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L5 Discussion-Spring 2012 - ETC647 Group - 11 views

  • User generated content (wiki pages).
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Could you explain why UGC is different Participatory web? Be more specific.
    • anonymous
      UGC allows for creativity outside of the norms of a traditional learning environment, allowing the Internet to serve as a platform for a collection of ideas to assist others. Whereas participatory web seems to encourage those coming together to have a part in developing or meeting a specific goal, at least that is what I am understanding. After a better understanding of what exactly we were to post for this upcoming unit plan, I am now changing my character profile lesson to a more participatory project that assists other educators in ideas for integrating technolgy into their classroom.
  • Can view previous students' wikis.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Please explain why this is critical to your design.
    • Ty Coulter
      This is critical for 2 reasons. First, it gives current students and example of what their pages could look like. Second, it lets them see how this process can be effective in helping real people manage their weight effectively.
    • Dennis Olson
      Ty if that is the case wouldn't this also qualify as community-community learning under Network Instructional Strategies?
  • Social Tagging (Delicious, Twitter, Blogspot)
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Please explain why and how social tagging is integrated into your design.
    • Eldon Ferguson
      The objective of this lesson calls for the participants to research and share five Web 2.0 technologies. As they continue their research, it will be important for students to bookmark and share these sites with their group as this lesson has actually been designed as a professional development for teachers. Using Delicious, Blogspot, and other tagging resources will allow these teachers a constant source of Web 2.0 tools.
  • ...57 more annotations...
  • UGC (Presentational Web 2.0 Tools)Learner-Learner InteractionParticipatory Web (Blogspot)
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Please explain how and why UGC and participatory web are different in your design.
    • Eldon Ferguson
      UGC content will be found in the lessons that the participants create for their students, using Web 2.0 technologies and tools. This activity is more UGC as it creates content for others. Participatory Web will be found as participants add to collaborative blogs and wikis. This activity is more participatory as it shares content, but does not create it for the purpose of others' study.
  • Community-Community interaction: Delicious bookmarking
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Please explain how and why Delicious is integrated.
    • Sarah Gagliardi
      Delicious is integrated to share resources for other students to access easliy. I thought it would be a great way to share information that each member found when doing research.
  • UGC: webquest presentations
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Please explain why WQ is considered as UGC. Do students create WQ or go through WQ?
    • Sarah Gagliardi
      Students will do both create the webquest for their peers to then interact and learn from each other.
  • Social content: resources are tagged in Delicious for students to have access to
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Please explain why teachers tag to share. Why not to engage students to tag to share? If Delicious is integrted, why social tagging is not part of your design? Please explain.
    • Kirsten Harder
      I often forget about the students doing the tagging, especially with my middle school students because they often try to share things that are not relevant to the content. However, if I set up the guidelines for them, they could definitely be the ones to share and not the teacher.
  • Participatory web User generated content
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Please explain how and why the differences between Participatory web and UGC in your design.
    • Kirsten Harder
      In order to get students started, they will use a participatory web to begin gathering their research. Then once they have the information, they will create the content or presentation of the information. Each group will have different topics to cover so they will be teaching material to the rest of the class on their assigned topic.
    • anonymous
      I like the idea of putting their research into practice. I think this makes the learning more meaningful.
  • Web 2.0 tools
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Please explain why Web 2.0 tools are considred network instrucitonal strategies. Be more specific.
  • Social Tagging
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Please explain why and how social tagging is integrated into your Prezi design.
  • Discussion Board Moderation and Scoring 
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Online discussion is not explained in your activities why we need the evaluation. Please justify.
  • Network Instructional strategies:
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Please explain how and why each network instrucitonal strategies integrated in your design. Be more specific.
    • Beth Koepp
      Students will brainstorm background knowledge and vocabulary definitions using piratepad.  This piratepad will be made available throughout the course, continuously being added to. This pad will continue to be available after the course is completed.  Using various sites, students will share online graphic novels (using Delicious with tagging for easy sharing) then will create their own graphic novel using Toondoo.  Through google docs, participants will leave each other feedback on their shared graphic novels. 
  • Mobile Learning and Ubiquitous Learning: Mobile devices providing 24/7 learning environment with access to course materials, Twitter, Delicious, Facebook, RSS, email, iGoogle.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Please explain how mobile learning is integrate into your deisgn. Is it required?
    • Dennis Olson
      Students use smart phones in the commons for everything that they do. For example synchronous voice communication, asynchronous texting, internet searches and Facebook. This course in its design hopes to use technology that students are familiar with, mobile services, and relate those with use of computers, laptops and other mobile devices like the iPad to accomplish the goals of the class.
  • Network Instructional Strategies:
