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Ihering Alcoforado

DE LO INFORMAL A LO FORMAL con la web 2.0 « juandon. Innovación y conocimiento - 2 views

    De lo formal a lo informal- la tradición que ya no se sostiene- y de lo informal a lo formal, la nueva forma de aprendizaje de nuestro siglo… Ser un maestro en mí mismo, y tener que manejar a la gente: marcas, programas de estudios y en adelante, en gran medida confían en las soluciones centralizadas que apenas puedo imaginar de otra manera; ser (en muchos aspectos) un estudiante en  mí mismo: no puedo ayudarme a mí mismo a partir de los límites que me atan a estructuras monolíticas, y por lo tanto, gestionar un entorno abierto donde el conocimiento personal (y el aprendizaje) viene en muchas formas; constantemente saber y conocer a otras personas como yo (profesores y / o estudiantes), es muy normal que nuestros caminos se cruzan y nuestros entornos de conocimiento se superponen y enriquecen mutuamente; todo lo que digo, es algo normal que tanto como profesional y como estudiante que es necesario evaluar y ser evaluados por todo lo que hago aquí y allá, como el aprendizaje en la sociedad de la información no conoce fronteras. Todos estos aspectos de acuerdo en el proceso educativo, aunque muchos de ellos nacen de las fuerzas opuestas, por lo que algunos certifican la muerte del entorno de aprendizaje virtual , mientras que otros consideran que sigue viva y coleando , algunos parecen estar poniendo todos los huevos en el aprendizaje personal medio ambiente y / o aprendizaje social abierto , mientras que tal vez todavía hay espacio para reconsiderar los e-portfolios . Todo esto se complica si se tiene en cuenta la evaluación o el seguimiento de la adquisición de conocimientos a lo largo de toda su vida . Yo cada vez creo que la solución a todo esto, y poner en palabras de Simon Grant , tal vez no sea una sino varias herramientas de  herramientas y una herramienta para reunir pruebas que residen en sistemas diferentes. Este es mi ir a todo el asunto y que sería de manera aproximada, naturalmente :Un Escenario de Aprendizaje Inclusivo-per
Graham Atttwell

Evaluating Non-Formal Learning Programs - Table of Links | E-Learning Curve Blog - 9 views

    "To wrap up this series of posts in a neat little package, here is the complete table of links to each post in the series Evaluating Non-Formal Learning."
Alan Mook

Use 12 Month payday loans as per their needs and wish - 0 views

    By lesser formalities get faster availability of loan. These3, 6, 12 month payday loans are free from all complex formalities like paperwork, fax and credit checks. You don't need to do irritating paperwork and then fax them.
Ihering Alcoforado

Thesis minisite: First page - 13 views

    These pages describe the thesis-writing process, and the various formal requirements that pertains to it. Should you have additional queries, please direct them to     Before writing the thesis What we expect from a thesis; links to the theoretical courses; which particular events are included: information about thesis templates and so on.           Planning the thesis Thesis plan paper, planning seminars, supervision, finding a thesis partner etc.           While you are writing Locating information, and what resources the department has on offer to aid you in this           Handing in the thesis Information how to go about handing in the completed thesis, and related formal matters (including dates and times when to hand it in)           The thesis seminar... and later events Information about the thesis seminars, what is expected of you as author and as a commentator; grading issues etc.
Chris Lott

Pursuing the elusive metaphor of community in virtual learning environments - 1 views

    "Social networking software sites are often mistakenly called learning communities, betraying a significant lack of agreement or concern for what actually constitutes a community. However, social networking sites are being used by teachers to engage students in dynamic ways, and by learners as vehicles for constructing their own, very personal learning environments and communities. This paper draws on lessons we have learned about building personal learning environments and virtual communities from our research and experience in formal and non-formal learning environments. It addresses the key questions of how can we construct, maintain and usher out communities, who joins communities, and what characteristics of communities seem to be shared across learning environments. The paper also questions whether the label "community" is actually a failed metaphor for something that seems to be much too dynamic and elusive to capture with a single construct. "
Teachers Without Borders

