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Monique T

A Gold Rush of Subsidies in the Search for Clean Energy | - 0 views

    This article describes the vast amounts of subsidies that are available to companies providing renewable energy sources in the United States. The government decided to provide subsidies for these projects because it felt that they were necessary for the environmental health of the country, however some people believe that the government provided too much unnecessary money in this situation.
Amy X

Farmers Facing Loss of Subsidy May Get New One - 0 views

    Farmers are angry at the loss of subsidy provided by the government. Household income has been higher than ever, therefore less subsidy was provided.
Mirren M

Removing subsidies is no easy fix - 0 views

    Basically the government has been subsidizing essential items to help the public by using tax money. But they are also subsidizing Big Energy Producing Companies (IPP) who sell their electricity to TNB at a fixed rate which is very high. Why the government agreed to this is basically corruption meaning, they (the rich) can force the government (public money) to pay and pay. Now, the government is going broke so they want to charge the public by reducing the essential item's subsidies but they are NOT reducing the subsidies to the rich! The government says that there is an agreement and they cannot change it.
Sebastian van Winkel

Subsidy for going to university - 1 views

    In this article, the fact that the Welsh government wants to put a subsidy on going to university, is being discussed. The problem is with this subsidy, it will cost the government £3.6 billion.
Dan Call

Fresh oil subsidies could aggravate inflation - 0 views

    This article talks about new Delhi, and how the Prime minister believes that they can no longer go on subsidising the oil companies for lower prices to customers as it has become unsustainable. It also talks about the potential consequences of the actions in New Delhi should such acts continue and how New Delhi is now in a potentially worrying economic position
Nadiya Safonova

"An expensive way to cut down greenhouse gasses" - 0 views

    This article discusses how the government is trying to deal with the greenhouse gasses that are having a negative impact on our environment. The governent is taking steps to promote the use of biofuel over ethonol by using tax subsidies....
Lola Z

District is going green with buses - - 0 views

    • Lola Z
      As the propane buses are more environmentally friendly, government encourages the purchase of these buses by granting tax credits.
  • "You don't have the emission issues, and that was very, very attractive," Latko said.
  • The federal government offers a 50-cent excise tax credit for alternative fuels that include compressed natural gas and propane. The incentive makes the cost of propane about $1.40 a gallon, at a time when gas and diesel often cost over $3.
    • Lola Z
      The grant from government helps to lower the prices for gas and propane. So more consumers are attracted to use this kind of fuel, and thus, the complement, propane buses.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • low cost
    • Lola Z
      Due to the subsidy from government
  • Government tax credits have added to the economic feasibility of propane buses
Hannah S

Agricultural Subsidies - 0 views

    This article talks of how, in recent years, governments have given more support in agriculture than they used to. However, in the last year the support has decreased. This may be because there are many economy's that have been suffering recently.
Katrina D

It's time to question Canada's cheese prices - 0 views

    Who likes cheese? In Canada we do, and it's not helpful that our dairy prices are so much higher than other countries. This article analyzes our situation compared to other countries, particularly the United States. It also brings up the idea of other countries imposing subsidies to pay out farmers to help the problem (ie. US farmers get 31 cents per litre of milk). As well, Canadian farmers get a quota to how much product they can produce, so that really restricts competition in this industry.
Monique T

Sugar makers taste victory after tribunal restores trade barriers | The Globe and Mail - 3 views

    In order to protect its domestic industries from European subsidized-sugar, Canada places high duties (tariffs) on imported sugar. This article details how local firms are benefiting due to a ruling that allows these trade barriers. While consumers would benefit from free trade because they can purchase sugar at a low price, it would have a harmful effect on domestic firms, which is why protectionist measures are put in place.
Dan Call

Budget 2012: Fiscal policy will help control inflation; no escape from biting bullet on... - 0 views

    This article talks about the economy of India, and talks bout how recent budget talks have affected the economic outlook, not only nationally but globally on the economy. It largely consists of questions and answers, asking questions such as when is the price of oil likely to rise, and budget resposnses to rapid GDP growth.

The staggering cost of rising world meat production - The New York Times - 1 views

    A sea change in the consumption of a resource that people take for granted may be in store: something cheap, plentiful, widely enjoyed and a part of daily life. And it isn't oil. The two commodities have a great deal in common: Like oil, meat receives government subsidies in the U.S.
Ya Hsuan

Nigeria protests rage as calls for accountability grow - 0 views

    People in Nigeria is protesting about the growing fuel price. Quote from article: "People are now advocating violence. The government has to tread carefully. More than 80% of the people don't support subsidy removal," the entrepreneur said. Many local businesses remains closed and people are walking out on the road to protest.
Lucas G

US Wind Power Industry Picks Up Speed - 1 views

    This article discusses how new technology (as well as government subsidies) are allowing the costs of production of wind turbines and wind-generated electricity to decrease.
Katie Edwards

White House Sidelines Christmas Tree 'Tax' | Fox News - 0 views

    A tad early, but Christmas music will be coming on the radio next week! At least here in DC.. The article outlines a government plan to make a little extra revenue, and how that plan was so fiercely opposed. The tax would be imposed on the producers, given that they produce more than 500 trees a year, and in turn the producers would probably have to increase their prices. Since it is a specific tax with a fixed amount of $0.15 (not dependent on the price of the trees) it will shift the supply curve up. Even though the article states that the program "wouldn't have any impact on the final price consumers pay for their Christmas tree" - there would be an inevitable small impact at least in one retail area of the trees. Since there are so many consumers that will want Christmas trees, a tax would bring in a fair amount of money, as there are no substitutes for Christmas trees.
Adam C

Hawaii Tax Revenues up 8 Percent - 0 views

    This article discusses the excise taxes in Hawaii and how the revenues have risen over 8 percent in recent times! Although the article did not describe exactly why this has occurred, however the most accurate predictions would that the increase in revenue would be due to increased taxes on inelastic items, for example, gasoline, etc. This not only ensures that the demand is unchanged, but also ensures that all other factors stay the same. Another reason why the revenues have increased could be that the taxes did not increase, however the population grew.
Katrina D

Student jobs program gets $10M boost: CBC News - 0 views

    This is pretty neat considering it relates to people our age living in Canada (aka me!). The Canadian government, who have set a minimum wage of $9.60/h for youths and $10.50/h for those older than 18, have decided to subsidize part or all of the payroll given out by small business to their student employees. The purpose is to try and invest in student employees so that they get the work experience they need. Although not mentioned much in the article, minimum wage plays a big roll, as now it is the government paying for the wage they set themselves... perhaps there is a chance it will be changed in the future for this reason.
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