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      You integrate many interesting network instrucitonal strategies. Can you discuss any potential challengs you may encounter?
    • Sarah Gagliardi
      I can see the students getting lost in the many tools that are embedded. Additionally, teaching each tool individually and then embedding them in the project may take a large amount of time; however, I think students may get into the project when they are engaged within the tools.
  • Information visualization (wordle creation)
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Please explain why and how InfoViz is integrated into your design.
  • Network Instructional Strategies:
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Googel Sites are integrated. Is any reason that Participatory web and UGC are not included in your deisgn. Please jsutify!
  • Online Instructional Strategies:
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Please explain how and why each strategy is integrated. Be more specific.
    • Michelle Ross
      Each strategy will be used in an ONLE by employees to enhance not only the learning experience but collaborative techniques as well. 
  • Presentation Rubric
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Shouldn't we need to evaluate onlien delivery technology and onlien instrucitonal strategeis?
  • Participatory Web (via Web 2.0)
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Which one? Be more specific and explain why?
    • Michael Wolfe
      Students are creating their own pages, so specifically it would be user generated content.  By creating their pages, they are actually making a product live on the internet for research and informational use.  Other students next year can reference their information and use it to help them make their own pages.
  • Community-Community Interaction (via Delicious)
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      What are your social tagging architecture and how it may generate communit-community interaciton? Be more specific.
    • Michael Wolfe
      Students would tag their work based on the class, regional mythology, and specific informational category (pantheon, artifacts, locations, history, etc.).   The development of resources will assist in other students finding information and develop the resources for the course over time.  Students would be required to find a minimum of new sources to contribute to the list.
  • Information Visualization (ToonDoo graphic novel creator)
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Please explain how and why it is integrated in your design.
  • UGC (Students create notes in Google Docs)
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Please explain why it is consdiered as UGC not participatory web. Be mores specific.
    • Beth Koepp
      This portion would be considered user gernerated content (USG) because the students are collecting and creating documents/notes that will be shared with others in the course.  This content will be available long after the unit is done. 
  • Evaluation:
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Please justify how you assess your network instrucitonal strategies.
  • Content will be delivered and created using Glogste
  • Participatory web (wiki pages).
  • Student-student interaction
    • Eldon Ferguson
      I love the idea of using "peertrainer" for discussion and support. Is there room in your design for social tagging or bookmarking? This would allow students with an opportunity to share sites that they have found to be helpful.
    • Ty Coulter
      Social tagging and bookmarking could easily be built in either through Diigo or Delicious. I simply neglected to add this feature when initially typing this up.
  • students will create a webquest for classmastes
    • Eldon Ferguson
      I love this idea! Your design is well done and explained.
  • Teacher created rubrics
    • Eldon Ferguson
      How will the presentation's be graded? Will the research be listed on the student wiki, or will it be more of a report?
    • Kirsten Harder
      The research will be integrated into their presentations. They will be graded on the content of their research, keeping with the topic, and at least meeting the research standard as set by the Arizona State standards for research.
  • argument on the issue of slavery.
    • Eldon Ferguson
      From who's viewpoint will you direct the argument of slavery: The negative views of the slaves themselves or the positive outcomes for the slave owners? Will students present both viewpoints or choose a side?
  • create a personal profile choosing from a list of fictional characters
    • Eldon Ferguson
      Love this idea!
    • Ruthee John
      I am currently doing this with my students and they LOVE it.  
  • Students can view other Glogs created by peers
    • Eldon Ferguson
      This can be used from year to year as well, creating a community-to-community networking.
    • Ruthee John
      Very true!
  • design of submarines
    • Eldon Ferguson
      Should be interesting! Which content area would be covered during this project?
    • Dennis Olson
      History has shown that as the political environment changes the missions of submarines has changed. For example attack submarines were used in WWII, Korea, Viet Nam, the Cold War, and the Gulf Wars. A need was realized during and after Korea that required the mission of the submarine to fire missiles, the design and shape of the submarine changed. Another example is more current with the design of submarines to deploy Seal Teams. This assignment could use mind mapping tools to show links between political environment, mission and designs. Mind mapping tools are also available in the mobile learning environment. It is a topic that, being a submarine sailor, interests me and allows for prediction of what the next generation of submarine might be like.
  • Students gather information on character from books, contacting author...
    • Eldon Ferguson
      I love the idea of a character profile, using Google sites. Is there room for gathering and collecting the character information via online technologies, or will this be done with pencil and paper?
  • Professional Development Training Course 
    • Eldon Ferguson
      What specific content does your training cover, or is it a shell for creating professional development programs?
    • Michelle Ross
      This Professional Development training course covers new software or programs that will be integrated within our department at work. 
  • share mythologies of different regions of the world.
    • Eldon Ferguson
      Awesome Idea!
    • Eldon Ferguson
      Where will the information for the mythologies be found: Through individual/group generated research, instructor-learner discussion, or via a previously determined text?
