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Study: Same-Sex Parents Raise Well-Adjusted Kids - 0 views

    This article talks about how same sex couples can raise a well rounded kid as well as a heterosexual couple can. It even gives statistics on how well the children are doing with the same sex couples. They also say that a child growing up with a same sex couple does not always have differences in self esteem or gender identity or many other things. They turn out just fine.

Colorado Criminal Justice Reform Coalition: Voting Project - 0 views

    A criminal in the state of Colorado does actually have the right to vote. If their sentence has been served, they are on probation or are currently serving time for a misdemeanor they have the right to vote.

ACTA,SOPA,PIPA Globally Criminalising Joe Public for Using the Internet - 0 views

    How the Trade Agreement can effect you. Not does it only censor the internet but also food medication tv, file-sharing. Websites would be in charge of censoring their own site.

Law and Women in the Middle East | Cultural Survival - 0 views

    The legal status of women in the modern Middle East has been in transition since the early part of the twentieth century. Customary laws, Islamic laws, imported European laws, and reformed versions of Islamic laws affect women in" Varying degrees in the different Middle Eastern legal systems, and the status of women does not seem to have been settled in any of them.

Eugenics - 0 views

    In the 1970's Virginia decided to repeal the law of involuntary sterilization. The people who had volunteered prior to 1970 were undedicated and very poor. The victims were never compensated for their time or for what they underwent. Despite the fact that the United States does not widely acknowledge eugenics people are still pushing for the "perfect" human being.

"Probe says Forest Service Swayed." - 1 views

  •, writer Scott Sonner states that the forest Service needs to change how it does business with the outside interst groups. The influence of the special interest groups is in violation of law, favoring one group over another and the influence of these groups is having an impace of the national forest.

Does Legalizing Prostitution Work? - 0 views

    This article shows how the legalization of prostitution as failed in the countries that had allowed it. It details ways some of the counties are trying stop the profession.

Does Casey Anthony's right to a fair trial trump public's right to know? - 0 views

    Casey Anthony was accused of her daughter's murder. OJ was accused of his wife's murder. Should their trial be on the News or all over the web? Should they have privacy rights while on trial to protect them and their family?

Study: 88% of criminologists do not believe the death penalty is an effective deterrent... - 0 views

    Death penalty personal+freedoms

Debate: "Under God" in the American Pledge of Allegiance - 0 views

    From the moment that I started attending school, we were taught the pledge of allegiance. I spoke those words everyday in class for 10 years...but now it is being questioned. Is it consistant with the seperation of church and state? Is it favoring a specific religous group? Amongst many other questions, there is one that I believe should be asked, does taking this small phrase out of the pledge violate our right to the freedom of speech? I think that they should allow students to say if they would like to, and others may stay silent or think of something else they would like to say. And I believe that no student should be penalized for saying it.

What does the NDAA mean to Citizens - 0 views

    An in depth view on the NDAA and what it brings to all people of America. Also the main issues that it brings to personal freedoms.

Defining Marriage: Defense of Marriage Acts and Same-Sex Marriage Laws - 0 views

    This website shows the laws and facts about the states that limit, allow, and manage certain things with same sex marriage. It also has a map of the U.S. with a key showing what the different states marriage acts and same sex marriage laws are. It then gives a history and overview of same sex marriage, talking about what states still have laws against gay marriage, and how involved legislatures are in this argument.
    This article gives a break down of information on which states are recognizing gay marriage or domestic partnership. It also lists those states that believe a marriage should be between a man and a woman. It does seem as though in this article, slowly but surely, some states are coming around or will be soon.
    This site discusses the states that limit marriage between a man and a woman, and the states that now will issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. It also explains the states that allow spousal rights in a domestic partnership.

Critics hit Obama's gay marriage vagueness - 0 views

    The article brings up the idea that Obama is being criticized for only supporting gay marriage for votes. The author analyzes the presidential candidates view point on gay marriage. Romney is criticized for saying he supports it, and than recently switched his opinion by stating he does not support it.

Why the Birth Control Debate Isn't Really About Birth Control - 0 views

    Last week, if you squinted your eyes and tilted your head a little bit to the right, you might have thought America had magically traveled back in time to the 1950s (or 1850s). The recent shift in the political conversation to contraception has been not only surprising but, for many, downright disturbing (bone-chilling, WTF, "what kind of documentation do I need to move to Canada?" This article explores the hidden issue of birth control. What started out innocent enough allowing certain institutions to not participate in providing birth control for their employees has turned into a debate on whether women deserve it or not. Taking birth control does not promote promiscious activities and it is used for other means other than preventing pregnancy.

