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Home/ Economics HL - Jacob Solomon's group - Year 1/ Contents contributed and discussions participated by Dan Call

Contents contributed and discussions participated by Dan Call

Dan Call

Budget 2012: Fiscal policy will help control inflation; no escape from biting bullet on... - 0 views

    This article talks about the economy of India, and talks bout how recent budget talks have affected the economic outlook, not only nationally but globally on the economy. It largely consists of questions and answers, asking questions such as when is the price of oil likely to rise, and budget resposnses to rapid GDP growth.
Dan Call

The great iPhone trade-off - 0 views

    This article is about the trade off and trade defiecits between America and China during iPhone production and exportation. It discusses the idea in terms of America and China, but also uses an example involving fictional places to give a clearer picture and explanation of the idea.
Dan Call

UK food inflation pushes higher - 0 views

    This article discusses the UK's big issue of rising food prices as a result of inflation. It says that the UK hasn't had a let up in rising food prices for a long time, with prices on a constant rise and the considerable issue of those poorer customers who are struggling to afford these high prices.
Dan Call

Eurozone Unemployment spikes to record 10.8% - 2 views

    This article talks about the increasing rate of unemployment across the EU. Although there is a record spike in the last month, unemployment has been rising in every area for a number, and the article discusses likely results and factors leading to this issue.
Dan Call

Long Run Aggregate Supply Verticality: Fact Or Fiction?| Find Articles - 1 views

    This article discusses whether or not it is a realistic or feasbale presumption to make that an aggregate supply curve can be vertical in the long run. The article discusses this is alot of detail and outline reasons why in fact the model may not work as it is yet to be truly tested.
Dan Call

RBI cant take the risk of not containing aggregate demand: YV Reddy - 0 views

    This artcile involving an interview with YV Reddy, talks about how aggregate demand is very important to not only specific countries, but to the world, talking about how the Eurozone is a key factor within the worlds economies.
Dan Call

UK Macro Economic Activity 2012 - 0 views

    This article shows the precise level of different economic activities within the UK at this moment in time, including Inflation, Interest rates and Consumer spending to name just a few sub headings.
Dan Call

Rising Beer Prices Could Draw Oligopoly - 1 views

    This artcile concerns the big American beer companies, and states that how in a time of economic recession and with beer sales slumping, how the big companie re maintaining high prices, and that quite simply the smaller companies cannot compete with these powerhouses in alcoholic drinks industries anymore.
Dan Call

Microsoft's forgotten monopoly - 1 views

    This article is about the dominant electrical market brand of Microsoft and one of their forgotten monopolies which is their fonts. They have produced all the fonts we see used regullarly today, including Verdana and Arial, and this article beleives it is now time to break this monopoly
Dan Call

Monopoly on dirty air - 1 views

    This article from New York is about air quality. New York recently failed an air quality standard test, from a company that has according to the paper a monopoly in their market, and whether it is right that this is the case.
Dan Call

Production costs rise for milk - 0 views

    Production costs have risen for farmers producing milk from their cows, which has resulted in a shortage of milk, but a still constant supply.
Dan Call

Wind energy, surprisingly to some, has economies of scale, too - The New York Times - 1 views

    This is an article from the NY times on alternative energy, and the possibility that infact renewable energies also contain the theory of economies of scale, in large quantities.
Dan Call

If only there were an alternative to cars - 0 views

    This is an article all about the externalities of cars and the new potential for alternative goods for cars and new technology. The article also discusses other ideas such as increasing toll bridge prices which leads to an increase in capital for the construction industry
Dan Call

Some Britons Too Unruly for Resorts in Europe - - 1 views

    This article talks about how British teens going to other European resorts are too unruly to be there. There only aim is to get drunk and party, so the article examines how this haoppens, why this happens, and the effect such actions have on local communtities in the areas where thiese problems are most prevalent.
Dan Call

Drug price control in chinese hospitals - 2 views

    This artcile talks about the impacts on the patients and hospitals in general of China as price controls are being implemented, and the overall prices of the drugs for patients is soaring.
Dan Call

Fresh oil subsidies could aggravate inflation - 0 views

    This article talks about new Delhi, and how the Prime minister believes that they can no longer go on subsidising the oil companies for lower prices to customers as it has become unsustainable. It also talks about the potential consequences of the actions in New Delhi should such acts continue and how New Delhi is now in a potentially worrying economic position
Dan Call

Price Elasticity Smacks Sony, Blu-Ray, Playstation - 4 views

    This artcile is discussing Sony, one of the largest technology brands on the market, and how in the modern day, average customers are becoming more savvy and wait for the drop in price of such consoles as the PS3 before purchasing the product, as a result of price elasticity
Dan Call

Oil: It's Back To Supply And Demand - 0 views

    This article talks about the supply and demand equilibrium for oil. It says how the price of oil has changed in recent years, and perhaps what the true equilibrium price of oil should be, as well as making some future predictions about the possible price of oil.
Dan Call

Economic growth in japan slows due to supply woes - 0 views

    This article talks about how as a result of Japan's horrific earthquake and tsunami, the supply of many products from Japan, has caused the growth of there economy to slow dramatically in comparison to recent years.
Dan Call

Demand - 2 views

    This is an article from China earlier in the year, talking about how the demand for gold related items has grown rapidly over a short period of time. It is obviously very relevant to the topic this week as it talks about the markets demand for a scarce product, which will have a big impact on the product supply & demand curve.
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