Opportunities and Challenges for Web 2.0 in Schools - 3 views
Kimberly LaPrairie on 27 Sep 09Today's students have grown up with digital technologies at their fingertips. For this generation, using Web 2.0 tools at school can make learning an active rather than passive medium, which enriches the learning process. With Web 2.0 technologies students can collaborate with others, create projects, communicate the results to a real audience, and receive valuable feedback. Web 2.0 tools can enhance teaching opportunities and better equip students with the 21st-century skills necessary for their future. But because these web-based technologies can mean security challenges and content issues, many schools shy away from providing them on district networks. Attend this informative webinar to hear an expert's analysis of the advantages and dangers of Web 2.0, find out the results of this national survey, discover innovative strategies for balancing learning and safety, and hear a real-world story of how one district has effectively implemented Web 2.0 tools in the classroom.