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How Do You Teach the 4Cs to Students (Part - 4)- Collaboration - 0 views

    This part will discuss about the significance and ways of teaching collaborative skills to students. Part 4 of teaching 4Cs.
EdTechReview Community

How Can We Promote Teacher Collaboration - 0 views

    Here are some strategies pertaining to real-life practices adopted by a few notable schools to help promote teacher collaboration.
David Wetzel

10 Online Programs Which Support Learning in Adult Education - 0 views

    Free online technologies are changing adult education by offering the ability to use free online tools to support collaboration and completing class work. The list is long in regards to the number of online programs which support adult students in their quest for learning in adult education. The sheer number of these online software programs continues to grow almost daily. A review of several of these programs has narrowed the list down to a few which are beneficial to adult students, because they ease their work load and collaboration efforts with fellow classmates.
Pavlína Hublová

Two Collaborative Learning Tools I Use To Motivate Students - - 0 views

    "Žák látku umí, pokud zvládne učivo vysvětlit svému spolužákovi." "In a nine-week period, one student advanced from a fourth-grade to 4.6. grade level. Because he understood division and fractions, I placed him as the leader of a student group with no prior knowledge of this concept. Student leaders promote a collaborative classroom environment and often motivate lower grade-level students." Studentské skupiny... Nástroj pro sledování pokroků: " identify leaders and track the learning progress of my students I also use the instructional tool MobyMax."
Amanda Kenuam

Simple Storytelling for Special Education Students with Storybird - 0 views

    "special education, technology, reading, website, social media, reading activity, writing, sharing, collaboration, publishing, web-based activities, stories, storytelling"
Jeff Johnson

Lesson Plans and Student Activity Sheets - 39 views

    CyberSmart! original, nonsequential standards-based lesson plans and student activity sheets have students think critically about the Internet as a communication and collaboration tool and consider how their futures will be affected by rapidly changing digital technologies.
Pavlína Hublová

CristinaSkyBox: Brainstorming and Collaborating - 0 views

    Brainstroming s využitím moderních technologií? Několik tipů na aplikace...
EdTechReview Community

Teacher's Guide: Classroom to Classroom interaction Using Skype and ePals - 0 views

    Many educators recommend Skype and ePals as great tools for Classroom to Classroom interaction. Let's learn about the usage of both of these tools for effective collaboration and interaction.
Kimberly LaPrairie

Virtual Learning Community Initiative - 0 views

    Through the VLCI project, the UT System is funding and creating a virtual 49-island archipelago in Second Life, with three islands per campus and a 4-island central hub for System use and System-wide collaboration activities. While the System is not directing how individual campuses will use their virtual space, the project does provide virtual infrastructure and extensive information and training resources and guidance throughout the year to all campuses.
David Wetzel

5 Strategies for Using Wikis in the Classroom: Engaging Students in Technology Projects... - 0 views

    Strategies are provided for taking advantage of Wikis to provide opportunities for students to collaborate with other students, share what they have learned, and become a centralized online resource for educators.
David Wetzel

Official Google Docs Blog: A New Google Docs - 0 views

    Google announces preview versions of the new Google document and spreadsheet editors and a new standalone drawings editor, all built with an even greater focus on speed and collaboration.
David Wetzel

Making the Most of Wikis in Your Science or Math Classroom - 0 views

    Wikis are the most popular Web 2.0 tool being used in science and math classrooms. Based on a survey of readers - 43 percent use them to support their teaching and student learning. A Wiki is appealing, encourages participation, supports collaboration, and promotes interaction by students who love to use technology. By the way - this includes most students today!
Jill Abair

ss93\BakerMossSpring1993.pdf - 0 views

    • Jill Abair
      Reading communities go beyond the classroom, p 2.
    • Jill Abair
      Making reading well, often and enjoyable a goal for all students through collaborative efforts of teachers and parents. p. 3
    • Jill Abair
      Reading is a shared experience to be enjoyed by children and adults alike. p. 6
  • ...5 more annotations...
    • Jill Abair
      Reading programs should be a collaborative shared event, unlike the Book It program which students will read the minimum to get the pizza, in order to nurture readers. p. 8
    • Jill Abair
      The "shared reading program" is used to stimulate the enjoyment of reading and make it a sociable activity. p. 3
    • Jill Abair
      These goals are clear expectations, guidelines for action, "behavioral clarity is crucial." p. 3 These goals will be stated in a way that there is no ambiguity about whether or not they have been met.
    • Jill Abair
      In order to create a community of readers you need a connection between the home and school in order to support goals and values. p. 10
    • Jill Abair
      6 principals of building a reader Home and school must provide a print environment to expose kids to material. Adult role models. Take time for reading. Readers explore their own interests. Readers must discover intrinsic joy of reading. Sharing reading experiences with others. p. 11
Pavlína Hublová

The Current State of Educational Blogging – The Edublogger3heads-gear3headschatch... - 0 views

    Respondents said they used the student blogs for assignments /assessments (36.6%), reflective blogging (33.7%), collaboration / discussion (23.5% ), practice reading and writing skills (21.8%), encourage peer learning and support (19.3%) and digital citizenship skills (17.7%). Most respondents used Edublogs (68.4%), followed by Blogger (Google Apps) (9.3%) and then (5.7%). Třídní blog: Blogging has opened up our classroom to communications with students and teachers around the world. Studentský blog: Blogging is a great way to teach writing skills while also allowing students to see the power of a global audience. It is a wonderful motivator and such an easy transition in your classroom since you have students write anyway. it is also a wonderful way to teach citizenship skills since they need to learn what is and isn't appropriate to "put out there" in a professional setting as well as how to leave comments for others. It is also a tool that can be modified for every grade level. I encourage all our teachers to incorporate blogging and slowly they are. Tipy: For blogging to truly work in your classroom, it must become part of your daily or weekly literacy program. Just giving your situdents their own blogs will not turn them into bloggers. You must offer authentic reasons to blog, such a reflective journals for Passion Projects. It's all about commenting. The students who make an effort to find other student blogs that interest them and make thoughtful comments get the most traffic on their own blogs. Those who don't, get few visits-no matter how catchy their title, flashy their theme or wonderful their writing.


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Blockchain Pilot Launched By ABB for Solar Energy Sector - 0 views

    The presence of blockchain technology is apparent in almost every field today as it is widely adopted on a large scale by all industrial sectors. ABB, the international Electrical Engineering company, is currently undergoing a blockchain project, according to news reports. It is looking for ways to implement blockchain technology in promoting the use of solar energy in p2p energy trading and researching the role of blockchain in the smart grids market. Apparently, the international firm has collaborated with Evolvere, the Italian energy entity, for deploying a blockchain system to assist them in this venture.
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