BTW, teen writing may cause teachers to :( - 1 views

  • two-thirds of teens admit in a survey that emoticons and other informal styles have crept in
  • The Pew Internet and American Life Project, in a study released Thursday, also found that teens who keep blogs or use social-networking sites such as Facebook or News Corp.'s MySpace have a greater tendency to slip nonstandard elements into assignments
  • Teens who consider electronic communications with friends as "writing" are more likely to carry the informal elements into school assignments than those who distinguish the two.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • It's a teachable moment," said Amanda Lenhart, senior research specialist at Pew. "If you find that in a child's or student's writing, that's an opportunity to address the differences between formal and informal writing. They learn to make the distinction ... just as they learn not to use slang terms in formal writing.
  • Teens who keep blogs are more likely to engage in personal writing. They also tend to believe that writing will prove crucial to their eventual success in life. Parents are more likely than teenagers to believe that Internet-based writing such as e-mail and instant messaging affects writing overall, though both groups are split on whether the electronic communications help or hurt. Nonetheless, 73 percent of teens and 40 percent of parents said they believe Internet writing makes no difference either way.
    Impact of informal speech and MSN talk on formal writing in teenagers.
johnson smith

Reduce Your Sudden Financial Burden Without Any Delay - 0 views

    Sometime people can stuck in sudden cash emergency sitauion and they have not sufficient fund to deal them easily ? 1500 payday cash loans become the ray of hope for them . They can attain cash without any credit check formalities through online way. Best way to apply online cash amount in short timing .
    Sometime people can stuck in sudden cash emergency sitauion and they have not sufficient fund to deal them easily ? 1500 payday cash loans become the ray of hope for them . They can attain cash without any credit check formalities through online way. Best way to apply online cash amount in short timing .
Glenn Hoyle

Interaction Equivalency in Self-Paced Online Learning Environments: An Exploration of L... - 0 views

  • This exploratory study sought to examine the experiences and preferences of adult learners concerning the various interactions that they encounter in a self-paced online course. The following four primary research questions guided data collection and analysis efforts: 1. What forms of interaction do adult learners engage in most in self-paced online courses? 2. What forms of interaction do adult learners value most in self-paced online courses? 3. What forms of interaction do adult learners identify as equivalent in self-paced online courses? 4. What impact do adult learners perceive interaction to have on their self-paced online learning experience?
  • Deep and meaningful formal learning is supported as long as one of the three forms of interaction (student–teacher; student-student; student-content) is at a high level. The other two may be offered at minimal levels, or even eliminated, without degrading the educational experience. High levels of more than one of these three modes will likely provide a more satisfying educational experience, though these experiences may not be as cost or time effective as less interactive learning sequences. (Anderson, 2003)
    • Mike Fandey
      The perception of high level is key. If a single interaction approach is selected and the learner opts not to engage, then "high level interaction" is not achieved.
  • Participants further noted that they engaged most actively with the instructor and course content, commensurate with findings of previous research pointing to the necessity of such fundamental interactions (Gallien & Early, 2008; Heinemann, 2003; Pawan, Paulus, Yalcin, & Chang, 2003; Perry & Edwards, 2005; Stein, Wanstreet, Calvin, Overtoom, & Wheaton, 2005). The results of this study further strengthen the literature calling for the development of specific competencies not only for those designing online learning but also for those who facilitate online learning experiences of various formats (Klein, Spector, Grabowski, & Teja, 2004; Varvel, 2007).
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • Research Question 2: What forms of interaction do adult learners value most in self-paced online courses?
  • Participants hailed the blogging and social bookmarking activities as integral to the quality of the overall learning experience, noting the synergy of formal and informal interactions that such activities fostered.
  • Participants noted that although they enjoyed the interactions with other learners and often wished for more, they conceded that in the self-paced, online learning environment such interactions are challenging.
  • informal learning environment that was crafted placed maximum control with the learners. Such informal learning environments provide an open venue for learners to connect with others interested in the same concepts either in a different course section or at a different stage of the course (Rhode, 2006).
  • Participants identified interaction with the instructor and content as very nearly equivalent in a self-paced online course. Participants pointed out that quality interaction with content is indispensable in the self-paced learning environment and can not in any way be replaced. They also indicated that interaction with the instructor could potentially be diminished and compensated for through increased quality interactions with content or learners. Participants further noted that while interaction with other learners is desirable within the self-paced learning environment, the self-paced nature of the course makes such interactions challenging. Therefore, learners were willing to forgo interpersonal interactions deemed by some as tangential in exchange for the flexibility afforded by the self-paced learning approach.
  • In a granular analysis of the various interaction activities, participants generally reported the activity of blogging as equivalent or superior to asynchronous discussion via the discussion board in Blackboard. Such findings add to the burgeoning body of research supporting the pedagogical possibilities of blogging as a flexible asynchronous communication alternative to threaded discussion via a restricted learning management system
  • This mixed methods study explored the dynamics of interaction within a self-paced online learning environment. It used rich media and a mix of traditional and emerging asynchronous computer-mediated communication tools to determine what forms of interaction learners in a self-paced online course value most and what impact they perceive interaction to have on their overall learning experience. This study demonstrated that depending on the specific circumstance, not all forms of interaction may be either equally valued by learners or effective. Participants differentiated among the various learning interactions available and indicated that informal interactions were as important as formal interactions in determining the quality of the online learning experience. Participants also reported the activity of blogging as being equally valued and in some ways superior to instructor-directed asynchronous discussion via the discussion board in a learning management system.
    Learning takes place through active engagement rather than passive transmission.
Martin Burrett

