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Regina Malz

Web Sites for Creating Multimedia - 0 views

Pre-Training Name of the site: : What Is an Ipad Used For URL: Brief description of what it allows you to do and how it can be used for essential or gene...

8847_pre-training 8847_graphic_organizers 8847_presentations 8847_activities

started by Regina Malz on 04 Jan 14 no follow-up yet
Vida Martin

Websites for Creating Multimedia - 2 views

Websites for Creating Multimedia Multimedia websites that are exceptionally effective for creating multimedia materials for pre-training activities: 1. Name of Site- Wordle URL- http://www.wordle...

8847_pre-training 8847_graphic_organizers 8847_presentations 8847_activities

started by Vida Martin on 16 Jul 12 no follow-up yet
Lynda Marshall

EDUC8847_Multimedia Artifacts_Assignment_Module1_Week1 - 4 views

Multimedia Artifacts The three multimedia tools chosen for this assignment were selected based on its ease if functionality, accessibility, and integration into the learning environment, its effe...

8847_multimedia 8847_active-learning

started by Lynda Marshall on 09 Sep 12 no follow-up yet
Martha Thibodeau

Bookmarks for EDUC 7107 - Multimedia Presentation - 5 views

* Pre-training 8847_pre-training o Wordle * * Copy and paste text on this website, such as the ISTE NETS-S for digital citizenship, and the website will produce a word cloud....

8847_multimedia 8847_active_learning 8847_pre-training 8847_presentations 8847_activities 8847_graphic_organizers

started by Martha Thibodeau on 16 Jul 12 no follow-up yet
Elizabeth Scroggs

Websites for Creating Multimedia Presentation - 12 views

Elizabeth Scroggs EDUC 7107 January 15, 2012 *Pre-training : 1) Name of the site: Promethean Planet : Using Anticipation Guides with Reading 2) URL:

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started by Elizabeth Scroggs on 14 Jan 12 no follow-up yet
Lynda Marshall

Websites for Creating Multimedia - 10 views

This is Module 3 assignment: Websites for Creating Multimedia by Lynda Marshall, EDUC 8847 fall 2012 WEBSITES FOR CREATING MULTIMEDIA Choices of educational multimedia tools are endless in today'...

8847_pre-training 8847_graphic_organizers 8847_presentations 8847_activities

started by Lynda Marshall on 14 Oct 12 no follow-up yet
Ena Smith

Websites for Creati - 1 views

Websites for Creating Multimedia Multimedia artifact is “anything invented by humans for the purpose of improving thought or action” (Norman, 1993, p. 5), also, multimedia instruction ...

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started by Ena Smith on 13 Apr 14 no follow-up yet
Suzanne Gudjonis

SG: Assignment #3 - 4 views

Gudjonis: Assignment #3-Module 3 Pre-training With a Google account, users can set up wikis, blogs, groups, surveys, documents, and many more functions to serve as pre-training to...

8847_pre-training 8847_graphic_organizers 8847_presentations and 8847_activities.

started by Suzanne Gudjonis on 12 Oct 10 no follow-up yet
ennis brinson

Web Sites for Creating Multimedia - 1 views

Pre-training Name: Prezi URL: Description: Prezi offers a marvelous approach to information visualization. Prezi can be used for essential or generative learning by providing pre ...

8847_pre-training 8847_graphic_organizers 8847_presentations 8847_activities

started by ennis brinson on 08 Jul 13 no follow-up yet
Brigit McAroy

Multimedia Wedsites - 2 views

Brigit McAroy Websites for Creating Multimedia Pre-training: 1. Poll Everywhere * Name of the site: Poll Everywhere * URL: * Brief description of what it allows ...

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started by Brigit McAroy on 11 Jan 13 no follow-up yet
Melissa Kennedy

EDUC 8847-7101 Multi - 12 views

EDUC 8847-7101 Multimedia Technology to Facilitate Learning Module 3: Assignment M. Kennedy   Pre-Training: • Wordle Wordle creates word clouds from text provided b...