    • Michael Wolfe
      Students are given a variety of resources, some online, some through digital texts, and some through previous student's resources (i.e. Delicious).
  • Wright, Beth
    • Eldon Ferguson
      For some reason, it wouldn't let me highlight any of your content, but it would let me highlight your name. Under UGC, how will the student created content be used by the other students, or is it more of a participatory web strategy?
  • Animoto, Popplet, Voicethread, Glogster, Diigo, Delicious, and Google Docs to collaborate, create, and share their pages.
    • Ty Coulter
      I like how you are giving your students so many options for building their pages. Will you be offering any training on how to use some of these tools?
    • Michael Wolfe
      Actually, I would likely assign different Web 2.0 tools to different elements of their pages.  A timeline could be done with Dipity or Prezi, a map of significant sites could be done with Glogster, Animoto could be used for artifacts, and so on.  Ideally, I would offer either some training or have students become the experts by creating a practice page with assigned tools for each group to become the experts on.
    • Kirsten Harder
      What tools specifially do you plan to use for this?
    • Ruthee John
      Glogster will be the Web 2.0 tool that my students will use to create their profile.  However, with glogster they can incorporate youtube videos, blogs, wikis, links, etc.  They will use a search engine as well as books to research their characters and gather pictures. 
  • Information Visualization
    • Kirsten Harder
      Will students share this wordle with others? How will they do that?
    • Michelle Ross
      The trainees may share wordle on their team web site that will be shared with others in the training course. 
  • UGC content will be found in the lessons that the participants create for their students
    • Dennis Olson
      I am confused as to who is creating the UGC. In this area it sounds like the teacher. In other areas UGC is created by students.
    • Eldon Ferguson
      I fell into my pattern of writing according to the School District Objectives, in which the participants are referred to as students. This is a professional development lesson for the teachers in our district. Therefore, anytime I wrote "Students will..." I am speakin of the participants in the training. Sorry for the conclusion.
  • After collaboration of one reptile
    • Dennis Olson
      Is each group selecting a reptile is the class writing about one reptile?
  • Students will use a variety of Web 2.0 and networking tools
    • Dennis Olson
      Michael how old are the students that will be doing this project? Have the students been experienced with some or all of the technologies that you mentioned? Would creating a document that shares the links to the choosen Web2.0 tool be part of the content shared or published?
    • Michael Wolfe
      To do this would likely require a class template page where they all worked on a single region (like Greece) to create a page.  They could each have a Web 2.0 too assigned with the specific content of the page and then present both the content and the tool for the other students to use when they get started with their individual projects. 
  • Students create descriptive wordle on character
    • Dennis Olson
      What content will students use for the Wordle?
  • UGC (Students create notes in Google Docs)
    • Dennis Olson
      I believe that the notes created in Google Docs doesn't fit the definition of UGC. User Generated Content is original content for sharing or publishing whereas your graphic novel is the element being created for sharing and publishing. What do you think?
  •  Students in groups will use Prezi as a web sharing tool to creat
    • Dennis Olson
      Jimmy, is this topic limited to the owning of slaves by whites? Slavery comes in many forms that should also be discussed...Native Americans owning Native Americans, and the trade today of women and children. Is slavery just an historic issue in this discussion, or will the contemporary elements be explored as well. How does slavery differ between the Native Americans, the African American, women and children? If we are working with 8th graders should the topic be focused more on the African American or less covering the entire issue of slavery?
  • to discuss their diet and activity levels and to help support others as they try to manage their weight.
    • Dennis Olson
      Ty this sounds like an interesting project. What grade level are we working with here? Is this designed as a single semester project? Is this a continuing project with data available from previous classes?
  • ers a constant source of Web 2.0 too
  • Using Delicious, Blogspot, and other tagging resources will allow these teach
    • Dennis Olson
      Is this a case of teachers learning from the students to build the teachers collection of Web2.0 tools?
  • Ferguson, Eldon Objective:  Students will research, collect, and share five Web 2.0 technologies; using online, collaborative tools.
  • Ferguson, E
  • ergus
  • Students will research, collect, and share five Web 2.0 technologies; using online, collaborative tools.  Students will use this information to create a group/individual presentation discussing how these technologies would be used in the classroom. 
    • Ruthee John
      How fun!  What age/grade of students are you going to be doing this with?
  • Students collaborate using blogger
    • Ruthee John
      Will students be posting on a classroom blog or have their own blog?
  • Web 2.0 tools
    • Ruthee John
      Which specific Web 2.0 tools do you plan to use?
  • develop a department web site using Google sites or similar technology to embed screencasts and share with other teams
    • Michael Wolfe
      Is this the ultimate objective of the lesson?  Will the screencast be geared towards creating these sites?  Why are the Twitter accounts used?  Is this all done remotely?
  • Students create presentation through Google sites
    • Michael Wolfe
      How might you be able to incorporate a few other web 2.0 tools into their sites to enrich the pages and learning experience?
  • Research and use Web 2.0 Technology to collaborate with others and present information.
    • Michael Wolfe
      How does this lesson align with class objectives?  Are the students simply learning about Web 2.0 tools or is there a topic or subject to cover with these tools?
    • Michelle Ross
      What is this tool and how will it enhance the learning experience of students?
  • book we have read
    • Michelle Ross
      Do you have a particular book that you plan to use or will the students' choose?

