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Home/ Economics HL - Jacob Solomon's group - Year 1/ Contents contributed and discussions participated by Nadiya Safonova

Contents contributed and discussions participated by Nadiya Safonova

Nadiya Safonova

Unemployment and Inflation Rise in Euro Zone - 1 views

    This article disscuses the rising rates of unemployment as well as a rising rate of inflation at the same time in the eurozone. This goes to show that sometimes, when you are trying to mend both, both can end up going in the wrong dirrection and causing a very unhealthy economy
Nadiya Safonova

UK inflation among highest in Europe | News | Money Marketing - 1 views

    The UK has the highest level of inflation in Western Europe and only three countries in the EU have a higher rate, according to the office of statistics the EU, Eurostat. Yesterday, the Office for National Statistics announced the CPI annual inflation rate in the UK rose to 4.4 per cent in February, its highest level since 2008.
Nadiya Safonova

Canada's Unemployment Rises - 1 views

    This article describes the current situation in Canada with the unemployment rate rising to over seven percent...this article discusses the actions of the government and the casues of this rate to increase
Nadiya Safonova

Colorado Forest Fires and Increased Natural Disasters in USA - 1 views

    Natural Disasters, Latest Natural Disaster News - Aggregate supply rises when weather conditions are stable and well, however the rate of bad weather, such as these fires which are destroying large chunks of land will cause the aggregate supply to decrease.
Nadiya Safonova

Bank of Canada - Monetary Policy - 0 views

    This article offers an explanation of the role of the bank of Canada in the economy and all the different factors they have to assess and keep in mind in order to help economic of the factors they must consider is aggregate it is related to a lot of other factors.
Nadiya Safonova

U.S. recession threat weakens | Financial Post - 0 views

    This article discusses the declining threat of further economic downturn for the United States...a recession is one of the things that can be considered when looking at a macroeconomic level...
Nadiya Safonova

Canada's Cellphone Oligopoly - 1 views

    Gone are the days when cellphones were a luxury, or a tool for a few business elite. They are now a normal and essential part of life - both in business and personal affairs. Many families, like mine, have done away with fixed line phones completely, and this trend is growing.
Nadiya Safonova

Economies of Scale - Transportation - 1 views

    This article describes how cheap it is to ship clothing from China to Europ becasue of bulk ship carries loads of clothing, so much actually that it only ends up costing a couple cents a shirt to ship it.
Nadiya Safonova

How much does the iPhone actually cost? - 2 views

    Have you ever wondered if the cost of the iPhone or other electronics actually relflects how much money it takes to produce them...this article explains it :)
Nadiya Safonova

Very Bumpy Public Good - 1 views

    This article discusses the issue in the state of California of poor road quality. It is causing citizens to pay extra money each year for car repairs...the money for car repairs in California exceeds every other state. So this article shows an example of poor quality public goods. Like I mentioned in my comment in the class discussion, government intervention eliminates competition, which can lead to a poor quality product...well this is an example of poor quality public good. No toll highway or road would ever be poor quality and have holes and bumps.
Nadiya Safonova

Artifical Hormones, hormone residue in meat - The Issues - Sustainable Table - 0 views

    For this week, I decided to find an article that is very close to most of us, because we all, at one point or another, eat meat, as well as drink milk. When we consume these products we probably don't realize what harmful chemicals go into these products and how they can negatively affect us. This article talks about the antibiotics and hormones that are injected into livestock to increase the rate of growth as well as in cows, the increased production of milk, and how these chemicals can negatively effect us.
Nadiya Safonova

The Referee: Are Sugar Price Controls Souring Job Creation? - 0 views

    This article discusses the current issue in the United States when it comes to the price controls for sugar. Not only has it cost a lot of people their jobs, it is also eliminating the possibility for the growth of more jobs. And the problem isn't just with the jobs...the price control for sugar has caused an increase inprice in many goods that use to make their products...such as breakfast even thought the price control is meant as a normative economic may negatively impact the market.
Nadiya Safonova

"An expensive way to cut down greenhouse gasses" - 0 views

    This article discusses how the government is trying to deal with the greenhouse gasses that are having a negative impact on our environment. The governent is taking steps to promote the use of biofuel over ethonol by using tax subsidies....
Nadiya Safonova

Radio New Zealand : News : National : Cheese and butter prices to rise again - 1 views

    This article discusses the rising problem in New Zealand, of rising prices on dairy products. We can see a distinction in this article between milk, on one hand, and on the other, butter and cheese. Milk in relatively inelastic, because it is a necessity for a healthy diet (especially for growing children), however milk and cheese are relatively elastic, because they are not as vital for a good diet, and their demand will likely drop a lot more than the demand for milk.
Nadiya Safonova

Oil market equilibrium fragile, says think tank - - 0 views

    This article focuses on the equilibrium in the oil market, or in this case a "fragile" equilibrium. Recently, Europe as well as other parts of the world, have been trying to find alternatives for using oil. For everything, other than transportation, there is an alternative to burning oil. So in places where the population is steady, and not rising dramatically...the demand for oil is going down, therefore shifting the demand curve and the equilibrium price. However there are still many countries in which the demand for oil is growing. I the oil industry, the equilibrium is constatly wavering...but so far, it has stayed in a range and hasn't strayed too far from that range yet.
Nadiya Safonova

Demand for Water Rises - 3 views

    This article adresses the issue of the increasing demand for water. In the readinig in Lesson 1 this week, we learnt about factors that affect demand, one of them was population. The world's population is increasing, therefore the demand for all resources is going up. This takes into account another factor that affects demand...the demand for other goods which are compliments, this article discusses agriculture. So with the growing population, not only will the demand for drinkng water increase, but also its demand will increase for agricultural purposes and many more.
Nadiya Safonova

Government invests $ in University Research - 0 views

    The Government of Canada is currently spending lots of money sustaining and improving Canada's universities (and creating more scholarships to help students pay for school) - this demonstrates oppurtunity cost because funding and creating more scholarships, stimulates competition between students, thus raising the level of achievement, thus the universities output more valuable students...
Nadiya Safonova

Water Crisis - 1 views

    This article adresses the issue regarding freshwater. We do not have an immediate shortage of water, but many countries do not have access to clean freshwater, and the countries that do are wasting it... By misusing water we are not only harming the environment, but we are also putting the future generations at risk of sever shortages.
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