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Colin Bennett

Water-to-water Heat Pumps to the Rescue? - 0 views

    By Jorge Moreno, Environmental and Building Technologies, Frost & Sullivan With more end users focusing on reducing energy costs, energy-saving water-to-water heat pump (WTWHP) chillers are being deployed to reduce a facility's utility bills. A WTWHP chiller is a water-cooled chiller that is designed to produce hot water at a specified temperature. The use of a WTWHP chiller is very similar to a conventional centrifugal chiller except for the fact that it uses two compressors, slightly different piping configurations, and more advanced controls in order to balance cooling and heating loads. In a conventional chiller, cold water is produced for comfort cooling, and the hot water that is extracted from the refrigeration process goes into a cooling tower and is released into the atmosphere. In a WTWHP chiller, this hot water is captured and relocated to a second heating stage, where the temperature is raised and the water is used as a heating source for a building's heating requirements. The key strength of WTWHP chillers is the high coefficient of performance (COP) that translates into significant energy savings and a shorter payback period. On the other hand, the key weakness is that it can only provide such benefits in a narrow range of applications primarily due to its coincident need for cooling and heating requirements throughout the year to ensure efficiency. A coincident need means that the application demands sizable water heating load along with the typical high cooling requirements in summer, and a sizable chilled water load along with the typical heating requirements during winter. Cooling output is directly dependent on the demand for heating, and vice versa. Consequently, in the absence of sufficient heating requirements, there is only a limited amount of cooling that can be produced. Any excess heating or cooling cannot be stored and hence, it is critical to align the cooling with the expected heating requirements. Coincidentally, in the absence of suf
Colin Bennett | Sustainability in Home Appliances - Europe Report - 0 views

  • The buzzword these days is sustainability. A few years ago, this meant responsibility in a broader sense. Now, the focus is more on actual products. So, which alternatives can the industry offer to the appliance industry’s well-known products? And are these actually large, revolutionary steps? In white-good appliances, there are several alternatives. Europeans switched to high-efficiency horizontal-drum washers a long time ago—a revolutionary technology that left little room for improvement. The next big step might be to heat the water with gas instead of electricity. Martin Elektrotechnik is one German company that offers an automatic external water selector. It detects activation of the heating element and switches accordingly. However, at 285 euros, sales have been limited. The same unit can also be used for the dishwasher. The clothes dryer is another story. These appliances use 3–4 kWh per run, and there are more-efficient alternatives—the gas dryer and the heat pump dryer. Europe has a few gas dryer manufacturers, including UK-based Crosslee with its White Knight brand and Miele. Despite the advantages of efficiency and shorter drying time, they have not caught on in the larger marketplace. They only come as vented units, not as condenser units, and connecting the gas is just too much of a hurdle for many consumers, even when there is a click-on gas connector system available. Heat pump dryers are relatively new. Electrolux started in 1997 with an almost hand-built model under their premium, environmentally oriented AEG brand. At a price point of 1500 euros, even wealthy German consumers would not buy many of them. In 2005, the company started selling a redesigned model, called Öko-Lavatherm. It claimed energy savings up to 40% for around 700 euros, which is more in line with the cost of other premium models. Other manufacturers of heat pump dryers include Blomberg, the German brand owned by Turkish market leader Arçelik, and Swiss Schulthess. In cooling, there have been no large breakthroughs. Years ago, there was talk of vacuum-insulated panels, but no models were produced. Instead, there have been a number of smaller-scale efficiency improvements, and today, the industry suggests that consumers simply buy new, extraefficient models. AEG offers a typical case: a 300-L cooler/freezer in the A++ efficiency class now uses only 200 kWh per year, whereas a 10-year-old model used as much as 500 kWh. And what about the heating industry? Remember that in chilly Europe, heating is the largest energy user. The advice here is almost the same as for white-good appliances—just replace old equipment. There are still many noncondenser boilers on the market and a significant percentage of houses are insufficiently insulated. German Vaillant is calling its efficiency initiative "Generation Efficiency." But, like the home appliances market, progress is gradual. Current boilers are already highly efficient. Other technologies, such as solar panels, combined heat-and-power units, and heat pumps, catch on more slowly. Still, there were 1.1 million renewable energy units sold in Europe in 2006 compared with 440,000 just two years earlier. Some of the company’s smaller steps forward were seen at ISH. The small Vaillant ecoCOMPACT combiboiler now has a high-efficiency pump, which is said to reduce electricity use by 50%. Hot water output is higher for user comfort, and there are new modules for remote access for better preventive service. The main obstacle for customers wanting a heat pump is the installation, as sometimes complex drilling is needed. Vaillant solved that issue by taking over a drilling company and offers all of the services for a fixed price, just like its competitor, BBT Thermotechnik. Across the board, it seems manufacturers continue their efforts toward sustainability. The question now seems to be whether or not consumers will take advantage of the technology.
Howard Gonzalez

