Contents contributed and discussions participated by debra morris
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How to use wikis in the classroom
This blog shares informative information concerning wikis.
The latest post details organizing the use of wikis into 5 categories.
Common Craft- Wikis in Plain English
A short video is provided for the viewer to gain a basic understanding of wikis. The website provides scenarios for the reader and details steps you would take to create and utilize tools in your wiki.
Wiki How
This site provides information you need for planning, setting up and building your established wiki.
Graphic Organizer
Teaching tips for wikis in the classroom
This site provides a list of sites that will help you in using Wikis in the classroom. There are resources for teachers about Wikis, free websites to sign up for free Wiki spaces, Wiki tutorials, classroom ideas, and examples of actual Wikis in classrooms. There are links to eThemes Resources on Wikipedia in Student Research and Teaching Tips: Using Online Journals and Blogs.
Mr. Lindsay's Classroom Wiki
This site is an actual site that may be viewed as a sample wiki. It was created by a fourth grade teacher and Tech Coordinator for West Creek Academy. The homepage is set up with many icons that will link you to additional resources and classroom news.
Prezi is an alternative means of presenting information rather than using the overused power point presentation. There are simple prezi layouts you can begin with and additional options you can purchase.
This site is a great resource in that you can present visual and oral instruction for the learner. You create screenshots for your presentations. This is a free tool.
Authentic Assessment Activity
Create a wiki
This site presents a video that provides step by step instruction for educators and students in creating a wiki
Wikis for Everyone-Wikispaces
This site is a free wiki host and provides community wiki spaces, visual page editing, and discussion areas.