Interactive-Spring2011 - ETC647 Group - 10 views

    • Wendy Ellis
      Does anyone know how to take highlighter off?
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      If you highlight it, you can remove it. If it is used by others, we don't have privilege to remove it.
    • Suzanne Brazzell
      This would be a cool lesson to share at the beginning of the year or with 2nd graders at the end of the year. It has great networking options! 
  • Cowen, Christine
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Please post your interactive design.
  • ...20 more annotations...
  • Gallus, Brigette
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Please post your interactive design.
  • Lewis, Courtney
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Please post your interactive design.
  • Ramos, Veronica
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Please post your interactive design.
  • Wells, Nathan
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Please post your interactive design.
  • User Generated Content (UGC)
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Why is this UGC? whatever generated are not required to read?!
    • tucsonshell
      Other users may evaluate the content, suggest changes, or even make changes. Conversational or two-way media is a key characteristic of Web 2.0. Vyew is a new technology that is accessible, is open to collaboration, skill-building and discovery.The presentation is created by students (users) and those attending are able to interact by using the content along with the students.
  • Elluminate, Vyew
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Why need both? It seems Vyew can do without Elluminate. Jusitfy!
    • tucsonshell
      Most certainly, Vyew has the ability to present and collaborate without uploading in Elluminate. Vyew has all the features that Elluminate offers; editing, modifying, voice and video. For the purpose of this lesson, uploading Vyew in Elluminate is a learner-interface instructional strategy as well.
  • Can be collaboration, Students are creating the lesson
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      No ONLE instructional strategies??
  • Students will create a presentation on a math concept. They will be teaching it to the class.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Isn't this considered Constrcutvisim not Connectivism design? Jusitfy!
    • Suzanne Brazzell
      They are connecting to prior knowledge and are required to teach the lesson in a different way then they were taught. Not using previous material.
  • Depending on what tools the students use to create their wetpaint review pages, ANY of the strategies may apply.  It is entirely up to the students!
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Be more specific on your ONLE strategies. If it is upto students, then what you anticipate they may be engaged in? Justify!
  • They work collaboratively on an oral debate
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Explain this more?
    • Teri Henderson
      There are varying positions; such as, lumber industry, paper industry, construction industry. Students are to research the pros and cons and take a side. The oral debates will be supported, even if the student themselves are not in favor of the position they take, they will still have to justify to make a case.
  • theme based content, cloud computing, learner-learner, community-community, learner-interface, student publishing, reflection, interactive, project-based learning, real-life experiences, online collaborative learning, project-based learning, meaning-making.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      These are constructivism strategies. What ONLE strategies are integrated? Jusitfy!
  • Cloud Computing, folksonomy, UGC, social content sharing 
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      You intend to use Delicious, why social tagging is not part of your strategies? Justify!
    • Nancy Mitchell
      Okay, so I'm curious then, maybe I'll have to do a little more research. What is the difference between folksonomy and social content sharing, and social tagging? Aren't they all similar?
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Generally, they are similiar. Social tagging focus on both tagging and social (sharing, networking) while folksonomy focuses on tagging. :-)
    • Ruth Creek
      So, If I am understanding this right ...folksonomy is all the tags I find on various pages, from people I've never met...yet I find myself adding replies to their isn't social networking, but is is social tagging?
  • the school's online research database using Delicious.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      What is your social tagging architecture?
    • Nancy Mitchell
      I am assuming you are meaning which types of tags the students would use to share their documents? This is the first semester that I've really thought about tagging architecture, so I'm struggling to think clearly about how I would manage students sharing documents. Any ideas? I would think the architecture would be class name, project title, teacher name, etc. Am I on the right track?
    • Ruth Creek
      Good question Nancy. I bookmark so many things and my accounts are a mess with all my tags. Your question made me realize that there really does need to be a framework, structure, or architecture if you will, for easy organization and use. I was thinking about creating a separate account to work with my students....but now I see how Chih has his structured as a framework... :-) Thanks :-)
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Yes, tagging to organize is very critical. For example, if we don't design a good social tagging arhitecture, our students may tag ETC 647 versus ETC647 or PLE vs Personal Learning Environment, vs PersonalLearningEnvironment. Ruth made an excellent point.
  • create content overview for a unit in the course. 
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Are they required readings for others? Why? Why not?
    • Erin Rain
      Yes, I'll have the content be required readings before the AIMS test for current and future students.
  • using Dipity to create a timeline for the plot,
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Excellent design!
    • Ruth Creek
      :-) Thank you....I got the idea from the Dipity Training presentation :-)
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Great! I like the creative idea that integrate ttechnology into non-traditional way.
  • Older or more advanced students may also analyze the content for authors intent to comment on, or criticize, the culture/politics of the era. The course wiki can then be used by future students to learn about the author's content (each year students create a wiki for a different author)
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Excellent design.
  • Folksonomy (Diigo or Delicious)
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      What kind of social tagging architecture you have?
    • Ruth Creek
      Initially I plan to create a class Diigo acount to share with the students and have them do the same (as we have done in this class) post readings and have the students link readings they really like, and we can comment on each others links. As they become more proficient, then I plan to introduce delicious for sharing interesting links with their peers outside the course structure.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      What types of tags? Do you have any effective tagging schemes for learners to follow?
    • Ruth Creek
      Not yet....I just realized from another post that I need to clean up my tagging system into an organized architecture
  • community-community
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      How? Why?
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Explain why UGC? How UGC to be carried out? Be specific!
  • Stewart, Emily  Students create an online presentation on "The Way to Survive 3rd Grade..." They will then present their presentation sing elluminate.Content: Technology, WritingDelivery: Google Docs, ElluminateInst. Strategies: community-community, UGCEval: Presentation on elluminate
    • Erin Rain
      This sounds like a great activity! Could you even enhance it by having students publish their presentations to the web?
  • Photostory
    • Erin Rain
      What is photostory? Not sure I've heard of it. This sounds like an excellent project! Having students publish the presentations to the web and make them available to the public would also be a great activity for our instructional strategies.

Expository-Fall2010 - ETC647 Group - 9 views

    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      In the first week, we provide one example to each dimension.  Next week, we will use Diigo to comment and to provide feedback to the examples our classmates share.
    • Pat Agrait
      Hi Kelly Nightengale, I thought your "Instructor creates a podcast to deliver instruction on HIPAA" was a perfect example of an Expository strategy because it didn't integrate "active" and "interactive" levels of instructional strategies. Good job! Pat Agrait
    • susan astrene
      Ashley I like your idea about using wiki to create a scavenger hunt on the Great Depression. I've used wiki's in my class and really like the way pages can be developed for each student. I've used separate pages in order to differentiate the assignment for individual students.
    • susan astrene
      Michelle, the Essay Map organizer is a good tool for students. I did my training session on writing tools and organizers but yours was new to me, thanks
    • Kelly Nightengale
      Thank you Pat!
    • Kelly Nightengale
      Interesting lesson Peter. May even be too interactive for the Expository Lesson Plan. Would the instructor use a rubric or checklist to examine the model?
    • Peter C. Frank
      Checklist would perhaps work best
    • Amy Matteson
      What age level(s) do you think this will work for? Could it be differentiated for upper elementary?
    • susan astrene
      Amy I imagine that this not only could be adapted for upper elementary it may even work with lower elementary. For non readers you can upload how to videos and as far as evaluation maybe a performance eval. on photos they have taken
  • ...1 more annotation...
    • pattirose55
      This type of lesson discussion doesn't seem to be as productive as the discussion questions andj posts. Many late or missing postings.

