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Home/ Economics HL - Jacob Solomon's group - Year 1/ Contents contributed and discussions participated by Lola Z

Contents contributed and discussions participated by Lola Z

Lola Z

India needs a dose of supply-side economics - Economy and Politics - - 0 views

    India's booming GDP has been making it become a leading pioneer in economic development. However, while the demand side is soaring, the supply side is lagged behind. The production capacity is not enough to catch up with the expand in demand. However, while the trend could not slow down, India can neither create enough jobs nor fund an ambitious welfare state without faster economic growth.
Lola Z

Economic growth beats Bank of Canada's estimate - The Globe and Mail - 0 views

    This article talks about Canada's economic growth is better than what the economist anticipated. It reveals the economic growth is desirable for government, along with low unemployment rate. Consumer spending contributes to economic growth, the consumer spending is repressed while oil prices rise so high nowadays. Interest rates is one of the measures government take to control economy.
Lola Z

New cellphone players want help from feds to compete - Winnipeg Free Press - 0 views

  • Rogers (TSX:RCI.B), Bell (TSX:BCE) and Telus (TSX:T) are Canada's big wireless carriers with a total of more than 24 million cellphone subscribers.
    • Lola Z
      Here is a oligopoly situation. The three big companies in Canada occupy the market.
  • The report also said Canada's four new wireless carriers are starting to take away some subscribers from their bigger rivals.
  • Bell and Rogers have argued against any measures that would favour the smaller wireless companies in the auction and Telus has proposed caps on the amount of spectrum bidders can buy.
Lola Z

Merger brings new monopolies for mining firms |Economy| - 0 views

  • fourth-largest metals
    • Lola Z
      The market share of these two companies in the trade will be larger. As a result, monopoly will emerge.
  • Business / Economy
  • The deal's success will weaken the power of Chinese buyers in the down-stream part of the mining industry
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • work harder to develop themselves to gain more power in the international market
  • world's largest publicly traded commodities supplier.
Lola Z

Off With Their Heads! The Fantasy Google Monopoly - Forbes - 2 views

    • Lola Z
      Here it deals with the concept of menacing monopoly. Google isn't doing anything "evil", but it is just so comprehensive that everyone can't help to use it.
  • . Microsoft’s impressive growth of Bing in a mere two or so years shows that new competition in search can come at any time.
    • Lola Z
      There is actually competitor of Google. It is Microsoft's Bing.
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • They rest on their laurels and do not innovate.
    • Lola Z
      If there is a monopoly in industry, consumers can be end up in disadvantage as the monopolist refuses to innovate and discourages other firms which can potentially innovate from entering the industry.
  • Google continues to innovate in many spheres of Internet and e-commerce activity, from mobile operating systems to books to social media.
    • Lola Z
      However, we can see that Google is innovating and giving consumers advantages. It is a benign monopoly.
  • Google search is a free product, supported by advertising. And that advertising is not priced by Google itself, rather through an auction among advertisers bidding on the use of search keywords. Google doesn’t control price, let alone raise prices.
    • Lola Z
      Here again, Google is shown to be a benign monopoly. Monopolists usually control the price freely, and raise the price as high as they can to earn profits. However, Google is free. Even if advertisers post commercials on it, the price is not set by Google.
  • Monopolists also have no incentive to reduce costs and increase efficiency, because the absence of competition assures them of selling products very profitably.
  • Google doesn’t act like a monopolist and shares none of the characteristics sheltering classic monopolists from competition. Its astounding success in Internet search is universally regarded as a consequence of better design, superior code, better products and plain old hard work.
  • an “evil” monopolist
  • Of course, it’s unlawful to monopolize a market, not to become a monopolist as a result of superior business acumen or execution.
Lola Z

Cover story 1 - Agriculture-Go big ... and small - 0 views

shared by Lola Z on 22 Jan 12 - No Cached
    • Lola Z
      Sometimes economies of scale creates monopoly when a company grows too big. And this forces small operations out because economies of scale helps the price to remain competitive.
  • It is natural, simply capitalism
  • you must get bigger, get better, or get out.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • greater economies of scale become more pressing and more smaller farmers are unable to make a reasonable living off the land.
Lola Z

Report Shows Production Costs Up - 0 views

    This article examines how the increase of production cost of cent and nickel affects the business. The total costs has been increasing and making the firm losing money.
Lola Z

20 Things You Should Know About the Bill That Could Ruin America - 1 views

    National defence is an important public good. It is non-rivalrous and non-excludable, as once it is provided, the whole nation will benefit. The government is in charge of the provision of national defence.
Lola Z

When is a carbon tax an economic reform? Good question. - The Drum Opinion (Australian ... - 0 views

  • winners and losers in the global green economy.
    • Lola Z
      There is also negative externalities of green economies. The possible higher cost will probably cause firms to reject the method and this will lead to a negative economy.
  • what are the implications for the economy of government attempts to curb the growth of carbon dioxide emissions?
  • carbon tax
    • Lola Z
      Because of the negative externalities of carbon emission, a carbon tax is in place as an incentive for firms to reduce carbon emission, hence, negative externalities.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • excise tax on cigarettes or alcohol.
  • Simply imposing a tax on the production of local emissions will not necessarily affect the extent of these externalities because production can move to another country.
    • Lola Z
      This is a very critical point. Because the externalities are worldwide, the actions should be taken worldwide too.
Lola Z

