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John Lucyk

ASSIGNMENT - 6 views

Luckytoday Hands on Activity FDOE Educator Certification ________________________________________ Certificate Lookup * Apply and Check Status The purpose of Florida educator certification is t...

started by John Lucyk on 29 Jan 16 no follow-up yet

Home | - 2 views

  • CPALMS is an online toolbox of information, vetted resources, and interactive tools that helps educators effectively implement teaching standards. It is the State of Florida’s official source for standards information and course descriptions.
    CPALMS is an online toolbox of information, vetted resources, and interactive tools that helps educators effectively implement teaching standards.
  • ...15 more comments...
    From FLDOE site - but also a site that we live by in 5th grade at my school. Gives access to sample FCAT questions based on standards, as well as videos and other resources online that can be used.
    Great teacher resources for all grade levels. Includes lesson plans for each subject area based on standards, free printables, virtual manipulatives, and a scheduling component.
    Great resource for lesson plans and curriculum mapping
    This is by far the best site the DOE has to offer. The curriculum maps are easy to design and there is a plethora of lesson plans for each standard for every grade level to work with. This is especially nice when you have little resources from your district!
    This seems to be the go to site for teachers right now. I use this a lot to help me with my lesson plans and to find out what technology resources are available.
    Planning resource from the State of Florida for K-5 teachers.  Lots of great labs and lessons can be found.  Registration is required.
    I used this site often when I taught kindergarten I wish it had pre-k resources!
    Great for lesson planning with the new FSA Assessments.
    Great for lesson planning with the new FSA Assessments.
    CPALMS is the official site of the FDOE standards and course description. The site includes educator toolkits, lesson plan development tools and interactive tools for lesson planning and creation
    Great resource to search for lesson plans that correlate with the standards.
    Great resource for teachers to find the Florida Standards
    Resources and interactive tools to help educators align lesson plans with standards
    A toolkit for great lessons that align with Common Core Standards
    The Seminole County School District offers a link to this website. It provides information about the standards and curriculum benchmarks for each grade and each subject area.
    FREE resource that contains FL standards' information and course descriptions. Maintained by the Florida State University.
    FL Standards for reference
Amy Sullivan

California Learning Resource Network - 0 views

    Open Educational Resources page provided by the California Learning Resource Network. Many resources for educators categorized by subject, standard, grade level, etc. Visitors can narrow searches by using the filter feature on the sidebar menu, or use the browse feature under the Open Resources Tab on the menu bar at the top of the screen to specify subject, grade, type of resource, etc.
Professor Scott Hull

Reflection for online research and the quality of that research - 3 views

As someone who enjoys technology and the advantages that it allows us there are times I think it can also be a burden. Not that it is hard to manipulate or use but more so toward the overall percei...


started by Professor Scott Hull on 03 Feb 17 no follow-up yet

FREE - Federal Registry for Educational Excellence | FREE - Federal Registry for Educat... - 4 views

    This website is a compilation of many federal websites. It has been organized by grade level, subject area, and topic to allow for easy searching. The websites you are directed to are full of information, videos, music, pictures, and other captivating items that will help to make your lessons more interesting for your students.
  • ...7 more comments...
    More than 1600 federal teaching and learning resources organized by subject: art, history, language arts, math, science, and others -- from FREE, the website that makes federal teaching and learning resources easy to find.
    This was an awesome site for free science animations. I found many other topics covered. I enjoyed the rock cycle animations.
    This site is great I can really use so much of the resources, this can be used as a center in class. Thanks!!
    This site breaks down every possible category that you can think of across the educational disciplines. FREE also complies with any state requirements when it comes to Internet safety because all of the links are federally supported teaching and learning resources from federal agencies.
    Awesome sight loaded with tons of factual information from videos to animations of science phenomena and documents and photos. If you are looking for it, it is probably here.
    Wow! Thanks for sharing this site! Whenever I need ideas for any subject ill look here. I'll share this with my 5th grade team! Such an array of information given for teachers and students to use. -Lisa
    Great resources. searching by standards or subjects
    Search the Registry Browse By Subject Browse By Standard What is FREE? The Federal Registry for Educational Excellence (FREE) makes it easier to find digital teaching and learning resources created and maintained by the federal government and public and private organizations. Disclaimer The U.S.
    WHAT IS FREE - The Federal Registry for Educational Excellence (FREE) makes it easier to find digital teaching and learning resources created and maintained by the federal government and public and private organizations.