Interactive Fall 2011 - ETC647 Group - 7 views

    • Monica Ulich
      Hi Barb, I saw that you listed delicious as a delivery, but I did not see where you have the students create a "stack" or add links.
    • Barbara Miroballi
      Monica, They will add their to the Delicous site and tag them with the class tags.
  • Graff, Roman
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Be sure to post your contirbutions ASAP.
  • UGS, Sharing
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Be more specific! How UGC is integrated? Remember UGC is more than just creating content. Sharing? Social sharing? How?
  • ...33 more annotations...
  • Network Instructional strategies:
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Very interesting and thorough!
  • Remix,  
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      How is this integrated? Be more specific.
    • Max Atwell
      I feel that my lesson contains a good example of the ONLE/PLE, remix instructional strategy because part of the assignment is to create an online learning resource to explain dental articulators. To do this I would plan to encourage participants to locate videos and other media relating to this topic on YouTube or other social media to link to or embed to help explain and demonstrate the concepts they are presenting.
  • Widget/Gadget/Embedded Linkage
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Could you elaborate it on how you may integrate this?
    • Max Atwell
      I would encourage participants to insert links into their WetPaint pages to contain VoiceThreads. I could go further to encourage participants to consider inserting RSS feeds or other linkage into their WetPaint pages that could in turn be followed in their PLE.
    • johnacedo
      I find voicethreads very effective. I also like your plan about incorporating the RSS feeds on their PLE. Communication is what makes mobile learning so effective.
  • community-community interaction
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      How is community-community interaciton integrated? Be sure to have good understanding on C-C interaction.
    • Denilya Barrett
      Your example was ETC647 Lesson Content Development becomes required reading for upcoming semester students," which is what they are doing when they read/add information to the previous groups work (the previous group being from the previous year), isn't it?
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      So how is this integrated in the example that you provide? Could you help us to understand?
    • Denilya Barrett
      The first group (year) would create a debategraph on a writing topic (for example "should students have to wear uniforms to school") that gives the advantages/disadvantages of uniforms and links to related articles and information, then they would write their persuasive essay. The next year could return to that same debategraph (it's a very good opener for persuasive writing, everyone has an opinion) and read the information and research then add their own ideas and research links to the debate graph and/or expand on the ideas written by the previous year. Then, write their own essays.
  •  Community-Community Interaction;
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      How is this integrated into your instrucitons? Elaborate it. Be more specific.
    • Aric Bilas
      Students will have access to previous year wiki pages via Delicious tags.  They will use the previous versions to guide their own outputs.  When they are finished, their Delicious tags/links will be added to the stack for future students to use as well.
  • Mobile
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      How would this work? Please elboarate it
  • Share,
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Social sharing? How? In what way?
    • Dan Ciernia
      Sharing edit notes, thoughts and suggestions between collaborators through google docs, live, synbchronous interaction through google+.
  • to be shared with current classmates and will be shared with future students.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      How? It looks like that you intend to integrate community-community integration; however, C-C interaction was not identified as your instructional strategy.
  • Network collaboration,
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      In what way? Elaborate it!
  • UGC, Participatory web, Infoviz
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      In what way, UGC is integrated? Ealborate it. Be sure to have good understanding on UGC. It is more than just creating content. InfoViz. In what way? Remember, InfoViz is more than just just visual effect.
    • Dan Ciernia
      Laurel, will students be able to merge their content with each others creations to create a master compilation document vehicle? This may support the UGC aspect of your lesson.
    • Laurel Griffiths
      Dan, yes is very collaborative! One student can start writing a story and another can contribute and so on.
  • Students create a wiki to teach future students how to solve equations. 
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      It looks like you integrate community-community interaction; however, it is not listed as your instrucitonal strategy.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Looks like UGC as well?! Right?
    • Sammi Lindstrom
      I accidentally left off community-community interaction. I did list UGC. I have corrected the error.
  • Previuos class wiki will be available as a resource. 
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Required to read by the future students? If yes, why? If not, why not?
    • Sammi Lindstrom
      It is required reading for future students to begin a discussion on the various approaches to solving equations.
  • Network collaboration,
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      How is it integrated? Collaborative Prezi?
  • UCG, Participatory web
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      How is UGC integrated? Remeember UGC is more than just creating content.
  • they will comment on each other's sites.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      How? Be more specific. Required? If yes, what are the expectations? If not, why not?
    • Monica Ulich
      Students will use the comment feature in Google Sites to leave comments on other student's pages. Students will say what they liked about the page, or what could be improved. Students are required to leave comments on at least two different pages.
  • Community-Community Interaction
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Please elbaorate it how it is integrated?
    • Barbara Miroballi
      MOnica, I really like the way you pulled all the strategies and together.
    • Monica Ulich
      Thanks I really liked doing this project with the students. now I also can share these with next semesters students as well.
    • Sammi Lindstrom
      Will each group be focusing on one approach to solving systems or all methods?
    • Aric Bilas
      Sammi, absolutely.  I envisioned a jigsaw-like activity where each group focuses on a particular method.  There would be at least 4 groups:  Graphing, Substitution, Linear Combination, Applications.  Depending on the level of the class, Systems of Inequalities could be done here as well, although it may be too difficult of a concept to have the students present.
    • Denilya Barrett
      I love that STorybird link! I saw it on here last week and signed my whole class up and they love using it. It's a lot of fun.
    • Laurel Griffiths
      Yeah I have used with a group of students too and its so much fun!! Students love creating their own stories and then being able to see them created!
    • johnacedo
      In my Western Composers project the network instructional strategies I chose were sharing and UGS. I found that using Wall Wish gives the students a free form to find teacher instructions, share their projects, collect responses, and pose questions and comments on other projects. I find this to be sharing at its best, collaboratively. The strategy I chose was UGC. I find that when students have to generate the content it does two things, one gives them ownership of the learning, freedom to create. And secondly, pride in the work they accomplish, the final project. In this case they will create an information sound track that provides composer and musical general information and identify musical characteristic examples in realtime overlaying on the musical work. They are not only creating, but sharing it with the class community generating questions, responses, and comments
    • Todd Luther
      Nicole, Is Twitter the only tool used for the discussions?
    • Todd Luther
      So I am not an Audacity user, but the students will be able to record some music from a specific composer, then add commentary over that track?
    • johnacedo
      Yes, it is great! The students import the original musical work, then they can record their voices creating additional tracks to add and place where they want in the song. When they are done it will fuse them together and create one sound file. There are a lot of possibilities.
  • modules
    • Max Atwell
      Barb, How do you deliver your module to your students? If it can be delivered via Wiki it would be a great preparation for your student to work in a Wiki if they are new to it. 
  • Rubrics
  • Rubrics
  • Rubrics
  • Rubrics to evaluate delivery technology
  • Rubrics to evaluate delivery technology
  • Rubrics
  • Rubrics
  • Rubrics
    • Max Atwell
      Monica do you supply your students with the rubric early in the process to help guide them? 
  • Prezi to create an online presentation
    • Denilya Barrett
      Have you used Google Sites at all? Is it nice? I'm kind of old-school in that I prefer creating websites in Textpad by typing out the html, but I get that students may not be so inclined. However, I'm not really a fan of Frontpage (such messy code) so I tend to avoid it... an alternative would be nice.

