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Vicki Davis

8 Secrets of Mentoring Magic to Improve Your Life and Legacy | Communities In Schools -... - 1 views

    Mentoring is something that communities should have for their schools, businesses, and community. Here are 8 secrets of fostering mentoring that I wrote for Communities in Schools for Georgia that may prove helpful for some of you. You might want to share this before "national mentoring month" is over in the US.
John Evans

Literacy with ICT Blog » Blog Archive » Literacy with ICT Mentoring Institute - 0 views

  • Literacy with ICT Mentoring Institute
  • Literacy with ICT Mentoring Institute
  • Welcome to the fall LwICT Mentoring Institute! This institute is an opportunity for divisional LwICT implementation team members to engage in professional learning about how to mentor colleagues on Literacy with ICT Across the Curriculum.
    This is the LwICT Blog that is used during their workshops and for sharing info.
Vicki Davis

Quest2Matter - What It Is & How to Join - Choose 2 Matter - 5 views

    Help your kids submit their idea and work to Quest to matter. This is a great way to showcase what your students are doing. It will also open up opportunities for mentoring. If you know a kid who is doing something cool to change the world - SUBMIT IT. The end date is June 7th. Why not have your class create a quest to matter. If you haven't had a chance to do a genius project or some creative teacherpreneurship with passion projects - USE THIS opportunity. My friend Angela Maiers had this idea and many have joined in (like me) to help create a website showcasing and promoting all the great work that students are doing as social entrepreneurs to change the world. There will be a winning project that is showcased and mentored. 
Vicki Davis

Decoding Writing with The 39 Clues featuring Ruth Culham and the Traits of Writing | Sc... - 10 views

    Upcoming free webinar from Scholastic Tuesday, April 5, 1pm ET 10 am PT - my friend Tyler Reed says: "Scholastic has an exciting video webcast for students and classrooms coming up with Ruth Culham (of "Traits of Writing" fame) and the authors of The 39 Clues series to help inspire good writing in kids. It features four of the authors from the book series, and is anchored by writing instruction from Ruth. The idea is that these authors and The 39 Clues series are perfect "writing mentors" and "mentor texts" for kids."
Kim Yaris

Ralph Fletcher on Mentor Texts (PODCAST) - 3 views

    Great interview with Ralph Fletcher on topic of mentor texts
Vicki Davis

Going Full Circle | always learning - 0 views

    Kim Cofino's diagram about The Collaboration Cycle: Building Independence Through Partnership from Coaching and Mentoring to Partial and Full Collaboration.
    Collaboration Cycle of PD.
    I agree with Jeff Utecht that Kim Cofino is on to something with the collaboration cycle of "building indpendence through partnership" in terms of mentoring and helping teachers with their pd and technology integration.
Vicki Davis

The Kids Are Ready | Classroom Applications - 7 views

    Nice write up on how Brad Flickinger is running his elementary classroom with a lot of high-quality technology equipment where the students serve as mentors for each other. Love this model. Hat tip: Robert Madden
Martin Burrett

Teachers as Advisors and Mentors by @RTBCoaching - 0 views

    "During the last 18 months, I have served as the mathematics teacher for an alternative high school in Nederland, CO. Our school operates with three full-time instructors and several support staff who teach various electives. One unique feature of our school is the advisory program. New students, within the first week of attendance, must interview each staff member. This provides an opportunity to meet every adult in the school and assists in the advisor-advisee matching process. The students provide three choices of adults to serve as their advisor until graduation."
Vicki Davis

The New Habitudes - More Lessons, More Learning, and More to Come | Angela Maiers, Spea... - 6 views

    We've been doing an incredible professional development with Angela Maiers. You start with what you want to "be" before you talk about what you want to "do." This model is powerful and transformative, but honestly it took me the first 3-4 hours of the 10 hour training before the light bulb went on and I went 'oh" - Oh, my goodness, I"ve been doing some of this, but we need a common language. We start with what we want to be "scientists" "a learer" "risk takers" "bold" "Models and mentors" - -she challenged us to "be the learner, leader, citizen you wish your children to be."
Vicki Davis

EducatorVirtualPD - Theresa Allen - 3 views

    Theresa Allen is an educator and one of the most helpful people I know. I was perusing her information from her interactive whiteboard online course and found a fascinating mentor mob playlist. This is a very cool tool and I want to learn more about it. If you want to learn more about interactive whiteboards, she has great information on this course wiki.
Vicki Davis

In Fond Memory of a Mentor, Leader, and Friend - 2020Nexus Blog - 2020Nexus - 1 views

    What will people say about you as a principal or leader when you are gone? Here is a touching post written by a technology teacher in mourning. I also want to point out that this is one case that spammy comment scumbags make me mad. Add your kind comment of condolence so a good person can be remembered well. I hope the author will take off the spammy comments. (This I one reason I love Disqus, which can be added to just about any blog. I stops the comment spammers cold.)
Newman Lanier

College of Education and Human Services - Western Illinois University - 0 views

    professional development program for faculty. Our mission is to create a cadre of technology "champions" who will mentor their fellow faculty members and raise the standard for technology integration in teaching and learning.
Clint Hamada

Math Forum: Technology Problems of the Week - 0 views

    Technology Problems of the Week (tPoWs) are freely accessible problem-solving challenges modeled on our Problems of the Week that take advantage of interactive mathematics tools such as Java applets, TI-Nspire™, The Geometer's Sketchpad®, Fathom™, or spreadsheets. Students are invited to use the link "Submit your answer" to share their solutions, and then "self-mentor" using specially designed hints, checks, and suggestions for extensions.
Tina Steele

Edutopia Media | Edutopia - 0 views

    Hundreds of articles, expert interviews, research, and resources highlighting success stories in K-12 education. Short videos provide case studies in technology integration, project-based learning, emotional intelligence, teacher preparation, assessment and more." /> metatext/html; charset=utf-8
David Wetzel

Writing as a Process of Inquiry - 27 views

    Being the curious type, with the inane ability to know how to look up information and conduct research, I soon found a quote by Johannes Kepler (1571 - 1630) who was a German astronomer who stated - Why are things as they are and not otherwise? My mentor extraordinaire!
Jeff Johnson

The Book Whisperer - 0 views

    Getting kids to read- some inspiring post here
    Donalyn Miller is a 6th grade language arts and social studies teacher in Texas who is said to have a "gift": She can turn even the most reluctant (or in her words "dormant") readers into students who can't put their books down. After responding to reader questions in her popular, "Creating Readers" Ask The Mentor column, Donalyn returns to blog. She writes about how to inspire and motivate student readers, and responds to issues facing teachers and other leaders in the literacy field.
Nelly Cardinale

10 Best Paint.NET Tutorials | Mitchelaneous - 0 views

    List of the best tutorial. Paint.NET is free image and photo editing software for computers that run Windows. It features an intuitive and innovative user interface with support for layers, unlimited undo, special effects, and a wide variety of useful and powerful tools. An active and growing online community provides friendly help, tutorials, and plugins. It started development as an undergraduate college senior design project mentored by Microsoft, and is currently being maintained by some of the alumni that originally worked on it. Originally intended as a free replacement for the Microsoft Paint software that comes with Windows, it has grown into a powerful yet simple image and photo editor tool. It has been compared to other digital photo editing software packages such as Adobe® Photoshop®, Corel® Paint Shop Pro®, Microsoft Photo Editor, and The GIMP.
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