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Antonio Amores Ortiz

Five Best Language Learning Tools - 0 views

  • Anki, Japanese for "memorizing," is a flashcard program that's been around for years
  • Because it's a flashcard style program, its focus is on memorization. It'll display you a word, phrase, image, or even play a sound, and then leave it to you to make the connection, repeat it, interpret it, and commit it to memory. Anki is great for languages, but it's also useful for studying equations, diagrams, names and faces, and more—its strength is in the fact that you can load it up with custom card sets depending on what it is you want to memorize.
  • Anki is free
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • Memrise is a language learning program that extends beyond vocabulary and language to things like history and science, but at its core it's a flashcard-style program that's augmented with memory tricks, images, and other useful tools to make learning a new language easier.
  • Duolingo takes a different approach to learning a new language than just memorizing words and phrases.
  • The Pimsleur Method is an audio-based method that focuses on participation in speaking and sound exercises than strict memorization and flashcards.
  • Livemocha is an extremely comprehensive language learning community and program, packed with native speakers
    Five tools language learning
    Five tools language learning

Global Learning- What Do You Mean? | Langwitches Blog - 1 views

  • With the increasingly interconnected nature of our global society and the need for a very different kind of literacy for our students, extending teaching and learning beyond the walls of our classrooms is especially vital in this digital age. Through a blend of authentic examples, hands-on activities, and engaging social learning experiences, this learning path will guide you through the process of modernizing and globalizing your classroom practices while expanding your professional learning network to include colleagues from around the world.
    Global learning requires globally connected teachers!

Top 100 Tools for Learning 2013 - 0 views

  • The Top 100 Tools for Learning was compiled from the votes of over 500 learning professionals in workplace learning and education from 48 countries worldwide in the 7th Annual Survey, by Jane Hart, Centre for Learning & Peformance Technologies
    slide show with tips, tricks, and tools for technology-involved learning
Antonio Amores Ortiz

What Can We Learn From the Global Effort Around Mobile Learning? | MindShift - 0 views

  • Vosloo says even phones that only have texting (SMS) and calling functions can be useful for learning. “The main thing to remember is not that we’re going to deliver a whole textbook or learning experience by SMS,” he said. “The idea is what does SMS do well?” UNESCO has used texts to send reminders, for school administration purposes or to send small bits of content to students.
  • Another program called BBC Janala in Bangladesh taught English to adults with audio. Students would call a number, listen to a three minute audio lesson and leave a message. The program used voice recognition software and texting for assessment. Again, a deal with the telecommunications provider kept the calls low cost.
    Mobile using txt
    Mobile using txt
Antonio Amores Ortiz

Learn Spanish with Notes in Spanish Podcasts! : Notes in Spanish - Learn Spanish with P... - 0 views

    Web with audio to learn Spanish
    Web with audio to learn Spanish
Antonio Amores Ortiz

A New Role for Avatars: Learning Languages - 0 views

  • A New Role for Avatars: Learning Languages
  • with  more sophisticated technology, another theory around language learning is being tested: the use of avatars to practice speaking.
  • Companies like Second Life and Middlebury Interactive Languages both offer digital avatar programs to give language learners a chance to practice their skills in virtual environments.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Teachers and students can give their character a voice by using one of three methods: text to speech, recording by microphone, or uploading their own pre-recording audio file. Voki characters can speak in over 25 languages, and 150-plus voices, according to Eric Kiang, Voki’s Product and Marketing Manager.
    Using Avatars to add voice and character to learning language
Meghan Brooks

A Beautiful Visual on The Importance of Games in Learning ~ Educational Technology and ... - 0 views

  • Gee argues that games,particularly video games,  require the players to learn and think in ways at which they are not adept. He further states that games provide a life enhancing experience for learners and they also revolutionize the routinized ways of learning through fusing learning and play.
Meghan Brooks

The Flipped Mobile Classroom: Learning "Upside Down" | Edutopia - 0 views

  • Conversely, in a flipped class, students gain content knowledge at home through audio, video and text, so that more class time can be devoted to discussion, exploration and experimentation.
  • giving students not only the ability to learn at their own pace but also in the way that best suits their learning needs
  • Students have access to the content outside of school.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Students have the capacity to be independent learners.
Meghan Brooks

Over 40 Wonderful Math Games for Kids ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Learning - 0 views

    Using mobile learning to teach children math through fun games.
Meghan Brooks

Technology that Uses Disney and Pixar to Educate Kids with Autism | News | Autism Speaks - 1 views