iPadInEducation - Craig Nansen on Diigo - 2 views

    Using the IPad in Education - some suggestions.

The Learning Network - The Learning Network Blog - - 2 views

    Awesome lesson plans from The New York Times

Active-Spring2011 - ETC647 Group - 5 views

  • Flashcard Machine
    • Nathan Wells
      This is a really cool site! Nice idea. Does this meet all the ideas of an active classroom? I think it could, but just wanted to see your thoughts. Thanks.
    • Wendy Ellis
      It all boils down to the quality in the information shared and the outcome of the collaboration. I suppose I could just read your post and not internalize it by commenting back or thinking about it.
    • Ruth Creek
      It is more active than just handing them a voaculary list to memorize...It can be made more active having the student share cards (creating their own study groups to work/study with)...witht he cards shared with the instructor, they can also be saved for future students
    • Wendy Sue Grieg0
      Great idea Ruth. The communication and personalization is truly an added feature. We can share and see who says what. Students can benefit from this as they are brain-storming for new ideas as they use this. For example, they can share formulas in math homeworks or discuss social studies projects.
    • Wendy Sue Grieg0
      Thanks WendyWu! I like the tips you mention. It helped me figure out how to post to certain people...LIKE THIS! (i think I got it now)
    • Teri Henderson
      See sticky response 2.
  • Activity: Students will be engaged in a WebQuest exploration on endangered species. They will create a group PowerPoint reflecting their learning and post it in Google Docs. Content: Endangered Species Delivery Technology: Internet, Google Docs Instructional Strategies: Inquiry-based learning, collaborative learning, online collaborative learning. Evaluation: Self and Group Reflections based on Rubric(s), Instructor designed test based on Rubric
    • Wendy Sue Grieg0
      I like your lesson using webquest. The student can participate in direct online interaction through the webquest. Also they use asynchronous communication to send information to peers. The communication is important as they can create ideas and share…and mainly edit their work in Google Docs, prior to sending it off to peers. You chose PowerPoint and find this is totally useful for real-world learning; young people need to learn these skills for various uses (e.g., work) and it adds a bonus of autonomy as they are part of the creation. This brings me to collaboration. Collaboration in this project will be effective as they share and learn about new animals. The topic is awesome as it stimulates curiosity and furthers research ideas. Lastly, I feel the animal topic is also a way to allow students to use multimedia and see images online.
  • ...2 more annotations...
    • Erin Rain
      Very interesting activity! Could you also add in a project/presentation as a part of the WebQuest instead of test? I like that you added group and self evaluations too! Will your students be taking on roles in the WebQuest?
    • Teri Henderson
      Sure, I love the idea of adding a project. This is part of a larger unit and there are projects and an exploration where students take on roles; including, scientist, journalist, expert, etc.
    • Erin Rain
      Sounds great! You could even combine the entire unit into one large webquest possibly? That would be super neat- lots of planning, but then the kids are doing the learning entirely! ;)
    • Nancy Mitchell
      Mark, I love the idea of following a blog and then presenting their findings--it sounds like a great way to be exposed to a lot of new information in an engaging way without having to do all the research yourself. I am curious, however, why you might use google docs to present rather than the presentation tool...
    • Brigette Gallus
      I agree. Following a blog would be very engaging for students. Could you incorporate expert's blogs somehow?
    Thanks WendyWu! I like the tips you mention. It helped me figure out how to post to certain people.

iPadApps - Craig Nansen on Diigo - 0 views

    For those who have iPads

ETC647 Unit presentation - Google Docs - 3 views

    • Ty Coulter
      Why just a slide show? Where is the web page containing the actual unit?
    • Ty Coulter
      Without the actual unit page there is no proof that any of your instructional strategies are being used.

