you social tagging architecture is. How do you design and develop it.
    • Sammi Lindstrom
      The social tagging architecture will be certain tags required by the instructor but others will be discussed and chosen by the students. In delicious students will keep resources organized by the year and semester they saved the item to help the following students know how old the resource is and which lesson or topic it is a resource for. The students will develop the social tagging though it will be initially designed by the instructor. As the unit progresses through the years the tagging sturcture will change and adapt as needed.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Question III: Evaluations Discuss how do you know your integrated ONLE instructional strategies effective? Remember assessing content is different from assessing instructional strategies. Your assessment must be capable to assess content, delivery technology, and instructional strategies.
    • Sammi Lindstrom
      The ONLE will be assessed through the use of the blogging journals and delicious accounts. Questions will be posed within the blogs, facebook and twitter throughout the unit to see how the resources are being used, suggestions for changes and how others may use the resources more effectively. Adding resources to a class delicious account as well as a google doc for resources or FAQ page for the class will also help to asses and evaluate what is working and what is not to make adjustments as needed with the unit.
Chih-Hsiung Tu

Plate Tectonics Unit - 0 views

    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Question I: ONLE Please justify why your unit integrating ONLE, not just distributed learning (DL) or online learning environments (OLE). Be sure to distinguish ONLE from DL and ONLE. Provide the examples from your unit to justify your responses.
    • Todd Luther
      In a managed or distributed learning course the students are typically restricted to the content uploaded by the instructor. In an ONLE/PLE students can contribute to their own learning as well as the other students. Online maps, samples and interactive labs are available online. The web has thousands of images, movies, websites and video clips that can be incorporated into open discussions, student created wikis and blogs. In addition students can choose from many different programs available online in order to accomplish the assignments in this unit. This student driven learning can be beneficial to understanding concepts and ideas in geology.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Question II: Social Tagging Architecture Please discuss what you social tagging architecture is. How do you design and develop it.
    • Todd Luther
      Social tagging is a way of organizing websites, tweets, and information in such a way as to make it available to other online users. The tagging helps users identify specific topics and comments and gives them the ability to add information to that group. This unit uses Twitter and Delicious and their tagging architecture so students can find the correct information and add their own data to the group. This unit uses Twitter to keep students up to date on assignments and allow them to communicate with the class. They will use the hashtag #GLG101edtech. In addition the students will provide additional resources for each lesson and make them available on delicious for others to access. These are tagged GLG101+EQ+Fall+2011, GLG101+Plates+Fall+2011 and GLG+Volcano+Fall+2011. Students will also tag resources on Delicious for their paper they will write for one of the lessons.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Question III: Evaluations Discuss how do you know your integrated ONLE instructional strategies effective? Remember assessing content is different from assessing instructional strategies. Your assessment must be capable to assess content, delivery technology, and instructional strategies.
    • Todd Luther
      In each lesson there is blog reflection that is required of the students. The students comment on their experiences during the lesson and their group assignments. The student's observations about the unit gives me the opportunity to evaluate delivery content and instructional strategies. There are also rubrics to guide the students with their assignments and help to evaluate content. In addition students peer evaluate several assignments. The quality of the work submitted is also a way the delivery content, strategies and content can be evaluated. As I review the lesson, I would have liked to add a survey for the students to provide specific information on the strategies and delivery content.
Denilya Barrett

ETC-647-Network Learnng Unit - 1 views

    • Denilya Barrett
      What is the age group of the students? That significantly impacts how well I think this will work...
    • Denilya Barrett
      How will you know if students learned about more then their own state and the few they review? Is the goal to learn about all the states? Because I generally don't learn much by listening to presentations... I can't be alone in that.
    • Denilya Barrett
      You could have them look at their state/capitols with Google Earth :) Perhaps compare and contrast the geography of several states or something.
Denilya Barrett

Lesson 2-Data Collection/Social Networking Usage - ETC-647-Network Learnng Unit - 0 views

    • Denilya Barrett
      Wall Wisher is neat!
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