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started by Melissa Kennedy on 15 Oct 12 no follow-up yet

Wikispaces - 3 views

    This website is a hosting service that allows you to create pages, edit pages and collaborate with people. It provides a wonderful opportunity for students to create projects and get feedback from others. Documents, pictures, graphics and videos can be upload to the site. I chose this site because it was very user friendly with some Office features.
  • ...15 more comments...
    Wikis/Wikispace is a website that allows groups, individuals, etc. to create web pages on their preferences. Members are invited to groups. Also the web pages can be public or private. Wikispace is a great website because I can create a page to upload a survey/questionnaire to determine the knowledge of the participants. Also A chat session/blog will be created so the learners can receive feedback on their questions.
    Wikispaces is an excellent platform for providing information to individuals and groups. I have used this resource for many years and prefer the simple layout and navigational tools. Information can be linked, downloaded and posted to provide synchronous and asynchronous learning opportunities. Active discussions, or interactions can also be monitored.
    Assignment 3 Wikispaces provides sharing and feedback of pre-training requirements. The creation of a wiki for pre-training material promotes essential learning by allowing learners to engage with key elements of the workshop and build retention of fundamental skills. I prefer wikispaces due to the cost effectiveness and technical ease of the software as well as faithful tech support.
    Allows users to create simple web pages and allow public access and rights to edit pages together. This site is free and easy to use. It does not require participants to have a login to view.
    Because my workshop is about Using Wikis in Education, the authentic assessment for my workshop participants will be to create a wiki for their professional/classroom use. Wikispaces will be used to house my own presentation so it will serve as an exemplar for what they are expected to produce. By creating their own wikis, participants will demonstrate generative learning because they will need to organize and apply their learning to create their own authentic project utilizing a rubric. I chose this site because it is user friendly and produces an attractive product. Additionally, Wikispaces has excellent video tutorials to demonstrate how to use the site.
    Wikispaces allows users to create pages for sharing. The user can present to many individuals without having to leave the house. It creates an online setting where users can participate in online learning with each other. Students may work together in teams on pages within the Wiki. It is an effective tool because of the ability to post work in an organized manner.
    Wikispaces is a free resource that allows you to create online presentations. I like this resource because it is free, easy to use, and it create professional looking presentations in a website form.
    This website was chosen to demonstrate the usefulness of wikis in the classroom. This website is learner-centered where, "the focus is on using multimedia technology to aid to human cognition." (Mayer, 2009, p. 13) Using this website, workshop participants can see how easy it is to create a wiki page for them and for their students to create. Mayer considers behavioral activity to be hands-on. Since this website will be used for hands -on activity, creating a wikispace, this website should be considered behavioral.
    Wikispaces is a great way to showcase a student's work in progress or the finished product. Students can insert a link to their completed ActivInspire flipcharts for everyone to see. Free and easy to use.
    Wikispaces is a great online collaboration tool to use for authentic assessment activities. Wikispaces allows the learner to integrate the material in various ways as Wikispaces will allow embedding of presentations, videos, animations, virtually anything that can be embedded can be put into Wikispaces.
    Allows users to create a multitude of shared products from lessons to discussion forums with embedded audio or video if desired. Free to use, easy to navigate, ability to produce multiple pages, and can share pages with virtually anyone with Internet access.
    This site allows users to host free wiki that can be public or private. This is a great service for students and teachers. It is easy to use (compared to other wiki sites) and it allows the publisher to have a lot of control of content, editing and privacy. Students could use this to create a large graphic organizer that they could all participate in editing.
    I have used a number of different wiki sites but find Wikispaces the most user friendly and intuitive one - great qualities from a user perspective. They also offer timely support if needed. I would highly recommend it.
    Wikispaces is an online wiki hosting site. Users can collaborate to create a variety of products using a variety of media including text, pictures, links, and videos. Teachers can create teams to collaborate on authentic projects. The wiki is not what makes the assessment authentic, it is what the teacher and learners do with the wiki that allows it to provide an authentic learning experience. Wikispaces is a great site to create wikis because it is intuitive and easy to use. It tracks each change and allows members to view previous edits, and restore old versions, if needed. Wikispaces can promote generative processing by providing a space and opportunity for learners to integrate the content into an authentic product. It is better than other similar sites because it provides so many options and features for contributors, but it is still user friendly.
    In wikispaces, users can set up their own pages and work collaboratively with other users. Wikis can hold files, media and can contain links to other areas.
    Wikispaces allows users to collaborate online. Features include embedding files and videos, invitations to members, and restrictions for access and editing. Wikis support the principles of generative and essential learning. The collaboration that occurs through the use of a wiki creates an engaging learning environment for participants to process the material they are learning. Wikis are easier to use for collaborative efforts.
    o Wikispaces provides a space where learners can collaborate while developing a final product to demonstrate understanding. Pictures, videos, documents, and just about anything can be added to the site. Cognitive processing is at its best with this tool as learners create knowledge together from the material they have studied. o Extremely easy to use especially with the update where the teacher can create a class code to share with students so they can join the class from any wiki account.