10 Internet Technologies Educators Should Be Informed About - 2011 Update | Emerging Ed... - 0 views

    10 Internet technologies include: Video and Podcasting Resources;Digital Presentation Tools; Collaboration & Brainstorming Tools; Blogs & Blogging; Social Networking Tools; Lecture Capture; Student Response Systems & Poll/Survey Tools; Educational Gaming; Open Educational Resources; The iPad and other tablet devices.
Erin Wasson

Videos, Common Core Resources And Lesson Plans For Teachers: Teaching Channel - 1 views

    Teacher videos, resources and lesson plans. Discover great ideas and strategies to use as a teacher with this collection of videos covering Math, Science, English, History and more.
    This is the Teaching Channel's website filled with educator resources.  I have found several Science lab ideas from this site.  Many resources are standards based and grounded in STEM research, but there are resources for all subject areas.  There are also videos available that show lessons in practice.  

Welcome to Discovery Education | Digital textbooks and standards-aligned educational re... - 2 views

    "From engaging, standards-aligned rich media to interactive digital textbooks, our world-class content takes students beyond the classroom. Extensive professional development opportunities and a passionate educator network support teachers in transforming the classroom experience. Measure results and accelerate student achievement with digital curriculum that engages today's students."
  • ...3 more comments...
    Discovery Education has great videos in content specific areas and topics. This is a great tool for enhancing and inspiring learning in the classroom. Engaging and interactive learning at the click of a buttion. For free registration, you have to register through your school.
    Subscription required, but there are a few free resources. Excellent website for integrating technololgy into the classroom. Offers lesson plans, teacher made, computer based assessments based on both Common Core and Sunshine State standards, teacher and student resources. Highly recommended for any school pre K-12.
    Problems Worth Solving Discovery Education accelerates school districts' digital transition through comprehensive standards-based content, professional development, formative assessment, and community engagement proven to positively impact student achievement. A digital textbook series, built from scratch for today's learners and current standards, engages students with dynamic, multimodal content and an inquiry approach.
    Discovery Education has terrific resources that is linked to the current textbook that your county may be using for it's curriculum. User friendly and the United streaming is also helpful when planning lessons with the library of video segments. 
    Problems Worth Solving Discovery Education accelerates school districts' digital transition through comprehensive standards-based content, professional development, formative assessment, and community engagement proven to positively impact student achievement. A digital textbook series, built from scratch for today's learners and current standards, engages students with dynamic, multimodal content and an inquiry approach.

Florida Center for Instructional Technology - 2 views

  • FCIT is funded by the Florida Department of Education, school districts, educational foundations, and others to provide leadership, instructional materials, and support services to educational institutions in Florida and beyond with regard to the integration of technology into K-20 education.
    • Cindy Hanks
      A list of online tools brought to you by the University of South Florida.
    • Cindy Hanks
      With my position as elementary computer lab teacher, these goodies will come in handy. Sites like this will enable me to give my students more options and tools to work with during their creative projects on the computer.
    The Florida Center for Instructional Technology is located at USF and is funded by the Florida Department of Education.  It provides links to numerous educational technology resources.
    The Florida Center for Instructional Technology (FCIT) provides leadership, instructional materials, and support services to educational institutions with regard to the integration of technology into K-20 education. Has thousands of royalty-free clipart and images.
    I really like the resources for presentations and technology incorporation in the classroom in the Educational Technology Clearinghouse section of the site.
Kimberly Hoffman

Technology in the Classroom: Resources for Teachers - 0 views

    Good website as a start or support resource for implementing technology lessons ( and mini-lessons) in the classroom.
    Find basic computer skills, Internet research tips, Internet safety resources, lessons, and worksheets to help integrate technology across the curriculum. Learn the history of the Internet; get help with using computer word processors; find out how to create PowerPoint presentations; understand the difference between a podcast and a blog; research interesting science projects online; use the computer to extend a literature activity; and other fascinating activities. Encourage your students to use technology in school and out. The possibilities are endless, when it comes to how the Internet, computers, and other forms of modern technology can benefit your classroom instruction. Read more on TeacherVision:
Kimberly Hoffman

30 Posts About Free Education Technology Tools & Resources | Emerging Education Technology - 0 views

    "30 Posts About Free Education Technology Tools & Resources"

Education World: Connecting educators to what works - 0 views

    • Erin Wasson
      Technology News and Tips
    • Erin Wasson
      Browse by Subject
    Great educationally relevant materials!
  • ...2 more comments...
    Professional development, technology, lesson plans, tips for administrators, tons of resources, up to the minute education news
    This websites gives you a lot of information on education in the world today.
    so cool looks awesome thanks for the update
    A great education news site that provides a sub section just for technology. A fantastic way to get access to up-to-day edtech news and best practices. Perfect resource for those in EdTech.
Paul Haberstroh

