multimedia resources - 0 views
Pre-Training * Go Animate Go Anim...
Pre-Training * Go Animate Go Anim...
There are many effective websites that exist to help create multimedia materials, however there are many websites that are not effective based on containing extraneous information. I have chosen ei...
Web Sites for Creating Multimedia Pre-training URL: - This extraordinary website is intended for trainers who are looking either to source off-the-shelf interactiv...
Pretraining The provides multimedia based lessons for students. It also provides a definition for business terms by placing your cursor over the words that are hig...
1. Gaggle is a safe online environment teachers can incorporate into classroom instruction as a means of facilitating collaboration through an online medium. Mayer...
I have decided to create a multimedia workshop on active engagement learning through technology. I would like teachers to explore how to engage learners through the use of technology. The three w...
Module 1 - Multimedia Artifacts 1. TedTv This site hosts videos that highlight the ideas of motivational and inspiring speakers. Although the technology on the site is stron...
I have chosen the topic "SmartBoards in Elementary Schools". At my school every teacher has a SmartBoard and projector in their class. Unfortunately the lack of experience and knowledge to operate...
Mayer (2009) suggests that technology-centered approaches focus on the capabilities of advanced technologies with the goal of providing access to information. Moreover, Mayer (2009) postulates tha...
Web Sites for Creating Multimedia Pre-training How to use wikis in the classroom This blog shares informative inform...
This is a website made by Dr. Cheri Toledo which includes multimedia. It was created for her workshop that she facilitates as a way to teach people who are familiar with wikis and their uses in edu...
SMART Exchange This website provides numerous SMART Board presentations that can be downloaded from the SMART Technologies website. This resource is ...
SMART Board Basics 101 This video shows how to utilize and use the interactive tools within the SMART Technology notebook software and also shows how to set up the SMART ...