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Monique T

Language Line Plans a Roll-Up as Translation Demand Soars | Bloomberg - 0 views

    Due to the increase in different nationalities in the population of the US, there has been a huge increase in demand for translation services, especially in the medical field. Because of this non-price determinant of demand changing, the demand curve for translating services shifted to the right. As the curve shifted to the right, this means that the equilibrium price and quantity both increased. Since a market always moves toward equilibrium, in this case it meant supply had to increase as well. It is for these reasons that the company discussed in this article is looking to expand its services and acquire new companies - so the market will be back at equilibrium and the demand for translating services is met by the same supply.
Lucas G

Price increase; Higher minimum wage increases unemployment - 0 views

    This article relates to government intervention in the form of increasing the minimum wage in some states. However, this increase was met with an increase in unemployment; which we also looked at. This unemployment is caused by a high price where supply is greater than demand, and the need for workers therefore decreases (increasing unemployment).
Adam C

Food Prices Set to Increase due to increasing Demand - 3 views

    This article explains that food prices are increasing, and will continue to increase because of the increasing demand in third world countries especially.
    I think that this is a very relevant article to the weeks topic. It covers in depth the potential issues that the world could face, in richer countries with a shortage of food, and poorer countries with farmers not being able to harvest in a way to supply enough food for the demand around the world. In the current world, starvation is a major issue, and the artcile illustartes this is a informative but serious manner.
Lucas G

Sri Lanka : Sri Lankan government increases taxes on alcohol - 0 views

    This article concerns the increased taxes being imposed upon alcohol in Sri Lanka. The reason for this is because alcohol is viewed by many as a 'necessity', and is also addictive (which makes it a necessity). This makes alcohol a product with inelastic demand; as an increase in price will result with a proportionally smaller decrease in demand. This avoids chances of unemployment by increasing the product's price, and is therefore a reason for the increase in the imposed tax upon it.
Katie Edwards

Business Line : Industry & Economy News : High gold imports hurting balance of payments... - 0 views

    A lot of movement in the reserve assets component of the financial account in India is causing stress for the balance fo payments. Demand for gold is increasing, and because of great returns on investment and the affinity for gold in India, demand is increasing. The determinants of demand are highly responsible for maintaining this instability in current account deficit and "stress on the system" for the Reserve Bank of India.
Monique T

Eurozone inflation hikes up unexpectedly | The Toronto Star - 1 views

    This article discusses the increase in inflation that is occurring in the Eurozone, even though the economic conditions are weak. The article cites high energy and transport costs as one of the reasons inflation increased. This inflation affects consumers because they must pay higher prices to buy items that they require.
Mirren M

The Economy Is Expanding, but at a Pretty Sorry Rate - Economic Intelligence ( - 1 views

    This article talks about how the GDP increase fell in the U.S but that does not mean that the economy is doing badly at all. There IS an increase and overall better numbers for most aspects in terms of the goals of macroeconomics but it is just at a slow pace. The economy fluctuates and even though the increase is "pitiful", it would just mean that the economy would most likely only increase more from here on. This is also linked to the rate of unemployment. "Let's face it, the Great American Bread machine is expanding, but at a pretty sorry rate, and not nearly enough to bring the 8.3 percent unemployment rate into 7.0 percent territory." "Yes, gross domestic product is expanding, but the unemployed are still trying to recover. This is why so few wish to call the current uncertainty-plagued growth an expansion."
Tim O

GE shares fall on lower revenues - 0 views

    Hello, In this article it talks about how the shares for GE fell in response to a lower revenue than expected. The fall in revenue of General Electric was caused by a slower than expected growth in the European credit crisis. It says even though GE was making a profit, the slower European market causes them to have a decrease in revenue. They say that because if the credit crisis sales in Europe are not as high and even though people are still purchasing products, the growth at which sales in Europe should have increased are increasing less than what GE wants them to. GE claimed that they are going to change their market footprint through new products and technology in order to increase their revenue and thus increase their shares. From Tim
Monique T

Greek yogurt on a marathon-like growth spurt | Lake County News-Sun - 1 views

    This article describes the recent growth in a number of firms producing Greek Yogurt in the United States. As a result of this growth, the firms are experiencing economies of scale and they are all expanding their factories to increase their output. As the article states: "The Chobani plant today bustles with 14 production lines mechanically squirting yogurt into plastic cups that zip down conveyor belts." - this shows a technological improvement that is an economy of scale: due to the increase in size in the firm, it can employ more efficient, lower cost methods of production.
Lola Z