Ground Source Heat Pump Installation for Heating and Cooling System - 1 views

    Ground Source Heat Pump Installation provides domestic hot water, heating and cooling to homes and commercial buildings using solar power saved in the earths crust.
Colin Bennett

Is it Possible to Direct Solar-Heated Air to the Condenser of a Heat Pump? - 0 views

  • These references point out that such solar assist systems significantly raise the heating COP. So, the answer to the question is YES, it's possible to direct solar-heated air to the condenser of a heat pump and raise the heating COP.
Hans De Keulenaer

BC Hydro - Power Smart for Business - Heat Pump Water Heaters - 0 views

  • Heat pump water heater (HPWH) systems mine the energy content of air to produce hot water very efficiently (Figure 1). Depending on cold-water and ambient-air temperatures and on patterns of hot water use, heat pump water heaters do the same job as standard electric water heaters using two to three times less electric energy.
Sergio Ferreira

Clean Break :: Battling the cold with new air-source heat pump - 0 views

  • natural gas is okay but it's not ideal. It still emits greenhouse gases and NOx. It's also becoming more volatile and is likely to become much more expensive over the coming years. Also, the power mix in Ontario will become cleaner over the next decade -- no coal, more nuclear, hydroelectric, wind and natural gas. So there's an argument that heating your home with electricity could be cleaner than using natural gas, if you can do it efficiently -- in other words, if you can find a better way than using resistance heating.
  • a 34-year-old engineer who was a cryogenics expert with the U.S. Navy, realized that conventional air-source heat pumps that are popular in the U.S. south do not perform well in cold climates and are therefore not economical. So he went ahead and built his own, called Acadia, and it can operate efficiently down to minus 30 degrees C.
    Interesting, but a bit thin on specifics, and still a long way to market.
Colin Bennett

Cleantech Blog: Geothermal Heat Pumps: The Forgotten One - 0 views

    Before I was introduced to EnLink Geoenergy Services in 2000, I had never heard of geothermal heat pumps (GHPs), even though I had been in the energy industry for almost 15 years then, and even though GHP systems had been in successful operational service for over 50 years by that time.
Colin Bennett

Heat pump market growing fast - 0 views

    In 2007, the global heat pump market reached nearly 477,000 unit sales, with China accounting for 24.8% of the market volume, France, Sweden and Germany. Collectively, these five countries held an impressive 82% of the total global heat pump market by volume.
Colin Bennett

Efficiency key to making Denmark fossil fuel-free by 2050, says report - 0 views

  • In this ‘green’ future, electricity will comprise 40-70% of energy consumption, up from around 20% now. And a large part of this electricity will come from offshore wind farms, which the report highlights as an economically viable option for Denmark.The Klimakomissionen says many more turbines will have to be erected to cover up to half of the country’s energy consumption.Meanwhile, the energy system will have to become much more flexible and intelligent to cope with the fluctuation of wind energy.Technologies such as smart electricity meters, time-controlled recharging for electric cars and heat pumps in combination with heat storage systems will be crucial to the new energy order.The report says that biomass will play an important role as back up to wind power and to supply heating for homes, along with solar heating, geothermal energy and heat pumps, which will serve district heating systems.
Phil Slade