Personal freedom gone in puff of smoke - 0 views

    We all know smoking is bad for your health - 37,000 Canadians die from smoking-related illness every year. Does any credible person out there actually doubt that smoking causes cancer? Article on smoking and the causes of cancer. Also talks about other resrictions the government is putting on smokers as far as where and when they can light up.

The Issues: Patriot Act - CBS News - 0 views

    CBS News continues an election-year series titled "What Does It Mean To You?" focused on where the presidential candidates stand on major issues and how a vote for one or the other candidate might affect average people's lives.

Issue: Personal Freedom | Greg Merle for United States Congress - 1 views

    This author has an argument against our Government on how there shouldn't be so many laws.
    Greg Merle does a wonderful job of pointing out the facts that lead to the question are we really free? He lists a few restrictions the government puts on the American people.
    "What is it that big government doesn't get about the "pursuit of happiness". We have to be free to make mistakes. We don't need laws designed to protect me from me, such as seat belt laws, trans fat laws, helmet laws, shower head water flow laws, etc. Did you know that there is actually a black market on certain toilets because the government wants to control how much you flush?  From a logical stand point, it's ridiculous."

The Issue is Freedom, Not Soft Drinks - 5 views

    The subject of the child obesity epidemic has been high in the last 4 years. Did the government have to right to force what is or isnt allowed to be served, sold, and purchased on school campuses? This artical has it all explained pretty well.
  • ...5 more comments...
    Jonathan S. Tobin is a well know Journalist who has won over 50 journalism awards and has had his articles posted in papers such as the NY Times and USA Today talks about how the governments is slowing taking away our freedom. The fact that the government feels they have the right to to tell us what we can or can not eat is amazing to me. To ban soda just because it is bad for you is unreal. If Americans chose to dink soda then that is their choice and they have to deal with the consequences. 
    Mayor Bloomberg(New York) banned all sugared soft drinks in containers over 16 ounces, because they are thought to be the main cause of obesity. People are outraged, not because they can't have soft drinks, but because a grown adult should be able to make their own decisions.
    New York City Mayor Bloomberg struck what he claims is another blow for the cause of public health yesterday by announcing a ban on the sale of all sugared drinks in containers that measure larger than 16 ounce servings. Although sugared drinks may cause weight gain, we as Americans should have the choice to drink as much as we want.
    I agree that it should be an individuals right to choose what they consume or do not consume. There needs to be more education as to how drinking soda in excess effects the body. The child obesity issue is getting out of control as children spend a lot of time using electronic devices rather than going outside to play. I also think that because of fast paced lifestyles and both parents having to work to support the family, children consume more convenience foods/drinks. I think the responsibility is on the individual to make healthy choices not for government to infringe on our personal rights.
    "... medical costs of the illnesses caused by drinking, eating and smoking are affected in one way or another by the public and that gives government the right to regulate and/or ban such items." I get why they are doing it, I really do. This is a personal freedom I think we should regulate ourselves. This article does have good points. I get sometimes we do need help, but why not attack the big soda companies as well.
    New York City Mayor is trying to ban sugar drinks that are larger than 16 ounces because it is one of the main causes of obesity. People argue that although they agree with the fact that soft drinks are indeed unhealthy, the government should protect the freedom of the people.
    taking away the drinks are going too far but the idea is right, obesity is a huge problem in the US and although it is an argument of freedom to eat, drink etc whatever you may please but when it comes to health that is a whole differnt concern.

AIR Infotech - Article - Telephone Tapping - An Invasion Of The Right Of Privacy - 1 views

    Phone tapping has happened all across the world. It does bring up the question if its an invasion to our personal privacy act.

Redefining Marriage Has Consequences - 2 views

    This article talks about how marriage is the foundation of human civilization and the effects of redefining marriage. Forty-one states agree that marriage is between a man and a woman and children need a mother and a father.
    My personal belief is that marriage is to be between a man and a woman, however, I also believe that is it not my place to judge anyone. Who am I to tell someone who to love? These days marriages that last are rare. If a same sex couple love each other and are happy together, I think they should be able to be married. There are a lot of same sex couple who have lived together as couple for a lot longer than most marriages last.
    When I read "The nine justices are considering challenges to state and federal laws defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman. The two cases before it provide an important opportunity for Americans to reflect on three questions: What is marriage? Why does it matter for public policy? And what are the consequences of redefining marriage?" it blew my mind a little, because it is challenging every American to think about marriage. Not just as a sex (male or Female) thing but as a whole.
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