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Glycon Garcia

Energias Alternativas e Renováveis: RJ terá primeiro parque eólico do sudeste - 0 views

  • O primeiro parque de geração de energia eólica do Rio de Janeiro e da região Sudeste foi lançado no último dia 29/04, no município de São Francisco de Itabapoana, no Norte Fluminense (RJ). O parque faz parte do projeto da Gargaú Energética S.A. Está prevista a instalação de 17 aerogeradores, com capacidade individual de 1,65 MW. Ao todo, o empreendimento terá capacidade instalada de 28 MW, o suficiente para abastecer uma cidade de 80 mil habitantes.
    First wind farm in Southeast of Brazil will generate 28 MW with 17 wind generators.
Colin Bennett

ABB secures power line order in Brazil - 0 views

  • ABB will deliver five turnkey 34.5/69kV substations including 12 step-up power transformers rated at 33MVA, air and gas-insulated switchgear, medium-voltage reclosers, and distribution transformers. The company will also supply and install 60km of 69kV overhead transmission lines to connect a 290MW wind farm to the national electricity grid that is currently under construction in the northeastern state of Bahia. According to ABB, Brazil currently has around 600MW of wind power capacity, with another 450MW under construction.
Arabica Robusta

BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Brazil president defends biofuels - 0 views

    Food prices were going up, he said, because people in developing countries like China, India and Brazil itself were simply eating more as their economic conditions improved.
Gary Edwards

Next Generation Nuclear Power: Scientific American - 0 views

    Six page article from 2003 provides an in depth discussion on existing and Future Nuclear Systems:  "In Response to the difficulties in achieving sustainability, a sufficiently high degree of safety and a competitive economic basis for nuclear power, the U.S. Department of Energy initiated the Generation IV program in 1999. Generation IV refers to the broad division of nuclear designs into four categories: early prototype reactors (Generation I), the large central station nuclear power plants of today (Generation II), the advanced lightwater reactors and other systems with inherent safety features that have been designed in recent years (Generation III), and the next-generation systems to be designed and built two decades from now (Generation IV) [see box on opposite page]. By 2000 international interest in the Generation IV project had resulted in a nine-country coalition that includes Argentina, Brazil, Canada, France, Japan, South Africa, South Korea, the U.K. and the U.S. Participating states are mapping out and collaborating on the research and development of future nuclear energy systems."
Jeff Johnson

Friedman: Learning to Speak Climate (NYTimes) - 0 views

    Some countries have vintage whiskey. Some have vintage wine. Greenland has vintage ice. Sometimes you just wish you were a photographer. I simply do not have the words to describe the awesome majesty of Greenland's Kangia Glacier, shedding massive icebergs the size of skyscrapers and slowly pushing them down the Ilulissat Fjord until they crash into the ocean off the west coast of Greenland. There, these natural ice sculptures float and bob around the glassy waters near here. You can sail between them in a fishing boat, listening to these white ice monsters crackle and break, heave and sigh, as if they were noisily protesting their fate. Greenland is one of the best places to observe the effects of climate change. Because the world's biggest island has just 55,000 people and no industry, the condition of its huge ice sheet - as well as its temperature, precipitation and winds - is influenced by the global atmospheric and ocean currents that converge here. Whatever happens in China or Brazil gets felt here. And because Greenlanders live close to nature, they are walking barometers of climate change.
Glycon Garcia

ANEEL - Agência Nacional de Energia Elétrica - 0 views

    The board of the National Agency of Electrical Energy (ANEEL) approved today (April 17th) rules to reduce barriers to the installation of distributed generation ofup to 100 KW of power (micro generation), and from 100 KW to 1 MW of power (mini generation).
Glycon Garcia

Taxa sobre Lâmpadas de Baixa Eficiência Energética - 0 views

  • Para compensar os custos ambientais decorrentes da utilização de lâmpadas de baixa eficiência energética, o Governo introduziu uma taxa através do Decreto-Lei n.º 108/2007, de 12 de Abril (abre uma nova janela).
    Brazilian Government introduces new taxes for inefficient lamps.
Glycon Garcia

ANEEL - Brazilian Electricity Regulatory Agency - 0 views

    Aneel's College Board of Directors has authorized Copel (Paraná \nElectric Energy Company) to implement the pilot-project which determines the \nselling of exceeding energy, derived from animal waste, produced in small rural \nproprieties in Paraná. The project, named Distributed Generation with \nEnvironmental Sanitation Project, will allow the elimination of organic matter \nresulting from the hog creation, which will stop being released over rivers and \ndeposits such as Itaipu's. Such residue will be transformed, via biodigesters, \nin biogas, a fuel used in the generation of electric energy.
Colin Bennett

Study: India leads the pack in green server rooms - 0 views

    About 63 percent of Indian IT shops have completed a retrofit of existing server rooms to increase energy efficiency, or have a pilot project underway, according to a recent study. It's similar in Brazil, but IT companies there tend to favor building new server rooms before modifying existing ones.
Glycon Garcia

IDEAAS wins Itaú Bank Awards - REEEP - The Renewable Energy and Energy Effici... - 0 views

    IDEAAS used REEEP funding to develop the Center for Learning on Renewable Energy and Decentralized Generation , which provides a basis for the two projects that have won the Itaú Bank 'Ecomudança Award' (Eco Change Award) and 'Fundo Itaú de Excelência Social' (Itaú Fund for Social Excellence 2008). Itaú Bank is the largest Brazilian Private Bank, and interested in projects on renewable energy and CO² Emissions Saving.
Glycon Garcia

Energias Alternativas e Renováveis: São Paulo terá mapa eólico e solar - 0 views

    A Empresa Metropolistana de Águas e Energia de São Paulo (EMAE) divulgou a intenção de criar um Atlas Eólico do Estado. O estudo fará o mapeamento por meio de oito torres de monitoramento e promete ser o mais completo do Brasil. Além dos dados sobre os ventos, haverá informações demográficas, de transporte, consumo de energia elétrica, transmissão e clima.
Colin Bennett

1st World Ranking of Clean Energy Technology (CET) Sales - 3 views

  • The current rankings put the US 18th according to GDP (2nd in absolute terms) and the UK is 19th. Australia “squandered an early technical lead in solar energy” and is 28th. Spain is 4th relative to GDP, Finland is 5th and China 6th. In absolute terms, the top ten countries are: 1. Germany, 2. the US, 3. Japan, 4. China, 5. Denmark, 6. Brazil, 7. Spain, 8. France, 9. the UK, 10. Korea.
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