Diesel and heating oil prices hit 3-year high - New Brunswick - CBC News - 0 views

  • The Energy and Utilities Board set the maximum price for diesel at $1.44 cents per litre on Thursday morning.
  • Mike Beaudet, who operates Y Mow Lawn Care and Landscaping, said his Saint John-based company is being hurt by the rising cost of diesel fuel.
  • The Energy and Utilities Board set the maximum price for diesel at 143.5 cents per litre on Thursday, which includes HST and a transportation fee. By comparison, the energy regulator set the maximum gasoline price at 124.5 cents per litre.
    This article shows an importance of price control on goods. Because of the high diesel and gas prices, people's life are being affected, in a negative way. First of all, people who own cars will fell the financial pinch, because now they spend a lot more on diesel. And lives will not keep running, in some contexts, without cars. And diesel is a fuel for heating too. Canada's winter is freezing cold, without heating, life will be miserable. To ensure people's welfare is protected, a price ceiling for diesel, in this case $1.44 cents per litre.
Lola Z

District is going green with buses - - 0 views

    • Lola Z
      As the propane buses are more environmentally friendly, government encourages the purchase of these buses by granting tax credits.
  • "You don't have the emission issues, and that was very, very attractive," Latko said.
  • The federal government offers a 50-cent excise tax credit for alternative fuels that include compressed natural gas and propane. The incentive makes the cost of propane about $1.40 a gallon, at a time when gas and diesel often cost over $3.
    • Lola Z
      The grant from government helps to lower the prices for gas and propane. So more consumers are attracted to use this kind of fuel, and thus, the complement, propane buses.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • low cost
    • Lola Z
      Due to the subsidy from government
  • Government tax credits have added to the economic feasibility of propane buses
Lola Z

Apple in South Korea: Samsung, patriots and the iPhone | The Economist - 0 views

  • And in June of this year, Samsung launched its Galaxy S on the same day Apple launched its iPhone 4.
    • Lola Z
      Iphone 4 and Galaxy S are very close substitutes to each other.
  • Newspaper, magazines and power-bloggers are making hectic efforts to praise the Galaxy S as the ultimate iPhone killer. Galaxy S is a good product, but I am so sick of those ‘iPhone killer phones’ comments.
  • They don’t deny the quality of the Galaxy S, and are well aware of iPhone 4’s reception problems; they are just not thrilled at being pushed into buying Samsung.
Lola Z

Online forecasting: And now, the gadget forecast | The Economist - 1 views

    • Lola Z
      Predictions of demand help to set the prices of goods. It is necessary to eliminate excess supply for companies to maximize their revenues.
  • In time this might force sellers to slash their margins and discount obsolete products languishing in inventories as buyers await the arrival of new versions. That said, retailers' prices are already at or near equilibrium.
    • Lola Z
      While the prices are at equilibrium, there is not an apparent excess supply or demand.
  • Airlines use all the computational power at their disposal to maximise their returns by setting fares based on current and predicted demand.
    • Lola Z
      Demand here acts as a signal to producers. Increase in demand will raise the market equilibrium price.
    This article talks about how forecasting demand influences the setting of prices. Producers use online tools to predict demand and hence set the prices. If generally consumers are confident with the products, the demand rises, and equilibrium prices will go up because the demand curve shifts to the right. When supply and demand are almost at equilibrium, the prices will tend to become more stable.
Lola Z

BBC News - House prices lacking direction, says the Halifax - 0 views

    • Lola Z
      The stability of house prices increase the level of optimism of people in the housing industry. Therefore, people are increasing their demand for houses.
Lola Z

Emerging markets: One more such victory | The Economist - 0 views

  • grab a bit of extra demand for themselves by weakening their currencies.
    • Lola Z
      When the demand for currencies increases, there would be more spending.
    • Lola Z
      When the price drops, there will be more demand for the currencies.
    • Lola Z
      Imposing taxes and other restrictions on foreign purchases helps to increase the prices of imported goods, so as to decrease the level of demand for the foreign currencies.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • it fought back by imposing taxes and other restrictions on foreign purchases of local securities.
    • Lola Z
      When the currency of one country is weakened, the prices of imported goods and services will rise. The demand for imported good(in this case, from China) is decreased. The Chinese manufacturers might want to decrease the amount of production.
  • Falling export orders was one of the complaints voiced by Chinese manufacturers in a preliminary survey of purchasing managers published by HSBC last week.
    This article states the relationship between currencies, which links to prices, and the demand for goods and services. While the currencies are weakened worldwide, the manufacturing industries are highly impacted. Therefore, the supply is lowered.
Lola Z

Home shopping goes high end - Jul. 19, 2011 - 2 views

  • white ones.
    • Lola Z
      Value of the white ones is the opportunity cost.
    • Lola Z
      Human wants are unlimited. Ladies always want more fancy jewelries. 
    • Lola Z
      Human wants are unlimited. Ladies always want more fancy jewelries. 
  • everyone wants to be at the party." 
    • Lola Z
      Once again, this shows that human wants are unlimited.
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  • "The recession may be the best thing that happened to the home shopping networks because designers needed new outlets to offer more affordable prices," said Jack Plunkett, CEO of Plunkett Research.
  • By selling directly to the consumer, shopping channels eliminate the steep mark-ups taken at boutiques and department stores and offer more competitive pricing, said Plunkett.
    • Lola Z
      Opportunity cost for customers is that the convenience of going to shops to see the real goods and try them on.
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