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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Briana Dooda

Briana Dooda

Medical Marijuana | Drug War Facts - 0 views

    (medical cannabis - clinical studies) "By design CMCR [Center for Medicinal Cannabis Research] clinical studies focused on conditions identified by the Institute of Medicine for which cannabis might have potential therapeutic effects, based on current scientific knowledge (Institute of Medicine, 1999).
Briana Dooda

Racial Profiling - 0 views

    This article outlines racial profiling and how it is a violation of fundamental principals of our constitution. It's targeting brown mexican/hispanics because of the illegal immigration; and the arab americans because of 911. We all have a right to live our lives in peace without having authorites watching us because of our physical features.
Briana Dooda

States weigh lowering drinking age - 0 views

    This article explains the debate over lowering the drinking age for those men and women who are serving in the armed forces. Several states are seriously considering this, and along with that some would allow all 19/20 year olds to purchase low alcoholic beer. I think that if you are old enough to die for your country and to serve than you should be able to have a drink.
Briana Dooda

Legalizing Marijuana - 0 views

    The writer of this article is the executive director of Law Enforcement against Prohibition and he also on narcotics policing in Maryland, and he wants Marijuana legalized. And I have to say that I agree with him all the way on this. Alot of the time we do things because we know we aren't supposed to, and it makes it that much more exciting. So, in legalizing marijuana he believes that it will reduce the crime. Every year thousands of people are murdered over battling for drug turfs. In legalizing the drug, you would eliminate the middle man, and all the danger that comes with that. Instead, you could buy it in the store or a specialty shop like you would tobacco. I say lets get this ball rollin'!
Briana Dooda

Why Arts Education Is Crucial, and Who's Doing It Best - 0 views

    Art education reaps many benefits for students. People may not realize, but studies in the Arts is a great foundation for academics. So it's a shame that when budgets get tight that the first thing to go are the arts programs. Maybe we should re-think priorities in schools, and weave these arts back into the classroom
Briana Dooda

Carnal knowledge: The sex ed debate - 0 views

    This article debates the tyoe of sex education that should be taught in schools. Should kids only recieve the message of abstinance only? Also taking into consideration of how realistic that is...Or should we be teaching a comprehensive sex education class that covers sexually transmitted diseases, contraception, and Abstinence? Young people are exposed more and more and are confronted with the idea and practice of sex. I think its more realistic to teach more than just abstinence.
Briana Dooda

Debate: "Under God" in the American Pledge of Allegiance - 0 views

    From the moment that I started attending school, we were taught the pledge of allegiance. I spoke those words everyday in class for 10 years...but now it is being questioned. Is it consistant with the seperation of church and state? Is it favoring a specific religous group? Amongst many other questions, there is one that I believe should be asked, does taking this small phrase out of the pledge violate our right to the freedom of speech? I think that they should allow students to say if they would like to, and others may stay silent or think of something else they would like to say. And I believe that no student should be penalized for saying it.
Briana Dooda

10 Abortion Arguments: 10 Arguments For Abortion, 10 Arguments Against Abortion - 1 views

    This article gives points from both sides of the spectrum regarding Abortion. It is a super controversal subject. Some people believe that even if you dont want the child, that you should at least wait out the pregnancy and then give the baby up for adoption. On the other hand, you have this person that has no interest in this child that they are carrying, so are they really going to make sure that it is a healthy pregnancy? Like no drinking, or smoking, taking all the pre-natal vitamins...and if the answer is no, then is it doing more harm putting a baby through future potential problems? All these questions are what make this topic so difficult to argue for or against and to be absolutly sure about the decision.
Briana Dooda

Supreme Court: Individuals Have Right to Bear Arms : NPR - 0 views

    We have a right to bear arms, but there is still alot of controversy arising with this 2nd Amendment right. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and mine is that if you are a responsible human being, and you are using the weapon as protection and leaving it in a safe place with the right precautions than you can have one, and you aren't abusing the right to have one. But if you are going to obtain a gun and bad decisions and leave it in places where it is easily accessable to those who shouldn't have it than you are irrisponsible and shouldn't be allowed to carry one. But, how are we supposed to sift through these personalities and find out who is capable of following the guidlines. Well...that is the million dollar question now isn't is?
Briana Dooda

Same sex marriage - 0 views

    This is one of the largest growing controversies in the United States. We have a lot of stubborn and close-minded people in this great nation. We all just need to open our hearts a little and accept these people and try to realize where they are coming from. They just want to be able to be happy like anyone would; and be able to marry the one that they love. People say it goes against tradition, and what marriage is valued as...between a man & woman. There are so many traditions that have been changed or forgotten in this day and age, and I am sure that letting these people marry who they want and where they want, isn't going to lead to something horrible. I think that some of us just need to really be educated and try to feel for these people who just want the opportunity to solidify their love for one another with Marraige.
Briana Dooda

The Deficit and National Debt - 0 views

    Congress just spends money like it's going out of style. When the goverment spends more money that it brings in, you know we have a problem. Then we start to play the blame game, republicans blame the democrats, and the democrats blame the republicans. Haven't we learned that blaming each other never solves anything? They need to take responsibility and budget better...pff. Or just raise all of our taxes to try to make up for that doesn't seem fair for us hard working citizens, I don't think we recieved any of that spending money. Lets just fix the problem before our economic well-being is dug into a hole so deep we can't pull ourselves out.
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