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David Wetzel

10 Math Apps for the iPod Touch - 0 views

    Math applications (apps) for iPod Touch offer students and teachers are excellent ways to focus students in math classes. Although many Math Apps are loaded with ads and other distracting information, I have found several that are add free.
David Wetzel

Engaging Students with Digital Media in Science and Math - 0 views

    Digital Media follows the old adage "A picture is worth a thousand words!" when it comes to science and math. The use of visuals is ideal for helping students construct background knowledge for developing a better understanding of science and math concepts.
David Wetzel

To Blog or Not To Blog in Science or Math Class - 0 views

    The primary purpose of blog is to facilitate interaction between a teacher and his or her students. This is possible because a blog is a dynamic tool which can be easily updated or transformed as necessary to meet the needs of a science or math class. The integration of blog technology in a class requires an investment of time. Because of this commitment, additional evidence is needed to support the integration this technology in a science or math class curriculum.
David Wetzel

Why Use Web 20 Tools when Teaching Science or Math? - 0 views

    The following is a common question heard around teacher workrooms, teacher lunchrooms, faculty meetings, and science or math conferences. "Why use web 2.0 tools when teaching science or math?" The answer is both simple and complex at the same time.
David Wetzel

Google Search Tips and Tricks for Science and Math Classes - 0 views

    Google is not just useful for conducting searches for information on the Internet. In fact, it can be used and manipulated with cool and tricks in ways which help you and your students search for information about science and math with more effectiveness. Along with all subject areas students are engaged in school. The tips and tricks designed to help you and your science or math students take advantage of Google's search engine.
David Wetzel

How to Make Science or Math Flash Cards for an iPod like a Pro - 0 views

    "Ever wondered how to make science or math flash cards for students to use with their mobile devices? This typically comes about because finding science and math flash cards specific to a particular concept, topic area, or unit is difficult. Often when appropriate flash cards are found, they are too expensive or need modification. Technological advances have uncomplicated the process of making tailor made free flash cards for students."
David Wetzel

Top 10 Online Tools for Teaching Science and Math - 3 views

    Why use Web 2.0 tools in science and math classes? The primary reason is they facilitate access to input and interaction with content through reading, writing, listening, and speaking. These tools offer enormous advantages for science and math teachers, in terms of helping their students learn using Web 2.0 tools. For example: * Most of these tools can be edited from any computer connected to the Internet. Teachers can add, edit and delete information even during class time. * Students learn how to use these tools for academic purposes and, at the same time, can transfer their use to their personal lives and future professional careers. * RSS feeds allow students to access all the desired research information on one page. * Students learn to be autonomous in their learning process.
Dan Sherman

Online Summer Math Programs - proven to reverse summer learning loss - 2 views

Research shows that most students lose more than 2 months of math skills over the summer. TenMarks summer math programs for grades 3-high school are a great way to reverse the summer learning loss...

TenMarks Summer Math Programs Learning Loss Online Web 2.0 Interactive Slide Worksheet Structured Review Master Learn

started by Dan Sherman on 05 Jul 11 no follow-up yet
David Wetzel

6 Tips and Tricks for Using Interactive White Boards - 0 views

    Interactive whiteboards (IWB) allow science and math teachers to teach multi-sensory lessons, seamlessly jumping from one type of media to another. Interactive science or math lessons can easily integrate text, sound, video, and graphics based on the tactile nature of the IWB.
David Wetzel

5 Creative Ways to Use Flip Cameras in Science and Math - 0 views

    The Flip camera is great for all types of projects in science and math - at any grade level. Flip cameras are small handheld video cameras that can record 30 or 60 minutes worth of video. They connect to a computer with a USB plug that "flips" out from the side of the camera. The benefits of these cameras include another means for assessing students understanding of concepts beyond worksheets and tests. Besides a teacher's record, the videos provide a digital record for parents and administrators to show a student's successes or areas which need improvement.
David Wetzel

5 Reasons Why You Should Use LiveBinders - 0 views

    LiveBinders is a web 2.0 tool which provides the ability to save and organize materials for your science or math class. The great thing about this free tool is that you can update the resources instantly to ensure your lessons include the latest ideas, tips, and resources in science and math.
David Wetzel

How to Integrate Wolfram Alpha into Science and Math Classes - 0 views

    What is Wolfram Alpha? It is a supercomputing brain. It provides calculates and provides comprehensive answers to most any science or math question. Unlike other search sources, you and your students can ask questions in plain language or various forms of abbreviated notation. Contrary to popular belief, Wolfram Alpha is not a search engine. Unlike popular search engines, which simply retrieve documents based on keyword searches, Wolfram computes answers based on known models of human knowledge. It provides answers which are complete with data and algorithms, representing real-world knowledge.
David Wetzel

Why Use an iPod Touch in Science and Math Classrooms? - 0 views

    The iPod Touch brings a new dimension to teaching and learning in the science or math classroom - Mobile Learning! No longer are students required to only learn within the confines of their classroom when using this digital tool.
David Wetzel

Tips and Tricks for Finding Science and Math Images on the Web - 1 views

    Like everything else on the Internet, trying to find images is like trying to find a needle in a haystack. Without the right tools for finding science and math images on the web it is often an impossible, or at least mind-numbing, task. What is needed are search engines which make the job easier. This is where the tips and tricks provided below help this seemingly impossible task by using the top search Web 2.0 search engines and tools available today. These are valuable resources for both you and your students when trying to find just the right image for lesson or project involving digital media.
David Wetzel

5 Most Popular Teach Science and Math Posts for August 2010 - 0 views

    These popular posts include using Wolfram, LiveBinders, Twitter, Flip Cameras, and iPod touch apps in science and math.
Nicole Green

Animations - 2 views

    Math animations for New Zealand Maths & Smartboard
David Wetzel

Podcasting in Science and Math - 0 views

    A brief overview of pod casting is discussed, strategies for integration in math and science are provided, and pod casting resources are provided.
David Wetzel

How to Integrate Google Docs in Science and Math Like a Pro - 0 views

    Strategies are provided for classroom integration, creating survey, and science or math activities.
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