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Fred Delventhal

Speech Wars - Inaugural Addresses, History of Politics - 0 views

    See how often US presidents have said certain words in their inaugural addresses. Click on the examples on the right, or type in your own word above. Hover over points in the graph and milestones to see names and dates
Erin Remple

Twubble - - 0 views

    Twubble can help expand your Twitter bubble - it searches your friend graph and picks out people who you may like ot follow.
Ann Baum (Johnston)

LabWrite for Students - 0 views

shared by Ann Baum (Johnston) on 02 Mar 09 - Cached
Russell Yan and P Yang liked it
    LabWrite provides full support for descriptive labs and labs that students design for themselves. And it includes an extensive set of resources, such as an Excel tutorial and guides for creating tables and graphs, which students can use on their own or teachers can use for in-class instruction.

Gapminder Desktop (beta) - - 6 views

    "Gapminder Desktop is a new application which allows you to use Gapminder World without an Internet connection available. You can: * Use Gapminder World without the Internet. * Save a list of your own favorite graphs. * Update automatically to the latest version."
Claude Almansi

College-Made Device Helps Visually Impaired Students See and Take Notes - Wired Campus ... - 0 views

    "August 1, 2011, 5:51 pm By Rachel Wiseman College students with very poor vision have had to struggle to see a blackboard and take notes-basic tasks that can hold some back. Now a team of four students from Arizona State University has designed a system, called Note-Taker, that couples a tablet PC and a video camera, and could be a major advance over the small eyeglass-mounted telescopes that many students have had to rely on. It recently won second place in Microsoft's Imagine Cup technology competition. (...) The result was Note-Taker, which connects a tablet PC (a laptop with a screen you can write on) to a high-resolution video camera. Screen commands get the camera to pan and zoom. The video footage, along with audio, can be played in real time on the tablet and are also saved for later reference. Alongside the video is a space for typed or handwritten notes, which students can jot down using a stylus. That should be helpful in math and science courses, says Mr. Hayden, where students need to copy down graphs, charts, and symbols not readily available on a keyboard. (...) But no tool can replace institutional support, says Chris S. Danielsen, director of public relations for the [NFB]. "The university is always going to have to make sure that whatever technology it uses is accessible to blind and low-vision students," he says. (Arizona State U. has gotten in hot water in the past in just this area.) (...) This entry was posted in Gadgets."
Ted Sakshaug

widgenie - Home - 0 views

    Data visualizer
Jeff Johnson

Ten Common Copyright Permission Myths (Copyright Clearance: Fair Use, Copyrig... - 0 views

    Although the First Amendment may appear unconditional on its face, the right to speak and write freely has never been absolute. Intellectual property rights often prevail over an author's "creative license." The main benefit of copyright, for example, is the right to exclude others from making copies of a work (or any part of it) without permission. By protecting an author's expression, copyright guarantees that authors and other creators, derive financial benefits from their work. If you intend to use someone's copyrighted work, unless the use is considered a "fair use" (which is technically a defense to copyright infringement), you must obtain that person's written permission. Under federal law, only the copyright owner or someone acting with the owner's authority, such as a publisher, can grant that permission. Without written permission, you expose yourself to legal risks. While not every unauthorized use of a copyrighted work is an infringement, whenever you include another person's words, illustrations, photographs, charts or graphs in a work you publish, you must be sensitive to the risk of infringing someone's copyright. What follows are some common copyright permission myths.
Ann Oro

GraphSketch - 0 views

shared by Ann Oro on 08 Apr 09 - Cached
    When you want a quick graph of a function, you can just type in[function], like You can even separate multiple equations with commas, like,x^2.
Vicki Davis

Rockman Et Al: Authentic Learning & Technology - 8 views

    Fascinating cross-curricular project from Jennifer Tan's diigo bookmarks (she joined the educators group tonight.) Mathematics students determine whether Poe's story is mathematically sound using graphing calculators and computers.
    Excellent example of cross curricular projects
Martin Burrett

3D Charts - 2 views

    "A useful 3D chart creator from Microsoft. This Windows app allows you to create scatter plots, bar charts, line graphs and geospatial data maps."
Martin Burrett

ThinkCentral Maths Tools - 17 views

    This is a great set of flash maths resources for your whiteboard. Topics include an interactive number square, fraction bars and a set of algebra scales.
Martin Burrett

Web2.0 Calc - 1 views

    A useful web-based calculator with graphical functions and lots more. You can also embed it on your site.
Martin Burrett

MathDisk - 7 views

    This is an amazing online maths playground with a huge number of tools to help learn and demonstrate every area of maths. Create animations and even embed videos.
Kelly Faulkner

Art - Lapham's Quarterly - 3 views

    interesting "6 degrees" style flowchart of artists
Adrienne Michetti

For Teachers - - 22 views

    This is finally data visualization for educators. yay!
Ben W

The monetary density of things - 0 views

    Very nice analysis of the cost of various materials by weight.
Ben W

Is it Time to Ditch the MPG Metric? : TreeHugger - 0 views

    Describes the problem with using miles per gallon as our fuel efficiency metric for automobiles. Points out gallons per 10,000 miles provides better information to consumers.
Anna Adam

JotForm - Easiest Form Builder - 0 views

shared by Anna Adam on 07 Apr 08 - Cached
    I could see teachers using forms for data collection with schools across the globe and then exporting the data to graph. Super easy!
    Super easy form builder. Provide a link to use for sharing the form and a way to embed it into a web site. Allows sharing of data. Free version allows only 100 submission/month. $9/month will get you unlimited form submissions
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