Expository-Spring2011 - ETC647 Group - 3 views

  • Wiki to post reading
    • Nathan Wells
      This is a good assignment, do you think you could easily add to this to make it active? I think this could go a lot of different directions!
    • Wendy Ellis
      I suppose if we just sat around like sponges and did not participate, it would stay in the expository range. Since we are active thinkers, it moves up a level. As teachers, I do not think we have the capacity to do that. Scratch that, since we are ed techies, we can't. We know too much about the power of participation and the inner calling of collaboration. Thanks for commenting so quickly this week.
    • Ruth Creek
      technically, as ed techies....I would think that we would be inclined to take any expository format and adapt it to something more active :-)
    • tucsonshell
      Nate...I agree; many ways to make this an active assignment...example: students could make a power point on what their learning style is-present to class

Educational Lessons For Families Home - Educational Lessons For Families - 3 views

    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Common Question I: ONLE Please justify why your unit integrating ONLE, not just distributed learning (DL) or online learning environments (OLE). Be sure to distinguish ONLE from DL and OLE. Provide the examples from your unit to justify your responses.
    • Teri Henderson
      Connectivism is a reflection of today's learning which is speedy, voluminous, socially networked and technologically charged. Connectivism represents the ability to learn through multiple networks using technology that is virtually at our fingertips with the use of Web 2 tools that engage us in up-to-date learning in social, professional, and educational contexts. Though my unit is primarily an educational site, it does connect the learners to other learners both within and outside of the educational community. In addition, tools are utilized which offer a greater connection to resources and student comment. The students have opportunity to create content together and to share it with their classmates as well as learners in future classes. They can respond to each other and collaborate in Google Docs, blogs, Twitter, and discussion boards. They are able to generate content that can be shared with the outside world on YouTube. VoiceThread, Dvolver, and Voki give them a creative edge. They access content through Cloud Computing and many resources are available for their use with open copyright by the creative commons. Social Tagging is important fo the students to share content that is relevant to the class. An online learning environment can be stagnant without the opportunity to generate new learning with others. There is a lot of social networking involved in a ONLE. Many times in the standard OLE, learning is done individually and content is only shared with the instructor who guides the course. In an ONLE, the student and student groups can guide the learning which includes content and delivery.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Common Question II: Key Instructional Strategies Please discuss how you integrate the required ONLE instructional strategies (Social network, social tagging, participatory web, UGC, and Community-Community interaction).
    • Teri Henderson
      The students participate in social networking and participatory web situations with discussion boards, blogs, and the contribution to photo gallery. Social tagging is used to help the class retain and share resources that can be used by them and in future classes. Community-community is developed when the students in this class can provide UGC by building Wikis that include information they learned about endangered species that they can share with their existing class and have posted for future classes to use as resources, who in turn will develop new content that they will share.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Common Question III: Evaluations Discuss how do you know your integrated ONLE instructional strategies effective? Remember assessing content is different from assessing instructional strategies.
    • Teri Henderson
      I know that with the assessment of content that I have rubrics, along with self, peer, and instructor evaluations. There is also the successful development of product. With the assessment of strategies, I have to be very attentive to the interactions between the students, resources, community. With "Learner Create Content" I need to be mindful that the students will create collaboratively content that will be used as a resource by other students. They are to use existing content and "remix" it with new. I need to observe that they are interacting with and "friending" each other on the Participatory Web. With "Learner Share Content" I will observe and monitor that the students are participating in social content sharing, social networking, and the sharing of resources through social tagging. This helps to join them as a community of learners. Also, Community-Community can be built as they develop content that can be used in future classes. Learners manage content through various areas. I have provided them opportunities to do so through "aggregation" with various widgets and gadgets, news sources, and Twitter. They create content through "mash-up" with Wiki and tools, Blogs with links. Again, with social tagging to help share resources. Learners access their content through cloud computing.
  • ...1 more annotation...
    • Mark Doebele
      You mentioned that a lot of users would be kids. Do you feel that the tools you have here are appropriate for all kids? What age groups do you think this would work best for?
    • Teri Henderson
      I feel that most of these tools are user friendly for children. As this is also a design for families, as well as for the spring and summer camps, younger children can be monitored or allowed to do the webquests and online inquiries, studies, and quizzes that are appropriate for their level. Many of the activities are animated or easily created, like Dvolver, Voki, cartoons, animated online sites, etc. Many of the materials I did find I think would work well for grades 2-5. However, I have links to sites that can be very concise and read at an adult level. Thanks for your observation.
    Teri, I like how your unit had so many different types of activities. You had a webquest, a Brain Pop, and resources galore. I found how you laid out your unit interesting. I had lesson #'s. You did titles, interesting. You used exciting tools like Skype, Animoto, and Youtube. I think your audience will really respond to your lesson.

