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Monique T

Sugar makers taste victory after tribunal restores trade barriers | The Globe and Mail - 3 views

    In order to protect its domestic industries from European subsidized-sugar, Canada places high duties (tariffs) on imported sugar. This article details how local firms are benefiting due to a ruling that allows these trade barriers. While consumers would benefit from free trade because they can purchase sugar at a low price, it would have a harmful effect on domestic firms, which is why protectionist measures are put in place.
Monique T

Canada, Japan agree to enter negotiations for free-trade deal | The Toronto Star - 3 views

    When countries form a free-trade deal, it allows the imports and exports between the countries to grow, because there are less trade restrictions such as tariffs. This means that, with import prices decreasing, aggregate supply in Canada will increase.
Monique T

China calls for free-trade deal with Canada within a decade | The Globe and Mail - 0 views

    This article discusses the possibility of a free trade deal between China and Canada; while Canada has the potential to benefit greatly from this deal, Canadians are weary for numerous reasons, including Chinese takeovers of domestic companies, and human rights issues.
Sebastian van Winkel

Factbox: Obama, Romney spar on China, other trade issues - 2 views

    The article addresses the trade between the United States and China. The trade between these two countries has swollen to a record $295 billion in 2011. Though, the trade doesn't seem as nice as it actually is, and Obama has filed 8 cases against China at the WTO since 2009. On the other hand there is Romney, who says that Obama hasn't been aggressive enough, so if he gets elected it seems that a lot is going to change.
Mirren M

NZ-Russia free trade deal remains elusive - 0 views

    Russia and its partners (Belarus and Kazakhstan) are looking to seal a free trade deal with New Zealand. However, the articles talks about external issues to consider that will affect or be affected by the deal. The main concern of both parties is the current negative state of the global economy and how they intend to overcome this by trade. " "The priority goal is to fight protectionism together in all its forms; traditional and new alike ... It is important to build bridges, not walls," he said. "
Katie Edwards

China v. the US: \'Free Trade Is Only for Friends\' - 1 views

    I found this article interesting about the international trade relations between the US and China. The perspective on what type of trade is best is explored in this article, leaving us wondering if the free trade economy model will continue to work for the US, or should there be a change?
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