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Edutopia - 0 views

    great discussion

Travel Journals: Student-Created Textbooks - 0 views

    this would be great modified into a digital means Students create a variety of content types for their journals -- from written reflections to maps and diagrams -- in response to teacher prompts and open-ended questions. Below are the essential elements of the journal project: Blank journals: At the beginning of each module, teachers hand out a blank journal to each student.

Accelerated Reader - Reading Software - Accelerated Reader Tool - 1 views

    Accelerated Reader, a progress monitoring software, offers reading practice. Renaissance Learning offers tools to motivate or accelerate student reading skills.
    Accelerated Reader something I haven't heard of in forever. This looks amazing though
savvysav91 - Math, Reading Comprehension, Themes, Lesson Plans, and Printable Worksheets - 1 views

    This is a great website for teachers to look up lesson plans, games, assessments, glyphs, worksheets, etc., for any subject. Some things can be accessed for free, some cannot. Annual membership is only $20, and allows you unlimited access. Teachers may search by subject, skill, or grade level. The site is very user friendly, and has a lot of great resources!

Great Back to School Ed Tech Rubrics ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Learning - 0 views

    August 18, 2014 I love rubrics and I find them particularly helpful in lesson plan designing as well as in assessing students work. I know some teachers and educators think of them as "so yesterday" but we need to view them as roadmaps that can guide you towards achieving your teaching/learning goals.

Using Rubrics to Promote Thinking and Learning - 0 views

    Instructional rubrics help teachers teach as well as evaluate student work. Further, creating rubrics with your students can be powerfully instructive.
    Instructional rubrics help teachers teach as well as evaluate student work. Further, creating rubrics with your students can be powerfully instructive.

Digital Storytelling Resources - 3 views

    Creative ideas with digital storytelling
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    This website tells you everything you need to know about Digital Storytelling. It even addresses how to relate digital storytelling activity to the common core standards. Use this site for classroom ideas, assessment, various resources, books, and samples.
    Digital storytelling is one way for students and teachers to share their knowledge. This page includes links to support the use of digital storytelling for both teaching and learning. If you find a link that is not working, please let me know the title and I will fix it.And, if you have another great digital storytelling site to share, let me know as well!
    A support page for the presentation Digital Storytelling

Reading Program - Reading Counts - HMH - 0 views

    Reading Counts! lets teachers see if students are transferring instructional reading strategies for hard texts through their success with independent reading. This sounds like it could be very similar, or better than Accelerated Reader.
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