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Martin Burrett

Alphabet Speed Test - 7 views

    A quick fire game to learn the alphabet. Choose the correct next letter to gain points.
Vicki Davis

Jolly Phonic alphabet chart - Resources - Share My Lesson - 12 views

    An alphabet chart that you may print out and use for your classes to help them remember the sounds of letters.
Jim Farmer

Basic Handwriting for Kids - Manuscript - Letters of the Alphabet - 0 views

    Manuscript - Letters of the Alphabet. Create worksheets for practice. Also lined pages of different sizes.
yc c

altastic - stuff for ALTs - 15 views

    Sentence Scrambler If you have a bunch of sentences and you want to scramble them for use in the traditional exercise of narabikae, look no further than this wonderful tool. ABC Flashcard Viewer Thingy A flashcard viewer, designed for the interactive whiteboard. You can display the letters A to Z in upper- and lowercase, with or without guide lines. All movement can be controlled via the arrow keys and/or the alphabet keys on your keyboard. If you want a local version to use on your own machine, you can download it here. What's this? If you have access to an interactive whiteboard, this is a fun(?) game. A peculiar image is displayed, and students try to guess what it is. You can choose which images you want to show, and you can change the question and answer formats.
Vicki Davis

Listly List - iProductivity: Student Workflow in the iClassroom - 5 views

    This is a popular list on given by a teacher about iProductivity in the classroom. You can see how the listly tool works and also some great information on using ipads in the classroom. I like how you can drill down to different views including "curated" order - crowd rank and alphabetized. This is like Diigo lists but with crowd enhanced capabilities. Cool tool and informative list.
Jeff Johnson

A Young Mad Scientist's First Alphabet Blocks | Xylocopa - 0 views

    At Xylocopa, we know that the key to a successful education is to begin learning at a young age. Like many of you, we are concerned about the state of science education in the public school system, especially in the lower grades. Specifically, we have noticed that there is absolutely no training in the K-6 grades that prepares students to become mad scientists. In this competitive 21st-century world, the need for mad scientists will only increase, but the lack of basic education in primary school leaves us concerned that there will be no future students capable of leading in this illustrious field.
Martin Burrett

Quizlet - 2 views

    Great tool for making flashcards.
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    Really cool -- "Quizlet: the end of flashcards as we know it. These are cool and they connect with facebook!!
    Make flashcards using this easy program
    This is a comprehensive flash card study aid site. Make your flashcards to study anything. Add pictures, text and it supports a range of non-alphabetical languages like Chinese and Japanese. You can choose to learn, spell things, test yourself or play games with the information. Browse thousands of sets made by other users without signing in. A free account is required to make your own flashcards.
Claude Almansi

plep [licensed for non-commercial use only] / Original list of PLE Publications - 0 views

    "Buchem, I., Attwell, G. & Torres, R. (2011). Understanding Personal Learning Environments: Literature Review and Syntheis Through Activity Theory Lense. In: Proceedings on the PLE Conference 2011. List of References used for the literature review in alphabetical order:" Note: this is a wiki, so watch for updates (CA)
Ted Sakshaug

100+ Free Sites to Learn about Anything and Everything - 0 views

    an alphabetical list of websites where you can find out about anything and everything - whether it be a small fact or a large body on knowledge. 
Ted Sakshaug

Free Mathematics Books - 0 views

    Here is an alphabetical list of online mathematics books, textbooks, monographs, lecture notes, and other mathematics related documents freely available on the web.
Matt Clausen

ALA | Interpretations - 0 views

    Although the Articles of the Library Bill of Rights are unambiguous statements of basic principles that should govern the service of all libraries, questions do arise concerning application of these principles to specific library practices. Following are those documents designated by the Intellectual Freedom Committee as Interpretations of the Library Bill of Rights and background statements detailing the philosophy and history of each. For convenience and easy reference, the documents are presented in alphabetical order. These documents are policies of the American Library Association, having been adopted by the ALA Council.
Ted Sakshaug

BlueBonkers - Free Activity Sheets - dot-to-dot sheets - 0 views

    Our Follow the Dot Sheets are categorized and feature various degrees of difficulty! Each Dot-to-Dot sheet is unique and can be colored after the design is complete. These Dot-to-Dot pages contain NUMBERS ONLY, they are all designed to help teach counting and drawing. In the future we plan add a series that includes A-B-C characters to aid in teaching the alphabet when these can be developed.
yc c

ABCya! The Leader in Kids Educational Computer Games & Activities - 12 views

    ABCya! Kindergarten computer activities and games have large and easy-to-use navigation buttons as well as voice instructions. The first activity is an interactive tutorial demonstrating how to use navigation buttons. The following activities include: learn the alphabet, uppercase to lowercase letters, categorizing, mouse manipulation, drawing, counting numbers and much more. These activities are great to use in the computer lab!
Suzie Nestico

Google Plus Tips & Shortcuts - 11 views

  • According to Picasa, If you’ve signed up for Google+ photos up to 2048 x 2048 pixels and videos up to 15 minutes won’t count towards your free storage. (hat tip to Greg Grothaus)
  • To add people who have added you to their circles, but you haven’t add them, go to the “People who’ve added you” tab and select “Not yet in circles” from the sort menu.  All the people not in your circles will be listed first (hat tip to Owen Prater)
  • Right click on a circle and select “View circle in tab”. This is a terrific way to see who’s in a circle and allows you to do neat things like drag all the people inside it to another circle.
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  • If you have a lot of Circles and/or a lot of people in your various Circles views (e.g. “People in your circles”, “People who’ve added you”, etc.”), Mac users can use the pinch functionality to make the Circles section smaller so you can view all of your Circles.
  • Order of Circles in Left-Hand Nav: Default Circles appear first in this order – Friends, Family, Following, and Acquaintances. Then your personal circles are arranged alphabetically. You can rename any of the circles, including the default ones, and renaming a default one makes it part of the normal alphabetized list. Put an underscore in front of one that you want at the top of the list. You could also delete the default circles and start over in the order that you want.(hat tip to Donna Fontenont and Joe Hall)
    List of links and shortcuts for working/playing with the various functions and features of Google+
Martin Burrett

My First Dictionary - 2 views

    "A handy blank A-Z Dictionary to support pupils learning dictionary skills, or alphabetic order."
Martin Burrett

Alphabet Shoot - 5 views

    A great typing game where player must shoot letters to complete the level.
Martin Burrett

ABC Drawer - 9 views

    A wonderful picture site where designers must spell the items they want to include in their picture. If you can't spell it, you can't have it!
Toni Olivieri-Barton

Building Language for Literacy Home - 5 views

    Simple but great ideas for teaching naming, letters and rhyming.
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