Huber Technology Heat from Sewers > Solutions - 1 views

    "Wastewater contains thermal energy, and we can recover some of this energy. Only seldom is wastewater warm enough to permit direct water or building heating. However, we can recover wastewater heat with heat pumps."
Hans De Keulenaer

ScienceDirect - Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews : Review on thermal energy sto... - 0 views

  • The use of a latent heat storage system using phase change materials (PCMs) is an effective way of storing thermal energy and has the advantages of high-energy storage density and the isothermal nature of the storage process. PCMs have been widely used in latent heat thermal-storage systems for heat pumps, solar engineering, and spacecraft thermal control applications. The uses of PCMs for heating and cooling applications for buildings have been investigated within the past decade. There are large numbers of PCMs that melt and solidify at a wide range of temperatures, making them attractive in a number of applications. This paper also summarizes the investigation and analysis of the available thermal energy storage systems incorporating PCMs for use in different applications.
Colin Bennett

EU calls time on inefficient circulators | Energy Efficiency News - 0 views

    The latest device to be the subject of the European Union's Eco-design regulations are circulators -small pumps that are mainly used to circulate water in heating systems.
Colin Bennett

Power of cool: Liquid air to store clean energy - 3 views

  • This is why Highview has been testing its 300-kilowatt pilot plant for the past nine months, supplying electricity to the UK's National Grid. The process stores excess energy at times of low demand by using it to cool air to around -190 °C. Excess electricity powers refrigerators that chill the air, and the resulting liquid air, or cryogen, is then stored in a tank at ambient pressure (1 bar). When electricity is needed, the cryogen is subjected to a pressure of 70 bars and warmed in a heat exchanger. This produces a high-pressure gas that drives a turbine to generate electricity. The cold air emerging from the turbine is captured and reused to make more cryogen. Using ambient heat to warm it, the process recovers around 50 per cent of the electricity that is fed in, says Highview's chief executive Gareth Brett. The efficiency rises to around 70 per cent if you harness waste heat from a nearby industrial or power plant to heat the cryogen to a higher than ambient temperature, which increases the turbine's force, he says. Unlike pumped-storage hydropower, which requires large reservoirs, the cryogen plants can be located anywhere, says Brett. Batteries under development in Japan have efficiencies of around 80 to 90 per cent, but cost around $4000 per kilowatt of generating capacity. Cryogenic storage would cost just $1000 per kilowatt because it requires fewer expensive materials, claims Brett.
Phil Slade

Science City stores heat in the ground | OurWorld 2.0 - 1 views

    "A groundbreaking project is currently being implemented on the Hönggerberg Campus of renowned Swiss Federal Technical Institute, ETH Zurich. In the future, waste heat from buildings on the Science City Campus will be stored in the earth during the summer through 800 ground probes."
Colin Bennett

Climate change increasing subsurface temperatures - 0 views

    They put a positive spin on this finding, suggesting that there's more thermal energy for home and residential heat-pump systems to tap, and that this energy will displace the use of fossil fuels. Hardly something to cheer about, however, given the initial causes of the warming.
Colin Bennett

Heat pumps 'need tighter regulations' - 0 views

  • The EST said it decided to carry out the study, assessing data from 83 sites across the UK, because there was a general lack of data on the performance of the devices.

Wiley InterScience: Journal: Abstract - 0 views

    To evaluate the environmental impact of massive heat-pump introduction on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, dynamic simulations of the overall electricity-generation system have been performed for Belgium.
Hans De Keulenaer

WorldChanging: Heat pumps: The Future has Hot Showers. - 0 views

  • Alex recently posted a charming video snippet that he described as "solutions porn" - the video shows a man in a dusty, un-named country installing a photovoltaic panel on his roof and enjoying a lengthy hot shower when the evening sets in. His family are in the next room boiling water and doing homework under a lamp. The 90 second spot took first place in the 2007 Commonwealth Vision Awards.
Phil Slade

24housing » Your News » New Time Lapse Video: 49 Heating Upgrades in 2 Minutes! - 3 views

    Busy day at the bungalow park
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