Educational Technology Clearinghouse - 1 views

    Great website for educators to access royalty free clip art, lesson plans, clip media, and presentations.
  • ...2 more comments...
    The Florida Digital Educator program supports the appropriate integration of technology into K-12 education. Visit the Florida Standards website for information about the Sunshine State Standards. Each photo is available in multiple sizes great for student and teacher use. A friendly license allows teachers and students to use up to 25 free photos per project.
    This website provides digital resources for schools in Florida.
    This website is AMAZING. It has clip-art, photographs, presentation images, maps, lessons, and answers to tech questions. There are so many images available, they are free (up to a certain amount, but it is very generous), it tells you exactly how to cite them, and it has options for file size and format. It took some clicking/digging around, but this is what led me to this site: FL DOE - Educators button at top - Curriculum, Instruction, Student Services - Instruction & Curriculum - Instructional Technology - Educational Technology Clearinghouse
    FCIT (the Florida Center for Instructional Technology) and ETC (the Educational Technology Clearinghouse) provide digital content, professional development, and technical services supporting the appropriate integration of technology into K-12 and preservice education. ©2011 Florida Center for Instructional Technology, College of Education, University of South Florida

Free Teacher Resources | Digital textbooks and standards-aligned educational resources - 0 views

    This website offers an almost unlimited amount of resources that could be beneficial to all teachers including exceptional student educators.
    Free teacher resources for different subjects, grades, and topics.
    Discovery education is a great resource for teachers at any level. Their website offers a multitude of free resources for all grade levels and subjects. It also includes lesson plans and worksheets for teachers, and homework help for students and teachers.

Educational Technology and Mobile Learning - 1 views

shared by azmunch on 23 Jan 13 - No Cached
    Free resource of educational web tools, 21st century skills, tips and tutorials on how teachers and students integrate technology into education
  • ...1 more comment...
    This website will give you information on apps you can download on to iPads for classroom use. It will give you articles on the best web tools to use in your classroom. I like how it has posters you can use in your classroom and apps you can look at to use in the classroom if they are appropriate or not.
    Free resource of educational web tools, 21st century skills, tips and tutorials on how teachers and students integrate technology into education
    A resource of educational iPad and Android apps for teachers, educators, and students

Educational Uses of Digital Storytelling - 0 views

    The introduction of the uses of digital storytelling in Education.
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    Digital storytelling allows computer users to become creative storytellers by first beginning with the traditional processes of selecting a topic, conducting research, writing a script, and developing an interesting story.
    Digital storytelling allows computer users to become creative storytellers by first beginning with the traditional processes of selecting a topic, conducting research, writing a script, and developing an interesting story.
    The Goals of this Website The primary goal of the Educational Uses of Digital Storytelling website is to serve as a useful resource for educators and students who are interested in how digital storytelling can be integrated into a variety of educational activities.
    The Goals of this Website The primary goal of the Educational Uses of Digital Storytelling website is to serve as a useful resource for educators and students who are interested in how digital storytelling can be integrated into a variety of educational activities.

Science Resources - 1 views

    These are the resources that are recommended by the Department of Education for Science classes. While the links all lead to valuable resources, the interesting part is the technology that they recommend each classroom to have!
leslie009 - An Open Marketplace for Original Lesson Plans and Other Teach... - 3 views

    Everyone you must check out this site. If you want to create and sell your products for education or buy them, this is the perfect site. I am in the process of creating some things now. Cool stuff check it out!
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    160,000 free and priced teacher-created materials for download including lesson plans, unit plans, novel studies, worksheets, printables, PowerPoint Presentations, quizzes, exams, workbooks, projects and more. Buy and sell used classroom resources.
    A great site for activities, centers, units, and ideas for all grades. They have things for free as well!!!!
    TeachersPayTeachers. $. Make sure to check out the free section!
    Because no one likes reinventing the wheel. This is a great resource to find free and reasonably priced resources for the classroom made by current teachers. A personal favorite that should be looked up is The Science Penguin!
  • -- 1,000,000+ free and priced teaching resources created by teachers for instant download including lesson plans, unit plans, novel
Coral Holcomb

New Horizons for Learning | EdTech Resource Database - 0 views

    EdTech Resource Database with teacher-tested resources! lots of quality materials here for education technology!
Bernadette Thompson Education Search Engine - 1 views

    For over a decade, TeAchnology has been providing free and easy to use resources for teachers dedicated to improving the education of today's generation of students. We feature 46,000+ lesson plans, 9,600 free printable worksheets, rubrics, teaching tips, worksheet makers, web quests, math worksheets, and thousands of other great teacher resources.
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    This website is a teacher's best friend. There are lesson plans, worksheets, rubrics, featured themes and topics, puzzle makers, teacher tips/tools, etc... It is also FREEEEE These resources can be used from Kindergarten all the way to High School.
    This looks awesome! I've never run across this site before!!
    Great site for lesson plans and assessment rubrics. Plenty of worksheets and other resources.
    This site gives an example of a discipline specific search engine for technology in education
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