Multimedia Artifacts - 1 views
Multimedia Artifacts Websites that Support Flipped Classroom Instruction Multimedia instruction is defined as presentations that involve words and pictures that are intended to foster learni...
Multimedia Artifacts Websites that Support Flipped Classroom Instruction Multimedia instruction is defined as presentations that involve words and pictures that are intended to foster learni...
Websites for Creating Multimedia Multimedia websites that are exceptionally effective for creating multimedia materials for pre-training activities: 1. Name of Site- Wordle URL- http://www.wordle...
Websites for Creating Multimedia Multimedia artifact is “anything invented by humans for the purpose of improving thought or action” (Norman, 1993, p. 5), also, multimedia instruction ...
Multimedia Technology for Teachers' Technology Training! Mayer (2009, p. 1, 4) posits: "People learn better from words and pictures than from words alone". The author further endorsed "the sensory...
This is Module 3 assignment: Websites for Creating Multimedia by Lynda Marshall, EDUC 8847 fall 2012 WEBSITES FOR CREATING MULTIMEDIA Choices of educational multimedia tools are endless in today'...
Multimedia Artifacts The three multimedia tools chosen for this assignment were selected based on its ease if functionality, accessibility, and integration into the learning environment, its effe...
Devonee Trivett Multimedia Technology with Dr. Sugar Module 1 Assignment 1, second draft three Web sites that include multimedia artifacts for active learning on for my Multimedia Workshop: 1. h...
8847 MULTIMEDIA/8847 ACTIVE LEARNING Module 1 Selecting web sites with multimedia artifacts I have chosen to develop a multimedia workshop on the topic of Designing web pages for educators and cla...
Mayer (2009) suggests that technology-centered approaches focus on the capabilities of advanced technologies with the goal of providing access to information. Moreover, Mayer (2009) postulates tha...
Web Sites for Creating Multimedia Pre-training URL: - This extraordinary website is intended for trainers who are looking either to source off-the-shelf interactiv...
I have chosen to develop a multimedia workshop on the topic of "How to use the SmartBoard" for a group of nursing educators at a rural university. Recently, the nursing chair at the university subm...
Discovery Education This website offers multimedia curricular resources across all subject areas and grade levels. Its interactive tutorials are engaging, and ha...
VoiceThread - Student project, The Great Depression: Poetry for Two Voices - This multimedia student project resulted fro...
Multimedia Artifacts Websites What is Learning Platform? YouTube (2011). What is a learning platform?: (VLE's explained). Retrieved, May 10, 2011, from This site/vide...
Module 1 - Multimedia Artifacts 1. TedTv This site hosts videos that highlight the ideas of motivational and inspiring speakers. Although the technology on the site is stron...