Report Shows Production Costs Up - 0 views

    This article examines how the increase of production cost of cent and nickel affects the business. The total costs has been increasing and making the firm losing money.
Adam C

Hawaii Tax Revenues up 8 Percent - 0 views

    This article discusses the excise taxes in Hawaii and how the revenues have risen over 8 percent in recent times! Although the article did not describe exactly why this has occurred, however the most accurate predictions would that the increase in revenue would be due to increased taxes on inelastic items, for example, gasoline, etc. This not only ensures that the demand is unchanged, but also ensures that all other factors stay the same. Another reason why the revenues have increased could be that the taxes did not increase, however the population grew.
Katie Edwards

Without a price on carbon, oil will find a way - The Washington Post - 1 views

    This article talks about environmental sustainability, especially in the US, in terms of the carbon and oil situation. Hindering some paths of oil trade, may slow down the trade in the early stages, however there will be other paths since the international demand is so high right now. The price is steadily decreasing with the increased demand. The only ways to control this demand for oil that may be hurting our planet would be to tax the carbon (increasing the price), therefore decreasing demand.
Lucas G

China may Target Slower Economic Growth - 0 views

    This article discusses China's economic growth over the past few years, and that although the GDP has been increasing, it is doing so at a decreasing rate (e.g. a 10.4% increase in 2010 and a 9.2% increase in 2011). This could reflect a contraction on the business cycle; as it is a period of the economy in which increases, but at a decreasing rate.
Nadiya Safonova

Demand for Water Rises - 3 views

    This article adresses the issue of the increasing demand for water. In the readinig in Lesson 1 this week, we learnt about factors that affect demand, one of them was population. The world's population is increasing, therefore the demand for all resources is going up. This takes into account another factor that affects demand...the demand for other goods which are compliments, this article discusses agriculture. So with the growing population, not only will the demand for drinkng water increase, but also its demand will increase for agricultural purposes and many more.
    The demand for water is very unique because it isn't just in demand for one purpose, as you alluded to. We use it for drinking, but also washing, agriculture, industrial uses, etc. On top of all that, the market consists of all living things... making it very in demand at all times. Good choice of article!
Monique T

Silver has sweet appeal in India | Montreal Gazette - 0 views

    In India, silver is in high demand during the festive season of Diwali. This article discusses how in the case, the demand for silver is relatively inelastic, because the demand has stayed relatively the same while the price has increased around 30%. Since silver in sweets is a tradition, most people will continue to purchase edible silver leafs for Diwali even when the price increases, and so the demand for silver leafs is inelastic at this time of year, but when the festival is over, the demand will once again go down and become more elastic.
Tim O

Hilfiger's Pricing Power Shows Apparel Profit Holds Up - 2 views

    This articles talks about the retailers are managing to increase their prices and pass on higher costs onto their customers. Its talks about how people think that increasing the price will not change the demand or quantity because consumers would accept the price increase because all retailers have the same cost structure and would start to pass the higher prices through. It also talks about that they can increase their prices because their is no substitute for their product. In general there is a economic growth within the world. Average prices in the apparel market rose more than 5 percent from January to May.
Monique T

Canada, Japan agree to enter negotiations for free-trade deal | The Toronto Star - 3 views

    When countries form a free-trade deal, it allows the imports and exports between the countries to grow, because there are less trade restrictions such as tariffs. This means that, with import prices decreasing, aggregate supply in Canada will increase.
Tim O

MP's urge ministers to scrap a planned rise in fuel duty tax - 0 views

    Hello, In this video it talks about how the fuel prices have tripled over the last 20 years. It says that most of it has come from taxation and how in January the tax will increase by 3p a liter. This will translate that the average price will in by $1.50, however, if the government decided not in impose the tax then they would lose out of $1.5 billion of much needed revenue. Today, people spend a lot of their income on fuel and for people who own their own businesses they need have as much burden as possible because they will lose their demand. All in all, the government can keep the drivers and motorists happy by not increasing the tax or increase there revenue to help themselves out of the European economic crisis. From Tim
Hannah S

Scarcity for thee but not for me - 1 views

    This article talks about how putting taxes for fossil fuels may help to reduce the the consumption of fossil fuels. This is necessary because fossil fuels are become very scarce and we are running out of them as they are a non-renewable energy source. However, not everyone wants the tax to go up as this would mean increased spending when they cannot afford to do this. Many energy companies will be able to push this increase of tax onto the consumer as it is an inelastic product and the demand will not decrease much if the price is increased.
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