Learn to Write a Letter - 0 views

    Get children into the habit of structuring their formal letters correctly by using this template which prompts for information when required. There is no spell-checker available, so children will need to rely on a good old fashioned dictionary.

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John Onwuegbu

Cloud Based Email Archiving: Why it's Important? - 7 views

    Emails are now important and have the same legal standing as formal letters were a decade ago, and as such there are regulations that govern how it should be made available for legal scrutiny purposes.
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Native Mentor

Traits That Are Essential To Become A Personal Trainer - 0 views

    In most of the countries, no strict rule has been created for this personal tutoring sector. Thus, to say legally, almost anyone may plan to become a trainer with minimum credentials. The good fact for you is that you do not need any formal documentation to accomplish this private tuition.

2017 Mercedes-AMG GT R Review - 0 views

    To call the GT R's launching exterior color "eco-friendly" is virtually an exaggeration. Formally called AMG Green Hell Magno
Ihering Alcoforado

50 Interesting Ways To Use Skype In Your Classroom | Edudemic - 19 views

    I'm a so-so fan of Skype. I've used it on an infrequent basis and have had more than a few dropped calls. Audio and video alike. However, it's a cheap way to make long distance calls and seems to work better over wi-fi and the video quality is improving on a regular basis. So therefore it's probably a great tool for the classroom. But how can you use Skype to do more than just make calls? Well, there's a pantload of interesting ways! Check out these fun ideas: Collaborate! Meet with other classrooms: One of the most common projects educators utilize Skype for is setting up exchanges with classrooms around the world, usually for cultural exchange purposes or working together on a common assignment. The program's official site provides some great opportunities to meet up with like-minded teachers and students sharing the same goals. Practice a foreign language: Connect with individual learners or classrooms hailing from a different native tongue can use a Skype collaboration to sharpen grammar and pronunciation skills through conversation. Peace One Day: Far beyond classroom collaborations, the Peace One Day initiative teamed up with Skype itself and educators across the globe to teach kids about the importance of ending violence, war, and other social ills. Around the World with 80 Schools: This challenge asks participating schools to hook up with 80 worldwide and report back what all they've learned about other cultures and languages. Talk about the weather: One popular Skype project sees participants from different regions make note of the weather patterns for a specified period of time, with students comparing and contrasting the results. Collaborative poetry: In this assignment, connected classrooms pen poetic pieces together and share them via video conferencing. Practice interviews: The education system frequently receives criticism for its failure to prepare students for the real world, but using Skype to help them run through mock-up
Gaurav kumar

Study Abroad in AU - 0 views

    At present time it has been craze to study abroad but only few eventually realize it .The reason being the tedious formalities involved in the admission process. The Overseas Education Consultants helps us to handle all the procedures effectively and in a hassle-free manner.
Raynor Plank

Fast Payday Loans- Overcome Monetary Troubles With Swift Cash - 0 views

    When it comes to arrange speedy finance to manage unforeseen debts before next salary day then provision of fast payday loans is perfect for you. Get fast monetary support through these loans that are free from tiring formalities like paperwork, collateral and credit check.
Raynor Plank

Vital Points To Take In Considerations While Giving Approval Of Fast Payday Loans For U... - 0 views

    Fast payday loans for unemployed are short term monetary aids that are meant to help jobless people in their urgent times. Through online medium one can simply avail these deals without indulging in traditional and troublesome lending formalities.
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