Web Sites for Creating Multimedia - 0 views

Pre-Training: and Power My Learning is a free platform for driving personalized instruction and self-directed learning. All t...

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started by eeyore1967 on 13 Oct 14 no follow-up yet
Gary Allen

Websites for creating Multimedia - 6 views

WEBSITES FOR CREATING MULTIMEDIA PRETRAINING Site Name: Wordle Site URL: Features/Purpose/capabilities This site is easy to use---the learner keys in text and...

8847_pre-training 8847_presentations 8847_Activities 8847_graphicorganizer

started by Gary Allen on 08 Oct 11 no follow-up yet
Valeria Shanks

Shanks V Multimedia Module 3 - 4 views

WEBSITES FOR CREATING MULTIMEDIA PRETRAINING Site Name: Wordle Site URL: Features/Purpose/capabilities This site is easy to use---the learner keys in text and cli...

8847_Pre-training 8847_Graphic Organizers 8847_Presentation 8847_Activities

started by Valeria Shanks on 18 Jul 11 no follow-up yet
Michael Hiett

Websites for Creating Multimedia - 1 views

Pre-training Site 1- Jing Allows for screen captures of up to 5 minutes in length along with audio narration. This wi...

8847_pre-training 8847_graphic_organizers 8847_presentations 8847_activities

started by Michael Hiett on 30 Mar 14 no follow-up yet
Laurie Korte

Claco - 0 views

    Claco is a place to build lessons collaboratively where you can store and share all of your resources together with other educators. You can team up and create in real time while asking questions and learning with others. This website even helps align your developments to the common core. With one click it can be shared to students, parents, and colleagues. It is a learning network tool for designing essential learning while experiencing generative learning.
Shane Snyder

HTML assessment / quiz - 1 views

    The link opens a rather short twenty question quiz about HTML topics. As applicable / relevant, students could use the quiz to determine what they know about HTML prior to studying HTML programming. Likewise, they could use the same quiz after studying HTML programming to determine what they learned and what areas need further review. The quiz could be used as a catalyst for spurring essential cognitive processing by introducing topics that will be considered during a relevant learning experience. By using the quiz in a pre-testing fashion, introducing relevant topics prior to formal training may help students organize their mental learning space in preparation of a more comprehensive learning experience.

Websites for Multimedia Presentations - 1 views

Pre-Training Two tools, which can be used for pre-training include: (a) Google Forms and (b) Tagxedo Google Forms is par...

8847_pre-training 8847_graphic_organizers 8847_presentations 8847_activities

started by shelly_voh_29 on 13 Jul 14 no follow-up yet
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