  • He explained, "What we do is break the movies into short segments of 40 or 50 seconds with some event or concept. In Toy Story, it could be as simple as Andy playing with his toys or as complex as Woody pushing Buzz out the window and what happens after that. Children understand almost intuitively what has happened."
  • Animated Language Learning, an Ireland-based company, is developing technology that uses Disney and Pixar movies to help educate children with autism and other language learning disorders.
  • Their goal is to improve the lives of people with autism and to help them communicate with the world around them.
    Animated Language Learning, an Ireland-based company, is developing technology that uses Disney and Pixar movies to help educate children with autism and other language learning disorders
Antonio Amores Ortiz

Phonetics: The Sounds of English and Spanish - The University of Iowa - 0 views

    Phonetic program to learn how to pronounce the different sounds in different language
    Phonetic program to learn how to pronounce the different sounds in different language
Meghan Brooks

Game-Based Learning in Practice | Edutopia - 0 views

  • I find that my students remain highly engaged in their learning. Gamifying my classroom has truly been transformative!
  • I also had unintended success by posting leaderboards with total earned scores -- there was a spike in iteration with students redoing work so that they could do it better.
  • Games enable my students to discover different ways of solving problems, which is more like life and less like standardized tests.
Meghan Brooks

Smart Technology May Help Kids With Autism Learn, Communicate - US News and World Report - 0 views

  • new Canadian research suggests that smart technologies such as the iPad and iPod may also serve as therapeutic tools for a very specific group: children with autism.
  • We have heard from many parents about how much their children enjoy mobile devices like the iPad, and how it is helping with learning and communication,
Antonio Amores Ortiz

How to Learn Spanish (using free online resources!)Spanish Learning Resources & Tools: ... - 0 views

  • A modern source of Spanish in a form that you enjoy using
  • Dictionaries and a verb conjugation tool or book
    Dictionaries in Spanish translate webs
    Dictionaries in Spanish translate webs

7 Apps for Teaching Children Coding Skills | Edutopia - 0 views

  • Even if a student never intends to pursue programming as a career, learning to code will still foster problem-solving skills, spark creativity and enhance logical thinking. (10), a pro-coding education nonprofit, features dozens of quotations (11) about computer programming from famous and important people who believe that coding should be part of the core curriculum for every child.
    easy programming skills kids can learn!
Meghan Brooks

The Best 15 iPad Apps for Teacher Professional Development ~ Educational Technology and... - 0 views

  • To tap into the full potential of iPad and to leverage it for your professional learning purposes, you should definitely have certain apps installed on it.

Trim Recess? Some Schools Hold On To Child's Play : NPR - 0 views

  • A growing body of research shows that play is fundamental to kids' development by promoting social interaction, exploration and creativity. There are no recent national studies or fresh numbers on recess time, but 2005 data from the Education Department survey and a 2006 report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show that about 9 in 10 elementary schools regularly schedule recess, with times ranging from 24 to 30 minutes a day.
  • School districts that are cutting back on recess or physical education to save money or add instruction time should think twice, Goodman says. "It's penny wise and pound foolish to cut back recess and put in academic time. Because, in the end, the kids won't be prepared for academic time.
    Talks about how recess can help  student learn to grow academically and creatively and relationship wise 
Meghan Brooks

Rob: Technology in the ICT Classroom (Reality 101: CEC's blog for new special education... - 0 views

  • Studies have shown it increases engagement and improves online literacy.
  • Online Discussions
  • Online Writing Portfolio
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Castle LearningCastle Learning is basically an online database of multiple choice and open-ended questions across all middle and high school subjects
Antonio Amores Ortiz

ISTE Standards For Students - 0 views

  • ISTE Standards (formerly the NETS) for Students (ISTE Standards•S) are the standards for evaluating the skills and knowledge students need to learn effectively and live productively in an increasingly global and digital world. Simply being able to use technology is no longer enough. Today's students need to be able to use technology to analyze, learn and explore. Digital age skills are vital for preparing students to work, live and contribute to the social and civic fabric of their communities.
    Student Standards
    Student Standards
Meghan Brooks

Accidentally Creating a Digital Writing Workshop | Edutopia - 0 views

  • Technology was now a part of our learning -- technology to research, explore, create and share. It was natural for the children to use chart paper, markers, their voices, iPads and computers. There was never a choice to use technology or not use technology, but rather to think about what tool would support their objective.
  • I saw the benefits of how technology could engage my learners, encourage collaboration, and provide meaningful project ideas to spark curiosity and exploration.
  • Some chose paper, some chose an iPad. I learned that introducing the students to a variety of tools allowed each child to have more creative choice.
    teacher uses virtual zoo to help kids writing reports on animals!
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