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Monique T

Canada, Japan agree to enter negotiations for free-trade deal | The Toronto Star - 3 views

    When countries form a free-trade deal, it allows the imports and exports between the countries to grow, because there are less trade restrictions such as tariffs. This means that, with import prices decreasing, aggregate supply in Canada will increase.
Katie Edwards

New economic indicator shows franchise industry growing stronger - On Small Business - ... - 0 views

    This article discusses the impact of business franchises in the US economy. The output and production of the franchises has been increasing and maturing as the economy gets better. This contributes to the national output, and the capacity for that output known as aggregate supply.  "The franchise industry is a unique business sector and a vitally important contributor to the U.S. economy spanning some 300 lines of business, supporting nearly 18 million jobs, 825,000 establishments and providing for over $2.1 trillion in economic output,"
Nadiya Safonova

Colorado Forest Fires and Increased Natural Disasters in USA - 1 views

    Natural Disasters, Latest Natural Disaster News - Aggregate supply rises when weather conditions are stable and well, however the rate of bad weather, such as these fires which are destroying large chunks of land will cause the aggregate supply to decrease.
Dan Call

Long Run Aggregate Supply Verticality: Fact Or Fiction?| Find Articles - 1 views

    This article discusses whether or not it is a realistic or feasbale presumption to make that an aggregate supply curve can be vertical in the long run. The article discusses this is alot of detail and outline reasons why in fact the model may not work as it is yet to be truly tested.
Lucas G

Minimum wage due to rise by 11p - 1 views

    This article concerns the fact that minimum wage for the UK will be raised by 11p; an increase of 1.8% from its current level. This change will affect aggregate supply in the short run (SRAS curve); as it will effectively increase the costs of production for all the firms in the industries of the economy. The result will be a shift to the left on the SRAS model.
Lola Z

India needs a dose of supply-side economics - Economy and Politics - - 0 views

    India's booming GDP has been making it become a leading pioneer in economic development. However, while the demand side is soaring, the supply side is lagged behind. The production capacity is not enough to catch up with the expand in demand. However, while the trend could not slow down, India can neither create enough jobs nor fund an ambitious welfare state without faster economic growth.
Mirren M

The long, dark shadows of depressions - 1 views

    Quote from article :"A large chunk of the industrial world has fallen into deep and long depressions characterised by persistent high unemployment". Basically the article talks about how unemployment impacts the AS and AD of an economy and its domino effects as well.
Hannah S

Are falling prices good news? - 1 views

    This article is about how the falling prices may not be good news for everyone. It may mean that jobs are harder to get when businesses don't want to employ more people. It may symbolise the fact that a recession is about to happen or is happening.
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