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Antonio Amores Ortiz

Learn Spanish with Notes in Spanish Podcasts! : Notes in Spanish - Learn Spanish with P... - 0 views

    Web with audio to learn Spanish
    Web with audio to learn Spanish
Antonio Amores Ortiz

Ideas for Using iPads for Digital Storytelling - 0 views

  • Ideas for Using iPads for Digital Storytelling
  • Use them for creative expression, communicating information, entertaining, expressing comprehension, tutoring purposes, and much more.
  • If you own an iPad, you have access to a host of apps and tools for creating digital stories
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  • Create a narrated slide-show story to demonstrate the understanding of new vocabulary. •  Use a video or screencast (a recording of interactions on a computer or iPad display) to explain a complex scientific concept. •  Create an audio or video interview of your grandparents for a family history project. •  Create a historical narrative of a pivotal event using images and audio. •  Create a first-person audio journal of a person who lived during a significant event in history. •  Explain a mathematical concept by creating a screencast tutorial. •  Use audio podcasting to practice reading and speaking in a foreign language. •  Demonstrate a portfolio of work with personal narrative describing each piece, its objectives, and development. •  Narrate a character story or a personal journal with a musical soundtrack.
    Ideas IPads Storytelling and how to use in  class
    Ideas IPads Storytelling and how to use in  class
Antonio Amores Ortiz

What Can We Learn From the Global Effort Around Mobile Learning? | MindShift - 0 views

  • Vosloo says even phones that only have texting (SMS) and calling functions can be useful for learning. “The main thing to remember is not that we’re going to deliver a whole textbook or learning experience by SMS,” he said. “The idea is what does SMS do well?” UNESCO has used texts to send reminders, for school administration purposes or to send small bits of content to students.
  • Another program called BBC Janala in Bangladesh taught English to adults with audio. Students would call a number, listen to a three minute audio lesson and leave a message. The program used voice recognition software and texting for assessment. Again, a deal with the telecommunications provider kept the calls low cost.
    Mobile using txt
    Mobile using txt
Antonio Amores Ortiz

A New Role for Avatars: Learning Languages - 0 views

  • A New Role for Avatars: Learning Languages
  • with  more sophisticated technology, another theory around language learning is being tested: the use of avatars to practice speaking.
  • Companies like Second Life and Middlebury Interactive Languages both offer digital avatar programs to give language learners a chance to practice their skills in virtual environments.
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  • Teachers and students can give their character a voice by using one of three methods: text to speech, recording by microphone, or uploading their own pre-recording audio file. Voki characters can speak in over 25 languages, and 150-plus voices, according to Eric Kiang, Voki’s Product and Marketing Manager.
    Using Avatars to add voice and character to learning language
Antonio Amores Ortiz

Digital Storytelling in the Spanish Language Classroom - 0 views

  • Digital Storytelling in the Spanish Language Classroom
  • We started with the students writing an autobiographical essay describing themselves and where they are in their lives right now
  • Photo Story 3 makes movies by stringing together still photographs with music or narration.
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  • Having practiced with Photo Story 3 and having explored the technique of telling a story through still photos, students used Photo Story 3 to turn their digital audio presentations into digital video
    Example and process to make a digital storytelling with Photo Story 3

Free Technology for Teachers: Stipple - Create and Search for Interactive Images - 0 views

  • Stipple is a new service that allows you to create interactive images. The service launched in closed beta during the summer. Since the summer Stipple has left beta and has added a free iPhone app for creating interactive images on the go. Using Stipple you can upload an image and tag it with pinmarks. Within each pinmark you can include videos, links, text, audio files, and more images. Stipple also gives you the option to track where your images are viewed and shared by others. The video below provides an overview of Stipple's features.
    Helps teachers make interactive images for their class
Meghan Brooks

The Flipped Mobile Classroom: Learning "Upside Down" | Edutopia - 0 views

  • Conversely, in a flipped class, students gain content knowledge at home through audio, video and text, so that more class time can be devoted to discussion, exploration and experimentation.
  • giving students not only the ability to learn at their own pace but also in the way that best suits their learning needs
  • Students have access to the content outside of school.
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  • Students have the capacity to be independent learners.
Antonio Amores Ortiz

Remix concept in Digital Storytelling with Glogster EDU | Perpetual Evolution - 0 views

  • Glogster EDU is a Web 2.0 global education platform that allows students to easily upload pre-existing materials such as photos, videos, text and audio combine them into new forms according to their personal taste to create interactive online multimedia posters. It brings digital storytelling to life in a multidimensional experience by infusing all types of media into the process. These activities also encourage students to be independent, inventive problem solvers and lifelong learners by: Giving them diverse options for acquiring information and knowledge; Providing them with options for demonstrating what they know; Tapping into their interests, offering appropriate challenges and increasing motivation.
Antonio Amores Ortiz

Five Best Language Learning Tools - 0 views

  • Anki, Japanese for "memorizing," is a flashcard program that's been around for years
  • Because it's a flashcard style program, its focus is on memorization. It'll display you a word, phrase, image, or even play a sound, and then leave it to you to make the connection, repeat it, interpret it, and commit it to memory. Anki is great for languages, but it's also useful for studying equations, diagrams, names and faces, and more—its strength is in the fact that you can load it up with custom card sets depending on what it is you want to memorize.
  • Anki is free
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  • Memrise is a language learning program that extends beyond vocabulary and language to things like history and science, but at its core it's a flashcard-style program that's augmented with memory tricks, images, and other useful tools to make learning a new language easier.
  • Duolingo takes a different approach to learning a new language than just memorizing words and phrases.
  • The Pimsleur Method is an audio-based method that focuses on participation in speaking and sound exercises than strict memorization and flashcards.
  • Livemocha is an extremely comprehensive language learning community and program, packed with native speakers
    Five tools language learning
    Five tools language learning
Antonio Amores Ortiz

5 Online Tools to Align Lessons to Common Core Standards - 0 views

  • 5 Online Tools That Help You Align Lessons to Common Core Standards
  • Teaching Objects is an online lesson planner that enables you to pull materials from your Google Drive and YouTube accounts into your lesson plans.
  • Alchemy SmartBinder is a free service for creating, organizing, and sharing lessons. With an Alchemy SmartBinder account teachers can create lessons that include text, images, videos, audio files, and web links.
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  • Common Curriculum is an online lesson planning resource that aims to help you align your lessons to Common Core standards.
  • OpenEd is a site that claims to be the world's largest educational resource catalog.
  • MasteryConnect
  • they offer a good system for tracking your students' mastery of Common Core standards. Second, they provide a great community of educators who are connecting and sharing lesson ideas. And third, MasteryConnect now offers a curriculum mapping tool that allows you to easily connect your current lessons and curriculum to Common Core and or state standards.
    Apps to help with  common core and standards
    Apps to help with  common core and standards
    Apps to help with  common core and standards
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