Unit Presentations Feedback-Olson, Randolph, Ross - 3 views

started by Ruthee John on 03 May 12 no follow-up yet

ETC647-Ross-Michelle-A8 - 3 views

    Evaluators: Michelle Ross Evaluation 1: Content: Content that supports organizational learning network environments. Content is appropriate for the targeted audiences. ONLE Instructional Strategies: Integrate Constructivism instructional strategies and activities or other relevant strategies and activities to support the unit. ONLE Instructional Strategies Evaluations: Evaluate the goals and objectives of at least one lesson.

Patient Privacy Home - Patient Privacy - 3 views

    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Common Question I: Aligned Connectivism Principles Please discuss three most important strategies of ONLE/PLE in your unit, identify what aligned Connectivism principle(s) are, and discuss the assessments you integrate. Remember ONLE/PLE strategies are not your contents or "technologies," such as wiki, blog etc. It is the integrated soft technologies. If you don't remember Connectivism principles, please review our Lesson 1 readings. Hint: be sure to include four components of technology integrations: Content; Technology; Instructional Strategies; Assessment. This strategy should go beyond Constructivist instructional strategy and focus on ONLE/PLE/Connectivism design.
    • Kelly Nightengale
      The three most important instructional strategies of ONLE/PLE incorporated in my unit are: Content: HIPAA Defined Technology: Wiki Instructional Strategy: User Generated Content (UGC) Principle: Learning and knowledge rests in diversity of opinions Assessment: Rubric and Survey UGC allows for learning by working with and discussing differing opinions of HIPAA. This knowledge is posted for the world to see. People that read this knowledge can take it and teach others with it, and so on. This connected learning transcends time allowing learning to continue past traditional scheduled classes, making this content even more valuable. Content: HIPAA Defined Technology: Delicious Instructional Strategy: Folksonomy Principle: Learning is a process of connecting specialized nodes or information sources. Assessment: Rubric and Survey Folksonomy makes it easy to share and find information. By having so much information available so easily, learning is enhanced by making connections with these resources. Content: Patient Confidentiality Technology: Twitter Search Instructional Strategy: Linkage Design Principle: Learning may reside in non-human appliances Assessment: Rubric and Survey Participants can interact in a network and see what everyone is discussing and learning. These ideas bounce off each other creating more ideas and thoughts enhancing learning. The Twitter search gadget provides a place for this collaboration to happen. It allows for ease in connecting to and following the participant's network.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Common Question II: UGC Instructional Designs Do you have instructional UGC design in your unit? If yes, why? If no, why not? If you do, be sure to include the discussions covering four components of integrations (technology, instructional strategy, and assessment). Be sure to use Connectivism theory to justify your arguments.
    • Kelly Nightengale
      UGC was incorporated into my unit for multiple reasons. First of all, since the connectivism principle states that learning and knowledge rest in the diversity of opinions, having the participants work together to create a wiki would not only help them learn individually, it would help the entire group learn and grow by discussing these opinions. Another reason I wanted the participants to have UGC instructional design is so a place existed for them to revisit and refresh their memories of the content of HIPAA defined. Having the information online provides an easy place to find the information anytime and from anywhere. Finally, incorporating UGC in my unit was important to provide a place for students, faculty, and especially new instructors to view and learn about HIPAA to ensure patient's protected health information was kept private. This knowledge can then transfer to others connecting potentially everyone to this HIPAA information. Rubrics and Surveys were created to assess the content, instructional strategy of UGC, and the technology of wiki utilization.
    • Amy Matteson
      Great job on this! As someone who has taken 'traditional' HIPPAA training in the past, kudos to you for making it interesting and interactive. Your participants will be engaged by the content and far more likely to remember the high points!
    • Kelly Nightengale
      Thank you Amy. I'm glad my effort paid off!
  • ...1 more annotation...
    • esthermitchellnau
      This unit on patient privacy not just met all the requirements of the assignment but gave a very engaging approach to a topic that was personally quite interesting.
    • Kelly Nightengale
      Oh good! I am glad it is engaging and interesting:) Thank you.
    ETC647 Fall 2010 Units
    Overall I really liked your unit! I work in a physical therapists office so it was nice to see something I was actually familiar with! Great job! I would only recommend laying out your goals and objectives better so the reader can find them easier and not have to guess.Other than that you utilize network learning environments very well and they are appropriate for your unit.
    Kelly Knightengale's Unit on Patient Privacy Content: The content is in the unit is very well structured and appropriately meets the needs of your audience including novice audience/unit participants such as myself. The unit provides an effective online network learning environment. NLE Instructional Strategies: The unit integrates many NLE strategies including Linkage Design, Folksonomy, and Social Content Sharing. Very effective strategy choices for the unit! NLE Technologies: The unit is integrated extensively with Web 2.0 tools including VoiceThread, Twitter, and Blogs. Evaluations: The way your unit was designed to focus on the lessons by using specific rubrics such as with lesson 3's Twitter Rubric. There is also an exit survey, which provided an opportunity to evaluation the effectiveness of the unit. Additional Comments: I really enjoyed your unit. It was interesting to review the aspects of patient privacy along side of the aspects required on the unit for this course. Very comprehensive unit!

A Storybird Creation (collaborative storytelling) - 3 views

started by Wendy Sue Grieg0 on 22 May 11 no follow-up yet
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